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"Stay away from her."

You heard from behind Seonghwa's back. This time, the demon in front of you tensed up.

He turned around to see who spoke while you leaned over the demon's shoulder. Your eyes burst out of the sockets when you saw Mr. Kang standing in front of the door and your friends right behind him. His arms were rigid and stretched in front of the three males, to not let them pass. His stare was cold and blank.

Seonghwa hissed while moving his body, so that you were facing his huge back. You gulped and glued your body to the wall to not touch him.

"Who are you?"

Seonghwa asked with a harsh tone, hiding you behind his tall figure. Your eyes were flying from the demon to your teacher, incredulous. So, Mr. Kang could really see Seonghwa and he could also talk to him. That meant he already met an Incubus before and that day when he told you about the girl he liked in high school wasn't a lie.

Your friends, on the other hand, were puzzled. They weren't understanding what was going on, nor who the teacher was talking to since they couldn't see Seonghwa. They were only looking at you, worried to death.

"No one you should be scared of."

Replied Mr. Kang with a snickering grin on his lips. He dared to play with a demon, how brave. Your teacher relaxed his stretched arm and stood still in front of Seonghwa, doing absolutely nothing. Why?

Because Mr. Kang perfectly remembered the words you said last time you two had a conversation. "Not every demon is the same. Mine would never hurt me." And today he wanted to prove to you how evil a demon could be, even yours. So, he decided to stand in front of the demon, waiting for his next move, which could end the teacher's life in seconds.

However, if Seonghwa was smart enough, he wouldn't attack anyone in that room. The demon knew how scared you were, he could feel it. Killing everyone would make you even more terrified of him and therefore he would lose you easily. That was why he'd better don't do anything.

And that was what he did, nothing. Seonghwa wasn't dumb, he was scared to lose you as prey, so he chose to stay still and look at your teacher in the eyes. He won't lose that battle. He will take you with him. Plus, his energies and powers were dwindling, so he couldn't manage to afford a battle at that moment. So, he turned around, looking at you for the last time with a sad expression on his face and disappeared in a cloud of grey and red smoke.

You felt as if you just came to the surface, your lungs filled up with oxygen as your back slipped down against the cold wall of the bathroom. Tears started rolling down your cheeks when you began to breathe loudly, moving your chest up and down rapidly, desperately searching for air. You started crying, moving your hand to your chest and tightening the grip on the knitted cardigan you were wearing.

Your sobs were the only things that could be heard in the room. Hongjoong, Mingi, and Wooyoung were still in their place, they hadn't moved of an inch. But you could understand them, they didn't know that Seonghwa disappeared, so the were scared to get closer to you.

"I'm going to die."

You managed to say between your sobs. That made you cry even harder. You cursed yourself for being so stupid. You had to be on the brink of death to realize that what you were doing with a demon was wrong. How dumb of you.

Mr. Kang crunched down in front of you and grabbed you by your shoulders. You squeezed your eyes shut, starting to shake your head and smacked your teacher's hands off of you.

"Calm down."

Said your teacher, catching your hands between his and caressing them. You shoved them away and took yours on your ears, covering them, wishing that he would leave you alone. You sobbed again and hid your face between your elbows.

Mr. Kang was losing his patience. After the third time that you smacked his hand, he decided to pass on something more decisive. So, he caught your head between his hands and made you lift your stare, connecting your eyes with his, your foreheads were almost brushing against each other.

He pierced you to the wall with his cold gaze, his eyes widened, his eyebrows furrowed and the grip on both sides of your head tight enough for you to not being able to move it in any direction.

"You're not going to die, Miss. Yoon. I am here to help you."

Mr. Kang said whereas grinding his teeth together ad staring at you straight in the eyes. Your lips trembled as your hands reached his when you felt his grip loosening a little. You lowered your head and continued on crying, this time in relief. You trusted your teacher and you were sure that he had a plan. After all, he was still alive after meeting his Succubus.

Mr. Kang pulled you against his chest and wrapped your shoulder with his arms, caressing your hair as he gently whispered "shh" to help you calm down. That did help you a little since you slowly stopped sobbing on his black turtleneck. Then, he gently pushed you away and helped you standing up.

You dried your tears with the back of your hand, your eyes so swollen and burning you almost couldn't open them properly. You sniffed up as your friends got closer to you. Hongjoong places a kiss on your forehead before holding you tight in his arms, swinging gently.

"We need to tell San."

Said the white-haired male, talking to Mr. Kang. Your body shook in his grip. San didn't know about this and, since yesterday you kissed him, you were scared to hurt his feelings by telling him the whole story. Your head shot up, pointing your stare in his eyes.

"No! You can't!"

You shouted shaking his shoulders as to help him regain his sanity. Mingi shook his head and flattened his lips into a thin line.

"He has the right to know, Areum."

This time, you were the one to shake the head.

"No, he doesn't! Don't tell him anything, please."

You said, your voice abated at the end of the sentence. You looked at all the males in the room and they were all looking at you with blank expressions on their faces. It was their way to say "San needs to know."

Your eyes connected to Mr. Kang's, hoping that he could understand your point. He shook his head before patting yours and smiling warmly.

"You should go home. You need to rest."

He said. Your eyebrows furrowed together and your eyes widened. Being home alone, after everything you've discovered this morning, scared you. What if Seonghwa would appear and you were by yourself?

"I don't want to."

You murmured, loosening the hug between you and Hongjoong. You looked at the men around you. They all looked so worried and sad and it was your fault.

All this stupid situation was made by you and your selfishness. You only cared about your happiness and not about how your friends were feeling. You gulped loudly.

"What if he comes back?"

You asked while fidgeting nervously with your fingers. You really were scared, you've already seen Seonghwa angry more than once and you didn't want to see him like that again.

"He won't, don't worry."

Said Mingi before putting his hand on your shoulder. You caressed it and thanked him, hoping that he was right.

"Well, now, you should go to the infirmary and rest. I'll talk to the supervisor in your place. We'll come back to see you during the break."

Declared Mr. Kang. All of you nodded and your teacher went with you to the infirmary room and talked to the responsible, making up a lie to let you stay in there until lunchtime.

The supervisor gave you some water and smiled, before leaving you alone. You placed the glass on the bedside table and lied down on the bed after you took off your shoes.

Your chest felt less heavy and painful, maybe you were slowly calming on your own, without taking any medicine, probably it wasn't a real panic attack.

Still, what you found out about Seonghwa's true nature felt so unreal to you. For you, he was like a normal person, now. A human. And the thought of abandoning him forever broke your heart into million pieces. However, it was right for everyone that he disappeared.

You weren't aware of how to do it, though. Killing him in the same way you killed people was out of the question, you wouldn't even scratch him. The only way possible that came to your mind was another ritual and just the thought of the Ouija board between your hands made you shiver from head to toe.

But then, you remembered: Hongjoong stole the board from the house that hosted the party, you didn't remember who organized it, though. By the way, he or she, wasn't really interested in that board since they tossed it in the basement and didn't even look for it once Hongjoong took it with him. Did your white-haired friend still have it?

Right when you were about to fall asleep, noises and thuds reached your ears and your eyes opened again. You lifted your back from the mattress, not wanting to get out of the bed, just because you wanted to hear what was going on. Then you heard voices, they seemed worried.

"Hey, Yunho! What happened?"

Screamed one of them, a girl. The male, that you supposed was Yunho, replied with some painful moans.

"He punched the hell out of me."

The poor guy replied. By the way he spoke, you could almost feel the same pain he was feeling.


Asked the boy, this time. The two guys helped Yunho sitting on the bed and the girl started giving him first aid treatment. His left cheekbone was purple and swollen and from the corner of his lip leaked some blood. Whoever beat him like that, must've been really angry.

Yunho started coughing, every hit was a stab in his ribcage. He felt pain everywhere, even his hair hurt. The guy in front of him murmured something to the girl and dashed out of the infirmary.

When Yunho seemed to be calmed down and stopped moaning and panting, you let yourself fall back on the mattress, closing your eyes, hoping that it helped you fall asleep. And it did. Finally, you were sleeping.

But, you could still hear those three guys, now four, there was the supervisor too, talking and Yunho screaming every time the manager touched his injuries with some hydrogen peroxide.

You sighed loudly, trying to catch their attention so that they could lower their voices, but nothing, Yunho went on whining for thirty minutes and not because the wound was too deep or too hard to medicate, but because he kept moving away from the responsible. Looking at him made you wonder if you were in college or in kindergarten.

After forty minutes, Yunho was finally laying in bed, quiet like a baby. His girl friend was sat by his side, his hand in hers. They looked like a couple.

Seeing that scene made you feel even sadder, so you turned on your shoulder, giving the back to the cute couple behind you. They reminded you of yourself and Seonghwa, how he held your hand and how he cared for you. But it was all fake.

"Then, are you going to tell me who made this mess on your face?"

Asked the girl. Yunho replied humming, probably he was falling asleep. He mumbled something and it took you a few minutes to interpret what he said.

When you finally understood his answer, your eyes shot wide open. It was familiar.

"Choi Jongho."


I feel so bad thinking about an injured Yunho, so sorry guys hehe.

Pls, dont kill me, I know you want to do that especially after the last chapters, but let me tell you something: save your anger/ frustration/ sadness for later because you still haven't seen anything!

Hehet, bye and ilysm ♡♡♡

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