12) Train Fight

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"When she sings, she sings come home!
When she sings, she sings come home!"

Sylvie woke up before Wanda and she looked to her left to see Loki dancing around the train with multiple of the other passengers playing music and clapping along.

Loki started singing in Asgardian and Sylvie waved her hand at him to get his attention.

He turned towards her, still bouncing and clapping before he waved back happily.

"Where's your uniform?" She mouthed, gesturing to her own outfit.

His red guard suit had changed out and back into his Loki attire.

Wanda heard Sylvie and she turned her head over, still tired but now worried that something was wrong since Sylvie seemed worried.

"When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home." Loki continued, not bothered by Sylvie's question.

Wanda sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at Sylvie and Sylvie muttered an unkind thing under her breath.

"When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home."

Wanda and Sylvie both noticed a man get up and exit the room, glaring at Loki as he did.

Loki shushed the audience who had been singing along, and he began singing in Asgardian once more, softly, like he was singing the quiet part of a song.

As he sang, his eyes were on Wanda. Sylvie glanced between the two and Wanda kept a confused look on Loki the whole time.

"What the bloody hell." Sylvie mumbled to Wanda.

"You can say that again." Wanda mumbled back.

Then, the soft part ended and Loki began clapping again, speeding up his singing, still in Asgardian. The audience around him began clapping again as well.

"When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings she sings come hoooooome!" He finished the song and raised a glass.

"To my lovely women everyone! Wanda and Sylvie!" Loki cheered.

He slipped the glass, and by sip I mean he downed the glass.

"You deal with him." Sylvie said, rolling her eyes. "I think we're gonna have a problem in a moment."

Wanda nodded.

Loki threw the empty glass against the ground, "Another!", He shouted as it shattered.

Wanda sighed and got up, going over to him. She grabbed his arm to get his attention and she pulled him to the side of the counter.

"Your drunk." She stated.

"No. I'm just full." He replied. "But bear in mind, I'm very full. Now," He picked up a small plate that had s jello like substance on it that was on the bar counter. "You had me try those worms, I need you to try this. It pairs very nicely with the Figgy Port. Who's got the Figgy Port?" He looked around for a moment before turning back to Wanda. "You have to take my word on the Figgy Port."

"Why did you change?" Wanda cut him off before he could continue about the Figgy Port. "We're supposed to be laying low."

"Nobody cares. It's the end of the world." Loki grinned. "Remember the volcano? The boom?" He made a little explosion mimic with his hands.

"Yeah. But I think someone went to tell the guards that you're not one of them." Wanda said. "Something is going to happen that won't help us."

"Yes." Loki nodded. "That planet is about to crash into ours." He pointed up at the ceiling.

"Loki, shush. There was a man looking at you weirdly, then he left the room like he was about to do something."

"What?" Loki leaned against the counter and went to put the plate back on the bar, but instead it slipped off the slide and crashed on the ground. "When did you get so paranoid? I thought you were the fun the one." Loki said, looking at her with another smile.

"I happen to lose my 'fun' when we get made and lose our only point of transportation." Wanda said, crossing her arms.

Loki looked down at the broken plate and food that was on the ground.

"It's a shame to let that go to waste." He looked back up.

Wanda gave an annoyed sigh and brushed a strand of her ginger hair out of her face.

"Hey! Change of subject." Loki started. He moved closer to her. "I thought of an answer."

"To what?" Wanda asked.

"Your question."

Wanda gave a confused look before remembering the 'What is Love' conversation.

"Love is a dagger."

Loki formed a sharp dagger in his hands and Wanda eyed it for a moment before looking back at him.

"It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close." He moved the dagger to his right hand as he spoke. "You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful."

He flipped the dagger over slowly so that the sharp blade was pointed at him.

"Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately when you reach for it..."

He took Wanda's hand and made her try to grab the dagger, then the illusion vanished. The dagger disappeared.

Wanda looked back at Loki from her hand.

"It isn't real." She finished.

"Yeah." He gave a smile as if he were the wisest person in the world.

"Love is an illusion of a dagger." Wanda said.

Loki's wise look became one of confusion.

"It doesn't make sense, does it?" He asked.

"No. But it was cute." She nodded.

Loki let go of her hand and gave a frown.

"Damn. I thought I had something there." He said upsettly.

Sylvie came over to them a moment before the train car doors opened.

"Stay cool." She told the two.

Wanda and Loki both turned in opposite directions to see red armored guards coming in from both sides.

"That's him." The man who had exited minutes before said to the guards, pointing at Loki.

"Guess we took too long." Wanda mumbled.

"It's gonna be fine." Loki said, turning back to the two.

"Sir." The guard approached the three. "Can I see your tickets?"

Loki laughed a bit. "You again?" He said, his tone showing a hint of worry. "Hello. Um, tickets. Yes, of course. Here they are."

He held up his hands and for a moment, Wanda and Sylvie thought they would get by. Instead, fireworks shot from his hands.

"Oops. Still, it looks lovely, doesn't it?" Loki smiled.

The guard grabbed Loki's arms and pushed them behind his back.

"Look, is this really necessary? There is a simple explanation."

Another guard came and put a hand on Loki's chest, probably to check for weapons. Loki looked at his hand before looking at the guard with disgust.

"Hey." He said.

Then Loki put his hand on the guard's shoulder. Then the guard put his hand on Loki's shoulder, then Loki shoved the guard by his face.

Loki twisted his hand out of the other guard's grasp and spun him around, pushing him off of Loki, then Loki elbowed the man who had been touching him and the man fell into one of the booths.

Sylvie grinned as one of the guards came at her. Another guard was leading worried civilians out, then he too went towards Sylvie. Sylvie punched the first one in the gut and kicked him, then she removed her horned helmet and stabbed the man in the gut.

She turned to see the other running at her, but a blast of red magic shot him into the wall away from Sylvie.

The other guard regained himself and grabbed a black stick and swung it at Sylvie, who ducked and held out her hand so the man ran into her fist once again.

Loki, on the other side of the bar counter, dealt with two guards. He back fisted one in the face, causing him to fall into the booth once again. The other swung his stick thing at him and Loki leaned back so it missed him. Loki then put his hand at the guard's gut and a blast of green magic sent him flying into the man that Wanda shot into the wall.

Sylvie punched her guard's leg and caused him to grunt and stumble forward. She put her leg on his neck to hold him still, then slammed her fist on his neck before pushing him to the ground and kicking his face.

Another guard ran towards Wanda from the back and grabbed her around the neck. Wanda grunted and formed magic in her hands. She pushed her hands to her stomach and the red magic shot through her, pushing the guard off.

His arms were still clung tightly to Wanda's neck and Wanda yelped as the man fell over, pulling Wanda on top of him.

Once he hit the ground, his grip loosened and Wanda managed to get up. She shot another blast of red magic, pushing his mask into his face. If he didn't remove it soon, he'd suffocate.

Wanda then looked towards Loki and Sylvie, who seemed pretty okay.

Behind Loki, the guard who kept falling into the booth got up and Loki turned around.

"Oh will you stop it?" Loki said, annoyed.

He grabbed the guard and threw him out of one of the windows, then the two guards who had been pushed against one another against the wall ran towards Loki and grabbed him, throwing him out of the window as well.

"Loki!" Wanda called as he flew out.

"Tempad." Sylvie said at the same time.

Sylvie pulled out her sword and ran at the guards, knocking one over as she jumped at him.

Wanda turned to the small cat that was still sleeping soundly on the train.

"Forgive me Kip."

Wanda blasted the other one with red magic as Sylvie jumped out of the broken window, then Wanda flew herself out of the window as well, leaving Kip in the train.

Wanda was the only one that landed safely thanks to her magic. Loki and Sylvie both landed very uncomfortably.

Wanda blinked at the sudden pinkness of the world again, then looked for Loki since Sylvie was only a few feet away.

Loki though, had gotten up and was marching towards the two. He looked towards the train that had driven away and he sighed.

"Well that wasn't ideal." He mumbled.

As he looked that way, Sylvie got up and fixed her hair, grabbing her sword that was lying next to her.

"Are you two alright?" Wanda asked, adjusting her own hair.

Loki turned around but before he could reply, Sylvie put her sword to his throat.

"Give me the Tempad." She demanded.

"All right. All right. Okay." Loki said.

"Sylvie.." Wanda said. She didn't step in, just watched Sylvie, ready to push the two away from one another if she needed.

Loki moved his hand behind his back, then he pulled his empty hand out and held his hand palm up in front of the two. Green magic formed in his hand, as did the Tempad.

Well, a broken one.

Sylvie put her sword down with an uneasy look at the broken device.

"Well, I did take quite the tumble." Loki said awkwardly.

"You asshole. You killed us!" Sylvie shouted.

"Maybe we can fix it. Okay?" Loki fiddled with it for a moment before it dropped out of his hands and fell to the ground.

"You're not a serious man." Sylvie stated, glaring at him.

"You're right. I'm a god."

"You're a clown. You got drunk on the train."

"I'm hedonistic! That's what I do."

"I'm hedonistic! A lot more than you, I assure you. But never at the expense of the mission." Sylvie stated angrily.

"Oh the mission? The mission? What, your glorious purpose? Give me a break. You can't beat them."

Wanda sighed and rubbed her temples, hoping this was all a joke and Sylvie was still in control of her mind and this wasn't real. That they weren't completely doomed.

Sylvie shook her head at Loki. She turned away from the two and held up her hands in fists.

She let out a scream of agony that lasted enough time for green magic to enter her hands and make the ground below her shake for a moment.

She then went and sat on a pile of dirt with a sigh.

Loki looked at Wanda but Wanda kept her eyes on Sylvie with a look of pity. She knew Sylvie wouldn't want to see that look though, so Wanda changed it and looked at Loki.

"Have you ever done that?" He asked, his voice low so Sylvie wouldn't here.

"Yeah." Wanda said, looking back at Sylvie.

She walked over to her and sat down to her left. Neither said anything. Wanda didn't disturb the quiet sounds of meteors in the distance.

Sylvie didn't want to say anything.

Loki looked at the two before quietly walking over to join them, sitting at Sylvie's right. He didn't say anything for a moment, but then he spoke.

"Did the, uh, scream make you feel better?" He asked.

It wasn't in a mocking way or a teasing way, it was a genuine question. Sylvie turned and glared at him, but she saw the apologetic look in his eyes and her glare softed.

"Yes. It did." She said, turning back to the front. "You should try it sometime."

Another moment of silence passed until this time, Wanda spoke.

"What now?"

"I don't know, he broke the Tempad." Sylvie said, annoyance filling her tone again.

"Well-" Loki went to defend himself but Sylvie cut him off.

"And that planet is about to crash into us." She stated, looking up at the sky.

"Well yes, but.."

"Yes? But what?"

"Well this entire planet gets destroyed, right?"

"Yep. And everyone on it is killed."

"Including us?"

"Yes, including us."

Loki and Sylvie went back in forth before another moment of silence occured.

"What about the ark?" Loki asked.

"The ark never leaves because it's destroyed." Sylvie answered.

Loki gave a small grin to the two.

"Never had us on it." He offered.

Sylvie scoffed.

"So what? We hijack the ark and make sure it gets off this planet?"

Loki gave a look like he was thinking it over, then he nodded.

"I mean, sound's like a good idea to me." He said.

"And it's honestly the only plan we have." Wanda backed him up.

Sylvie looked back and forth between the two for a moment.

"Okay." She shrugged before standing up and starting away.

Loki looked to Wanda and Wanda gave a small smile.

"Really?" Loki asked, as if he hadn't expected Sylvie to agree with the plan.

Then he and Wanda got up and followed Sylvie, going towards the city that was destined to be destroyed.










my favorite quote of this chapter: "You had me try those worms, I need you to try this."

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