vi. the gate

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  𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, Jackie," Mike promised, his voice filled with determination as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. The urgency in Jackie's voice heightened as she declared, "I need to try and reclose it! I can't go through that again!"

Mike, however, scoffed at the idea. "No way!" he protested, his protective instincts taking over. Jackie, frustrated but resolute, clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes at his refusal. The tension among the group intensified as they emerged from the small area, returning to the stairway. The gravity of their mission and the potential danger to their friends weighed heavily on their minds, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and apprehension.

"I don't understand. You've seen this before? What is this about this girl El, Kylie, and Jackie being in danger?" Robin glanced at them, her worry etched on her face. "Not exactly," Mike began, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Then what, exactly?" Robin pressed, seeking clarity as they reached the end of the stairs. The boys turned their attention to Jackie, who nervously picked at her lips. She took a moment, lowering her hand with a sigh, contemplating how to articulate the complexities of their experiences.

Jackie hesitated before speaking, her words measured. "Last year, we faced something beyond explanation. There's an alternate dimension called the Upside Down, and it's connected to El's powers, Kylie's abilities, and mine. Now, it seems like the Russians are meddling with it, and if that gate is reopening, it means trouble for everyone, especially El, Kylie, and me. We can't let it happen again."

"Sorry to interrupt this, uh, storytime, but, uh, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Mike interjected, his gaze searching the immediate area as Steve realized the Russian was nowhere to be seen. The sudden blaring of alarms throughout the facility added an extra layer of urgency.

"Shit!" Steve exclaimed, quickly assessing the situation. He swiftly opened the door and closed it with a determined look at the group. "GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!" he urgently yelled, his voice cutting through the escalating chaos. The group, fueled by a sense of urgency, sprinted back up the stairs, the alarms echoing through the facility, creating a disorienting and tense atmosphere as they navigated through the labyrinth of the Russian base.

As they entered the small area, Dustin swiftly opened the control room doors. Mike instinctively grabbed Jackie's hand, their fingers intertwining as they ran into the control room. The scientists inside turned around, startled by their abrupt entrance. "Shit! Go!" Jackie urgently pointed to another set of stairs, signaling the group to keep moving and avoid detection. The tension in the room heightened as they hastily followed Jackie's lead, seeking an escape route within the sprawling Russian facility.

Mike and Jackie trailed after their friends, weaving through scientists and pushing past Russian guards. The urgency in their movements was palpable, but it came to a sudden halt when they reached a dead end right beside the gate projector.

"I need to close this!" Jackie's urgent yell reverberated in the confined space as Mike prepared to voice his concern. Without hesitation, Jackie threw both hands out, intending to use her powers to close the gate. However, something unexpected occurred – it was as if an unseen force was blocking her. She still possessed her powers, but the gate's projection resisted her efforts.

"What— What's wrong?" Steve stammered, witnessing Jackie lower her hands and turn around. "It's blocking me," she admitted, a mix of frustration and worry etched across her face. The realization that their escape might hinge on Jackie's ability to overcome this unforeseen obstacle hung heavily in the air.


As Russians closed in on them, Jackie, Mike, and Erica swiftly glanced in the direction of the approaching guards. "Guards! Go!" Erica's urgent command pierced the chaotic atmosphere, prompting Jackie and Mike to once again clasp hands for a united front. "This way!" Steve's voice guided them as they followed his lead, witnessing him expertly shove a scientist, eliciting a laugh from Jackie.

However, their escape was short-lived as more guards emerged in their path. Jackie, feeling a surge of determination, came to a sudden stop. Despite faintly hearing Mike's voice calling out to her, she focused intently on the guards. With a swift and practiced motion, she harnessed her unique abilities, drawing shadows out of their souls. The air seemed to thicken with an eerie energy as Jackie wielded her powers, introducing an unexpected and supernatural element to their attempt at evasion. The guards, now affected by the manipulation of their shadows, found themselves momentarily paralyzed, creating a surreal scene amidst the tense escape.

A collective gasp escaped the group as they witnessed Jackie's nosebleed, a physical manifestation of the toll her powers took on her. The guards, frozen in place, were surrounded by an unsettling stillness. Black blood began to rush from their eyes, creating a macabre spectacle that left the entire group in awe.

"Holy shit!" Dustin's exclamation captured the astonishment that pulsed through each member of the group.

"Oh my god." Robin muttered.

"Whoa." Erica murmured with an amazed look as Steve and Mike watched in shock. The guards dropped to the ground dead as Jackie opened her eyes. She was slightly drained, stumbling as Mike caught her. "There's more!" Erica warned as they ran once again. As They found another door and went through as Steve blocked the door, using his strength to keep it closed. They heard Russians bang on the door and try to pry the door open. "Help me!" Steve uttered out as Robin ran over, helping.

The intensity of the situation heightened as the group pressed forward, Jackie's display of power leaving a lingering sense of awe. Despite her evident exhaustion, Mike remained a supportive presence, catching her as she stumbled. With Erica's warning, the group resumed their sprint, seeking refuge behind yet another door.

Steve, exhibiting his strength, took charge by blocking the door, and the others could hear the frustrated attempts of the Russians trying to breach their temporary sanctuary. "Help me!" Steve's plea echoed through the chaos as Robin rushed to his aid, reinforcing the barrier and ensuring their safety for the time being.

Amid the heightened tension, Jackie's fear and Mike's worry intensified, creating a palpable atmosphere of apprehension. As Jackie continued to employ her powers to safeguard the group, Mike couldn't shake the concern gnawing at him, fearing that her prolonged use might push her to dangerous limits.

The two of them held onto each other, seeking solace in the midst of uncertainty. Their arms intertwined, Jackie and Mike stood as silent witnesses to the valiant efforts of Robin and Steve, who strained to keep the door closed against the relentless attempts of the Russians to breach their sanctuary.

In the midst of this turmoil, Dustin and Erica, unnoticed by the others, had devised an escape route through the vents. However, Steve's fervent and urgent yell disrupted their plan. "Go! Get out of here!" His directive, fueled by the gravity of the situation, prompted Dustin and Erica to reconsider their escape and reassess the unfolding danger.

With a subtle yet firm touch, Jackie gently squeezed Mike's arm, unwittingly activating a shadow jump that whisked them away from the facility in an instant. As their surroundings shifted, the last scene etched in their minds was the distressing sight of Steve and Robin being seized by Russians, the urgency of the situation imprinted in the fading echoes of their disappearance.

𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐄 𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐉𝐔𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄. In the grip of panic, Jackie's distress escalated, and Mike observed her closely. A surge of anxiety compelled her to lift a trembling hand to her chest, succumbing to hyperventilation. "M— Mike.. Steve— Robin— Russians! Erica and Dustin! Gone!" she exclaimed in a frenzy, prompting Mike to envelop her in a comforting embrace. "It's gonna be okay," he reassured, his hand soothingly rubbing her back as she sobbed into his chest. "But, what about Steve and Robin! They were taken by Russians! They could seriously get hurt!" she cried out, torn between fear and worry, her emotions palpable in the conflicted turmoil of her words.

Gently withdrawing, Mike met Jackie's gaze, delicately lifting her chin to ensure eye contact. "They're gonna be okay. You saw Steve fight that Russian; he'll try it again. Winning might be unlikely, but Robin will likely step in to save them both," he reassured, his words carrying a blend of hope and realism.

Locking eyes with Mike, Jackie gradually regained composure and nodded. "But, what about Dustin and Erica?" she inquired. Mike, suppressing the truth to soothe her, tightened his lips. "I— I saw them go through some vents to get away," he admitted, his well-intentioned lie crafted to maintain Jackie's sense of calm.

Unbeknownst to him, Mike's statement coincidentally aligned with the reality of Dustin and Erica's situation.

"Okay," Jackie replied in a composed tone, her hand held by Mike's reassuring grasp. "How 'bout we go inside the mall? We can find a place to hide and figure out where Dustin and Erica are," Mike suggested calmly, earning a nod of agreement from Jackie. "I think we should check on El too," she added, expressing concern for their friend amidst the chaos.

Mike's eyes slightly widened as the realization hit him; he had forgotten about El in the midst of the turmoil. Post the intense altercation with Jackie, he found himself grappling with newfound feelings. "Are you sure?" Mike questioned, and in response, Jackie raised her hand, gently placing it on his cheek.

Their eyes locked, and a subtle smile curved on Jackie's lips. "Yes. We need to make sure she is okay," she affirmed, a shared understanding passing between them in that fleeting moment of connection.

Caught in the spell of Jackie's eyes and captivating smile, Mike momentarily lost track of his surroundings. He snapped out of his reverie when he saw Jackie's expression shift into confusion and concern. "Mike, are you okay?" she inquired, her worry palpable in her words.

Smiling nervously, Mike nodded slowly. "Y— Yeah! Let's go!" he chuckled, earning a soft, happy look from Jackie. They headed towards the mall, but it finally dawned on Mike that there was something he had just realized.

I like Jackie Byers and I have the moment I met her.

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