Chapter One

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A beeping sound was heard from beside me. My first instinct was to groan and flail around in my bed, trying to look for the source of the noise. My hand hit something and knocked it off the side—the beeping stopped. I smiled and relaxed into my bed. And then I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach.

Then it all came back. As a bad dream always does. Fast, and later than it should do. I shot up in my bed, pulling up my pyjama top, which I don't remember putting on, and looking for a stab wound. There was nothing there. I placed my palm over my racing heart and exhaled in relief.

But then I looked up. This isn't my room. A sudden thought jolted through my head, echoing in a voice that...wasn't mine.

Great, school again. Damn my life.

I frowned. School? I don't go to school. I finished school earlier this year with two C's, two B's, four A's and three A*'s. Pretty sure I'm finished.

Nonetheless, I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and pattered over to the window. I peered out of it. Where the hell am I? I had no idea what street I was on, but I vaguely recognised my surroundings.

Frowning, I turned around and found a mirror. I moved over to it, ready to relax my unruly brown hair. Then I froze. The girl looking back at me wasn't me. I fell backwards in shock and landed on the floor with a thud. Now closer to the mirror than before, I pushed myself off the reflection so fast that I nearly broke my hand. Or—her hand.

I swallowed. Staring back at me wasn't brown haired, brown eyes Olivia Clark; it was brown-haired, green-eyed Alessia Trent. The girl who had stabbed me in my nightmare.

I sat as far away from the mirror as I possibly could, just staring at the reflection in the mirror for what seemed like hours. Then, I took a deep breath and crawled back over to the mirror. At first, I stopped a metre away, but I needed to know—I need to know if this was real or if it was just a facade.

I got so close that, when I sat cross-legged, my knees touched the mirror. I tucked my legs underneath me and rose onto my knees, leaning into the mirror. Green eyes, light skin, brown hair, gorgeous lips, a button nose. I was Alessia Trent.

I held onto the chest of drawers beside me to stabilise myself as I pulled myself up off the floor. What the hell is going on? Am I dead? Is this the afterlife?

If that nightmare was real, I am inside my killer's body. A shiver ran down my—Alessia's—spine. I reached up and touched the porcelain skin that covered Alessia's face. It was soft and completely clear of any blemishes. She's pretty, I'll give her that.

But through Alessia's eyes, everything was dimmer. It was as if someone turned the contrast up, the brightness down, and the clarity up. Everything was so dark, and nothing around her held any beauty. It was all strikingly horrid. I blinked.

Okay. Fine. I'll play your game. You stab me, I die, now I live your life.

"I'm giving you one day, and then I'm either dead, or you put me back in my body." I had no idea who I was talking to, but I was more caught up in the fact that Alessia's voice spoke my thoughts.

I turned away from the mirror, wanting to see nothing more. I picked up the alarm clock that I had killed and grimaced as I saw that I had broken off some random plastic part. But it still ticked, so I guessed that it was fine. The time read 7:30 am. School started at 8:30 am. I had no idea where I was, and so no idea how to get to school; I was going to be late.

I closed my eyes, inhaled, and then exhaled. I am Alessia Trent, not Olivia Clark, and I will survive this school day.

I span around in her room in a daze for a few moments. I had never been in Alessia's room before—never mind her house; I had never really been close to her. I went straight to her wardrobe, but upon seeing an array of really extravagant frocks, I shut the doors.

Anticipation burning throughout me, I  walked over to the drawers beside her vanity and rifled around in there, searching for her winter uniform. Wait, is it still October?

My heart hammered in my chest and I grew dizzy very quickly. I backed over to her bed and sat down, feeling as the springs complained under my weight. Alessia's phone buzzed on her bedside table. I picked it up hesitantly, seeing that it was just a reminder, which read 'wake Dad up at 7:40'.

Instinctively, I placed my thumb over the home screen button, staring down at the phone with wide eyes when it opened. I mean, of course, it would. But with Alessia's thumb—it was just a shock; I really am Alessia Trent.

The first thing that I noticed when it opened was the date on the calendar—Monday 11th. I did a double-take. It was Saturday when I died. And it was the 17th of September.

I hesitantly opened the calendar, and it showed me the date. The day, the month, the year. All were different. It was Monday, the 10th of October 2016—a whole year ago. I think I almost passed out then and there.

Breathe in, breathe out. Okay, if it's last year then—

Exams are coming up.

Shoot, do I really have to go through this again?

I sighed, placing the phone down and plugging it into the charger I found on the floor. Now I had to wake up Alessia's dad, supposedly, and I had no idea where he was.

I left Alessia's room and looked around. Which room? I felt like an intruder.

I bet he's passed out downstairs.

It was another thought from Alessia, and one I greeted gratefully; I now knew the whereabouts of her dad.

I found the staircase and walked down the stairs, cringing as every step creaked. When I got to the bottom, I had to jump over a swarm of empty beer bottles. I walked past the front door and felt a slight breeze coming in. I frowned as I immediately found a large gap between the door and the wall. These aren't suitable living conditions.

I continued walking around her home and found her living room quickly; the loud blare of the television gave it away. I crept over to her dad, who reeked of beer and smoke. I switched the television off and shook his shoulder. It didn't work. So I did it more roughly. He woke up slightly and started swearing. He saw me and grunted.

"Move." He waved around at me and I dodged his hand, falling into the table as I backed up. He picked up his mobile from the side and switched it on. Then he swore.

"You brat!" He exclaimed, eyes on fire as he jolted upwards. My eyes widened and I began to move backwards.

"You woke me up late!" He yelled, shoving the phone into my face, displaying the time as 7:46 am.

"It's only six minutes," I muttered. Then a fury broke out in him, and in one flash of a movement, he threw me against the door. The door handle caught my back and I yelped. But he wasn't done. I screeched and ran for my life, fleeing the way I came. I jumped over the beer bottles as his fingers scraped the fabric of my top. I squealed; my legs not moving fast enough as I sprinted up the stairs.

"I'll get you later, brat!" Alessia's dad yelled up the stairs and I flinched as I ran to Alessia's room, slamming the bedroom door behind me.

My heart was hammering against my chest as I slid down the wood of the door, leaning my head back against it. I can't do this. Alessia's life already looks horrid and it's only 8 am on a Monday morning. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

"I promised one day. And that's all you're getting. Then I want out." I spoke, as if to Alessia, or to whoever put me in this godforsaken body.

Then I pushed myself off the floor, and prepared to go to school as Alessia Trent, and not as Olivia Clark. One day.


this is going up slightly later than I would've wanted but late it is

late but great lmao


Next update: Tuesday

Shall we copy the hollows layout and do spoilers too??

I'm thinking yes, let me know if I shouldn't and I should just be original/stop copying myself


Olivia Clark goes to school as Alessia  Trent with her head held high.

But what she finds may have her ducking and hiding by the end of the school day.


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