23) Alioth

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The storm had worsened.

It was like Alioth knew Sylvie was coming.

The group had left the small building. Sylvie stood center, Loki and Wanda to her left, Kid and Old Loki to her right. Kip, Croki, and Mobius behind the crew.

The purple storm cloud was in front of them, lightning flashing, dark clouds covering the sky.

"Okay, so what's the next move?" Mobius asked.

"The TVA needs to be brought down. We don't know who created it or where they are, but that thing out there does." Sylvie stated.

She pointed at the cloud to emphasize her point.

"When it hit me earlier, I linked to it. It was brief, but I caught a glimpse of something. And I think if I can get close enough to it, I can enchant it, and it's going to take me to whoever is behind all of this."

She pulled out a Tempad from her jacket and held it out to Loki.

"I want to help. I'm not staying. This if your fight and I recognize that, but I'm not leaving until I know that you defeat Alioth."

Sylvie took a breath, then nodded.

"I will as well. I've gone to far with the two of you to leave you here." Wanda added.

"Guess I will too, I'm not gonna be the only one leaving." Mobius added. "But, when we get back, I'll give your regards to Renslayer."

"Oh please do." Sylvie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "We need to get a pruned branch to appear, then we go and attack."

"You boys want a ticket out of here? I'll show you around the TVA." Mobius offered to the other variants.

"What? No. We're staying here." Kid Loki declared.

"This is our home." Old Loki agreed.

Croki growled and Kip mewed.

"Besides, we have a new addition to our group to replace an old piece of junk." Old Loki said, scoffing at the thought of unfamiliar Loki.

Wanda glanced at the kitten, then nodded, figuring they'd be safer with these Loki variants than back to the TVA. Besides, if she ever wanted to visit, all she needed was a prune stick and a Tempad.

"Are you sure? What about Alioth?" Loki asked.

"We've survived this long. We know what we're doing." Old Loki stated.

"Loki, you're going to need this on your journey." Kid Loki said, approaching the older version of himself.

He summoned a golden dagger and Loki glanced at it, hesitating.

"Go on." Kid Loki urged.

Loki took it, admiring it for a moment before summoning a dagger sheath that strapped to his back. He put the dagger in it's sheath.

"Good luck." Old Loki said to the four.

Then he turned and looked directly at Sylvie.

"I hope you find what you're looking for."

Sylvie gave a soft smile, then nodded.

The four, Old Loki, Kid Loki, Croki, and Kip began away. Wanda was a bit sad to see Kip go, but she had a sense that it was for the best.

Mobius looked at the three variants.

"You guys have the cool powers, I'll sit back while you take down the angry cloud." He said with a nod.

Loki handed him the Tempad.

"Just don't let this break." He said.

Mobius nodded, sticking the device in his pocket.

"Got it."

Wanda looked at the two Loki variants.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Let's go enchant a cloud." Sylvie nodded.

"Good luck you guys." Mobius said.

Loki smiled at Mobius and the three turned to face Alioth.

"Let's go then." Sylvie said.

The three walked forward, Loki in the middle but Sylvie at the front. She was confident enough for the three of them. Wanda and Loki were her cheerleaders.

The sky grew a darker purple as they approached the beast. The cloud formed a animal like position, cloud parts forming legs while red eyes and a red mouth came out of the head like part of the cloud.

Kind of a freaky sight, but none of them were intimidated. They would beat this thing.

"What if we don't have time to wait for a branch?" Loki asked, moving around so he was on the other side of Sylvie.

"Then we have to cause a distraction." Sylvie stated.

Wanda looked up at the cloud, then her mind went back to everything she experienced in this weird land. Specifically the cave full of ice sculptures.

"Leave the distraction to me." She stated.

Sylvie and Loki glanced to her, but both knew she wouldn't say something like that, then not have a plan.

Wanda backed up a few feet away from the variant's, then closed her eyes, her magic guiding her mind to the cavern. She thought about the Jotunheim Loki, then about how he put her at the cave entrance.

She thought of herself walking through the dark cave, then seeing the blue light illuminating the frozen version of herself. She pictured herself reaching out to the cracks in the ice, then her image shifted to match what she needed to happen.

Her hand slid against the cracks. Red magic flicked off of her finger tips and went through the cracks. The red magic wrapped around the variant.

The ice began cracking more, this time from the inside of the ice rather than the outside.

The variant's hands began glowing a faint red. Wanda's flicks of magic went up to the variant's head and flew through her ear and into her mind.

"Kill. Alioth."

Wanda whispered into the variant's mind.

On cue, the ice that trapped the variant shot away from her, erupting around the room. Ice shards flew into the wall and the variant was free.

"Kill. Alioth." The variant stated.

Her eyes were red, burning with anger. Her hands glowed red as magic surrounded her.

Wanda opened her eyes, her own eyes red now.

"Did you get an idea?" Sylvie asked, confused.

"Give her a second." Wanda said, not moving, consentrating on the control she had over the variant.

"Her?" Loki repeated.

Red magic ripped the ground out from behind Wanda and an identical version of the witch was revealed.

"Kill." The variant stated through gritted teeth.

"Her." Wanda grinned.

Ice shards flew out of the hole in the ground and shot at the cloud. It didn't do much but annoy Alioth, but that wasn't all that the witch could do.

Wanda directed her to the left, making Alioth turn away from Sylvie and Loki and focus on the flying red blur that was attacking him.

Loki smiled at the power that Wanda displayed, but Sylvie pulled his attention away. She interlocked her fingers with his, holding his hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"We're going to enchant it." She stated.

"I don't know how." Loki said.

"You do. Because we're the same."

They approached the beast. Strands of the cloud were flying off as the Wanda variant shot magic to kill, allowing Sylvie to grab a piece. Green magic rippled through her hand and through the piece of cloud.

Loki did the same, only he just grabbed the beast. No green magic.

His grip on Sylvie's hand tightened and the two worked to enchant the thing.

Wanda, who stood behind them, kept still, keeping all her focus on the variant. She was controlling the variant's mind, but it wasn't easy.

Thankfully it was working. The witch variant was flying around and shooting magical blasts at Alioth. If Wanda didn't know any better, she'd say the blasts were actually harming the cloud.

"Trust yourself! If I can, you can." Sylvie said to Loki.

Loki grunted, his hand tight Alioth. He refused to let himself be distracted by Wanda or any other noises around him.

I can. I will.

He told himself.

His hand erupted into green magic, gripping the cloud who now had sparks of green flowing through it.

Loki let out a small laugh, proud of himself, but he quickly turned that off in order to stay concentrated.

The witch variant was growing harder to contain by the moment. Wanda now had her own swarm of red magic surrounding her as she kept a mind link between her and the variant.

"Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill." The variant said with each blast of magic. "Escape. Kill. Kill. Kill. Escape. Kill. Kill."

Wanda let out a shout as the variant's magic overcame her own. The link between them broke, causing Wanda to lose her grip on the witch's mind.

Unfortunately for the variant, her concentration on attacking the cloud was the only thing keeping her alive. Her concentration broke and Alioth saw it's chance.

"No!" Wanda shouted.

The variant gasped as Alioth went through her, killing her in a moment.

Wanda forced herself to stay strong. She was the distraction. Sylvie and Loki almost had him.

She raised her own hands, magic forming. A large red barrier went around Alioth's beast face. Instead of attacking, it was putting more things for Alioth to take over in front of him.

Alioth tried to eat through it, but it kept reforming. Then Alioth spotted Wanda and the Loki variants. It's head passed through the red magic forcefully and Wanda gave a gasp as the magic dissipated.

Alioth's beast mouth opened, going to kill the three as it had the other variant.

Dark cloud surrounded them and Wanda went to cast a red shield, but her magic was wearing thin.

Sylvie closed her eyes, as did Loki, both concentrating on their magic. They were both ready to die, but neither believed they would.

Their beliefs were true. They didn't die.

Just before Alioth could reach them, the purple cloud flashed into green colors.

Sylvie opened her eyes and saw the green, a smile forming on her lips. She turned to Loki, who still had his eyes closed.

"Open your eyes." She said.

He did so and marveled at what he saw.

Sylvie let go of his hand and the cloud split apart, going to the left and the right. Behind it was a castle with colors spewing everywhere.

Wanda approached the two and Sylvie gave a smile, looking at the success. Loki took deep breaths, trying to readjust himself after the level of magic he used.

"Mobius." Loki remembered.

Alioth had been circling the area during the fight, who knows what happened to Mobius? All three turned around quickly, only to see the man happily trotting over to them.

He gave them thumbs up and Loki let out a sigh of relief.

The three went up to him and he pulled out the Tempad.

"So what's the game plan now?" Mobius asked, looking at them.

Loki looked between Sylvie and Wanda and Mobius. Then he turned to Mobius. He held up his hand and a small lighter formed in his hand.

"Let's burn the TVA to the ground." He smirked.

Wanda smiled and turned to Sylvie. Sylvie nodded, supportive of their decision.

Before she could say anything though, Wanda wrapped her arms around her. Sylvie's eyes widened at the sudden embrace, but she didn't try to push Wanda away from her.

Instead, she awkwardly hugged back.

"I'm gonna miss you." Wanda said after a moment.

She let go of Sylvie and backed up so it wasn't as awkward.

"You'll see me again." Sylvie replied.

"I know I will. Go kick that mastermind's ass."

The two smiled at one another, then Wanda moved next to Mobius so that Loki and Sylvie could have a moment.

"Are you gonna hug me too?" Sylvie asked with a small chuckle.

Loki laughed.

"No. I'm doing something more than that." Loki said.

Sylvie raised a brow and Loki raised his other hand. A dagger formed in his hand, a sharp and beautiful one. It wasn't the golden one that Kid Loki had given them, it was a silver, curved one.

He handed it to Sylvie.

"Take good care of her. Then find me after you kill whoever is behind this and give her back." Loki said.

Sylvie chuckled.

"I'll make sure to do that."

"You know, I've never had a sister. I'm glad I found you." Loki said.

Sylvie smiled and gave a small nod.

"Me too. Even if I did have a brother before you."

Then Loki rolled his eyes and moved back to the other side of Mobius. Mobius gave a smile to Sylvie, then casted a time door with the Tempad.

Mobius went in first, then Wanda, then Loki. Loki glanced back to Sylvie and gave a small wave goodbye. Sylvie did a small flick of her hand as a wave and Loki exited through the portal, leaving Sylvie to face whoever was behind this alone.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "You guys have the cool powers, I'll sit back while you take down the angry cloud."

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