v. they went from cuddling to fighting

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓. Amidst Jackie's echoing scream, Mike instinctively pulled her close, his arms securing her as she leaned against him. Her words stumbled out, slurred but undeniably genuine. In the aftermath of pushing her powers to the brink, Jackie's vulnerability was laid bare, with Mike becoming her anchor in the storm of fear.

This wasn't the first time her unfiltered truth surfaced. Last year, after sealing the gate, she spilled her feelings to Hopper, revealing a complex web of emotions involving Mike and a tinge of jealousy towards El.

As the room stood still, Jackie and Mike found themselves on the ground, locked in a gaze that spoke volumes. Mike's smile hinted at a shared understanding. However, the moment was abruptly shattered by Erica's interruption.

With a sassy tone and arms crossed, Erica declared her victory. "Ha! I told you guys! Mike and Jackie are in love with each other! Didn't you guys see how they were cuddling earlier?" Jackie's eyes widened, and Mike blushed, realizing the undeniable truth exposed by their unwitting accomplice. In that blurred moment of realization, Jackie saw the threads of her feelings weave into an unexpected revelation.

Jackie, disoriented and full of questions, cautiously distanced herself from Mike. "Wait— What— Wait, how.. how am I still in here?" Her brows furrowed as she attempted to grasp the surreal situation. "And why was Wheeler holding me!" Her voice carried a mix of frustration and bewilderment, echoed by her stumbling attempt to stand, drawing confused looks from everyone around.

"Did— Did I drain myself??" Jackie's gaze sought answers from Mike, who was slowly regaining his footing. "You must've been way out of it. You usually remember stuff after being that drained," Mike offered a tentative explanation, his words lingering in the air.

Amidst the unfolding uncertainty, Robin, with a touch of worry, tried to bring focus back to the well-being of everyone. "Well, is everyone okay—?" Her question hung in the air, but the scene took an unexpected turn as Steve, visibly angered, stood up, injecting a new layer of intrigue into the unfolding mystery.

Steve's frustration burst forth in a shout. "Yeah, I'm great, now that I know that Russians can't design elevators!" He forcefully shoved Robin aside, prompting a furrowed brow from Jackie. The reality hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh my god, we're stuck in— in this elevator?" Her eyes widened, panic setting in as she instinctively retreated against a wall, seeking some semblance of safety in the confined space. Mike's features contorted into a concerned frown, mirroring the gravity of the situation.

"I think we've established that those buttons don't work," Steve deadpanned, his irritation palpable. Mike gently reached for Jackie's arm, an attempt to offer comfort, but she pulled away, the weight of the situation causing her to hyperventilate. "I— I need to get out of here!" Jackie's panicked cry echoed as she slid down the wall, overwhelmed by the confined space. The cacophony of voices around her became a distant murmur, with only Mike's attempts to calm her down breaking through the disorienting noise.

Mike sat beside Jackie, his arm wrapped around her waist, rubbing her arms in a soothing, calming manner. Her breathing gradually slowed down as she leaned her head on Mike's shoulder, finding solace in his presence. "Just stay with me, Jackie," he reassured her.

Meanwhile, amidst the tension, Erica injected a dose of sass. "Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow, and my mom finds out you five are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throats," she threatened with a sassy tone, earning a soft chuckle from Jackie.

As Mike continued to soothingly rub Jackie's back, Steve couldn't help but express his exasperation. "I don't care about Tina! Or Uncle Jack's party! Your mom's not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!" he exclaimed loudly, drawing incredulous stares from the group.

Jackie slowly rose to her feet, a nervous gulp betraying her uncertainty. "L— Let me try," she uttered with a hesitant determination, prompting furrowed eyebrows from Mike. Robin chimed in, seeking clarification, "Try what?"

"Let me try opening the door again," Jackie repeated herself, her eyes reflecting a sense of purpose. Mike's expression shifted to one of concern, and he stepped in, voicing his worry. "Jackie, no. You're really drained. You need to rest and let your battery charge up."

Undeterred, Jackie shook her head, turning to face him. "I have to try," she said weakly, the weight of responsibility evident in her voice. Mike stared blankly at her, torn between concern and understanding. She gave him a pleading look, and after a frustrated sigh, he relented. "Fine," he murmured, acknowledging her determination. Jackie responded with a weak but grateful smile, appreciating the opportunity to take action despite her drained state.

Jackie took a step forward, positioning herself in front of the elevator door. With a slow, deliberate movement, she raised her hand, focusing on the door before her. The weight of the metal and the intricate dance of electricity powering the elevator resonated with her mind. Gradually, the door began to open, revealing a glimmer of progress, but the exertion took its toll.

As the door parted, blood started to drip from Jackie's nose, a visible sign of the strain. The room swayed, and weakness washed over her as the door began to close again. Jackie lowered her hand, feeling the fatigue seeping in. Stumbling back, Mike swiftly caught her, their embrace becoming a lifeline in that moment of vulnerability. She clung to him tightly, finding solace and support as he hugged her back.

"Great, supergirl here is too drained!" Steve exclaimed, frustration evident in his gestures. Dustin, ever the problem solver, pointed to the top of the elevator. "Hey. What if we climbed out?" All eyes shifted to the top, discovering an escape exit that offered a glimmer of hope in their predicament.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 trying to figure a way out as Jackie nestled in the cradle of Mike's arms, finding solace and gradually succumbing to sleep. Amidst the attempt to contact the Party, the persistent noise managed to penetrate her dreams. After enduring a few minutes of the irksome sound, she groaned and reluctantly opened her eyes.

Mike, ever the comforting presence, inquired, "Hey, how are you feeling?" His hand continued to gently rub her back. She mustered a soft smile. "Much better. I definitely have most of my strength back." The warmth of his embrace and the assurance in his eyes added to the sense of recovery, making her grateful for the support in the midst of their confined predicament.

Mike's expression softened into a relieved smile as Jackie slowly rose and headed toward the ladder. "What are you doing?" he inquired, curiosity coloring his voice. Jackie turned to face him, her eyes reflecting a renewed determination. "I feel my powers are back now, so I'm gonna help Dustin try to contact them."

Mike gently held Jackie's arm, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you sure? Maybe keep your strength for later in case we bump into any chaos?" he suggested, his protective instinct kicking in. Jackie nodded, a determined expression on her face. "I just have to make sure I don't go deep into the void," she explained, emphasizing the need for caution. Mike slowly nodded, reluctantly letting go of her arm.

They ascended the ladder together, entering the conversation where Steve and Dustin were discussing their plans. Jackie, with an assertive "Ahem," redirected the focus. "Need some help contacting El?" she asked, arms folded. Dustin hesitated, and Jackie, sensing the delay, rolled her eyes. "Okay, go ahead," he conceded. Jackie took a seat, crossing her legs, ready to lend her abilities. As she began to connect with the void, a trickle of blood from her nose marked the delicate balance of tapping into her extraordinary powers.

Jackie explored the void, her senses heightened in the surreal space. In the distance, she spotted Max, El, and Kylie, their laughter echoing through the ethereal expanse. The young Byers girl walked purposefully toward them, curious about the shared joy. As she approached, she observed Kylie leaning her head on El's shoulder, a noticeable blush adorning her face.

"El, Kylie!" Jackie called out to them, but there was an unusual silence. Normally, the three of them could hear each other in the void, but now it felt like an invisible barrier prevented Jackie from reaching them. It was a peculiar occurrence, leaving Jackie with a sense of disconnection within the otherwise vibrant and ethereal realm.

As Jackie opened her eyes with confusion, Dustin knelt before her, eager for an update. She shook her head slowly. "It was weird. They couldn't hear me. Usually, us three can communicate with each other in the void," she explained, a furrow forming on her brow. Mike and Dustin shared a look of concern.

"Maybe you're still sorta drained and don't fully have your abilities back?" Dustin suggested, attempting to offer a plausible explanation for the communication glitch. Jackie shrugged, the uncertainty evident in her expression. Mike, always curious, pressed for details. "Well, what did you see? What were they doing?" he inquired. Jackie blinked, her gaze turning cold as she stared at Mike for a moment.

It was a stark contrast to the concern he had shown earlier. "Just El, Kylie, and Max hanging out in a bathroom," she replied, her tone carrying a touch of bitterness. Mike, caught off guard, gave her a questioning look, the shift in dynamics not lost on either of them.

Mike's expression shifted from concern to anger, and he scoffed, "Of course they are! Max and Kylie are corrupting her!" Jackie looked at him deadpan. "Oh my god," she shook her head in annoyance. Mike, with raised eyebrows, displayed an idiotic confusion that earned him a skeptical gaze from Jackie.

"Mike. Kylie and Max are not corrupting ELEVEN! They're trying to be her fucking friend. Could you not be so jealous and bipolar?! One second you're being nice to me, then the next is all about Eleven! Max is with Lucas, dumbass! And Kylie has had that crush on El for two years! Max has been wanting to get close to El, and Kylie has gotten over her crush for El. If El did date either of them, good for them! El would be better off with either of them than you! So, what if El may be lesbian?! Does that make you homophobic? I don't care if this is the 80s and society hates them! Kylie has been open to us about her being lesbian. Do you remember how difficult it was for her to come out to us at the beginning of the summer?" Jackie yelled, passionately lecturing Mike, who looked at her with guilt.

Mike clenched his jaw, his glare intensifying. "Well, you are jealous too. You would always glare at me and El whenever we were together in public. You would constantly patronize me, embarrass me in front of El, and interrupt our alone time to talk to her," he yelled at her. Jackie glared back, clenching her fists and jaw tightly. "No shit, Mike! I had no one to hang out with! Dustin was off at camp, Will was busy moping over some girl he likes, Kylie was admiring El, Lucas and Max are dating, and you and El always making out! While I was stuck being a third wheel!" she spat, her frustration reaching a breaking point. She raised her hand and slapped Mike hard on the cheek, the sound echoing in the confined space.

Mike held his cheek, a mix of shock and hurt in his eyes as he stared at Jackie. Dustin and Steve, equally taken aback, witnessed the sudden turn of events. Just moments ago, they were all seemingly getting along, and now, animosity hung in the air.

As Robin quickly climbed up, breaking the tension, she announced, "We've got company!" The three boys and Jackie exchanged a shared look, momentarily putting their differences aside as the reality of their situation took precedence.


The group held their breath, hidden above the elevator, observing as the doors opened. Suspense hung in the air, and they waited for the opportune moment to make their move. Jackie noticed Erica holding a chemical substance, and she subtly gestured for her to drop it discreetly. Erica, however, shook her head defiantly, shooting Jackie a scowling look. Jackie rolled her eyes in frustration.

In the midst of this, Steve, ever the strategist, caught on to an idea. He exchanged a meaningful look with Erica, who understood his unspoken plan. Their silent coordination added a layer of anticipation to the already tense situation.

Steve's quick thinking led to an escape plan involving a mysterious green substance. As the group hurriedly made their way under the partially open elevator door, Mike found himself lagging behind. "Dustin, help him!" Jackie urgently whispered-yelled, extending her hand. With a telekinetic nudge, she kept the elevator door slightly ajar, allowing Dustin to assist Mike.

In the nick of time, Dustin grabbed Mike's hand, facilitating his escape just before the elevator door closed. The green dissolving substance, chosen strategically by Steve, began to bubble, hinting at its potent and enigmatic properties. The escape unfolded with a mix of tension and mystery in the confined space.

"Holy shit," Jackie muttered, her eyes widening with a mix of shock and awe. Glancing over at Erica, who mirrored her astonishment, the gravity of the situation sank in. "Jesus Christ," Steve echoed, capturing the collective sentiment. They all stood up, fixated on the bubbling green substance that now held an air of mystery.

Robin, injecting a bit of humor into the tense atmosphere, turned to Erica with a dry remark. "You still wanna drink that?" she asked, earning a glare from Erica.

Amidst the shock, Jackie turned around, her gaze landing on a long hallway. "Uh, guys..." she began, her voice hinting at a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, drawing their attention to the intriguing pathway that lay ahead.

The other five turned to face the long hallway, and Mike couldn't help but express his dismay. "Oh, man!" he groaned, prompting laughter from Jackie. Steve, injecting a bit of humor into the situation, teased, "Well... hope you guys are in good shape." Jackie scoffed in response. "Mike? No. He has dainty, scrawny legs," she teased, playfully needling Mike, who rolled his eyes at her remark.

        𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘. "I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive," Dustin said, expressing his amazement. Steve glanced at him, puzzled. "What are you talking about? It's a total fire hazard. There's no stairs, there's no exit, there's just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell," Steve retorted, highlighting the less glamorous aspects of their current predicament.

"They're commies. You don't pay people, they cut corners," Erica commented with a blunt assessment, a sentiment Jackie agreed with. "To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking," Jackie added, injecting a touch of dry humor into the discussion about the questionable engineering of the tunnel.

"Yeah, she's right. Think about it, they developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo," Jackie concurred, acknowledging the potential efficiency in the design. Mike turned to her with a nod of agreement. "It all comes into the mall like any old delivery," Mike responded, connecting the dots about the logistics of the mysterious cargo they were dealing with.

"And they load it up onto those trucks and nobody's the wiser," Jackie added, contributing to the analysis of the clandestine cargo transportation. Steve, intrigued by the unfolding revelation, questioned, "You think they built this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?" Jackie shrugged nonchalantly. "I very seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison. It's gotta be much more valuable, like promethium or something," Mike explained.

"What the hell is promethium?" Steve and Jackie asked simultaneously, their faces reflecting a shared sense of confusion as they exchanged a dumbfounded look, eager for more information on the mysterious substance.

Steve and Jackie were not school smart.

"It's what Victor Stone's dad used to make Cyborg's bionic and cybernetic components," Robin explained, providing a pop culture reference that left Jackie looking at her dumbfounded.


"You're all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill," Erica commented, feigning disgust and holding her stomach. Steve and Jackie exchanged glances, but Jackie was quick to defend herself. "Oh hell no, do not compare me to Michael Wheeler over here. I am not a nerd. I couldn't even pass my classes last year. I was constantly skipping in the school bathrooms," she declared, holding her hands up in defense against any accusations of nerdiness.

Mike nodded, pointing to Jackie as he confirmed her story. "She's right, she once hid in the boys' locker room skipping, and I found her when I was in gym class," he revealed. A playful giggle escaped Jackie as the memory resurfaced. "You screamed like a little girl when you saw me. You thought I was a shadow monster," she teased, giving Mike a gentle nudge as he rolled his eyes.

"I mean, it was only a month after the chaos with Will and El," Mike murmured, adding context to the timing. "And do not lump me in with them. I'm not a nerd, alright?" Steve shook his head in agreement, acknowledging Mike's firm stance against being labeled as a nerd, even if the stories hinted otherwise.

"Why so sensitive, Harrington?" Jackie asked with a teasing tone, earning a scolding look from Steve. Undeterred, she continued, "Are you afraid of losing cool points to a ten-year-old child?" Her teasing smirk only deepened as she playfully needled Steve. "No, I'm just saying I don't know jack shit about Prometheus," Steve admitted, his honesty breaking through the banter.

"Promethium," Dustin corrected, earning an eye roll from Steve. "Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure, but whatever." Dustin paused, noticing Jackie's blank look, and he rolled his eyes. "All I'm saying is, it's probably being used to make something." His clarification aimed to steer the conversation back.

"Or power something."

"Like an nuclear weapon?"


"Walking towards a nuclear weapon. That's great. That'd be great."

"But if they're building something, why here? I mean, Hawkins. Seriously. Of all Places? At the very best, we're a toilet stop on your way to Disneyland, but maybe that's it. Maybe it's our very.."

Mike and Dustin exchanged a knowing look, and Dustin nodded upwards at Steve, indicating they shared a similar thought. Meanwhile, Robin and Erica walked past them. As Jackie started to follow them, Mike gently grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

Jackie's brow furrowed in confusion. "You think the Russians know?" Dustin questioned, probing into the mystery. Steve, considering the possibility of the Upside Down, hesitated, prompting Jackie's eyes to widen in realization. "They could," she acknowledged, her shoulders shrugging indifferently, arms crossed defensively.

"So, it's connected?" Mike inquired, raising an eyebrow, seeking further clarification on the potential link between the Russians and the enigmatic parallel dimension.



"I don't know, but it's.."

"Possible," the four of them echoed in unison. Jackie let out a small sigh, contemplating the gravity of the situation. "Shouldn't we tell Erica and Robin about this? I mean, they know about my powers," Jackie suggested, her concern evident. Mike shook his head, offering his perspective. "No, I think they're better off knowing just about you. They don't even know about El and Kylie; your powers are their safest and only option to know."

"I'm sorry, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Erica's sarcastic remark drew the attention of the group. The four glanced over to Erica and Robin, who were looking at them with curious expressions. The three boys exchanged identical looks as Jackie rolled her eyes. "It's nothing. These three idiots were worried about me using my powers again," she explained, weaving a convincing lie with an assuring smile. Robin nodded in acceptance, believing Jackie's explanation.

Jackie winked at the three boys, adding a playful touch as she shoved past them to join Robin and Erica. Dustin couldn't help but blurt out, "I'm not gonna lie, that was actually hot. Please do not tell Suzie I said that," revealing an unexpected admiration. Mike shot him a jealous look.

Amidst the banter, the walkie-talkie suddenly went off, causing the boys to rush over. Jackie's eyes widened in surprise. With impressive reflexes, she snapped her head, and the walkie-talkie flew out of the bag and into her hand. Erica looked at her, genuinely amazed. "Cool!" she exclaimed, genuinely impressed, as Jackie responded with a small, soft smile. The unexpected display of Jackie's powers not only addressed the urgent call but also left an indelible impression on those witnessing it.

They all kneeled onto the ground to listen to Jackie's translation. "Поездка в Китай звучит неплохо. Если ты поступишь легко," she spoke in Russian, leaving them all looking at her with confusion. Jackie's lips curled into a smile. "It's the code," she explained, revealing the hidden meaning behind the seemingly innocuous phrase.

TRANSLATION; A trip to China sounds nice. If you tread lightly,

"Wherever that broadcast is coming from—"

"It's close," Mike cut off the curly-haired boy. "And if there's one thing we know about that signal..." he trailed off, leaving room for Dustin to finish, "It can reach the surface." The realization fueled their determination. "Let's go!" Dustin exclaimed, a sense of urgency pushing them into action.

They started walking down the hallway as Mike began to ramble about his concerns for El. "I'm so worried, what if El is in danger right now? These Russians sound so dangerous, what if they—"

Jackie stopped in her tracks. "Are you serious, Mike?! Is that all you care about right now? We're literally stuck in a Russian base, and you're worried about trying to get back with your ex? Are you fucking serious?" Jackie spat, her frustration evident. Mike turned around, a shocked look on his face. "Yeah, Jackie! It's not all about you all the time."

Jackie scoffed with an aggressive eye roll. "About me?! I'm not talking about me right now! You were being self-centered, talking about El and your relationship problems!" the brunette yelled, frustration coloring her voice.

Mike shot back. "Because I care about El, unlike you who just sits there moping about me and El's relationship!"

Jackie huffed, throwing her arms in exasperation. "No shit, Sherlock! You kissed me last year and led me on! When El came back, you forgot about the whole kiss and went to the snowball with her instead of me! El's like a sister to me, but of course I was jealous of her! I thought that was supposed to be me! Not her! But maybe I'm wrong, you're so caught up on her, you don't realize the truth in front of you." Jackie yelled, her throat starting to crack with water welling in her eyes. The raw emotion in her words revealed the pain and frustration she had been carrying.

Mike's face softened, his expression shifting to a frown with a guilty look. "I—" he began, acknowledging the weight of Jackie's words and the impact of his actions.

"Guys, we need to go. We can deal with your relationship problems later, okay?" Robin intervened, offering a practical perspective as she noticed Jackie sniffling.

𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌. They walked into the comms room, only to realize there was a Russian guard present. The Russian stood up, reaching for his gun as Jackie stepped forward. "действовать осторожно," Jackie spoke, her command in Russian indicating a warning to act cautiously.


The Russian looked at her with confusion as Jackie gulped slowly. "Мы здесь, чтобы помочь. неплохо. здесь, чтобы помочь," Jackie explained, pointing to herself and her friends, attempting to convey their intentions to help.


"кто ты?" The Russian asked confusedly, furrowing his eyebrows, seeking clarification on Jackie's identity.


Jackie pursed her lips into a thin line, letting out a sigh. "мы здесь, чтобы... помочь перевезти вещи!" Jackie quickly lied, her heart beating fast. The urgency of the situation pushed her to come up with a plausible explanation, even if it meant bending the truth.


The Russian remained confused. "Ты не похож на нас, не в форме," he observed, giving a suspicious look, and started to reach for his walkie-talkie. The discrepancy in appearance and attire raised his suspicions, prompting him to take action.


Jackie, feeling the pressure, continued her quick explanation with a forced chuckle. "мы ищем комнату, чтобы переодеться в нашу форму, должно быть, пошли не туда. мы новые," she said, attempting to maintain a casual tone. However, the man remained unconvinced. He scoffed and, growing more suspicious, reached for his gun.


Jackie was about to use her powers to stop the Russian, but Steve intervened by yelling and jumping at the guard. A scuffle ensued between Steve and the Russian, catching everyone off guard. In the midst of the chaos, Jackie started laughing, leaning her head onto Mike's shoulder. The unexpected turn of events continued as Steve ended the fight by grabbing a phone and throwing it at the Russian's head, rendering him unconscious.

Jackie stopped laughing, her and Mike's jaws dropped. "What the actual fuck," Jackie yelled, her jaw still hanging open as Mike closed his mouth. "I actually can't believe Steve Harrington finally won a fight," Mike murmured, prompting Jackie to nod in agreement. The surreal moment left them all astonished by Steve's unexpected victory.

"Dude! You did it! You won a fight!" Dustin exclaimed with genuine excitement, patting Steve on the back as Steve glanced at Dustin and then down at the unconscious guard. "Jeez..." Jackie trailed off, her eyes fixed on the man lying unconscious on the ground. The unexpected outcome left her in a mix of disbelief and amusement.

Seizing the opportunity, Dustin approached the guard and attempted to retrieve his badge. "What are you doing?" Erica asked with her usual sass as Dustin looked at her. "Getting us our ticket out of here," he replied, showcasing his resourcefulness in the face of an unexpected predicament.

Erica gave Dustin a skeptical look while Robin nudged Jackie's side, subtly pointing to a nearby staircase. Jackie narrowed her eyes in acknowledgment, nodding, and gently grabbing Mike's arm. She dragged him with her, joined by Robin. Arriving at a door, the three of them looked through the window. Mike and Jackie observed the gate being reopened with a machine, exchanging a meaningful look before turning their attention to Robin.

"Robin, you need to go get the others right now!" Mike urgently yelled, prompting Robin to give them deadpan looks. "What—" she began, only to be cut off by another urgent yell. "Go!" Mike and Jackie both shouted in unison, emphasizing the need for swift action. Robin nodded quickly, immediately running down the stairs to gather the rest of the group.

With efficiency, she rounded up Steve, Dustin, and Erica, and together, they proceeded to sneak through the secret area. The group's coordination and quick thinking became crucial in navigating the escalating challenges within the Russian base.

As they looked through some door windows, the group witnessed the gate being reopened slowly. "Holy shit," Dustin murmured in response to the unfolding situation. Feeling a shared sense of fear, Mike and Jackie slowly intertwined their hands. The tension in the air was palpable.

"I don't know how they're doing this, but I think you might actually be right, Mike. El and Kylie... and I could be too... are in danger," Jackie said panickily, her gaze shifting slowly to Mike.

Mike looked back at her with a worried expression, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The potential danger to their friends heightened the stakes, leaving them both on edge.

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