Chapter Twenty-Seven

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By the time the new school week arrived, Alessia's plan to absolutely and irreversibly ruin me was in play. And it was succeeding.

When I, Olivia Clark, walked into school in the morning, arm linked through Dylan's, I received a few looks, and whispers were passed right before me. I suspected that maybe they had figured out that the vandalism was on my belongings, or that they were curious to why I missed several days of school.

I never for one second anticipated what the real problem was. Alessia was standing beside a girl from the dance team as she was at her locker, finding a spare CD full of all the songs we were using for the competition. Alessia watched, arms crossed as she leaned against the lockers, as Dylan and I walked through the corridor.

I didn't notice Alessia; she was unseen but saw everything. And she knew it.

She watched as I uncomfortably walked with Dylan past all the huddles of peoples, scowling as Dylan leaned down and whispered something to me.

I remembered what he had said.

"Don't worry, they're all staring at you because you look so pretty,"

Alessia watched as I beamed, then as Dylan pulled back and smiled down at me. She huffed, spinning around and facing the girl and away from Dylan and I. No matter what Alessia did, she noticed that I always remained content and happy. She feared that this would all blow over, and everyone would love me once more. After all, Alessia thought Olivia Clark was one of the most loved people in the school.

The girl from the dance team, Bailey, who Alessia hadn't cared to remember the name of, finally handed her the CD, smiling at her. Alessia pulled a fake smile before spinning around and striding away.

I honestly don't ponder for a minute how Alessia got in this state. She has absolutely no compassion in her body. Somebody finally stops, sees her and shows her kindness, and she can't even thank the girl.

There was also Lucas, the boy who cared most about Alessia. But she did not care even a fraction about him. She seemed to recoil at the presence of someone who showed her kindness. Maybe that's what bullying does to someone; she expects everyone to hate her, and so when they don't, she doesn't know what to do. So she hates them so that they'll hate her, and then she knows what to do. Then everything is normal again.

I couldn't help but also consider the possibility that her dad had something to do with her coldness. Alessia has obviously been abused, and for a while now. She bears scars both on her skin and in her mind. I can just tell. Maybe it has always happened, maybe he has never loved her, and maybe that's why she has never expected anything else from anyone else.

Dylan often tells me I'm so good and reading people, and that it's one of the most prevalent reasons why everyone is so kind to me. I can tell when someone is upset, and so I ask them if they're okay, I can tell when someone is happy, and so I ask them what they're happy about, I can tell when someone is annoyed at me, and so I confront them. It means I have hardly any enemies and many friends.

It may be a trait that Dylan loves about me, but it's Alessia's least favourite trait of mine. She thought she'd have to avoid my eyes for fear of being found out for vandalising my locker and possessions—as if I would ever be able to read someone that skillfully.

Alessia walked towards the library, seeking some quiet time. She sat down at one of the tables, pulling out all the many pieces of homework that were now overdue. I guess this is what happens when I leave Alessia to her own devices.

Alessia sighed, pushing it all to the side and pulling out her sketchbook. She flicked through the pages until she found her drawing of Dylan. She was almost finished. She just had to get the ears and the jawline right.

When it was finally complete, she beamed down at it, satisfied with her work.

"Nice work," someone said. She jumped, looking up to see Lucas hovering behind her. His eyes flicked between the drawing of Dylan and her face, appearing almost hurt. She, of course, didn't see this but only an annoyance.

She huffed, turning back in her chair. "Go away, Lucas, I'm busy."

But Lucas did not go away. He instead joined Alessia, taking a seat next to her.

"Busy drawing Olivia's best friend?" He asked, gesturing casually to her drawing. She gritted her teeth.

"You're just jealous I'm not drawing you." She said, making him freeze. He frowned, the confusion overtaking the hurt as it suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"I'm not." He told her.

She scoffed, "Sure," she said, packing up her belongings, noticing that lunch was almost over.

"Look, Alessia, I'm only going to tell you this because I don't want to see you hurt," he said as Alessia began to pack up. "But I don't think Dylan likes you in that way," Alessia tried to ignore the words coming out from Lucas' mouth as she slammed her bag on the table. "Word is he's obsessed with Olivia and plans to ask her to prom," he told her, lurking behind her as she stuffed papers into her bag.

She shook her head, "You don't know Dylan, you can't be sure." She said, finally looking up at him.

He sighed, "Neither do you Alessia; Olivia has eight years on you."

Alessia froze, hand in her bag. "You're right." She whispered, making Lucas frown.

"I am?" He asked, probably shocked that he had convinced her so quickly.

"Yes," she said, "I need to spend more time with Dylan, allow him to get to know me better, as much as he knows Olivia." She said, suddenly feeling inspired.

She pulled out her phone, composing a text to Dylan that proposed that they meet after school to go out.

"That's not quite what I meant," Lucas said, though Alessia ignored him as she waited for a response from Dylan. "What are you going to do, Alessia? Lock Dylan up for eight years and get to know him?" He asked, slowly making Alessia angry. "He's not right for you, Alessia–"

"And what?" Alessia burst out suddenly, disrupting a few people who were still working. "You are?" She asked, not lowering her voice. "Is that what this is, Lucas? A profession of love?" She asked, mocking him.

He swallowed, not saying anything.

She scoffed, "It's a little too late, Lucas." She said, just as her phone beeped. Triumphantly, she showed Lucas Dylan's response, which agreed that they should meet up after school.

"Bye, Lucas." She said, not even noticing or caring when Lucas' face broke as she pulled her bag onto her shoulder. But I noticed, and it upset me to see it. She lacked compassion.

She turned to leave but was held back by Lucas as he grabbed onto her arm, forcing her to face him once more.

"You kissed back," he whispered, lips trembling.

Alessia rolled her eyes. "This again?" She asked, trying to wrench her arm from his hands.

"And all those hours we spent talking, at lunch, in registration, on the phone after school. Alessia, you can't just shut me down after that." He said, tears welling his eyes.

She yanked her arm away. "Get over yourself, Lucas, I don't care about you, or your kiss or your talking, leave me the hell alone. I don't love you. I love Dylan."

With that, she spun around and strode out of the library, fists clenched. But when she got outside, she was no longer herself.

I was sick of her breaking hearts, breaking friendships and breaking every good opportunity she got.

I took control of Alessia's body, and I took her back into the library.



or do we
who votes for Alessia??


- :)


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
no tears left to cry - Ariana Grande
Way Too Good - Lauren Aquilina
Beloved - Say Lou Lou
Dancing With The Devil - Marina Kaye
Rival - Ruelle
What A Heavenly Way To Die - Troye Sivan
I Am - Leona Lewis
When I Look At You - Miley Cyrus


Date written:

Next update: Tuesday


Olivia goes back into the library to fix what Alessia has broken.

But it doesn't take long for Alessia to break something else. And right under Olivia's nose.

Gonna put a slight warning on this coming chapter.


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