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- Masquerade

"Grace, come on" Jeremy called out grabbing his sisters arm leading her towards Katherine who was talking to a brunette girl causing Grace to frown as she narrowed her eyes at the women, " Elena" he called out removing his mask as he glanced over at the unknown women she was speaking to, "Hey sorry, could I talk to my sister?" The brunette looked between the three of them before placing a fake smile on her face and walking away as Grace pulled off her own black mask, " what is it, Jeremy? Grace?"

Grace folded her arms across her chest narrowing her eyes coldly at the vampire and told her, "We have a message, from Stefan." Katherine eyes widened in surprise as she looked between the two siblings, "Oh" Jeremy gestured his head towards the woods and informed, "He and Damon want you to meet them at the edge of the lake by the woods" Grace kept her gaze on the women who looked exactly like her sister and added in, " They brought the moonstone"

"And why are you their little messenger?" Katherine curiously questioned as she frowned in confusion looking between the two with a suspicious look on her face. " Because they know we're not afraid of you." Jeremy shrugged his shoulders as Katherine hummed with an amused grin on her lips twirling a strand of Grace hair between her fingers, "Hmm, you Gilbert women, so brave. How's Jenna? Her stomach still hurt?"

"Carry on talking and I'll make you suffer in ways your psychotic brain can't comprehend" Grace pouted mockingly as Katherine raised her brows at the red headed girl knowing she would never win against Grace seeing how powerful her magic is so she turned her attention towards Jeremy instead ignoring the red headed girl, "And Gilbert men, so courageous. And how's John by the way? Were they able to sew his fingers back on?"

Katherine gripped his tie, looking at him up and down with a smirk on her lips as Grace clenched her fist in her hand focusing her attention on Katherine who groaned holding her head tightly trying not to draw attention only to release Katherine when Jeremy nudged her. Katherine shot Grace a heated glare before walking away as Jeremy pulled out his phone texting Damon when Elena came out of nowhere grabbing both Grace's and Jeremy's arms pulling them to the side and demanded, "What the hell is going on?"

Jeremy and Grace looked at one another as Bonnie walked over to join the Gilbert siblings explaining the plan they had made with the Salvatore brothers, " you guys are trying to kill her here?" Jeremy nodded his head in confirmation, " we saw an opportunity and we knew we had to take it" Elena scoffed in disbelief narrowing her eyes at her brother with a wave of her hand, " Okay, stop with the 'we' are you guys crazy? You're gonna get yourself killed"

"We know what we're doing, Elena" Bonnie defended as she stood between Jeremy and Grace sending the brunette a hard look. " and how am I suppose to feel if one of you guys get hurt because of me?" Elena inquired looking between the three of them as Grace shook her head frantically and firmly told her, " it's not just you anymore, Elena. She's messed with all of us. She needs to be stopped"


Kathrine stormed into the room Bonnie had spelled only to frown in confusion when the Bennett witch were nowhere in sight, " where is she?" Kathrine demanded with narrowed eyes only to turn around at the sound of Caroline laughing and not crying like she had been not even a moment ago. "I did it. I really didn't think that I'd be able to fool you, but I did it" Caroline chuckled with a smirk on her face.

Katherine turned around with her jaw clenched as she rushed towards the blonde vampire only she was stopped by the boundary spell that prevented her from the leaving the room, " What the...." She trailed off as she sighed in annoyance glaring at Caroline who was smiling proudly before she felt somebody else's presence, " Stefan"

Kathrine turned around rolling her eyes when Stefan walked out with a smug look on his face holding a stake in his hands and sarcastically greeted her, " Hello, Kathrine" Caroline taunting smirked waving her fingers in the brunette direction and told her, " Goodbye Kathrine" Kathrine raised her brows as she watched Caroline leave her alone with Stefan before making her way towards Stefan with an amused look on her face and questioned, " you don't really think you can kill me with that, now, do you?" Stefan looked down at the stake in his hands before shifting his gaze back to Kathrine with a shake of his head and replied, " No, but he can"

Damon walked out of the closet he was hiding in holding the compressed air weapon in his hands shooting Kathrine in the back causing her to gasp out quietly in shock not knowing that the vampire had linked her life to Elena's who screamed out loudly crippled over in pain causing Grace, Jeremy and Bonnie to stare at her in alarm. " what's happening?" Jeremy questioned frantically as he grabbed ahold of his sister ensuring she didn't fall as spots of blood began to seep through her clothes.

Grace gasped, placing her hand over her mouth as she stared at her sister in worry knowing whatever was happening had to be witch related, " it's Katherine" she called out sharing a look with Bonnie, "she's linked to Katherine" Grace eyes widened in realisation as she moved her brother to the side holding Elena up herself with an concerned look on her face. " Jeremy go and tell them to stop! Now"

Grace wrapped her arm around her twin helping her keep her balance as Jeremy nodded his head running towards the mansion to warn both Damon and Stefan as the youngest Salvatore rushed towards Kathrine stabbing her with the stake in her arm. Stefan then raised the stake once again to stake her only she clenched her jaw grabbing his wrist stopping him before using her vampire strength to throw him across the room just as Damon removes the stake from her back that he had shot and went stake her away only for Kathrine to grab ahold of his wrist throwing him against the wall.

Stefan quickly stood up, releasing the stake from the contraption he had under his jacket sleeve launching it at Kathrine who quickly dodged it causing it to embed itself into the opposite wall. Stefan grabbed another stake throwing it at Kathrine once again as she catches it midair before launching it back towards Stefan who crouched down causing it to embed in the wall behind him.

Damon growled as he rushed towards Kathrine with a stake causing the brunette to spin around grabbing his wrist and flipping him over causing him to fall against a chair. The oldest Salvatore immediately stood up making his way towards the Petrova vampire again to kill her, only she grabbed his wrist twisting his hand backwards making the stake face his way.

Stefan wrapped his arms around her the neck pulling her away form his brother only for the two of them to land on the floor harshly as Damon raised the stake about to kill her when Jeremy rushed into the room and frantically yelled, " Stop! You're hurting Elena. Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena" Stefan let go of Katherine who used her speed to stand back onto her feet, "You think you three are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong. And something tells me my witch is better than your witch"

Kathrine smirked in amusement snatching the stake out of Stefan's hands knowing they used Bonnie doing the spell and that she wasn't as powerful as Grace who knew a lot more spells than the Bennett witch does. Stefan turned his attention to the youngest Gilbert with a look of worry and concern and ordered him, " Jeremy, go cheek on Elena. Make sure she's okay. Go"

The Salvatore brothers watched as Jeremy turn on his heel rushing down the stairs to make his way back to his sisters while Kathrine clenched her jaw in jealously and harshly spoke, " let's all make sure poor Elena's okay. Just a little more pressure, and..." she trailed off as she dragged the stake across her hand. Stefan eyes widened as he hit Kathrine hand causing the stake to fall on the ground, "it's hurts" Elena cried holding her palm out shakily as a new wound appeared on her skin.

Grace frowned as she held her sister in her arms and softly muttered, " I know. I know. Who ever placed the spell made sure that the person who placed it is the only one who can remove it but I can take you're pain away, okay?" Elena nodded her head weakly as she watched her sister muttering a spell under her breathe to take away the pain while upstairs Katherine rushed towards a stake on the opposite side of the room glancing between the brothers and sarcastically spoke, "this is really gonna hurt"

Kathrine turned the stake around ready to stab herself in the stomach when she suddenly stopped when Damon frantically called out, " wait!" Kathrine smirked as she looked between the two Salvatore siblings before taking a seat on the couch behind her crossing her leg over the other with the stake tightly in her hands and commented, " Okay. So how about that moonstone"


"Are you okay?" Jeremy questioned looking over at Elena as Grace continued taking away her sisters pain as the doppelgΓ€nger groaned quietly looking up at her brother with a worried look on her face and inquired, " are they?" Jeremy let out a heavy sigh and informed, " they're stuck in there with her" he then turned his attention to Bonnie and told her, " Grace was right, Katherine had a witch link Elena to her"

Bonnie had a thoughtful expression on her face when she recalled the girl she bumped into after she spelled the room, " The girl I saw, the one inside. Stay with them, keep pressure on Elena's shoulder" Grace opened her eyes as she turned to look at Bonnie and asked, " where are you going?" Not sparing any of her friends a glance she called out over her shoulder, " there's a witch here. I'm gonna find her"

Jeremy looked between his sisters pulling off his ring holding it out for Elena to take, " take this" Elena immediately shook her head as Grace applied more pressure to the wound on her shoulder in attempt to control the bleeding as no matter how many times she tries to heal her sister nothing is working due to the spell this other witch placed. " No... Jeremy" the youngest Gilbert sibling had a determined expression on his face, " Elena, listen. Listen to me, you need this more than I do"

"No, Jeremy. What I need is for you and Grace to be safe" Elena weakly spoke as Grace placing her hand on the side of her sisters face running her fingers through her hair as she tried her best to comfort her. "The threeΒ  of us together, just like old times" Katherine spoke up turning her attention to Damon who was stood against the door putting his hand against the boundary spell, " the brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough" she commented as she turned her gaze towards Stefan who was standing in front of her with an nonchalant expression on his face.

"and the evil slut vampire who only loved herself" Damon pointed out turning around to face Katherine causing Stefan to smile slightly in amusement as Katherine scowled at the raven haired vampire and inquired, " what happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite" Damon smiled falsely rolling his eyes at the Petrova vampire and dully replied, " Oh, that Damon died a long time ago"

Katherine raised her brows staring at Damon for a moment rolling her eyes, " Good, he was a bore" Stefan sighed as she looked between the two of them with an annoyed expression on her face and sarcastically commented, " Oh, why don't you both stop antagonising each other?" Stefan turned his attention the brunette folding his arms across his chest with an nonchalantly expression on his face.

"Where's the moonstone?" Katherine questioned as she turned her attention to Stefan who narrowed his eyes at the brunette suspiciously and resorted trying to get as much information he can about why she wants the moonstone in the first place, " what do you want with it?" Katherine scoffed shaking her head at Stefan's question before shifting her gaze between the two brothers with an amused look on her face, "Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her alter?"

Stefan turned around as he looked between his brother Katherine not amused in the slightest and commented,Β  " That was really desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we could see right through you?" Katherine shook her head with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looked at Damon before she teasingly smirked at Stefan and asked, " So it doesn't bother you that Damon's in love with your girlfriend?"

"Oh, Stop it" Stefan hissed clenching his jaw in anger glaring at Katherine who chuckled lightly in amusement and questioned, "Or what? You'll hurt me?I'm quite surprised as I thought you had a thing for Grace but I see she has more common sense than to get involved with the two of you" Katherine shook her head as she stood up from the couch she was currently sat on, "Come on, Stefan. Everything I feel, Elena feels, so go ahead." Katherine gasped lightly moving her gaze over to Damon as she slowly made her way over towards him with her hands on her hips,"Or better yet, kiss me Damon. She'll feel that too."

"You know, this whole Mason thing has me a bit confused. Why a werewolf? " Stefan began as he walked behind Katherine with a look of confusion on his face, " the moonstone can break a curse that would help them destroy all vampires. So, what's in it for you?" Katherine turned around to face Stefan as she tilted her head to the side ready to speak when she was interrupted by Damon, " Sorry about your pet wolf. Probably should of kept him on a tighter leash" he sarcastically commented.

Katherine to clench her jaw in anger spinning around with an annoyed look on her face and replied, " I'll have to remember that for next time. He's not the only wolf in town" Damon had moved to stand by the doorway looking from side to side, " Damn it. Where's that witch?" Katherine was walking behind the red couch with a stake in her hands gasping as she turned her attention to the two Salvatore siblings and suggested, " we could play charades"

Damon raised his brows with an irritation look on her face when Stefan eyes lit up in recognition trying to figure out why she wanted the moonstone as he moved his gaze towards Katherine and commented, " you bargained the moonstone" Damon turned around with the frown deepening on his face, " what are you mumbling about over there?" He questioned holding a glass of bourbon in his hands as he looked between his brother and Petrova vampire with a look of confusion on his face.

Stefan ignored his brother question as he focused his attention on Katherine and continued speaking, " When you struck a deal with George Lockwood, to help you fake your death, you told me that you gave George something that he needed. It was the moonstone, wasn't it?" Katherine didn't seem so surprised as she let out a sigh, " Good for you, Stefan. Two plus two. And it would of worked, except people found out i wasn't in the tomb" Katherine replied as she sent a glare over towards the raven haired vampire with a look of annoyance, " thanks to you, by the way. Have I mentioned how inconvenient your obsession with me has been"

Damon hummed as he took a sip of his bourbon and mumbled under his breathe, "You and me both, honey." Stefan shook his head as a frown appeared on his face and curiously asked, " why do you need it back?" Katherine turned around to face Stefan as her eyes flickered up and down checking him out and tried to change the subject, " I love you in a suit. So dashing"

"What were you doing with it in the first place?" Stefan questioned causing Damon to sigh with a roll of his eyes and commented, " You're wasting your breathe, Stefan" Stefan kept his gaze on Katherine trying to figure out why she had the moonshine on the first place, "Unless it wasn't yours to begin with. In 1864 you faked your death. Who were you running from, Katherine?"

"In 1987 you were in Chicago, at a concert of all places with that wench, Lexi. Come on Stefan, don't look so surprised. Of course I checked in on you over the years. You were standing in the front row, dancing all night. You were watching Bon Jovi and I was watching you." Kathrine began taking a couple of steps forward towards Stefan with a small smile on her face.

Damon held a look of hurt on his face as he turned around with a frown as Stefan rolled his eyes with a determined expression on his face wanting to know what she was hiding, " who were you running from?" Kathrine smirked as she looked at Stefan in awe and adoration not answering his question as she mouthed the words ' I love you' causing Damon to scoff scrunching up his face in disgust.


"We're missing the party" Kathrine stated as she let out a breathe causing the two Salvatore brothersΒ  to roll their eyes in annoyance as she turned her attention to Damon who was pouring himself another drink, " I'll have one of those" Damon sighed heavily as he began pouring her a drink trying to hide the hatred and annoyance he held for her as he rolled his eyes and sarcastically replied, "Right away, Miss Katherine."

Katherine grabbed the glass of bourbon Damon was holding out for her causing her to smirk in amusement, " Thank you" not even a moment after she had took a sip Damon vamp speed over towards her pinning her against the wall by the neck holding a stake above her heart causing the vampire to drop the glass on the floor.

Stefan eyes widened in shock and fear as he rushed over towards his brother holding him back and exclaimed, " No, no! Damon, don't!" Katherine laughed loudly in amused at the lengths these two brothers would go just to keep Elena alive and safe, "Yes, Damon, please" Katherine taunted the oldest Salvatore with a smirk on her face causing Damon to clench his jaw narrowing his eyes at her and threatened, " the second the spell's lifted, I'm gonna drive this stake right through your heart"

Katherine shook herΒ  he's not taking his words seriously and found it quite entertaining as she ran her hands up and down his chest seductively, "God, you're hot. When did you get so hot?"Β  Damon took a step back standing next to his brother causing Katherine to chuckle lightly when Lucy suddenly walked into the room holding the moonstone in her hands looking directly at the Petrova vampire, " Katherine. The spell in this room has been broken. You're free to leave"

"Thank God" Katherine sighed as she sent a lustful look towards Stefan as she walked past him,"When I hand this over my debt to you is over" Lucy spoke with a serious expression on her face. "Done" Katherine smiled nodding her head in agreement holding out her hand waiting for Lucy to hand over the moonstone, "I owe you nothing." Lucy continued raising her brows at Katherine causing the vampire to roll her eyes in annoyance getting impatient with the witch and harshly snapped, "I said done, now give it."

Damon shared an alarmed look with Stefan taking a threateningly step forward and warned the witch, "I wouldn't do that." Lucy looked between the two Salvatore siblings before she placed the moonstone in Katherine's hand but as soon as Kathrine wrapped her hand around the moonstone she began choking struggling to breathe, " you should've told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett witch, Katherine but I'm sure you knew that"

"Wait. Elena..." Stefan exclaimed with a look of worry and concern on his face as Lucy removed her gaze from Katherine and over towards the vampire and assured, " Elena's fine. The spell is broken. She'll heal quickly. Bonnie and Grace are with her. I apologize for my involvement" Lucy turned on her heel walking out of the room leaving an unconscious Katherine with the two Salvatore siblings.


A little while later, Grace had changed out of her dress before she walked out of the Lockwood mansion after Bonnie had told them they she managed to get the witch to break the spell but she also turned on Katherine and put her down leaving the Salvatore brothers to take care of Katherine as they decided to put the vampire and the moonstone in the tomb underneath the Fell's church where she was suppose to be 145 years ago.

Grace let out a heavy sigh as she walked down the steps meeting up with Elena who was walking away from Stefan, " what was that all about?" She curiously questioned as Elena licked her lips glancing over her shoulder at Stefan before turning her attention to her sister, " I just don't think I can be with Stefan when the people that I love are in danger. Don't get me wrong, I love him and I want to be with him but not if it means I loose everyone that I care about"

"Come on, let's go home" Grace smiled as she wrapped her arm around her sister as the two began to make their way towards the red headed girl car, " I'm happy that you're back" Grace laughed nudging the brunette to the side, " Oh, come on. You know I won't be gone for long and after hearing about aunt Jenna there's no place that I would rather be"

Suddenly, an unfamiliar man appeared in front of them with a needle in his hand causing Grace to move her sister behind her protectively as the man charged at the two girls only Grace grabbed his wrist bending his arm back causing him to groan out in pain before kicking him in the face and using her magic to throw him away from them watching as he fell hitting his head on the floor not moving a muscle.

However, before Grace could walk forward she began to feel a sudden pain in her in her chest. Grace groaned, falling to her knees on the floor as she clutched her chest as she began to breathe heavily, groaning in pain as she felt her bones were shifting and breaking inside her body. As the uncomfort grew she lifted her head only for her eyes to be glowing a bright yellow.

"How is this possible" Elena muttered under her breathe with a look of worry and concern on her face as she stared at sister but before either sisters could react someone injected Grace causing her to fall to the ground unconscious as Elena gasped in shock as her eyes widened in fear as another man rushed towards her covered her mouth with a piece of cloth causing the doppelgΓ€nger to struggle in the mans hold before her eyes slowly fluttered. the last thing she saw was Grace unconscious body being placed in the boot of the car.

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