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Taehyung made his way towards Jeongguks apartment, the two meet two months ago for the first time and he felt himself falling for him every day a little more.

Jeongguk was a sweetheart, he was cute and so nice. He never imagined meeting someone so perfectly on a dating app. Taehyung smiled as he got in the elevator and got on the 4th floor.

He knew what the main reason for his visit was., he would ask Jeongguk to be his boyfriend. Taehyung didn't know if Jeongguk was ready but he would still try.

He stood in front of his door and ringed on the doorbell, a few seconds later Jeongguk opened the door, he looked surprised but as soon as he saw him he showed his bunny smile.

"hi baby," taehyung said and they kissed softly, Jeongguk kissed back and pulled back a second later. "what are you doing up here? you didn't need to come all the way up" He smiled and softly and run his hand up and down his arms. Taehyung pecked his pretty pink lips again and showed him his boxy smile.

" I couldn't wait to see you baby" He wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed his forehead, Jeongguk blush slightly at that and smiled brightly, getting goosebumps all over when taehyung touched him.

--------- (time skip cuz I'm a lazy bitch)

They ate the main course and Jeongguk wanted a dessert, and of course, taehyung knew that.

Jeongguk ordered strawberry and cream. He got excited as the waiter came with his dessert and his smile dropped as he saw what was on the plate.

Taehyung nervously looked at him as Jeongguk stared down at his plate, it felt like hours to Taehyung when Jeongguk finally looked up with tears in his eyes. Taehyung's eyes widen and his heart drooped.

"of course I want to be your boyfriend," Jeongguk said with little tears running down his puffy cheeks, he got up immediately and sat on his lap and hugged him tightly, Taehyung breath out in relieve and pulled him closer.

Jeongguk was so happy to be his boyfriend, the way he asked him was the sweetest thing he had ever seen."that so sweet of you" he whispered and kissed him softly on the lips.

He showed him his big bunny smile and his eyes shining so bright with little tears in them, Taehyung thought his heart couldn't take this."Baby please don't cry" he softly wiped them away with his thumb and kissed both his cheeks.

Jeongguk just smiled and looked him deep in the eyes, they intertwined their hands and didn't care about the other people around them, at that moment they only had eyes for each other.

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