Chapter Forty-Four

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Eternity was only desired when you were in an oblivious bliss, which is what Alessia Trent was tangled up in.

Whilst she danced with Dylan, I was left trapped in Matt's arms. I was glad that Alessia could find joy in the same way that I often could—through Dylan, though I was not glad to be wrapped in a predator's embrace.

But Alessia didn't know this, and she didn't want to as she melted into Dylan's wondrous hazel eyes. Dylan held onto her tightly, guiding her through the dance and pulling her away from people that tripped into her. She felt safe—as I often did with Dylan.

"You look nice," Dylan said, making Alessia flush.

"Just 'nice'?" She asked, watching Dylan laugh. She couldn't help but wonder if Dylan had paid me a better compliment, and she was right. And he didn't just do it once, he showered me with differing compliments all night.

"Well," Alessia said, admiring Dylan in a suit, "you look nice, too." It was now Dylan's time to flush. He averted her eyes, feeling awkward in his humble and modest way. He was used to dishing out the compliments, but not getting them back.

When the song changed, it was to yet another slow song, and Alessia felt her heart rejoice. She really liked Dylan, and she felt like she'd combust if she didn't tell him soon. Yet, she didn't want to. Alessia didn't feel confident enough that Dylan would like her back, not when she knew that his heart belonged to Olivia.

As Dylan spoke, Alessia felt her eyes giving her away; they were entranced, focusing on his eyes and lips. Alessia thought that maybe Dylan knew by now how she felt, especially as they had shared more than just one kiss. And–oh–they were good kisses. Alessia could almost remember how Dylan's lips felt on hers, and probably would have if she wasn't shoved to the side moments later.

Dylan was being greeted by many people at that moment, and when the dance started to shift slightly, Alessia watched as Olivia fell back into his arms once more.

Dylan's eyes filled with love if that were at all possible, and his face brightened. Alessia felt her heart break. She thought that Dylan didn't care about her, and didn't even wait to see that he actually did as his eyes began to glance around the room, desperately looking for something. He was looking for her. But the tears were already spilling; she didn't have enough time to realise this.

She was now being stared at by a nearby table of people who had settled to eat. They shared whispers as they looked at her, and Alessia found herself biting the insides of her cheeks so that the tears wouldn't spill.

As Alessia rushed to the door, hoping for some fresh air, I realised, like most things, Alessia's Prom experience was in no way akin to mine. Despite the minor glitch, in which Matt promised to find me in my bed that night, my Prom night was spectacular. It was a night full of friends, memories, smiles and maybe even tears. But not the sad kind. Not this kind.

Alessia pushed open the clear door, stepping out into the warm evening of July the twelfth. She looked up to the sky, seeing swirling shades of pink and orange. The sunset was probably the only thing she'd want to remember from this night. It shimmered in the glance of her teary eyes, but it would still be something that she hoped would be engrained on her broken mind.

She took deep breaths, trying to mend herself before she would go back into the hall again. Just when she felt her tears dry up and hope return, a figure appeared in front of her.

The person hummed. It was Kiara. Alessia immediately straightened, tensing against the brick wall she was leaning against.

"You actually came," Kiara said, eyes wide as she placed her hands on her hips. "You can't imagine how surprised I am." She continued. Alessia said nothing, holding her breath and waiting for the horrible insult that Kiara was going to throw at her.

Instead, she reached out, fingers lightly touching a tendril of Alessia's hair. "Your hair looks pretty like this," she said, eyes full of wonder. Alessia frowned, watching her.

Kiara dropped the strand. "Why are you here, Alessia? You have no friends, no need to be here. So why?" She asked. Alessia gulped, watching Kiara. "Is it because of Dylan?" She asked.

Alessia had to admit, that deep down, that was a very good reason why she was here tonight.

She swallowed, "I have as much of a right to be here as you do." She said.

Kiara laughed, holding her hands up in mock defence. "Watch the dig, I'm just curious."

Alessia watched her, waiting for her big move. But it never came. Alessia frowned, "Why aren't you hurting me? Or insulting me?" She asked accusingly.

Kiara cocked her head to the side, seemingly startled. "Do you want me to?"

Alessia shook her head, "Not particularly, but it's what you always do anyway."

Kiara smiled, nodding. "True, but maybe I'm trying to be nicer now," Alessia could hardly believe that, so waited for another motive. "I want to start college with a clean slate, that means clearing up...mess here first, so, I'd like to tell you that I'm sorry."

Alessia's eyes widened, her mouth agape. "Really?" She asked, at a loss for words.

Kiara nodded, smiling. "But first, I want to let it all out; give you an honest rundown of everything I think about you." Alessia frowned but didn't question it.

"You have pretty features," Kiara began, eyes on Alessia's face, "but thrown together in the way that they have been, they look haphazard. A mess." Alessia's smile fell. Was this Kiara's big move? "You're slim, which I guess is good, but you're just bones. No guy is ever going to like you because you're simply just a seventeen year old stuck in a ten-year-old's body."

Kiara shrugged, reaching out to twirl some of Alessia's hair around her index finger. Alessia wanted to break away and smack her hand away from her face, but she didn't know what she would do after that. "Though maybe that's part of the reason that Dylan doesn't like you—Olivia is, after all, way prettier than you. And not to mention her personality; she's loving, friendly and caring. You're just...well, you're stupid, unpopular and...kind of one of those people that you never want on your team in PE because you'll just let us down."

Alessia could feel tears pricking at her eyes, but she wouldn't let them spill. She wouldn't show weakness under Kiara's harsh stare.

"Is that what your parents think about you? You're a disappointment? Because I can see it. And now you're all getting evicted; back off to troll land you go." Kiara leaned in, whispering, "No one as poor and as worthless as you should have ever been allowed to buy a gown so pretty anyway. You make the dress look ugly."

Prom went on behind them. No one noticed them. No one cared. That was the way that Alessia's life seemed to work.

"So," Kiara said, leaning backwards, "I am sorry, truly sorry that this," she spat, gesturing to Alessia's face and her body, "is what you've got to deal with for the rest of your lonely, lonely life." Suddenly, Kiara clapped her hands together, startling Alessia. "Well, that's it, I just thought I'd give you one last message—something to remember me by. Now, how about a picture? I think a picture would be great."

Kiara whipped her phone out suddenly, positioning herself against Alessia and pulling her roughly into the frame of the picture. Then she snapped it, let go of Alessia and grinned down at the end product.

"Beautiful," Kiara commented, "well, me, not you," she slipped her phone back into her clutch, frowning when she saw Alessia's face. "Oh," she said, placing her finger under Alessia's chin and raising it, "chin up, buttercup, you've still got two hours left to say the rest of your goodbyes; you can't ruin your makeup yet! Especially not when it makes you look a mere 5% better than your usual 10."

With that, Kiara shoved Alessia back into the wall before sauntering away.

Alessia clutched onto her chest, suddenly inhaling and exhaling way too fast for her to be able to catch up. She felt empty inside, as though Kiara had just torn away all that was possibly left inside of her and shattered it.

Alessia felt shattered.

And so did I.

I had never known Kiara to any more than loving, and protective of her friends; I could be nothing but ashamed of her at this moment. It was as if she was a devil dressed as an angel. Sure, I had seen Kiara fight my side of the battle, and always win. She would do anything for my happiness, but perhaps that was her undoing—and Alessia's.

Kiara could pretend that she was her own person all she liked, but it was just so obvious now how she wasn't. She was easily influenced by many things and would drop everything for me anytime. Johnny also has this weird unspoken rule over her; she likes him, a lot, and she'd do anything for his approval. Even bully a girl to no ends. She'd do anything for me too, but I'd never ask this of her.

After that, Alessia dragged herself back inside, but to the cloakroom and not to the dance floor. She swapped her heels for trainers, pulled up her dress, and tucked herself into her coat.

Just before she left, she glanced into the hall once more. A slow dance was playing, and she didn't have to look for long before she saw Dylan and me dancing. When Dylan brushed a kiss against my—Olivia's—cheek, Alessia knew she was done here.

And not just done here, but done everywhere, at every time in every possible way.

For Alessia, enough was enough.


hey I edited this on my new laptop


back on my phone now though yayyy

also this chapter is so long 😳😳

you're welcome

-hi I'm Chloe and I napped for 4 hours by accident


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Lilo - Lauren Aquilina
Bullet - Ann Marr
Carry You - Ruelle
Hanging On - Ellie Goulding
Vincent - Ellie Goulding
Madness - Ruelle
Pray - Bebe Rexha
Waiting - Aquilo
Rival - Ruelle
War Rages On - Alex Clare
Champagne - Lia Marie Johnson


Date written:
13/10/18 (legit deep how fast I wrote this 😳 – 12/03/19)

Next update: Saturday


As the end draws in closer, Alessia begins to drown in a sea of lost hope.

There is nothing more to be done.


six & epilogue

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