24) For All Time

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Sylvie stood, facing the castle. She'd passed Alioth and now was awaiting her journey. Rocks floated around the trail, and the trail had many jagged rocks sitting around.

Part of her wished that she didn't push Loki or Wanda away, but this was better. They could do what they wanted to do, apparently burn the TVA to the ground, and she would do what she needed to. Kill whoever was behind all this.

She walked down the path, glancing around at the many rocks and flying colors throughout the world she'd entered. Something about it was actually quite calming. She wouldn't mind living in a place like this.

But that wasn't the focus right now.

Sylvie approached the door and stepped so that she was in kickings distance from it.

Then she paused.

She imagined Loki's voice telling her not to kick the door in, or Wanda's hand on her shoulder, encouraging her. She knew she wanted to do this, she just needed a pause.

Thousands of years going through apocalypse to apocalypse. Now she was at the final destination. It was a lot to get through her mind.

Sylvie took a breath and went to push the door open, but before she could, the door opened on it's own.

She paused again, a bit hesitant since now the person in charge of all this definitely knew she was here.

Good. They should know. They should be frightened as well.

Sylvie walked inside, moving with purpose since she didn't need to seem cowardly.

As soon as she was in, the door shut behind her on it's own.

The room she'd entered was dark with hints of purple through the stained glass windows, kind of like Alioth. Two large, ten foot statues were across the room as if they were guarding the next doorway.

Sylvie slowed a bit, her eyes scanning the room for any form of movement that may suggest where someone was.

It was quiet.

Very quiet.

The closer she walked to the center of the room, the more the purple faded into a blue light. She noticed that.

"Hey you!"

Sylvie pulled out her sword in a split second as soon as the orange clock appeared.

"You again?" She asked.

Miss Minutes had a blank smile that seemed quite unnerving.

Sylvie didn't move her sword away from the clock.

"Welcome to the Citadel at the End of Time. Congratulations!"

Sylvie began moving slowly around the clock, her sword still pointed at the thing as she went towards the next doorway.

"You had an awfully long journey to get here. He's impressed." The clock turned so that she was still facing Sylvie as she moved.

Sylvie gripped her sword a bit tighter.

"Who's impressed?"

"He Who Remains."

The clock stopped for a short moment to let that statement settle in the air. Sylvie spoke.

"And who is this.. he?"

"He created all and he controls all." The clock said happily. "At the end it is only He Who Remains."

Sylvie was almost all the way around the orange clock, her sword's end nearly stabbing into it.

"And he wants to offer you a deal." Miss Minutes continued.

Sylvie paused her slow walk, her sword not moving as Miss Minutes spoke.

"He's been making a few creative adjustments, and he's worked it out so we can reinsert you and your variant friends back into the Timeline in a way that won't disrupt things."

Sylvie continued her slow walk, now all the way around. She backed up, her sword not moving it's point away from Miss Minutes as she moved towards the door.

"Won't disrupt things?" She repeated.

"Mhmm! The TVA can keep doing it's vital work, and y'all can live the lives you've always wanted."

Miss Minutes moved closer to Sylvie, walking on thin air since it was basically a hologram. It clearly wasn't worried about the sword too much.

"And what have I always wanted?" Sylvie scoffed.

"All those years on the run? Desperate, alone. How would you like to wake up tomorrow with just a lifetime full of happy memories? You could be with the other Loki, as well as Wanda and the rest of your family."

Sylvie thought back to a moment on Proserpina. Wanda was holding her's and Loki's hands. She didn't seem to care that they were both monsters. She thought back to how Wanda told her that she deserved more than she had. It was probably a bit dumb but she was honestly sad when the witch got pruned.

It wasn't often that Sylvie cared for someone, but Wanda had treated her with respect and love even after knowing everything that she did.

And Loki had been good as well. Even after she tried to kill him for that Tempad, he still tried to protect her. She didn't remember Thor that much, nor Hela, but Loki was like a combination of both and it made her a bit homesick.

Sylvie swallowed down her loose emotions and forced herself to turn back to the real world.

"It's crazy, but he could make it work." Miss Minutes said. "All of it. Everything. Exactly the way you've always wanted. And you can have it all with the other two, if you so desire."

Sylvie gave a shakey breath, refusing to fall into the temptation.

"It's fiction." She shook her head. "I don't need the One Who Remains to write my destiny over."

"Aw, I supposed you would make that choice. Good luck then!"

The hologram clock disappeared and Sylvie lowered her sword, cautious of who or what would be up ahead, but ready to go find out.




Loki and Wanda walked through the halls of the TVA. Wanda had a prune stick in hand and Loki had a dagger and a lighter.

Mobius also had a prune stick, and he walked in front of the two, leading them through the halls since he knew them best.

"Loki." Wanda got Loki's attention and pointed at an alarm like thing.

Loki immediately understood what she was saying and he went over to it, raising his lighter and catching the alarm on fire.

Immediately it went off, causing red lights and a siren noise to occur. Wanda smiled and Loki went back over to join her and Mobius.

Multiple guards ran through the hallway to see what the issue was, and the first one that noticed the three immediately called over others.

"They're back!" One cried.

Mobius smirked.

"Ain't that right."

The three charged at the guards, stabbing, pruning, kicking, punching, and taking down all of them with ease.

"Is it just me or is this easier now?" Wanda asked, stepping over a bleeding out body as the three continued.

"No, it's definitely easier." Loki nodded. "Guess they've grown weaker."

The three came to a spot in the halls that led both left and right. From the left came more soldiers, and from the right were Renslayer and her two guards.

The three backed up against each other into a triangle position. Mobius stared down Ravonna/Renslayer while Loki and Wanda eyed the guards.

"Wait." Renslayer commanded.

No one moved.

"Mobius, how did the three of you escape?"

"A Tempad, so I hope you have one on you." Mobius replied.

"A Tempad? How- oh. The other variant. Where is she then?" Renslayer demanded.

"Killing whoever made this shit hole." Wanda stated, gripping her prune stick.

Renslayer swallowed and gave an angered glare.

"Where's B-15?" Mobius asked.

"Secure. You'll never find out if you prune any of us though." Renslayer replied.

"We'll take our chances." Loki smiled.

On that cue, the three seperated to go towards the different guards.

Mobius went for Renslayer first. Loki went to back him up, taking out the two guards that were guarding Renslayer. Wanda went the other direction and went to take down four other hunters.

Even without her abilities, Wanda still had training from the Captain America and from the Avenger Black Widow. They didn't train her much outside of using her powers, but she knew what she needed.

Wanda ran at the hunter in the front. His prune stick was up, so she went down. She leaned back and dropped to the ground, sliding and kicking the hunter in his knees.

He stumbled back into one of the other guards, causing them to accidentally prune him.

The two other guards were on either side of Wanda so Wanda used the other end of her prune stick to jam the one to her left in the shin and she picked up her heel and rammed it into the other's foot.

She popped up and pruned the one she hit in the shin, then she kicked the other one over. The accidental pruner thrusted their prune stick at Wanda, so Wanda used her stick to push it off, then she kneed them in the gut and pruned them herself.

She looked down at the one who had fallen and she stepped on his hand which held the prune stick.

"I apologize if that hurt."

Then she pruned him as well.

Loki had run at the two guards who were guarding Renslayer. Loki held his lighter and dagger and glanced between the two.

"Which one would you rather I use?" He asked.

They didn't answer, they only ran at him.

"Well then."

Loki twirled the golden dagger in his hand and went to stab the first one. The guard dodged and the second attempted to prune Loki. Loki used the lighter at the man's hand which then had fire burning over his glove.

He let out a shout in pain and Loki ducked as the other one came from the other side to prune him. Loki spun his dagger around then stabbed that one in the gut, causing both guards to let out pained shrieks.

"Will you be quiet?" Loki scoffed.

He grabbed a prune stick from the bleeding one then pruned him. He watched the flamed hand one shake his hand around frantically, just for a moment cause it was honestly a bit funny, then Loki pruned him as well. He dropped the stick and smiled as he admire his weapons.

Mobius went against Renslayer, who was technically the one who taught him how to fight.

"You can't win this Mobius. You know this." She said as Mobius went to prune her.

Her stick blocked his and they were held at an even point for a moment as Renslayer spoke.

"Maybe, but it also seems like I have you outnumbered. Plus, even if I do get pruned again, I know how to get out." Mobius replied.

Renslayer moved herself and pulled back her own stick, going to strike Mobius over the head, which Mobius blocked by holding his own stick up.

"You know, Mobius, I'm disappointed. I thought you out of all people wouldn't fall for a Loki's trick. Now look where you are."

"Well, Ravonna, I thought you out of all people wouldn't prune your own soldiers, especially not the one who was supposed to be your favorite."

"Will you ever let that go?"

Mobius pushed her prune stick up, knocking her off balance for a moment. He thrusted his prune stick to her stomach and she let out a gasp as her body erupted into sparks.

"Don't worry, there's some people I think you'd like to meet at the end of time." Mobius said with a smile.

Ravonna glared at him as she disappeared, leaving the three alone, only sparks flickering around the hall to give them company.

"Well I think that went quite well." Loki hummed.




Sylvie made it to the next room. This one was about the same size and shape as the first room, but it had four statues standing in a square formation around the room, and a staircase that actually led into the room.

Sylvie walked towards one of the statues. There was a fifth that was broken and it's pieces laid across the floor.

Sylvie held her sword, ready to strike if Miss Minutes decided to show up again.

The door on the other side of the room made a creaking sound and Sylvie turned towards it, walking to the center of the room so she'd have a better view of what was behind the door.

The door began opening and she held up her sword once more, prepared.

Behind the door was.. well, not exactly what she had expected.

It was a man in a purple cloak. He was sitting down in an elevator with his legs propped up, holding a green apple.

He gave a laugh as he saw Sylvie with her sword drawn, pointed at him.

He stood up from his seat and walked out of the elevator and into the room in front of Sylvie.

"This is wild." He laughed. "I mean, just wow. I gotta say, I'm a touch disappointed that the other Loki didn't join. I had a whole speech planned out about the two of you together. I think it's better though, just you being here. I mean, imagine if he was here. Wouldn't that be a sight for sore eyes."

"He Who Remains?" Sylvie asked, not holding the same level of entertainment as the man as she held her sword towards him.

"He Who Remains." The man mocked, biting into his apple. "She still calls me that? Creepy right? But, I like it." He shrugged.

Sylvie's sword lowered as she watched the man.

"Come on, come on. Let's talk in my office." He said with a nod.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "I apologize if that hurt."

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