Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I found Lucas standing between a row of bookshelves, sighing against the section on criminology.

"Lucas," I whispered, grabbing his attention as I slowly walked over to him.

His eyes flashed when he saw me, and he quickly rubbed at his eyes, "What do you want, Alessia? To drive the knife in further?" He asked bitterly.

She really had broken his heart; I had never witnessed Lucas talk in this way to Alessia before.

"I'm really sorry," I began, nearing him and watching him try to avoid meeting my gaze. "I said all those things because I was scared—I meant none of them."

Lucas scoffed, "Alessia, you quite blatantly have a crush on Dylan, you didn't need to tell me for me to know."

I shook my head, "I know, and I do," I said, feeling as though I wasn't lying as much as I should've been. I was trying to play the role of Alessia Trent, who loved Dylan, but I suddenly felt as though I wasn't just drooling lies.

"But I care about you, too, Lucas; I was afraid of what that would look like. I–" I began, unsure of what to say. I had reached him and was about ten centimetres away from him now. "I guess I'm very stubborn, and I'm scared to admit that you're right and I'm wrong," I said, making him frown.

"I can't love Dylan," I whispered, my breath hitching in my throat. "He loves Olivia," I said, almost believing it myself. "And I love you."

"Alessia, wha–"

It was then that I smashed my lips–Alessia's lips into his. It took a while for him to respond, but we were soon wrapped up in each other's embrace, kissing each other.

When we were finally done, Lucas pulled away and frowned at me. I shrugged, sharing a quick laugh with him.

"You're the most unpredictable person I know, Alessia Trent." He said, reaching out and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

I smiled, "Isn't that a good thing, though?" I asked, making him consider this.

He shrugged, "Possibly, but not when you're breaking my heart." He teased, making me look away.

"Hey," he said, placing a palm to the side of my face and bringing my eyes back to him, "I forgive you for that." He said, smiling down at me.

I beamed at him, watching as he pulled away to check the time. He pressed a kiss to Alessia's forehead.

"We're late." He said.

I jumped away from him, checking the time on Alessia's phone. "Oh my god," I said.

Lucas laughed, "What's the rush?" He asked, "You are the least caring about punctuality  and attendance out of all the people I know." He said.

I grabbed onto his hand, pulling him along with me as I rushed through the library. "Yes, well, I haven't been feeling myself lately," I said, pushing open the door and running through it.

When I reached my History class, Lucas pulled me in for another kiss, which I had to push away from in order to not be severely late.

I left Lucas feeling giddy, walking into the classroom to see chaos. It appeared that our teacher was absent, and so I quickly made my way to my seat, unpacking and making it look as though I hadn't been late.

A substitute teacher suddenly appeared as a paper plane flew across the room. She watched it, eyes pierced. Everyone fell silent.

"Whoever that was, pick it up," she said, hands on her hips as she waited for someone to stand up. That's when Johnny stood up, surprising no one but myself. I didn't take History, and I was in only one of Johnny's classes in my old life. I had only assumed that he was distracted in that class because Dylan and I sat behind him; I wasn't aware that he actually lacked studious abilities.

He picked up all his planes, placing them in the bin and muttering an apology to the teacher. She scowled at him before she wrote our tasks on the board.

I immediately complied, needing to stay in tune with History since I didn't take it as a subject, and so basically needed to learn the stuff from scratch in order to even begin to compete with Alessia's classmates.

When the lesson was over, I skipped giddily to French, where Lucas wouldn't stop telling me, in French, how much he wanted to kiss me. How much he wanted to kiss Alessia. Only the teacher would be able to understand what he was saying, but she spent most of the lesson at the back of the class, lecturing those who continuously disrupted others.

"Que veux-tu faire après l'école?" He asked, making me laugh as I searched for a French word in the dictionary.

"You don't need to ask that in French," I told him, making him laugh too, "and who said we were doing anything after school?" I asked, making him shrug innocently.

I shook my head, smiling, "Maybe tomorrow," I told him, "I have a pile of overdue homework, and I still need to send Dylan on his merry way." I told him, making him laugh.

"Okay," he said, "mais je veux toujours t'embrasser." I smiled, shaking my head at him once more.

When the lesson was finished, Lucas and I found a small corner to kiss in, before I slipped into the toilets—despite his protests. He waited for me, grinning at me as I exited the toilets.

We walked down the corridor hand in hand, which wasn't much of a problem since no one was around this late after school.

"Okay," I said, pulling my hand away so that I could zip up my coat, "I'll see you tomorrow," I told him, reaching up to place a kiss on his cheek.

He smiled, lacing his fingers through mine, "Call me when you can." He said, making me beam. I nodded, before turning around to leave.

I found Dylan leaning against his car, thumbs tapping at his phone screen. I think I stopped for a moment and just smiled at him. I continued walking over to him slowly, exhaling as I prepared to say my goodbyes to him.

I was going to do that before Alessia pushed me out of the way and took control once more.

It wasn't so much a conscious decision of hers; this was, after all, her life, and her mind and her body. I could choose to interact with it, but, ultimately, if Alessia's emotions are too strong, they overrule everything else and send me pummelling backwards.

She picked up the pace, and Dylan finally glanced up, smiling when he saw Alessia as he tucked his phone away. When Alessia reached him, she ran into his chest, wrapping her arms around him.

Dylan was hesitant, and I could tell he was also slightly confused. Pulling back, he said, "I cancelled on Olivia for you," he told her, "are you okay?" He asked.

"You cancelled on Olivia?" She asked, shocked.

He smiled, "Well, we didn't have a set plan, but we usually hang out after school." He said, shrugging.

"That's sweet," she said, leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek before walking around to the other side of the car. She got in, belting up and waiting for Dylan to unfreeze before joining her.

"Where to?" He asked, switching on the engine.

Alessia pondered this for a second or two, "What about the cinema?" She offered.

Dylan grinned, "The cinema it is." He said, before pulling out of the school.

Alessia enjoyed the car ride, laughing as Dylan attempted to sing along to the radio. Dylan made several jokes, to which Alessia responded eagerly to, enjoying the sound of his laughter.

After Dylan's most recent failed attempt at a high note, he said, "Olivia usually sings louder to drown me out." He said, laughing.

Alessia laughed, though feebly. "I can't sing, so I'd just make it worse." She admitted, making Dylan laugh.

When they were pulled up in the cinema car park, Dylan left Alessia to search for films to watch as he bought a parking ticket.

Dylan returned to the car and quickly slipped in, turning up the heat, "It's cold out there." He said, shutting the door hastily.

Alessia laughed, "It is a cold time of the year." She said.

"What did you find?" Dylan asked, rubbing his hands together to create warmth.

Alessia noticed this, putting her phone down, "Are you really that cold?" She asked, watching Dylan nod. She smiled, "I know something that'll warm you up." She said, a smirk overcoming her lips. She unbuckled her seatbelt, stared into Dylan's eyes for a few moments, and then threw herself at him.

I watched in shock as Alessia swung herself onto Dylan's lap, surprising him. She leant down and pressed her lips against his, forcing him to comply as she pressed her hands to either side of his face. She pulled away to breathe, tracing the lines of his, what she thought, perfectly sculpted face with her index finger.


But Alessia swallowed out the rest of what he would've said with another forceful kiss, of which Dylan broke away from.

"Alessia, I don't want to–"

"Shh." She said, starting to untie his school tie.

I watched with wide eyes and little breath as Alessia Trent tried to make out with my best friend.

I watched with wide eyes and little breath as Alessia Trent sexually assaulted Dylan.


pretty much 🤷🏼‍♀️

on a lighter note

plot hole: Dylan drives at 16 years of age??

(solved: to be absolutely fair, I originally wrote this set in college but it didn't make sense, so they would've been 17/18)

fun facts for a Tuesday !!

-bye :)


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Holding Onto Heaven - Foxes
Way Down We Go - Kaleo
Her (Loving You) - Glades
I'll Hold My Breath - Ellie Goulding
Happy Tears - Cheryl
Wilder Than The Wind - Say Lou Lou
Fools - Lauren Aquilina
Promises - Aly & AJ


Date written:
22/09/18 (I wrote a lot on this day–written 15/01/19)


(end of an era)

Alessia's romantic fantasy is ended, but not quick enough for it to have not been seen.


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