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Before Sirius knew it, February the fourteenth arrived. Sirius had a date to go to. A date that would hopefully help him solve a portion of his current mystery.

Sirius now stood in the Great Hall, waiting for his date.

"Hey Black."

Sirius looked up to find Olivia, who wore leggings underneath a long red skirt. She had a black, full sleeved top, her red hair flowing in curls. Her ears had hoop earrings, her face hinted at makeup with a pinkish-red lipstick sitting boldly on her lips. She held a coat on her arm to put on the overtop.

Overall, Sirius realized she did indeed look stunning.

"You look nice."

"You don't look too bad yourself." Olivia said, hitting Sirius playfully on the arm.

"Shall we?" Sirius asked, offering his arm.

Throwing on the coat, Olivia accepted his arm and the two headed off for the day.

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

After walking around for most of the day, going from shop to shop, the two now sat in Madam Puddifoot's. They were waiting for their order. Sirius looked at Olivia, who was glancing around the shop. Sirius' eyes dropped to her hands, and as he was hoping for he did find two rings, one on either hand. Although they didn't seem to match with the ring he was gifted, perhaps he thought that his secret admirer's ring may look different from his.

Olivia caught him staring and smirked, to which Sirius leaned forth and smirked in response.

"You know, I think the colour red suits you well." He said.

Olivia raised an eyebrow, "Personally I prefer colours like blue, black. But green brings out my eyes."

"Well, I don't know about that but," Sirius reached out a hand and touched her red hair, "I love seeing open hair. It makes me go crazy."

Olivia leaned forth, "Well good thing then that I leave my hair open for most days."

The two were mere inches apart now. Olivia's eyes flickered down to Sirius' lips.

"Sirius, I-"

"Here's your food." Madam Puddifoot said, making the pair jump apart, as the food was placed upon their table. Sirius had no clue what just happened. His intention wasn't a kiss but something about Olivia made him captivated. The two stole a glance at each other before beginning to eat.

Afterwards, the two headed off to the castle. Once back in the Entrance Hall, the two stood in silence.

"Thanks for today." Olivia said.

"Yeah, it was a nice day." Sirius replied.

"Bye then." And Olivia quickly reached up and placed a kiss on Sirius' cheek, before walking away, leaving Sirius to his thoughts.

Shaking his head, Sirius made his way to Gryffindor tower. Giving the password, he made his way through the portrait hole and into the common room. His friends were by the fireplace, but hadn't noticed Sirius enter due to the noise of the other students in the common room. Sirius walked over and dropped into the empty space by Peter, releasing a sigh.

The boys looked up from their individual tasks and looked at Sirius.

"So, Pads, how'd it go?" James asked, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Good. Had a nice time-"

"No, I mean did you find anything out?"

"Well, maybe she could be her."

Sirius fell quiet and silence echoed back from the other three friends.

"Meaning?" Remus slowly drew out.

Sirius released a long sigh, his hands going to grab his head as he bent over.

"Meaning it feels as if she has- is trying to tell me something but maybe my mind is overthinking. Some of the clues do match and maybe she is the one. But those mixed signs are leaving me confused, it would be totally weird if it wasn't her and I confronted her."

"Hold up." Peter piped up suddenly, "didn't you ask for her scent, like a perfume or something?"

At this, Remus and James turned their eyes from Peter to Sirius in a way demanding well did you?

Sirius shrunk in his seat, shifting uncomfortably. "I may or may not have forgotten."

Peter shook his head, James shut his eyes and Remus pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Well, maybe actually use our advice if you want to find her." Remus growled out, glaring down at Sirius who gulped and looked down at the ground.

"I will, Moony. I'll do it now if you want-"

"Go." Remus spat out in a dangerous voice.

Without being told twice, Sirius immediately ran for it and slammed the door behind him in his dormitory. He hurriedly grabbed his diary from underneath his pillow, which was its home for the day while at night it would be in his school bag. Sirius flipped open to the latest page being used and found a message to his slight surprise.

Your black hair is like soft leather of a jacket,

Your striking grey eyes are captivating like the striking gaze of an eagle,

Your voice feels hypnotizing like the moving sound of music.

You, Sirius Black, have me wrapped around your finger.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Sirius smirked at first before smiling, his ego having inflated from the poem before a gentle expression sat upon his face. He quickly scribbled a reply.

You are as familiar yet unfamiliar,

You have me lost in your thoughts,

All I want to do is unravel the mystery called you.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Sirius released a sigh, pleased with what he wrote before writing below that poem.

One step in uncovering that mystery would be asking for your scent, your most favorite and used perfume? Will you please spray some and send it to me in a letter?

As Sirius was about to close the diary, the familiar cursive writing appeared, making the latter stop in his tracks.

That desperate huh, Padfoot?

Well, if I must, I'll send my favourite perfume right away, although if you plan to sniff me out, I'm not sure if you would be very successful.

Sirius smiled triumphantly.

Thank you so much darling.

Sirius scribbled back.

I must run, Sirius, for I don't want to miss dinner and I suggest you do the same. Goodbye for now.

Sirius wrote back a reply.

Catch you around.

He got a reply back immediately.

Hopefully I won't be caught a little too soon.

Sirius tilted his head.

Would it be that bad?

The boy waited for a reply.

Perhaps, it would be best if the truth came out when I willingly stepped into the open. If I had wanted to, I could have revealed my identity in that first letter itself. But I'm not a Gryffindor like you, I am not "brave" as you lot are often referred to as.

I'm trying to build up the courage, but I'm afraid of this beautiful dream shattering into pieces if you don't like the real me.

Sirius sighed, feeling slightly hollow at those words.

Darling, I want you. I know you're beautiful in every way, and there's a chance whatever we share can blossom into something more.

Sirius stared at the parchment, awaiting a reply but when nothing appeared he went to close the diary. Suddenly, at the last second, more words appeared.

I don't know, Sirius. I feel as if I've just made a mistake by taking this step, by beginning to send letters to you. I think I've just set myself up for heartbreak.

Sirius panicked at those words.

But if what you're saying is true, then there's no turning back now. I'll accept whatever is waiting for me in the future.

Sirius relaxed at that.

Well, I hope that future involves me.

Well Black, don't be so full of yourself. At the end of the day, I'm a strong, independent woman. I write my own story.

Now enough chatting, I need to go because my friend is getting cranky because she's hungry and I'm taking too long. Bye.

Sirius smiled. This was the side of the secret admirer loved. A teasing, strong side.

You are capable of doing anything.

Bye beautiful.

With a gentle smile painted on his lips, Sirius put the diary carefully into his school bag. As he grabbed the doorknob to leave the dormitory, a sudden pecking erupted at the window, making him halt. Turning around, Sirius felt an euphoria fill him as the same little owl was hovering at the window. He hadn't expected the scent to be delivered so quickly.

Rushing forth, Sirius thrust open the window, letting the owl in. The owl perched itself on his right shoulder.

"Well, hello there, once again."

Sirius' eyes trailed to the parchment in the tiny creature's beak.

"May I?" He asked, holding a hand out, to which the owl leaned forth and placed it in his hand, hooting at Sirius.

"Thank you."

Sirius eagerly ripped apart the envelope, pulling out a parchment.

Here's what you wanted, Black. Not sure how you'll make use of this but oh well. I sprayed the bottom, blank area of the parchment.

Sirius raised the parchment to his nose, and inhaled deeply. His nostrils flooded with the scent, and his head felt dizzy. It was strong indeed. It was a wonderful, captivating scent. It was a mix of vanilla, honey and rain.

Sirius fell onto Peter's bed, the closest to the window and sighed dreamily.

He could smell this all day.

The owl had fluttered off his shoulder and watched him curiously from the windowsill. Sirius fed the animal a treat before letting it fly into the night.

Sirius smirked devilishly.

His secret admirer had no idea what big of a clue she had handed over to Sirius.

*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

"So, have you been able to trace the scent to anyone?" James asked one day as the four headed back to Gryffindor class, after their final class which was Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Sirius' shoulders slumped down. "No, not yet."

A week had passed since Sirius had received the parchment with the favorite perfume of his secret admirer. The only problem was that he hadn't run into any of his suspects to actually know what scent was on them.

As if fate had read his mind, right at the end of the corridor, he saw Olivia Walker, who was walking determinedly in the Marauders' direction.

"I guess I'll be able to check on one person right now." Sirius said. The boys stopped, looking at Sirius in confusion but as they followed his line of vision they realized what he meant.

Olivia Walker strutted up to the group confidently, her eyes dead set upon Sirius.



"Can I talk to you?" Olivia's green eyes quickly swept across his friends. "In private?"

Sirius nodded, "Sure." He looked over his shoulder at his friends, who didn't need to be told twice and the three of them walked past the pair, rounding the corner, leaving Sirius and Olivia alone in the corridor.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Sirius asked hesitantly. For some reason, the tone in Olivia's voice had caused his heart rate to get faster, he was moving from foot to foot slightly nervous.

Olivia peered into his eyes, a certain glint visible in them. Striking grey clashing with emerald green.

"Sirius, I wanted to tell you something.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


How is everyone? OK, so I can't wait to post the next few chapters like I'm excited! Hopefully you all like it as well! Let me know what you thought of this chapter, and tell me who your suspect is!Β 

Have a good day, bye!


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