𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 6: Meeting the Past

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Even though we crashed now
We are going to dance on the plane

Your best friend looks so beautiful. You had tears in your eyes as you behold her grown-up self. She looks so radiant and different. No longer the plain Jane from school and the no longer the topic of contempt from the pretty bullies at school.

She is the word "hot."

You look at her holding her at arm's length, "from now on, I call you Ms Hotness...You look great. What happened to you?"

Ms Hotness smile bashfully," I grew up, I guess...You look just as beautiful Vicky.."

You giggle, " I guess life treated as well during our Uni days."

She smiles a little, " Yeah...I'm glad I'm done studying...oh, here is someone coming for us."

You both look around and saw a guy clothe in a pristine suit. All the interns gather around him as he explains who he is. All the nervous interns smile and bow before him in a polite greeting. You so used to people constantly bowing when they're in your presence.

"Good morning. I'm Kang Young-in, your intern counsellor. I'm responsible for your well -being here at Kim and Chang Law Firm. I'll be in charge of placement after the three months are over; the lucky interns will get an opportunity to do their bar exams and be offered a permanent position in one of our six departments. So be diligent, efficient and committed to your task...come follow me.." He explains with a solemn face. You wonder, is it a mask to show his superiority, or does he naturally look like that. He is very handsome.

You all follow him like clueless sheep. You and Tala stood together. You look at the other interns. Some are fresh from university with dreams in their eyes. Some looked like they've worked and studied futhur to pursue a law career.

You walk into long hallways, and you peek at the different open offices, with people around their desks on computers writing or browsing out of 'thick ' law handbooks.Tala, with a whispering voice," I do hope we don't get the job to research cases. I'm tired of that.": her make-up face look a little pale of worry.

"I second that, you, "biting your bottom lip out of nervousness.

The group reached a big office, which looked like a meeting room. Mr Kang beckons all of you to take a seat.

You quickly sat down. Most of the lady interns look immaculately dress in power suits or pencil skirts, and high heels.

You had a light peach dress that fits you beautifully and tan, flesh-coloured high heels. You grew your hair out, and it's flowing around your face.

You feel like a grown woman. Grinning from ear to ear, you sat with anticipation of your placement.

"Mr Choi Soekjoon...and Ms Jung Eun, you'll be in office four-under Mr Jung -Corporate Finance..." six other interns were paired up.

"Wow, our own from Harvard law school, Ms Choi Victoria and Ms Bang Tala, Korea University graduates, you will be together under Mr Buyng Choi Yoon, practise head. His office is on the 5th floor -International Arbitration..."

He looks tentative at the two of you. More at your best friend who came from Korea University, one of the prestige Sky Universities. He is an Alumni. He looks amazed at your youthfulness. You must be brilliant.

He just shrugged—you and your best friend beam at each other.

The other interns are also placed in random office with supervisors appointed over them. The eldest one is from Ireland, Dennis Horan ...he had very light blue eyes and reddish hair. He is your team leader appointed over the interns.

Kim and Chang have an excellent reputation for gathering up and coming international graduate lawyers for internship. You and your best friend already pass your bar exam because you wrote it with the previous graduates. You are always on top of your classes.

You all clapped hands for him. Among them were two girls Sol-I and Jing-Li. They look highly professional in black attire. Two model looks- a -like likes. All the guy's eyes usually travel in their directions. They look cool and calm. Very beautiful. One graduate from Konkuk and one from Seoul National University.
Soli ( 22 years)

Jing-li (21 years)

You and your friend look giddy as you follow Mr Janet around as he walked with your names on a clipboard. He was escorting the interns to the supervisors or heads office.

You and Tala were part of the last one's  that is escorted. You were amazed at your supervisor. He was middle-aged and not at all full of himself. He just looks a little under the weather. The supervisor filled his table with files and some documents, and he was searching for something vigorously.

"Ohhh...Mr Kang, you've placed two young ones with me...Good. Girls welcome, as you see, I need a file called Shipping contracts. Kindly find it for me..."

You and your best friend start reorganising his table while he was sitting, exasperated with a cold cup of coffee.

You offer to make him a fresh cup. He was so grateful for that, after almost 30 min. You found the file under the wrong name and folder.

The day was hectic for the interns, but you like it a lot.
The two girls that all the males just wanted to know better invited you and your friend to eat brunch with them. They asked another young girl intern. Two older interns band together with the more senior male interns.

So the five of you decided to stick together. Sol-in and Jing -li both came from Busan. The new addition to your buddy -group. Taeyong is very pretty. She is born and bred from Jeju Island.

You decided to check out the Firms coffee shop. Your best friend complains about how hungry she is.

You found yourself a table in the corner that overlooks the beautiful garden area.

Sol-Im and Jing-Li ordered some type of sweet chicken and sides. With ginger ale drinks

You and your friend chose a sandwich, a croissant filled with cut pork of beef pieces, mozzarella cheese and salads with a Cappucino

Taeyong didn't want to eat because she had a filling breakfast at home. She is married to her Soulmate. She's 24 years old. She opts for hot chocolate and mini marshmallows.

You would like these girls even if they looked snotty at first. As a royal princess who has to go to school for most of her life as a commoner, you know what pride comes with the position, but your parents trained you and Jin-Goo to be humble and respectful.

You enjoyed your brunch talking about random stuff, getting to know each other. You, unfortunately, can't tell them everything, but you can tell them about your best friend, Jin-Goo .

"Omg, is it the hot political analyst from KBS news...whoa", Sol-In gushed. She was jumping up and down on her seat.

"Really, wow!!!...he won his first nomination as 'New presenter of the year 'in a News programme.@the Korean Artist Awards..." Jing-Li looks like she's going to faint.

You just shrugged and laughed it off. Jin-Goo became very popular in a few months.

Your best friend looked very nervous even spilt her hot chocolate. You wonder why she is so scared. You giggle because she had a massive crush on your cousin / best friend. You are one to talk because your affections for Namjoon didn't wane one bit. Jin-Goo was in contact with him, but he doesn't want you and Namjoon to communicate lest it hurts you in the long run if he meets his soulmate.

Hearing and thinking about Jin-Goo brought bittersweet memories back for Tala.

Waking up next to him at the Westin Hotel was one of her worse and best decisions she'd ever made in her life. Being so intimate with the guy she loved all her teen years (best moment) ...worse moment being nicely rejected for the second time, devastated her more than being rejected in middle school infront of all the students in a hallway.

She'll never forget the most painful experience she had. Y/n doesn't know what happened because she and Namjoon was the whole evening on the top terras.

That day she lost her innocence and self-respect. Luckily they were not tracked and or !heavily fined by the Moral System because they have yet to receive their soul marks. Under 20 years is perceived as "Puppy love."

Jin-Goo never loved her, maybe liked her a bit because she was his best friends...best friend. She locked her heart against love and hoped to receive Tarnished status when she receives her mark in  Two weeks taftero come and than if  will be Y/n's turn.

She sometimes wonders about him, and she never watches KBS news. It hurts too much.

Sol-In with wide eyes,"Jin-Goo is the word "hot'...I read in Dispatch that he is with that hot kpop singer from AOA Girlgroup, that turned actress and model...what's her name er ...Kim Seol-Hyun. yes!!"

Taeyong clapped her hand," O gosh...She is beautiful...hot television personalities always choose leggy models. She won a Blue Dragon Film Award, a Seoul Tv award in modelling, the best newcomer award,the most popular star awards KBS Drama awards, and She even got the Marie Claire Film Festival...rookie and rising star award. She is beautiful and talented."


Jin Goo girlfriend Seol-Hyun

You look at your best friend. You can see the deep, hurt expression in her eyes. You can't wait for her to meet her Soulmate so that she can experience genuine happiness and forget Jin-Goo once and for all. You, on the other hand, don't want to meet anyone now. Your life is a little complicated.

You believe that Namjoon already received his soul mark. Maybe he found his match, and to keep you from getting hurt, and you blocked your past with him out.

He is super famous now, global stars and Korea's pride and joy. His dating ban is lifted, and you've heard rumours about him and another female rapper.

It pains you to know that he might be involved with someone. Maybe your parents must arrange a marriage for you if you a blue/yellow string of even Tarnished. You trust your families judgement.

Jin-Goo wasn't that lucky, and he must wait for at least a few years before his parents can forcefully marry him off. It stressed him out because he is in love with Seo-hyun, and she is not Royal material. Whatever that means.

The girls laugh at the things they went through during their first day interning.

"They give us a lot of work, and I had to translate the client memoranda for our supervisor" you pull a face; due to your proficiency in English, you got the tasks set out for you.

"I had to help prepare meetings folders and trial preparations." Your best friend said.

Sol-In chuckled, " We, at my department I had to prepare transaction documents .."

They were discussing their work schedules. It will be a long and stressful three months.

You were laughing happily at the jokes Taeyong told about their older supervisors. Until Sol. In's phone chimed—a notification.

"Oh, my ....oh my god!!!"

She shamelessly jumps up as you all look at her with surprise. Taeyong and Jing-li snickers at the looks the other patrons gave your group. Tala giggle in her fist as Sol-in wave apologetically at the people around them. She looks cutely embarrassed.

"What is it? "You asked with amused eyes. She laughs loudly.

"Er....my favourite kpop band posted a Runbts episode. I can't wait to check it out. At what time are we "knocking off" today" she asked wistfully.

"O, great, are you part of the ARMY!" Taeyong pulls a face. She is a die-hard Twice -fan, a "Once."

"Don't judge...to come from a small company and in no time become global phenomena is no joke, so show respect?" She waves a finger at Taeyong, who just grins teasingly.

She lifts her arms in mock defence, " My apologies...girl, so, who is your bias."

You and Ms Hotness look wide eyes at each other. Omg. another die-hard fan. You just smile, feeling glad that the group has devoted fans.

"My bias is Seokjin...that is one handsome man...sorry to my future soulmate, but Seokjin lips and broad shoulders drive me crazy", she gushes dreamingly," ok, my bias-wrecker is Hobi, my hope and sunshine. He lit up every morning on a gloomy day."

Taeyong giggles and look at the two of you.

"And you two... which group are you standing?

" Got7...I like Jackson Wang as my bias..we were somewhat in the same friendship group at school...me, Vicky, Jin-Goo , Jackson and Namjoon. Same graduating class!" Your friend states nonchalantly.




"No way..and you just sit as if it's nothing. Wow ...You know some of the hottest guys in showbiz...gosh guys...did you date them.?", She looks at your friend with wide excited eyes.

You snort, "Not if you best friends with Jin-Goo ".

Taeyong smile wide cause she is a big fan of him," Aww...You could be such a cute couple; why didn't you date him? "You made a gagging sound.

"Oh please his like a brother and an overbearing watchdog," you lift your eyebrows, looking blankly at her.

Jing-Li smile, " Is Seo-hyun his soulmate."

You snort, "No, but he does have a soul mark. Unfortunately, based on his celebrity status, I cannot disclose such information."

Your best friend looks teasingly at you and then at your new friends, " ...but the Rapmonster liked my beautiful friend here...but never dated".

Everyone looks shocked at you. Dropped jaws, wide eyes and astounding facial expressions. They think you so lucky.

Sol-In with excitement, " OMG...how was he at school?"

You shrugged, "Quiet but way too intelligent. He is nice though he still breaks a lot of stuff ...I heard you call
him: the God of destruction. Quite a fitting description."

Sol-In clapped her hand in wonder, "Whoa....it's so surreal that we are sitting with two of the celebrity insiders."

You and your best friend just shook your head at the girls' antics.

After work, your best friend decided to invite you to her apartment for Kimchi. You want to hang out and catch up.

You were surprised at her cute apartment. She lives near Incheon airport, and they had to drive a little longer. Tala got her car.

You told your driver you'd be visiting your friend.

"Wow, friend...your car?"You look at her in admiration.

She giggles as she drove out from the firms parking.

"Don't congratulate me so fast... it's my halmeoni's. I'm still saving up for one. But I'm almost there...I just pray that I'll get the permanent job after the internship." She smiled with affection thinking about her grandmother.

"You love your grandmother, hey..."You glance at her.

"She's my anchor...the wind beneath my wings...I stayed with her during my student life...She supports me...I love her" she looked teary.

"How's your family doing?" you asked with interest.

Her face sombre up, "It's a long story..."

You furrowed your brows and didn't force matters. Her father was always a difficult man. You just kept quiet, and you know she has some prior issues with her family. From now on, you'll be there for her.

You laughed and caught up about your uni experiences. When you talked about Jin-Goo , she just clamped up.

In no time, you were out in traffic, and You arrived at a cute apartment block.

"Wow, are you staying all by yourself?" She was always a little worried
to be alone in prominent places.

"No, I'm living with my halmeoni, she gave me this apartment. It's near everything, the malls, hospitals, job opportunities. I like this neighbourhood. " she grinned.

She parked at the outside parking bays so that she can take you home later.

"I'm so excited to spend time with you" you hugged her as you walked up to the elevators to her apartment on the 6th floor.

She smiles, but she looks a little nervous. You wonder why. You, not a girl full of pride, even if you used to live in a palace. You still respect peoples lifestyles, poor or rich. No matter their status in life.

You reach a black door, and she uses her passcode to enter.

Just as you stand in awe of her cute, fabulous furnished apartment, a little whirlwind came out from nowhere through the hidden hallway.

" e'omma...!!!! e'omma !" a loud shriek got into your ears.

You look in awe at a replica of your cute best friend as if it's a throwback video from the past...You look with dropped jaws at your best friend, who looked as if she's about to cry.

."... Eomma?..who's the father?" You furrow your brows in confusion.

A/n Another update. I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter. 

Vicky started with the internship. Ms Hotness had some skeletons in the closet.

Question. Did you suspect any secrets?

Thank you for all the RM stands—your votes, comments and adding the book to your readers" list.

A shout out to the following accounts:@Authortius, @CoolJAROCKS @mikaellaTHKNJ2614

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