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Jeongguk was frustrated, since he met Tae they only had sex three times. Two days ago Taehyung asks him to be his boyfriend and he really wanted to be intimate with him again, their first time was so perfect and hot, but the other times they got so shy all of a sudden. Maybe because they didn't know each other that well the first time they meet.

But Jeongguk just needed some action with his boyfriend and he's definitely getting some.


Jeongguk slept over at Taehyung's apartment and walked over to his boyfriend who made them snacks in the kitchen. He hugged him from behind and pressed his cheek against his nape. He smiled at the smell of his cologne and closed his eyes.

Taehyung smiled at the gesture and put his hand over his. "Is everything alright baby?" he looked over his shoulder and felt him press harder against him. Jeongguk just hmmed at him and stayed in that position.

Taehyung finished making the little sandwiches and slowly turned around and put his hands on Jeongguks waist and looked in his pretty brown eyes. He kissed him on the lips and smiled at him."Come baby, let's eat and watch some Tv" he said and took his hand in one hand and the snacks in the other and they made their way back to the living room.

Jeongguk smiled and felt his heartbeat fasten, he was so happy to have him as his boyfriend, he still couldn't believe how lucky he is.

They sat down at the big fluffy sofa and watched a movie while munching on the little snacks. About halfway in the movie and a cleaned plate later Jeongguk wanted to show him that he was ready for something intimate.

He looked up at Taehyung and smiled, Taehyung had his arm around his shoulder and jeongguk had his head on his chest. He slowly let his hand run up his thigh and got closer to his dick.

"Baby w..what are you doing?" Taehyung looked at him confused and bite his lip.

"I want some fun" Jeongguk replied with a pout and started kissing his neck and grab his dick through his sweatpants, he felt Taehyung harden under his hand and his breath quicken. He sucked a Hickey on his neck and Taehyung moaned at that.

Jeongguk stopped and smiled at him and sat on his lap, straddling him. He kissed him hard and wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed his ass against Taehyungs dick.

Taehyung moaned as he kissed him back immediately and grabbed his ass. Jeongguk whined and rubbed himself on Taehyung and felt his own dick harden and Taehyungs hard dick under his ass. They moaned in each other's mouth and Jeongguk pulled on Taehyungs hair and moved his hips faster.

"fuck baby" Taehyung moaned in the kiss and squeezed his ass. Jeongguks high pitched moan turned Taehyung on even more. He pulled away and without a word he dropped down to his knees in front of Taehyung.

"baby what?" Jeongguk just shushed him and pulled his sweats and boxer down and licked his lips at his hard and big cock in front of him. He wrapped his hand around it and kitten licked the head.

Taehyung deeply moaned at the feeling and put his hand in Jeongguks hair and pulled on it. Jeongguk opens his mouth and sucked on the head and let him further down his throat. He moaned around his dick and felt Taehyung tuck on his hair and his breath quicken.

The warm feeling around his dick and the beautiful sight of his boyfriend on his knees for him turned Taehyung on so much. He felt his dick already twitching and Jeongguk tasted his precum and sucked even harder on his dick, running his tongue on the underside of his dick.

Taehyung couldn't keep his moans in and looked down when Jeongguk bobbed his head up and down - deepthroating him- and sucking on him, locking so sexy.

His big doe eyes looking up at him as he sucked and licked around his dick. He could feel his dick twitching,

"fuck baby! I-I'm c-coming" Taehyung pulled on his hair and bite his lips harshly.

"already?" Jeongguk said as he stopped and smirked at him as he looked in his eyes. At that moment Taehyung moaned and came all over Jeongguk's face. Jeongguk looked surprised and closed his eyes as he felt his cum on his eyelids.

"god.. I'm so sorry.." Jeongguk opened his eyes and saw Taehyung in panic and his cheeks red from the embarrassment.

He didn't expect Taehyung to come that fast and he could see how ashamed he was.

"I didn't mean to.. Fuck I'm truly sorry baby" he quickly grabbed a tissue and cleaned his face.
Jeongguk stopped him and locked him in the eyes as he scooped the remaining cum up with his fingers and licked it.

"That was fucking sexy" The raven head said and got on his lap again.

"Did I turn you on that much?" Jeongguk asks with a smirk and Taehyung could only nod, still embarrassed at how fast he came.

"Do you want to make me cum that fast too?" he whispered in Taehyungs ear and sucked on his earlobe, got a small yes from him, and Jeongguk smirked at him.

"You want some cake?"

and Taehyung never wanted to eat ass so bad then at that moment.


this chapter is kinda weird but I still like it 😂

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