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Hongjoong, Mingi, Wooyoung and Mr. Kang reached the infirmary and dashed to your bed, where you were still peacefully sleeping, curled up under the blankets. They all took a deep breath, relieved by the fact that you managed to fall asleep after that accident in the bathroom. Nothing bad happened, the truth was too much to handle for you.

Hongjoong let himself heavily fall on the chair and buried his face in his hands before making them run through his hair nervously. He sighed again, his breath shook.

"It's all my fault."

He murmured. Mingi places his huge hand on the white-haired male and tightened the grip on it, trying to comfort him.

Mr. Kang, on the other side of the bed, shook his head while humming.

"No, it's not."

He replied right after. Mingi lowered his stare, feeling the sense of guilt building up in his chest. He gulped loudly and hummed.

"It is. It's my fault, too. I'm the one who convinced Wooyoung and Areum to do that ritual. I-If only I-"

The red-haired male got interrupted by the teacher, who lifted his hand telling him to stop with his apologies. They were useless now, the only thing that they had to do was to help you.

Mr. Kang pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger and closed his eyes.

"No, it's not, guys. It's the demon that chooses who to haunt."

He answered, throwing a glance at you when he heard you groaned faintly. You moved your head on the pillow and the teacher stretched and arm in your direction to caress your hair.

"But if I didn't find that board and didn't convince any of them to take part in that ritual, now we wouldn't be worried and she wouldn't be in danger!"

Bursted out Hongjoong. He knew it was his fault and there was no way to persuade him otherwise. He felt responsible for your life.

Mr. Kang didn't reply, his silence and lips pulled together into a thin line meant that he agreed with him, this time. Making that ritual was a silly thing to do in general.

The door of the infirmary thrust open, revealing a panting and pale San who looked like he was on the verge of faint in the next few seconds. The teacher pulled back his had as soon as he heard the door slamming against the wall. He didn't want any of his students to see him caressing a girl, which was also one of his students. Even if it was an emergency, he had to keep a distance and keep on acting as a teacher. At least at school.


Called Wooyoung, happy to see him. San reached the rest of the males, stopping his steps close to Mr. Kang, his eyes never left your face.

San looked at the teacher first and then at the rest of the males, Hongjoong, Mingi and Wooyoung. Then, he placed his hand on your forehead, feeling the temperature that you didn't have. He remembered how you passed out in Mr. Kang's arms and how weak you looked on the bed and didn't want it to happen again.

"How is she?"

He asked whispering, surpassing the teacher and getting closer to you. He moved a strand of hair away from your face and placed it behind your ear, gently caressing your cheek with his nail.

"She's alright, just sleeping."

Murmured Mr. Kang. You groaned again and squeezed your eyes before turning on your back and lift the upper part of your body from the mattress with your eyes still closed.

You yawned and slowly opened your eyes. The males around you tensed up when you looked at your surroundings and then rushed to check if you were alright. You murmured something with a drowsy voice and threw glances at your friends. Your eyes widened when you noticed San on your left.

"What are you doing here?"

You asked, backing away from him. He didn't reply, instead, he pulled you in his arms, closing your body into a tight hug that almost broke your ribcage. You felt him shaking for a brief moment. You laid your hands on his shoulder blades and caressed them softly. You smelled his cologne and buried your face in the crook of his neck, his hair brushing your forehead.

Before he could reply, someone cleared his throat and you immediately pulled away from each other. For a moment, you forgot where you were and who was there. In that instant, you were lost in San's arms, basking in them for a little more.

You nervously fixed your hair while the male scratched his nape for the embarrassment. No one knew that you two were really close, especially after that night when your parents organized that dinner with San and his father. Only Wooyoung knew what really happened.

"Well, I think it's better if all of us go back home. Tomorrow we'll meet again to talk about how to resolve this whole situation. I need you all to be clear-headed."

Stated Mr. Kang before clapping his hands and leaving. All of you bowed politely and, one by one, everyone left, leaving you and San. Wooyoung stroked your head and chuckled. Mingi and Hongjoong looked at you saddened and disheartened and walked towards the door. Your heart broke into millions of pieces, it was your fault if they were in that condition.

"I think we should go, too."

You murmured to San without looking at him. You slipped on the bed and jumped down to wear your shoes. Before you could move to the other shoe, San crunched down and grabbed the laces, knotting them for you.

Your eyes met and a small smile appeared on your lips. It was a sad smile. Your sense of guilt was creeping up in your chest when you remembered the words that Mingi said a few hours ago, in the bathroom. "He has the right to know, Areum.". You could tell by the look in his eyes that one of your friends told him everything that happened. Again, you lied to someone you really care about.

You thanked him and stood up. Before walking towards the door, you caught your bag with your books and stepped out. Your hand laid on the doorknob, but before pulling it down, you turned your head down and took a look at the bed where that guy Yunho was previously laying on. He wasn't there, probably he felt better and left. You wondered why that boy Jongho hit him.

Choi Jongho. That name was familiar.

You jolted on your feet when San called your name and reached you.

"Come home with me."

He whispered, caressing your forearm. You smiled, you loved the way he cared so much for you. Seonghwa did it too, but now it didn't affect you anymore. You know it was all fake and it was painful.

You turned around and faced again San, his hand never left your arm. That lilac jumper he was wearing was making him look even cuter and the huge turtle neck gave him a touch of softness on his cheeks.

"Thanks, San, but I don't want to be a bother ag-"

He interrupted you with a shake of the head.

"You're not a bother, Areum. I can't sleep quietly if I know that you are somewhere else and maybe in danger."

He explained. You gasped. He was really worried and you weren't helping him relax. He pouted and you slowly melted at that sight. You sighed and nodded. San gave you the brightest smile and thanked you, his dimples showing.

You smiled back and he dragged you out of the campus and inside his car. You giggled at his rush in taking you home. He heard you and blushed whereas turning on the engine and tightening the grip on the steering wheel.

The trip to his house was quiet. Actually, San was the one who broke the silence when you reached the yard.

"My dad is at home, too. I hope you don't mind."

He stated while jumping down the car and closing it. Then, you stepped to the entrance. Before you could enter, you giggled and gently slapped his shoulder.

"Why would I?"

San shrugged and you entered the house. You took off your shoes and left them at the entrance near San's ones. He went looking for his dad, but when he came back a pout appeared on his lips before murmuring "he's not here."

You smiled and stepped in the kitchen to abandon your bag on one of the chairs around the table.

You turned your body and clapped your hands, eager to do something and opened your mouth to talk, but a pair of soft and pink lips covered yours and your eyes widened when you realized that the male that was kissing you was San.

You smiled on his lips and place your hands on his chest. When you parted, your lips smacked and your cheeks colored in a shade of red. He smiled, his eyes almost disappeared.


He murmured. A chuckle left your mouth as you laid your forehead on his chest, in between your hands. He laughed and wrapped your body in his arms and held on you tightly.

You slapped his chest gently and lifted your face to connect your eyes with his.

"I'm going to take a shower."

You declared and stepped out of his grip and out of the kitchen. You went upstairs and heard San screaming that you could use his clothes if you needed clean clothes.

You went into his room and opened the huge wardrobe and started looking at all the hoodies he had. Then you grabbed the black one, one out of many. You opened one of the drawers to find a pair of pants but what you found made you frown.

You took out a pair of black leggings and you soon realized that those were yours. You left them there some last time you spent the night by in his house and smiled thinking about how he kept them, neatly folded and in a separate drawer.

You shook your head. That boy is crazy. You went to the bathroom and the memories of what happened last time you were here, hit you like an avalanche.

Seonghwa was here last time, waiting for you to come home. You slowly turned around and rummaged through the luminous room, looking for his presence and hoping that he wasn't there. And, for your relief, he wasn't.

You went in the shower and let the small, hot drops hit your body and you immediately felt your body relaxing.

What you found out about Seonghwa was flooring. He was a demon, but you would've never thought that his true goal was to slowly kill you. And you fell in his trap.

Luckily, Mr. Kang seemed to know what to do, since he already had an experience with a Succubus. Then, there were your friends, who surely didn't know what was going on. You had to deeply apologize once all this situation would've ended.

If everything will end for the better.

You closed the water and dried your body with a towel before wearing the clothes you grabbed from San's room. You dried your hair and went downstairs, where the male was placing the food on the table.

You both took a seat and started eating. You didn't talk much, you were starving, you hadn't eaten since the morning. Basically, you shove what San cooked down your throat. And everything was delicious. He chuckled while staring at you eating with such vehemence.

There was nothing better to see him smiling. You were thankful to him, he was helping you so much. And you hoped you could do the same with him.

You hoped not to harm him.


there's a lot of pessimism in this chapter... but there's going to be more in yeosang's book hehet

also i'm soft for teacher yeosang and i'm still not over the online concert, keep crying when listen to star1117, I'm a sensitive person deep down in my heart and deep down my soul

ily guys ♡♡♡

ps: hehet

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