𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ”πŸ‘: π“πŽπ†π„π“π‡π„π‘

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It was finally Christmas break, and you immediately asked your Aunt Peggy to take you back to Westview, but due to her busy schedule, Steve was the one who brought you there. Steve was rather confused as to why you were eager to go back to Westview. He did not have any clue what you were doing here with Peggy; however, he did promise his fiancΓ©e to keep an eye on you.

You knocked on Billy's door, and you were greeted by his husband. "Ah! You're the girl who visited my husband a few months ago."

You smiled. "Yes, sir, that's me." You looked behind him to look for Billy. "Is your husband here?"

Teddy looked behind him and saw Billy approaching the door. "Who is it?" Billy asked.

You peeked your head out and grinned. "Hi, sir! It's me. I brought Uncle Steve with me."

Steve raised his hand to greet them and smiled. "Hello, good sirs."

Teddy and Billy allowed you and Steve to come inside. Teddy went to the kitchen to prepare snacks and drinks. Billy sat down on the same chair he sat a few months ago while you sat on the couch and showed him the paper he gave you before. Billy cocked an eyebrow. "Did you come all the way here to return this piece of paper to me?"

You shook your head. "Not just that." You pointed to each word on the paper and began translating. "The unknown curse arose when two families expressed hatred and negative emotions towards each other without enchantment. The curse will slowly end with love and its outcome."

Billy and Steve looked at you in surprise. "Since when did you learn the Serbian language?" Steve asked.

You shook your head. "I didn't. A friend helped me." You smiled to yourself when you realized that you called Pansy your friend.

Billy took the paper and stifled a laugh. "So you're telling me, love is the answer to break this curse between your family and the Malfoys?"

You shook your head. "I believe it's already broken."

Billy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"Wanda and Vincent had two sons: you and Tommy. The curse will slowly end with love and its outcome. Sir, you and Tommy are the results of Wanda and Vincent's love, thus breaking the curse." You shrugged. "Or if the curse is even real."

Steve turned to Billy when Billy started cackling. You leaned your back to the couch in surprise while Teddy stopped in his tracks with a tray of food and drinks in both of his hands. Billy stared down at the paper as his laughter died down. He sighed. "No wonder why my mother was furious. I would be too."

Billy faced you and placed the paper down at the coffee table in front of you. "There's always a price to pay whenever you want to break a curse. As for my mother, she lost the love of her life and lost a son. Therefore, she lost her sanity, and I lost my mother."

You looked down as Billy continued. "Life is too unfair for my mother. She just wants love and a family of her own. She wants happiness."

Billy stood up and fixed his clothes. "You have nothing to worry about anymore, Ms. Stark. You're free to love the Malfoy boy you love so much. This curse may not seem real, but your family and the Mafloys did make it real enough to make my mother go insane."

You stood up and nodded. "I understand. I'm so sorry, sir." You turned to Teddy, who was still standing just behind his husband. "Thank you for the effort, sir, but I think we have to leave."

Steve, who was still sitting down, looked up at you. "Wait, we're leaving?"

You nodded. You and Steve left the house, leaving Billy to sigh heavily and sit back down. Teddy placed the tray down the coffee table and sat on the armchair to comfort his husband. "Are you okay, hon?"

Billy nodded. "I will be." He stared at the front door. "She's fearless enough to find out the truth. I admire that about her."

"You mean the Stark girl?"

"Even if her efforts are already useless since the curse is already broken, she was still determined." Billy continued. "After my mother's death, no one dared nor tried to know the truth."

Teddy smiled and kissed the top of his husband's head. "She was doing it for love, William. She'll do whatever it takes for love." Teddy pulled Billy's face towards him with a finger and smiled. "Just like what you did for me. I love you, Billy."

Billy wrapped his arms around Teddy's waist and leaned up to peck his husband's lips. "I love you too, hon."


Christmas break was over, and students were finally back at Hogwarts. You were on your way to your next class until your shoulder brushed against someone. You turned around to see Draco Malfoy walking, not bothering to turn around to see you. You frowned. After your speculation and the rumors were partially confirmed during the Slug Club Christmas Party, you and Draco grew a bit more distant to each other.

Although Draco wanted to explain himself to you, he decided that being far away from you was a better call than being closer to you. You, on the other hand, were conflicted. Draco did not verbally confirm he was indeed a Death Eater, but deep down, you knew he did confirm it. You didn't want to believe that he was a Death Eater, but you tried to understand why he had to do it.

You stepped forward and thought about following Draco, but you sighed and continued walking in a different direction. Draco stopped in his tracks and turned around to see you walking away. He sighed and shook his head, starting to walk again.

The next few days weren't better. Most of your schedule has classes with Slytherins, meaning you get to see Draco all the time. You tried not to think about him, but your mind just kept on reminding you that Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater. You shut your eyes close and accidentally snapped your quill in half.

You flinched in surprise, and the noise caused the students around to look at you. Slughorn turned around in wonder. "What happened?"

"(Y/n) broke her quill, sir," Peter stated as he motioned his head to you.

Slughorn turned to you. "Ms. Stark, are you alright?"

You looked at your professor and nodded. "Yes, sir. Apologies." You picked the other half of your quill and noticed that it managed to give your finger a small cut. Hermione, who was beside you, slightly gasped. "(Y/n), your finger."

Draco, who was not too far from you, heard Hermione's statement. He glanced at you to see you lifting your finger up and blood trickling down your hand. You placed your finger into your mouth, sucking the blood off. "I'll be fine, Mione. It's just a small cut." You reassured her.

Draco softly gulped before looking away, scratching the back of his head. Blaise, who was beside him, noticed his friend. "Don't tell me you're getting turned on, Malfoy."

Crabbe and Goyle quietly snickered behind Draco and Blaise, earning a glare from the Slytherin Prince. Goyle chuckled. "Oh, don't deny it, Malfoy. You've always wanted to shag (Y/n) Stark." He whispered as he and Crabbe gave each other a high five.

Stacey frowned and smacked her book down at Crabbe and Goyle's heads. "Shut it, the both of you!" She hissed.

Draco rolled his eyes and looked back down at his book. His eyes, though, traveled back to you to see you wrapping a band-aid on your finger. You sighed in content and looked around, locking eyes with Draco's. Draco immediately looked away and started writing notes to distract himself from you while you shrugged and turned your attention back to Slughorn.

After class, Draco was all alone, walking to his next class. Behind him were Crabbe and Goyle tormenting younger students who passed by. Draco was also distant from his own gang and friends; however, his friends didn't mind or worry about him. The blonde was paler than ever and had dark circles under his eyes in exhaustion, and his friends still didn't care.

"You know, come to think about it..." Draco heard Goyle wonder. "(Y/n) Stark changed."

"What kind of change?" Crabbe asked.

"She was cute before, but now..." Goyle whistled. "I mean, come on, don't tell me you didn't notice that too?"

Crabbe's lips curved into a smile, and he nodded. "Oh, yeah." He glanced at Draco. "Too bad she's taken."

"She's not taken." Goyle replied. "Malfoy and (Y/n) are not dating."

Draco frowned at Goyle's statement, his blood boiling in anger.

"Maybe we can get her to like us!" Crabbe suggested.

"Densaugeo," Draco whispered as he continued walking. He suddenly heard screams from Crabbe and Goyle behind him, causing his lips to form a proud smirk. He listened to some students around him start laughing at Crabbe and Goyle, earning more satisfaction from the young Malfoy.

Draco checked his books and frowned. 'Huh. I have a free period right now. I may as well try to finish my task.' He turned around to head back to the Room of Requirement until he spotted you entering an empty classroom. He tilted his head in wonder and quickly followed you.

He slightly opened the door to find you crying all alone in a corner. You were hugging your legs, and your things were scattered around. Your head was lowered down, covering your face that was filled with tears. You tried to be quiet as possible, but you failed.

Draco quietly entered the empty classroom and watched as your hand crept up to your chest, clutching it. Draco slowly approached you and was surprised that you still didn't notice his presence. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

Your head raised up, and you instantly backed away but failed when you could already fill the wall behind your back. You quickly wiped your tears and looked away from Draco. "It's nothing." You replied. "Just need a break. Small breakdown, that's all."

"I could leave if you want to."

You thought for a moment. You wanted to be alone, but you didn't want Draco to leave either. You looked up at him as tears burst once again from your eyes. You sobbed harder as your head leaned on your palms. "Oh, God..." You whispered between hiccups.

Draco remained standing, hesitating if he should leave or stay to comfort you. You clutched your hair as your hands formed into fists, closing your eyes as tears continued to stream down your face. Draco's eyes widened and quickly sat down next to you when you started hyperventilating. "(Y/n)? (Y/n), talk to me."

You gasped for air as your hands went down to scratch your shirt off, trying hard to breathe. Draco helped you remove your robe and untied your necktie to help you breathe. You started to feel lightheaded as your fingers grew numb and cold. Draco grabbed your face to force you to look at him. "(Y/n). Come on, breathe. I'm here, okay? You're safe. Breathe with me. Just copy my breathing."

You grabbed his arms as you shut your eyes close, trying to imitate Draco's breathing. Draco gently shook you. "Eyes on me, (Y/n). Come on."

Draco met your clouded eyes as you tried to breathe with him again. He wiped your tears away and remained calm even if he was panicking inside. You collapsed on Draco's arms as your breathing remained rapid and inconsistent. Draco wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back to comfort you. "Deep breaths, darling."

"I ca... I can't--"

"Yes, you can. Come on."

You inhaled deeply as his hand on your back continued rubbing to calm you down. Your hand was still grabbing his arm, and your heart was still pounding hard on your chest.

Draco slowly rocked you back and forth. "Listen to my voice, (Y/n). You're okay." He felt you calming down as your breathing slowly went back to normal, and your heartbeat has slowed down. He noticed your hand that was once gripping onto his arm was now limp and resting on top of his arm. He gently pressed his lips to the side of your head when he heard your sobs had finally died down.

You remained quiet and stared into nothingness, feeling tired from crying. You slowly looked up at him and formed a weak smile. "Thank you." You whispered. "And I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Draco replied. "It's not your fault."

You looked away as your eyes landed on his left arm wrapped around you, including his right arm. You brought your arm to his left to gently caress it. Draco flinched and instantly unwrapped his left arm away from you. "You don't need to feel it nor see it."

"So you're really one of them, huh?" You asked softly.

"I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I know how much you loathe Death Eaters." He looked down at you and sighed. "Especially when a Death Eater killed your father."

"You're not your father, Draco." You replied. "I don't hate you because your father killed mine. You had no involvement around his murder. For all I remember, you were there for me when I was grieving. And you didn't know."


You pulled yourself away from Draco to sit up and face him. "Your father's actions don't define who you are and what our relationship should be." You placed your hand on his cheek. "I want us to face the danger together and eventually protect each other. No matter how dangerous the future will be, I still want to be with you."

Draco smiled. "And I to you too."

He pulled your hand away and intertwined your fingers with his, feeling his cold rings while his wrist felt your bracelet. "Does this mean this is official?" Draco asked. "Are you sure about this? Us being together at a time like this?"

"It's either now or never." You sat on Draco's lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I don't want another year to waste from me being afraid of commitment and our families being enemies for centuries. All I want is you."

Draco smirked. "I'm guessing you're regretting the times you kept on saying we're just friends."

You frowned. "I hated myself so much."

"Well, I'm all yours now." Draco leaned in, placing his cold lips to your warm lips. You kissed him back and felt his arms wrapping around you. You felt your problems washed away from the moment his lips pressed to yours. You didn't care about anything because all you could think about was him.

His lips left yours as they traveled to your cheek and then to your jaw and neck. You leaned to the side, giving him more access. You blindly looked for your wand on the floor and had to keep yourself from moaning when he spotted your soft spot. You eventually found your wand, and you cast a lock spell to the door and a silencing charm around the room.

Draco pulled away to look at you. "Are you sure?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure."

He attacked your neck again with kisses and small bites, earning a small moan from you. You felt his smirk against your skin. "Do it again." He whispered as he kissed the same spot on your neck. You moaned once again, gripping his shoulders tightly. You began removing his Slytherin robe and necktie. His hands traveled down to your waist and then down to your thighs.


You and Draco walked together, with your hands intertwined. You two headed to your next class and found Harry, Hermione, and Ron were already inside along with the other students. Draco gave you a peck on the cheek before going to his seat beside Blaise while you sat beside Hermione. You watched as Draco fixed his messy hair, his smile never leaving his face.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asked, catching your attention. "I thought we were supposed to have a group study together at the library."

You faced her and scratched the back of your head. "Oh, I had to run an errand. Sorry."

Hermione's eyes wandered down and spotted something different with your uniform. Ron and Harry turned around to talk to you until they saw the same thing that Hermione had spotted. Hermione looked at Draco, who was playing with the rings on his fingers. Hermione smirked at you as you brought your book out. "Does your errand have anything to do with Draco Malfoy?"

You froze on your spot and turned to her. "What? What's Draco got to do with my errand?"

Ron chuckled. "Didn't know you changed your house now, (Y/n). Did you get bored and transferred to Slytherin?"

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You looked down and spotted your necktie was green and silver instead of red and gold. You instantly turned around to see Draco wearing your Gryffindor necktie unknowingly. You faced your friends. "No! I-I, um--"

"So what's with the change of the necktie, (Y/n)?" Hermione asked, her smirk never leaving her face.

"You two are together?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

You looked down at Harry, staring at each other. You opened your mouth to speak, but Professor McGonagall entered the room. McGonagall cleared her throat and fixed her eyeglasses. "I have an announcement to make--" She suddenly noticed your necktie. "Um, Ms. Stark?"

Your eyes widened in horror. "Y-Yes, professor?"

"Why are you wearing a Slytherin necktie?"

Students turned to you to check on your necktie. Draco looked at you and realized that you two had swapped neckties. He instantly hid the necktie he was wearing, but McGonagall caught him. "Mr. Malfoy, why are you wearing a Gryffindor necktie? As far as I remember, you're in Slytherin, yes?"

"Yes, professor," Draco answered. "(Y/n) and I swapped neckties accidentally. Sorry." He excused.

You sighed in relief while McGonagall eyed you and Draco before continuing with her announcement. You smiled at Draco while Harry gave Draco a stern look.


"Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar." Dumbledore praised. He glanced at Slughorn. "You must be very proud of your student, Horace."

You stood beside Harry as you watched Ron sleep. Hermione sat beside him, holding his hand while Ginny was sitting on the other side.

You and the girls found out about Ron's situation, and the three of you immediately rushed in to visit Ron, who was with Harry. Apparently, he was poisoned, and Harry managed to save him.

"Hm?" Slughorn nodded. "Ah, yes. Very proud."

"I think we agree, Potter's actions were heroic," McGonagall said. "The question is, why were they necessary?"

"Why, indeed?" Dumbledore walked towards Slughorn and took the bottle from his hand. "This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle?" He asked. "Which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry... when not polluted with poison."

Snape took the bottle from Dumbledore's hands and examined it. He brought the bottle to his nose and smelled it to know what was in it.

"Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift, myself," Slughorn replied.

"To whom, might I ask?" Dumbledore asked.

"To you, Headmaster."

"Where is he?" You heard Ron's girlfriend ask as she entered the Hospital Wing. Lavender pushed you in urgency, almost losing your balance, but Harry caught you. "Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?"

Ginny glared at her when she saw how she pushed you while you stood properly. "You should know how to apologize." You mumbled with a frown, but Harry heard, causing him to chuckle softly.

Lavender's eyes landed on Hermione, who rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What's she doing here?"

Hermione stood up. "I might ask you the same question."

"I happen to be his girlfriend." Lavender hissed.

"And I happen to be his... friend." Hermione trailed off.

Lavender scoffed. "Don't make me laugh."

"She's not making anyone laugh." You defended, earning a glare from Lavender and an approving look from Snape.

Lavender snapped her head back to Hermione. "You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting."

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!" Hermione exclaimed with a scoff. "And for the record, I've always found him interesting."

Ron started moaning and groaning, but his eyes remained closed. Lavender gasped and leaned in. "Ah! See? He senses my presence. Don't worry, Won-Won. I'm here. I'm here."

Ron started mumbling words until you realized he was mumbling a name. "Her... my... Her... mione..." He mumbled. Hermione glanced at you confusingly. "Hermione..."

Hermione widened her eyes and smiled a bit, holding his hand and sitting closer to him.

Lavender breathed heavily and quickly ran away, sobbing and almost pushing you out again, but Harry pulled you towards him. Dumbledore watched as Lavender ran away. He looked back to you and the others. "Oh, to be young and to feel love's keen sting." He faced the other professors. "Well, come away, everybody. Mr. Weasley is well attended."

Ginny stood up and faced you and Harry as she glanced at Hermione and Ron. "About time, don't you think?" Ginny chuckled before leaving.

Hermione looked up to you and Harry. She blushed and quickly looked away, smiling. "Oh, shut up."

You tapped Harry's shoulder. "I have to go. Find me if Ron wakes up." Harry nodded.

You left and walked around the castle, wandering around. You walked up the stairs until you spotted Draco going somewhere in his uniform and robes. You tilted your head in wonder and quickly followed him.

As you followed him, you recognized the way he was going. You heard a noise, so you quickly turned to a corner. You noticed Draco capturing a small bird and then closing its cage, walking away.

You furrowed your eyebrows. 'What is he up to?'

You watched him as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. You remained in your hiding spot until you saw huge doors start to appear from the wall. It was the Room of Requirement.


Yes, they're finally together.

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