Chapter Two

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There were various holes in Alessia's schoolbag, so I chucked it into the corner of the room and searched for another one. I found a pretty cute black backpack that looked and smelt as if it had never been used before. I checked Alessia's planner before rifling around on her shelf for the right school books.

Once the bag was done, I stood up from the floor and admired how Alessia looked in the school uniform. To be honest, she had never looked better. I had managed to get Alessia's unruly hair up into a half-up, half-down hairstyle that contained her hair but still let it frame her face. I had done my usual makeup on her. Not that she really needed it.

I found her school shoes by her bin and peered at them. They weren't bad, but they also didn't look clean. I sucked it up and pulled them on. I chucked deodorant, spare makeup and a hairbrush into Alessia's bag before I faced the door. I had heard the front door slam about ten minutes ago, but I was still absolutely terrified. I gripped Alessia's phone tightly, noting that I only had ten minutes to get to school.

And then I broke free.

I sprinted down the stairs, leapt over the beer bottles, ripped the door open and slammed it behind me. I breathed out a sigh of relief. Now, to school.

Having no idea where I was going, I decided to just walk whilst I searched up the school on Google Maps. I looked up to see where I was going briefly when I spotted a newsagent. Score; I could ask for directions in there. I slipped my phone into my pocket and opened the door, hearing the bell chime as I did so.

"Lessie, dear!" I jumped in shock but tried to make it look casual as I took to the first aisle I saw.

"Alessia, aren't you even going to say hi to your old Nells!" The woman laughed and my eyebrows shot up at Alessia's name. I slowly rose from where I had bent down to look at some prices and peered at the old woman at the till. She laughed at me so I waved awkwardly.

"Hi, Nells!" I grinned, hoping that I had the right name. When the woman chuckled, I figured that it was her name.

"What brings you here so early, Less?" She asked as I walked into another aisle. Oh, you know, just trying to find directions to a school that I've been going to for over four years, nothing much.

"Getting breakfast," I replied. "And lunch," I added, after remembering that I hadn't packed anything.

The woman laughed, "that's a little adventurous for you, eh?" She joked and I joined in with her laughter. I found a croissant for 79p, a sandwich for £1.50 and a drink for £1, then I realised that I didn't know if I even had money on me. I put the items down and rifled through Alessia's blazer.

I found an envelope, opening it with a frown. Seeing what was inside, I did a double-take and swore under my breath. Enclosed was eight £50 notes. What the hell?

Well I, couldn't bloody well use those in a newsagent.

So I put the envelope away and did some more searching, finding a crumpled up five-pound note. Score. I picked up my items and carried them over to 'Nells'. She grinned at me and scanned the goods as I took my bag off my shoulders.

"That looks new." She commented, pointing at my bag.

I grinned. "Yeah, I picked it up in a sale over the weekend." I smiled and 'Nells' grinned at me.

"That's £3.29, dear." She said and I handed over the five-pound note. She registered it before giving me back my change.

"Hey, Nells," I spoke hesitantly, and the woman rose an eyebrow as she handed me my change. "I heard some silly talk that the road on the way to school is closed, is that true?" I asked. I was placing a real bet here. I just hoped that if I got this whole thing completely wrong that I could lie myself out of the situation.

The woman laughed, the creases around her eyes reaching out as she did so. I put my change into my blazer pocket and undid my bag.

"Honey, even if the roads were closed, it wouldn't matter. You love your forest shortcut too much to ever use the roads." She joked and I breathed out a sigh of relief that she didn't pick up on my weirdness. Then I joined in with her laughter as I put my food away.

I slipped my bag back onto my back. "Well, I should get going, or I'll be late," I said with a grin.

"Like you'd care." The woman joked and I chuckled before waving and leaving. Once the door was shut behind me, I sprung into action.

Forest shortcut. Forest shortcut. Where the hell is the forest shortcut? Damnit. Damnit.

I crossed the road and took a right toward what looked like a woodland. When I rounded the corner, there it was—Dearn Forest.

I held nothing back and pelted towards it, not changing my speed as I dashed through the forest. Alessia Trent will not be late. I don't care who controls her body.

I spotted a clearing and forced myself to go faster. I slowed down when I got there, jogging through the exit. Across the road, I spotted our school—here we are.

I checked the road three times before running across it, speeding down the school drive, arriving at the school entrance about five seconds before the first bell rang. I watched as a receptionist silently applauded me as I rushed in. I laughed in response but didn't have much time to banter.

I walked into Alessia's registration class as everyone was settling down. That's when I should have realised. Not only was this Alessia's registration class, but it was also mine. This was Olivia Clark's registration class.

Instinctively, I moved over to the far left of the room, where I usually sat during registration time. But when I saw that it was occupied, I realised that I was not Olivia Clark, freezing when I saw the real Olivia Clark.

Yes. I, Olivia Clark, in Alessia Trent's body, am seeing myself. That's when I realised that this was Olivia Clark's registration class, as well as Alessia Trent's.

I watched as the real Olivia Clark burst out into laughter suddenly, shoving Dylan's shoulder. A spark of jealousy shot through Alessia and I frowned. I couldn't understand Alessia's emotions, nor how I could possibly feel them, but I was suddenly staring at my group of friends.

Ked, one of my friends, soon caught me staring. "Earth to Alessia." He waved his hand around in front of me.

"Trent, sit down and look alive, please." The teacher hollered from the front of the room, and the whole class erupted into laughter. To me, it sounded like a joke, and I even found it funny. But to Alessia, it was an attack. Seeing all those people laugh at her made her feel inferior and silly. She hated being the centre of attention. She hated being belittled. And so her legs started working before I told them to. She found a spot at the very back on the right side and sat down. On her own.

I thought Alessia had some kind of friends, doesn't everyone? Or at least people that she can talk to. But as seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to boredom, I realised that Alessia really was alone.

With my chin on my hand, I found myself gazing over at the real me and my friends. Whilst Alessia longed for Dylan, I longed for my old life back. I sighed. One day.


Her Life is back and here to steal you away from your own life

Woah...this is an undercover mission


we need the doctor
(Doctor Who reference I'm so sorry)


Next update: I'm thinking Thursday? What are you thinking?

CHAPTER THREE SPOILER: (because it's fun)

As Olivia watches her own self through Alessia's eyes, she also watches as revelations about Alessia's school life are revealed before her own eyes.

And they are not positive revelations.


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