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✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

━━ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.


THE BLONDE SAT IN the cellar, perched on a wooden chair with a book on 'Necromancy' in her lap as she watched Dr. Saltzman stab the self proclaimed 'Necromancer' in the head with a meat cleaver.

She had originally planned on hanging out with her friends, but since both Josie and Lizzie had been MIA, the blonde had no choice but the help out. Though she wasn't entirely mad at that because that meant she got to do something worthwhile.

"Was that really necessary?" The tied up creature, seeming bored, asked the Saltzman man.

The headmaster leaned closer to the man as he spoke. "I told you I need answers."

"Why would I help you? You have me in chains. This indignity will not go unpunished." The Necromancer gritted his teeth as he responded.

"We have been at this for days. Answer my questions, or I'm gonna peel your skin off like a grape and shower you with battery acid."

The Necromancer groaned. "A rather grotesque effort, considering it will feel like the delicate tickle of a feather." Then he proceeded to lift his chained hands and remove the meat cleaver that lay buried in the side of his head.

Dr. Saltzman sighed, grabbing the weapon from the creature before walking over to his bench at the other side of the room, glancing at the blonde for a second, before taking hold of a blue firestarter.

"All right. Let's see how this feels."

Just before the Saltzman man could begin torturing the Necromancer, Guinevere could heard approaching footsteps causing her to lift her head. Her eyes landed upon Hope Mikaelson, who has entered the cellar.

"Dr. Saltzman." The Elison girl called out to gain her headmasters attention to alert him of the brunettes arrival.

"Oh, there you are, lovely girl." The Necromancer spoke as his eyes landed on the Mikaelson girl. "I was wondering if you'd come visit me again. How's your friend, the one I saw you with earlier, trying to steal an illicit peek at me?"

"As we speak, he's having an emotional reunion with his dead girlfriend. I assume we have you to thank?" Hope spitefully remarked towards the tied up creature.

"Poor Raf." The Elison girl muttered to herself while she closed the book that lay on her lap.

"Poor dear. Her spirit was clinging to him like a vine in winter. It took barely any effort. Just a little wrinkle of the nose, and poof. Young love reborn." The creature sarcastically spoke, adding in dramatics for effect.

"You're lucky that's all I did. The way you've treated a man of my stature, you should be ashamed." He continued as Dr. Saltzman closed the cell door, locking the Necromancer in. Guinevere stood up slowly from her chair, ready to part from the cold room.

Dr. Saltzman glared back at the creature. "Literally nobody knows who you are." He uttered as he stood next to the girls.

"That's impossible." The Necromancer scoffed out in response.

"I'll check on Raf." The Saltzman man informed the girls before departing from the room, leaving them behind with the creature.

"I-If you want an end to this misery, simply bring me the knife... and I'll be on my way-" The Necromancer drawled out to the girls, though Guinevere simple rolled her eyes.

"Girls!" They heard Dr. Saltzman call out from up the stairs, cutting off the Necromancer. The two girls took off, meeting the Headmaster at the top of the stairs, before they all began walking through the school corridors.

"I take it things aren't going well?" Hope asked Guinevere and Dr. Saltzman as they ventured round the school.

"You could say that again." The blonde scoffed as she clung the research book tightly in her arms.

"He's a diva." Dr. Saltzman simply replied.

"So what's the plan? I know you don't want to give over the knife, but we can't have him raising the lost loved ones of every person in this school." The Mikaelson girl whispered, trying not to garner unwanted attention from passing students.

"I will handle it. I have questions that need answers." The man irritatedly said as he walked.

Guinevere could see that the creature was getting to Dr. Saltzman and lightly grabbed onto Hope wrist while they walked, not wanting the brunette to push him to far.

"Okay, well, I'm not sure your methods are the most effective." Hope continued on, clearly not seeing the annoyance that crossed the mans face.

"Hope." Dr. Saltzman turned around, stopping in his spot causing both girls to stop as well. "I said I will handle it. Now, just stay away from him."

The man then turned around and walked over to Rafael and his recently risen from the dead girlfriend, Cassie, leaving Guinevere and Hope to stare after him.

The blonde could sense the hurt and upset that Hope felt so in order to distract her, Guinevere nudged the girl lightly. "Come on. Let's go see if Dorian has any information."

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

"Guinevere told me she hasn't found anything yet. So how about you? Find anything yet?" Hope inquired from the man as he stood up on the ladder in the library, looking over the books.

Guinevere Elison sat on the carpeted floor, leaning against a wall while a few new books on Necromancy sat piled up next to her."

"Necromancy is everywhere in occult literature. It's a form of sorcery that dates back to ancient Greece. It involves the ability to communicate with and raise the dead." Dorian spoke, plucking out a single book from the wall before descending down the ladder.

Mr. Williams continued. "But there's nothing about a specific necromancer, so whoever this dude is, he's been erased from history like every other monster that comes looking for the knife."

Hope turned around and followed the man as he moved off into a different part of the library, Guinevere quickly grabbing her books from beside her before following the pair. "Is there any way to stop him from bringing back dead people? Because if this week is any indication, it's kind of becoming a thing."

"I'll look into it, but tomorrow's my day off, so it might take a minute."

"Evil never takes a holiday, Dorian." Hope remarked towards the man from where she stood in front of him.

"Well, every year on Remembrance Day, I do." His words caused the blonde to smiled lightly.

"I write my letters, pack my lunch and I head to the cemetery and ring that bell in honor of my dead family. So for the next twenty four hours, ask Dr. Saltzman."

"Fair. But I'm worried about him. Do you think he's okay?" The Mikaelson girl vocalised her concern.

"I think after the week he's had, he needs a nap." Dorian laughed at the thought. "And a therapist."

Guinevere smirked, adding her own two cents. "Probably something alcoholic."

Dorian smiled at the blonde before continuing. "Maybe even a vacation of his own. Take these to him for me, would you?" He held out a collection of books for Hope to take.

The Mikaelson girl gathered the books in her arms, muttering, "Thank you."

Guinevere watched the girl as exited the room before nodding at Dorian and taking her own leave, heading back to her dorm to continue her research.

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

After a while of researching and still not finding any information on this Necromancer, the blonde sighed as she walked through the school trying to find Hope. She needed some one on one talk so the Mikaelson girl would have to deal with it.

Guinevere had sauntered past the basement of the school when the sounds of anger filled screams reached her ears, causing her to quickly turn around and descend down the stairs.

The Elison girl came across Hope sat in a chair watching the Necromancer yell and throw piece of paper around his cell.

"Hope, what the hell is going on?" The blonde uttered in confusion as she reached the last step.

The Mikaelson girl shrugged her shoulders. "I told him the truth. That he doesn't exist."

"Okay." Guinevere replied, still confused. "I take it that he isn't taking it very well?"


"We weren't lying when we said no one knew who you were." The blonde called out to the still angry Necromancer.

"A lifetime's work, my legacy, reduced to something as-as pitiful as a brand of sorcery? Where I am barely a footnote?" The Necromancer verbalised his anger.

He stalked towards the bars of his cell, banging his hands against it aggressively. "Who's responsible for this vile affront?" He demanded from the two girls.

"That's what I'm hoping you can help me figure out." Hope proposed as she stood from her chair.

The creature pulled back from the bars, grabbed his chair that had been tossed onto the ground and setting it upright before taking a seat. "Well, then, I'm all ears."

"If you want to get to the bottom of this, we need to know who's communicating with you." The Mikaelson girl clearly stated as she kept eye contact with the Necromancer.

"No one's communicating with me." The creature adamantly spoke. "My mind is a steel trap."

"I doubt that highly." Guinevere called out to the creature, her voice filled with a thinly veiled level of sarcasm as she spoke, earning herself a glare from the Necromancer.

"But you knew to resurrect Dr. Saltzman's dead fiancé, right after he mentioned her to the dryad. That's why he had questions. It can't be a coincidence. You're all coming after the same thing, communicating in some way, so who's pulling the strings?" The brunette inquired, wanting to get to the bottom of it.

"I am no puppet." The Necromancer replied standing from his chair in defiance before he exhaled loudly. "It's less a voice, more an instinct. I simply know things."

"Like you know you're here to retrieve a knife and return it to a place called Malivore." The blonde said as she moved the stand behind Hope who sat in the wooden chair.

The creature sighed. "If I return the knife to Malivore, I will be free."

"Of what?"

"The blackness. The void. The empty oblivion." The Necromancer dramatically announced.

"Do you ever just say things once?" Hope spoke, cutting off the creature from saying anything else. "And more importantly, do you know how to get there?"

"Only that the knife will lead me."

The Mikaelson girl turned around the book she held in her hand to show the Necromancer a symbol that had been drawn onto the page. "I'm assuming you know this symbol."

"It is the sign of the worst existential nightmare. The ultimate hell. The-" The creature spoke, continuing to become very dramatic before Hope once again cut him off.

"You're doing it again. Focus. What does it mean?"

"That symbol represents what you say has happened to me. It means no one remembers you. No one celebrates you. No one mourns you." The Necromancer stalked towards the back of his chair, leaning against it with his hands.

"Loosely translated, it means "permanent death."

His words caused both Hope and Guinevere to glance at each other, their eyes filled with fear.

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

Guinevere had left the cellar, not wanting to hear anything more from the Necromancer. She didn't want defy Dr. Saltzman and possibly get herself in trouble. She needed the Saltzman man to like her, especially since the blonde was dating his daughter.

But the girl was slowly becoming bored and found herself once again descending down the stairs of the cellar. When she turned the corner, the blonde saw both Hope and MG in the cell with the Necromancer.

"MG, what the hell is going on?" Guinevere questioned as she ripped open the door of the cell, moving to stand next to the vampire.

The Greasley boy stuttered out his answer. W-Well hope wanted me to help her get into his mind but when she first went in, he ditched her so she went back in."

"Hope, what are you doing?" The blonde muttered as she looked at the frozen Mikaelson girl.

After a few minutes of standing there, watching and waiting, Hope's breathing suddenly stuttered, coming out in short pants. Then she started to cry, whimpers falling from her lips as she became more scared.

Guinevere moved forward and grabbed hold of the girl. "Hope come on. It's gonna be okay."

"Head dives over. Come on man, let her out. She's scared." MG yelled at the Necromancer who laughed evilly, his eyes turning completely white.

"That's it. We're getting Dr. Saltzman." Guinevere announced grabbing hold of MG. The blonde turned back around to look at the girl who still sobbed slightly. "We'll be back, Hope. Just hang on."

The Witch and Vampire moved through the school, attempting to find their headmaster.  When they found him, the pair quickly ran up to him.

"Dr. Saltzman." The Elison girl spoke up, grabbing his attention.

"I screwed up. Hope's in trouble, and I can't help her." The Greasley boy cried out, worried for the Mikaelson girl.

Dr. Saltzman took off towards the cellar leaving MG and Guinevere to look off after him, scared for Hope.

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

At the end of the day when everything was over, Hope was free from the Necromancer's mind, MG was down in the cellar being weened off of the Human blood he had after his adventure with Kaleb and everyone was in the cemetery tossing their letters to their dead loved ones around.

Guinevere lay in her bed, wrapped up in the comforter with a collection of teddy bears next to her. She sighed happily, glad that the day was finished and no one truly got hurt. Save for the dude who MG nearly killed when feeding.

Reaching over, the blonde turned off the lamp that sat on her bedside table, leaving the room in darkness with just a sliver of light from the hallway peeking in from under the door.

The Elison girl turned on her side, pulling one of the stuffed animals close and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

✧˖*°࿐ ♡ ྀ

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