𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ‘πŸ: 𝐀 π‹πŽπ•π„ 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑

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"Are you sure that you two aren't dating?"

Hermione has been nagging you and Draco with questions about your relationship with the Slytherin Prince. You sighed heavily as you took his coat off and gave it back to him. "For the last time, Mione, no. We aren't dating."

"But you two fancy each other?"

You and Draco glanced at each other before laughing awkwardly. Draco shook his head. "No, I... uh... don't."

Ron cocked an eyebrow and gave him a look. "Really, mate?"

Suddenly, the door was slammed open and an invisible figure marched his way out of the pub. Draco noticed the footprints so he tapped Ron's shoulder. "Weasley, look."

You and Hermione looked down as your eyes followed the footprints and noticed that the figure pushed the members of a choir angrily.

"Harry." You realized. "Something must have happened. Come on!"

You pulled Draco along with you while Hermione and Ron apologized to the people Harry had pushed away when he ran. "Sorry. Excuse me, excuse me."

"Merry Christmas."

You and your friends followed him into the forest until his footprints were gone. You heard someone sobbing.

Hermione sighed and knelt down, reaching her hand out to Harry's head, and pulled down the cloak away from him. You sat beside Harry while Draco and Ron stood behind him. Draco placed his hand on Harry's shoulder while Harry continued crying. "Potter, what happened?

"He was their friend... and he betrayed them." He muttered before looking at you, Hermione, Ron, and Draco. "He was their friend!" He yelled as tears continued to stream down his face in anger.

His voice echoed throughout the woods. You looked down in sadness while Harry glared into the distance. "I hope he finds me. Because when he does, I'm gonna be ready! When he does, I'm gonna kill him!" His eyes were filled with rage like it could kill someone while his fists clenched in anger.

You pulled Harry into a hug and a few seconds later, Harry cried before hugging you back and crying to your shoulder. You patted his back as you looked at your friends worriedly.


"Thanks, Peter." You smiled. "For joining me at the library today."

Peter shrugged. "No problem!" He smiled. "It was cool, you know? Studying with you."

There were upcoming tests so you and Peter decided to study together. You have barely spent your time with Peter and now you want to make it up to him. The two of you were on your way out of the library until you stopped on your tracks. "Peter you're a great friend. I wish our friendship wouldn't end."

He froze and looked at you, smiling. "It wouldn't." Then there was a small silence until he spoke up. "(Y/n), I gotta tell you something--"

"Ambrose!" You heard a guy calling out Peter's name. You turned around to see the guy who was jogging towards you and Peter. Cedric Diggory. He stopped when he saw you and smiled. "(Y/n) Stark, I presume?"

'Well, goddamn, he looks good.' You stared at him in awe. "Oh! Um, yeah. H-How did you know me?"

"Peter talks about you," Cedric replied. "And besides, you're just as popular as the Boy Who Lived."

Peter looked at you with a smile while you looked back at him with a smirk. "Well, I hope Peter told you about the good stuff about me."

Cedric nodded and chuckled. "Oh, he did. He said you're one of the bravest and prettiest girls he ever met. Even one of the smartest students here like Hermione Granger."

Your eyes widened as you stared at Peter who quickly looked away and cleared his throat. You chuckled and shook your head, looking up at Cedric. "No, Cedric. Hermione's smarter than me and anybody around. Heck, my sister is even smarter than me."

Cedric shrugged. "I suppose that's true but for real, you are smart. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, yeah?" He grinned. You nodded. "Thanks, Cedric."

He then turned to Peter. "Come on, Peter." Peter nodded and then looked at you. "Gotta go. Bye!"

Cedric and Peter walked away while you walked your way out of the library until you noticed that you were still carrying a book. "Whoops." You turned around and looked for the bookshelf where the book is supposed to be. You saw Megan just leaving from the place where the bookshelf you're heading.

You quickly grabbed Megan's arm. "Hey."

Megan turned around and raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Ah, sister. Need help with your homework or...?"

"Did you sent the letter to our parents about Pansy?"

Megan frowned and shook her head. "Um, no. Besides, how can I write a letter just minutes after she physically harassed us by the Great Hall."

You looked down. "Then the letter must have been sent minutes prior. Or maybe even a day before."

Megan got her arm back and patted your shoulder. "Get over it, (Y/n). Pansy got what she deserved." She smiled and walked away, exiting the library.

You sighed and nodded. 'Hm...' You placed the book back to its shelf and arranged some books so it could fit back until a folded paper slipped out between the books. You turned your head to your right and found an old-looking letter peeking out between two books. 'That's convenient.'

You pulled it out and opened the paper to see an old letter.

My Romeo,

β €β €β €For as long as I can remember, I have been looking and waiting for my Romeo to come into my life.

β €β €β €In the Muggle world, I learned that Romeo and Juliet were famous due to their love story. Though I have not heard about their love story, I am intrigued and surprised that such a couple could be famous just by their love story. I mean, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised but I was curious. Are they even real or are they fiction? Nevertheless, their love must have been so strong and I wanted that kind of love.

β €β €β €And soon, I hope to see my own Romeo in my life. I'll be waiting and looking for you.

Your Juliet,

You blinked in surprise. 'A love letter! Well, I'm lucky I found this but... should I return this?' You pressed your lips into a thin line as you thought about what to do with the letter until you heard voices just a few feet away from you.

Slipping the letter into your pocket, you made your way towards the voices and you recognized a familiar voice.

"Really, I'm not interested." Draco said, chuckling nervously.

You stopped walking and widened your eyes in disbelief. 'Um, what?' You found Draco and Stacey just on the other side of the bookshelf where you placed the book back. You leaned against the shelf as you listened to their conversation.

"Come on," The girl whined. "There is really something interesting I wanna show you back on the Common Room. I heard no one is there today." She winked.

"Stacey, I said I'm not interested."

"What the hell happened to you? First, you took the Gryffindorks' side, and now you're rejecting me. I thought we had something, Draco."

Draco scoffed. "We never had a thing and will never have one, even Pansy. You're just making yourself desperate, Doom. It's pathetic."

You heard his footsteps so you quickly walked away and pretended that nothing happened. 'Why would I eavesdrop? That's so uncool of me.'


'Kill me.' You gulped and slowly turned around to see Draco looking at you. You awkwardly waved at him with a sheepish smile. "Oh, hey, Malfoy."

Draco cocked an eyebrow as he walked towards you. "Malfoy? I thought we agreed on calling each other with first names?"

"I don't have a first name." You blurted out.

He blinked in surprise before chuckling softly and placing the back of his hand on your forehead. "Are you okay? You seem a little off today."

Stacey came out and saw Draco with you. "Oh, great. It's Stark." She crossed her arms as she glared at you. "Don't tell me you poisoned his mind."

You furrowed your eyebrows and held Draco's hand down, facing Stacey. "For your information, Stacey, you poisoned his mind into thinking that he hates me."

"And he does!"

Draco frowned. "No, I don't."

Stacey huffed in anger. "Je ne peux pas le croire! Êtes-vous du côté de cette salope?"

You stepped forward with Draco just behind you. You glared at her and smirked. "Oui, il est de mon cΓ΄tΓ©."

Draco stared at you with a smile forming on his lips while Stacey's eyes widened. Her face turned red in anger before stomping away from you and Draco. Draco turned you around and grinned. "That was amazing! Since when did you learn French?"

You blinked at him before chuckling nervously. "Oh! Uh... my grandmother used to tell us stories in French so, um, Megan and I learned few words."

Draco smiled. "It was good."



You and Draco stared at each other until his eyes looked down at your lips. You clutched onto the sleeves of your robes as you looked at his lips. Draco's hand slowly lifted up to cup your cheek and his eyes blinked twice in nervousness. "Um... (Y/n)?"


"Can I...?"

You slowly blushed as you realized what he was about to ask. You gulped and slowly nodded. He gave you a smile of relief and slowly, he leaned in. You could feel your cheeks heating up as he leaned closer.


Draco stopped midway causing him to sigh. He turned around to see Crabbe and Goyle. "What do you two gits want from me?"

"Professor Snape wanted your Potions essay." Goyle replied. "He said he wants to check something."

Draco frowned and gestured the two to go away. Once the two Slytherins were gone, he looked back to you and sighed. "Well, I guess I have to go."

"I'll see you later then."

Draco nodded. He was about to leave but he turned around and cupped your cheeks. "You're adorable, do you know that?"

You looked up to him as you blushed again. "Huh?"

Draco pecked the top of your head and smiled. "A kiss on the forehead for now." He whispered before walking away.


"Beautiful day." Hermione smiled as she looked at the sky.

"Gorgeous. Unless of course you've been ripped to pieces." Ron hissed.

"Ripped to pieces?" Harry asked in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Ronald has lost his rat." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I haven't lost anything!" Ron exclaimed. "Your cat killed him!"

Hermione scoffed. "Rubbish!"

"Harry, you've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers is always lurking about. And now Scabbers is gone!" Ron told Harry as he faced him.

Hermione turned to Ron and furrowed her eyebrows. "Well, maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets!"

Ron turns to Hermione and frowned. "Your cat killed him!"

"Did not!"



Harry chuckled until he saw you spacing out with your hands in your pockets. He tapped your shoulder causing you to jump in surprise. "(Y/n)? Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet."

You instantly looked at him and blinked. "What?"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stopped in their tracks and looked at you as the four of you walked out of the castle. "And you're blushing," Ron added.

Your hands touched your cheeks and felt them warm. You blinked a few times before realizing that you were spacing out and remembered what happened back at the library. "N-Nothing. It's nothing. Let's go."

"Not until you tell us what happened." Hermione crossed her arms and blocked your way. You pouted. "Nothing happened, really."

"Did something happened between you and Peter?" Ron asked.

"What? No."

"How about Draco Malfoy?" Hermione questioned.

You started panicking and chuckled nervously. "Huh? What? Draco? I-I don't know a Draco. Pfft, what's that? Is that a ferret or something?"

Ron and Harry stared at you in confusion while Hermione held her head high and smirked. "You're rambling." She asked as she crossed her arms. "So? Are you gonna tell us?"

"Tell what?"


"Alright, fine!" You took a deep breath and smiled sheepishly. "Draco and I almost, uh, kissed...?"

Hermione gasped loudly while Ron's eyes widened. Harry's mouth hung open and faced you. "You and Malfoy?" He asked.

"Wait, what do you mean almost?" Hermione asked as she stood next to you and almost pulled your arm off by dragging you close to her. "Did he stink? Did he had second thoughts? Is he just playing around? I swear to Merlin's grave, I will--"

"Shh!" You pressed your finger against your lips and pushed them away gently so no students could hear. You looked at them and sighed. "I saw Stacey and Draco talking until he left so I left but he noticed me and talked to me. Stacey was jealous and walked away until we... well, almost kissed..."

"Well, why didn't you continue it?" Hermione finished with a smirk. "I mean, we still hate Malfoy's guts because he was an arse but we could set that aside and support you both."

"When did this happened?" Ron asked and grinned like a Cheshire cat.

You shook your head. "It doesn't matter when it happened. What matters is our friendship. What if he was just in the heat of the moment and wanted to kiss me? What if he was just playing around?"

Then you felt a hand was placed on your shoulder so you looked up and saw Harry with a serious face. "If he hurts you, tell me and I'll kill him."

Ron shook his head. "No. We'll kill him if he ever hurt our (Y/n)."

You playfully rolled your eyes and smiled. "Lovely, thanks."


09.22.21 edit #1: there was no letter in the original release of the book. I wanted the book to have more plots with you than just sticking with Harry by being a sidekick. You're the bloody main character here so I'm making this your story with Draco.

And, yeah, this was the chapter where you and Draco had your first kiss but I decided to put your first kiss later :3

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