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- Rose

The Mikaelson siblings were currently in the woods, it was not long after they had turned turned into vampires and made their way into France where they had fed from five nobles. Klaus was crouched down on the ground beside the women he had just killed with Kol walked past him placing a hand on his shoulder with a smirk on his lips, " who's ready for the next course?"

" you're all filthy gluttons" Finn scoffed with a look of disgust on his face as she glanced around at his family. Kol turned around to face his older brother with a harsh glare and resorted, " and you remain the ever the dullard" Rebekah was crouched down beside a brunette girl admiring her blue dress, " such pretty clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste"

Elijah sighed with a look of annoyance of his face sending her a pointed look, " Rebekah, we have discussed this" the blonde vampire rolled her eyes with an irritated expression on her face folding her arms across her, " No, you've discussed this. None of us had any say in the matter. This lot was traveling somewhere. The cart is full of silks and finery. Five of them, five of us. wherever they were off too why can we not simply go in their stead"

"Masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know and whose customs we cannot begin to understand? Ridiculous" Elijah tried to reason with his sister only for her scoff in disbelief with a determined expression on her face as she pleaded with Elijah, "You saw the castle down the road! It was practically a gala! If this bunch were headed there" she gestured her hand towards the dead five bodies laying on the ground, "Look at them! They're not any better than we are. We could live as they do! At least for a time"

Elijah let out a heavy sigh in exasperation at his little sister as he was about to say something but Rebekah cut him off as she continued speaking, "Think of it! Elijah, we can hide in plain sight. We could live ordinary lives" Elijah frowned with a serious expression on his face as he held up his hand quietening Rebekah, " silence" he used his enchanting hearing to listen in closely to a heartbeat that was beating rapidly from the cart.

Elijah turned around walking towards the cart with his siblings following after him as he lifted up a blanket only for a dark haired man to gasp in fright at the sight of them with a terrified expression on his face as he jumped out of the cart in attempt to escape when he skidded to a stop when Kol and Rebekah appeared in front of him, " Well, aren't you a handsome one?" Rebekah smirked as she eyed him up and down ignoring Kol who groaned with a look of disgust on his face.

"Looks like dessert to me" Kol trailed off with a smirk as he took a couple of steps forward when the man raised his hands in surrender as he glanced around at the siblings, "Wait, wait, wait! I can help you!" He insisted causing Rebekah to frown tilting her head to the side with a curious look on her face, " I am- I am the personal servant to the Count de Martel, and the barriers that you just mentioned...? I was sent to escort these guests to his home for a lengthy stay. I know their customs, as well as the Count's habits. If you mean to pose as the family you've slaughtered here, then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse"

The man glanced around at the family hopefully as Elijah had a nonchalantly expression on his staring staring directly at the man when Rebekah had a pleading look on her face turning to look at her brother, "Please, can we keep him?" Elijah immediately shook his head in response and firmly told her, " Rebekah, no! What is our most important rule?"

Rebekah rolled her eyes letting out a heavy sigh, "Never leave alive someone..." she trailed off as the rest of her brothers simultaneously joined in, "has seen what we are." The man had a weird look on his face as he looked around at the Mikaelson's as Elijah raised his brows and replied, "Thank you very much. A practice that has served us very well indeed"

Elijah took a threatening step forward in attempt to kill the man but Finn stopped him as he placed his hand on his shoulder, "She has a point! He may be of use." Kol chuckled in amusement smirking with a taunting look on his face, "Ah, a proper family squabble!" Klaus raises his hand silencing his brother as he walked closer to his brothers and sister, "Perhaps we should put it to a vote. All those in favor of letting him live?"

Rebekah and Finn immediately raised their hands in the air, " those inclined to gut him?" Kol questioned as he raised his hand along side Elijah as Klaus had an hesitant expression on his face looking between his siblings, "Oh, Nik. What shall it be?" Klaus stayed silent for a moment before walking over towards the man who looked terrified as he looked up at Klaus hoping that this family will agree to let him live.


"Please, I'm hurt" was the first thing Grace heard as she regained consciousness, shooting up from her place on the couch as she looked around the room she was in and knew whoever had knocked both her and Elena out they had took them to some kind of abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. She frowned as she looked down at the ropes tightly around her wrist.

Grace had recalled what had happened the night before, as she felt nothing but guilt and sorrow as she accidentally killed a man activating her werewolf curse she had no clue she even had a werewolf genetic as all she thought she would be is just a witch especially since Isobel and John weren't from a werewolf bloodline which made her so confused on why this is happening to her,

"I know. Just a taste" Grace was snapped of her thoughts by the sound of an unfamiliar voice causing her to turn around only to see an unfamiliar man hunched over her sister, " Oi, get the hell away from sister!" Grace shouted narrowing her eyes dangerously at the man who removed his attention away from Elena and towards the red headed girl. The man snarled as he turned to face Grace, baring his fangs at her in attempt to scare her.

"Is that suppose to scare me?" Grace sarcastically questioned with an amused expression on her face snapping the ropes from her wrist with her newly werewolf strength before using her magic to throw the man across from room pinning him against the wall, " what? Not so big and tough now are you?" The man's eyes widened in surprise and shock as he stared at the red headed girl as he thought that she was like her sister just a human when in reality she is much more powerful than what he originally thought.

"Trevor! Control yourself" a women scolded in an English accent as she strutted into the room holding a black candle in her hand lighting it as Grace frowned in confusion as she looked down at her hands trying to use her magic but no matter what she couldn't, " this candle is nullifying you're magic. Can't have you trying to kill us now, can we?"

Grace and Elena shared a look as the red headed girl lowered her hands while Trevor rolled his eyes in response, sending a glare towards the red head before letting out a heavy sigh, "buzzkill" he muttered under his breathe, shooting one last glare to Grace before leaving the room. Grace frown deepened as she stared at the women across the room who's eyes were locked onto the doppelgΓ€nger with a look of awe and amazement on her face, "My God, you look just like her"

Grace rolled her eyes, a scowl on her face as she peered up at the vampire as she had only just arrived back in Mystic Falls only to get kidnapped because her sister looked exactly like Katherine, " did I honestly just get kidnapped so you could see what the doppelgΓ€nger looked like" Grace snapped at the women, her tone laced with annoyance and frustration. Elena looked at her sister in exasperation knowing now wasn't the time to pick fights especially since Grace doesn't have use of her powers due to the candle that the women had lit.

The women paid no attention to Grace, instead, she kept her focus locked onto Elena who became even more terrified and anxious as the moments passed, "but I'm not her. Please, whatever you..." Elena began to persuade the vampire as she didn't know what either of the vampires wanted but knew it had something to do with Kathrine and that wouldn't end well with her.

"Be quiet" the vampire snapped, interrupting the doppelgΓ€nger with an annoyed look as Grace raised her brows staring at the women with a wearily look on her face before turning her attention back to Elena, "but I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert and this is my sister, Grace. You don't have to do this"The vampire rolled her eyes growing more annoyed by the second with Elena but once she had mentioned her sister she turned to glance at the red headed girl only for her eyes to widened in shock especially when she noticed the necklace she was wearing.

" I know who you are. I said, be quiet" the vampire harshly hissed as Grace sighed closing her eyes throwing her head back knowing if Elena continued trying to question the vampire it wasn't going to end well for the human girl. " what do you want?" Elena curiously questioned with a frown on her face trying to get some answers from the vampire on why she is here.

Grace gasped as she watched the vampire raise her hand using her vampire strength to slap Elena across the face as she fell onto the couch unconscious, " I want you to be quiet" the women stated with an irritated huff as she stood over Elena's unconscious body with a roll of her eyes. Grace hummed as she looked down at her sister crumbled body on the couch, " Gotta say, I saw that coming. But if you come for me, I'll kill you" Grace threatened with a fake smile as her eyes glowed bright amber.


About an hour later, Elena woke up glancing around the room trying to figure out where she was. Elena sat up with a groan looking up at Grace who was laid down on the couch beside her twirling a piece of her hair around her finger in boredom as the red headed girl had asked why they were here in the first place but neither of the vampires had answered her.

Trevor kept staring at Grace with a look of awe and bewilderment especially since Rose had told him the connection that she has with the Mikaelson's even though the red headed girl had no idea about it seeing as Klaus had been obsessed with her over a thousand years and only now has she appeared out of nowhere. Elena sighed in frustration glancing to stare at the Salvatore girl and sternly told her, " I'm going to go see if there's a way out of here. Stay here" the doppelgΓ€nger ordered her with a determined look on her face before walking out of the room.

Grace scoffed with a shake of her head muttering curse words under her breathe as she wasn't going to let her sister tell her what to do so she had an amused look on her face making no effort to follow after the brunette knowing she wasn't in any danger as they had kidnapped them for a reason and knew that Elena wasn't going to get any answers seeing as the red headed girl had already tried.

Grace smirked in amusement raising her brows as she watched after her sister who seemed to hide her fear and was determined to get answers however it didn't take long until the brunette strutted back into the room taking a seat beside Grace muttering in annoyance under her breathe, " did you at least find out why where here in the first place?" She curiously questioned the doppelgΓ€nger.

"They want to hand us over to some guy called Elijah" Elena replied folding her arms across her chest as Grace frowned as she had heard his name before somewhere but couldn't quite place how or where she knew it from as she had an confused look on her face and no matter how hard she tried to remember where she had heard the name she had come up with nothing.

Grace huffed with a look of irritation on her face as she stood up from the couch she was sitting on dragging Elena with her as she told her, " Well, while we're here we might as well try to understand why we're here before I'll literally kill myself out of boredom" Elena opened her mouth going to refuse but Grace had already pulled her out of the room in search of the vampires with a determined look on her face as she was fed up with waiting and wanted to know what the hell was going on.

Grace walked into one of the rooms that Rose was stood in with Elena following behind her crossing her arms over her chest raising her brows and demanded, " why are we here?" Her eyes were locked directly onto the vampire who was stood across the room picking up scattered books trying to make the place more presentable.

Rose sighed in annoyance turning to look at the two girls with a disinterested expression on her face and told the brunette, " you keep asking me all these questions like I'm gonna answer them" Grace sighed heavily with a look of annoyance on her face sending her an unimpressed look and asked, "why won't you?" Rose chuckled softly in amusement at the two humans, "There's another one" Rose stated with a shake of her head causing Grace to send the vampire a disbelief look as she raised her eyebrows at her as Elena narrowed her eyes at Rose and finally snapped, " Look, you've got us okay? It's not like we can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell us what you with the two of us"

Rose stayed silent for a moment noticing the looks she was receiving from the two girls making her sigh in defeat and explained; " I personally want nothing. I'm just a delivery service" the vampire sighed with a shrug before glancing over at the beautiful red headed girl, " and you were just collateral damage, you were with the doppelgΓ€nger when we compelled a man to kidnap her so we took you too"

Grace rolled her eyes annoyance sending a sarcastic smile to the vampire trying to keep her anger at bay and resorted, " I figured as much" Elena frowned exchanging a confused look with her twin sister and curiously asked, "Delivery to who? Elijah?" Rose smiled in amusement as she stifled a laugh, " two points to the eavesdropper!" She exclaimed which caused the two girls to send her an irritated look.

"Who is he? Is he a vampire?" The brunette questioned taking a step closer towards Rose trying to get as much information she could out of this vampire in front of her. Rose turned around to face the two girls and informed, " He's one the vampires, the originals" Grace and Elena both frowned in confusion having no idea what this women was talking about making the youngest twin tilt her head to the side and curiously questioned, " what do you mean the originals?"

"Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatore's brothers been teaching you your vampire history?" Rose sarcastically questioned glancing between the two girls who looked like they had no idea what she was talking about as Grace eyes widened sharing a look with Elena and curiously inquired, " Wait, hold on, you know Damon and Stefan?"

Rose shook her head in response and corrected Grace, " I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones" she explained causing Grace to furrow her eyebrows with an amused smirk on her lips as she continued speaking, " I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys though, but I digress"

"Who are the originals?" Grace questioned firmly wanting answers as to why she and Elena are being offered over to another vampire. Rose sighed turning to face the two girls and told them, "Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired, and we want it over. We're using you, to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess"

Grace and Elena's both eyes widened in surprise as they turned to glance at one another in confusion and bewildered before the red headed girl turned her attention back to Rose and questioned, " Yeah, I think we get that but why Elena?" Rose sighed heavily as she turned around fully to face the two girls and explained, " because you are the Petrova doppelgΓ€nger. You're the key to breaking the curse" which earned her confused looks from the two teenagers once again.

Grace eyes widened in shock as she thought this was just another plot of kidnapping because Elena looked just like Kathrine but now she knew that everything she thought the knew wasn't what it seems at all, " the curse?" The Gilbert girl repeated with her eyebrows furrowed trying to understand what the point is.

"The sun and the moon curse?" The brunette questioned with a look of recognition on her face earning a nod from the the vampire who hummed and mockingly said, " Oh, so you do know your history," Elena frowned tilting her head to the side and questioned Rose, "What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse" Elena stated telling Rose what she already knew about the curse.

"No, the moonstone is what binds the curse" the vampire corrected with a shake of her head, "the sacrifice is what breaks it," she revealed causing Grace to narrow her eyes at the vampire and questioned, " the sacrifice?" Rose nodded her head in confirmation and continued, " The blood of the doppelganger. You are the doppelganger. which means, in order to break the curse, you are the one who has to die."

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