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Draco quickly entered, and before the door vanishes, you managed to enter quietly. You looked around and saw a bunch of unfamiliar objects around. Most are antiques, furniture, books, and artifacts. You walked around and found a familiar-looking letter between a book's pages. You pulled it out and opened it to find another letter from Wanda to Vincent.

My Vision,

β €β €β €I...

β €β €β €I ca...

β €β €β €I can't. I don't know what to say. What else is there to say, darling? Now that you are gone. I want to bring you back. Bring you back to me. To my arms. To my embrace. You're all I have, Vis. Pietro died, and you were all I have. Why do you have to go? Should I come there with you? Or should I try to bring you back?

β €β €β €I am lost, Vincent. I am lost without you. I feel like I have lost my will to live. I can't feel you. But you must remember... that I love you and I'll always will.

Forever yours,

'How the hell do I always find these letters?' You stuffed the letter into your pocket and looked around again to find Draco. You stopped in your tracks when you saw him placing the bird, the same bird he took a minute ago, inside a cabinet.

You stared at the cabinet. 'That looks oddly... familiar.' Draco noticed a feather on his sleeve, so he picked it up and observed it. Draco tilted his head slightly as he surveyed the small feather, his cold grey eyes examining it. He let it go, and the feather flew away.

It landed in front of you, and you caught it with your hand. You closed your hand and looked at Draco when he opened the cabinet. The bird was gone. He closed the wardrobe once again.

He closed his eyes and started whispering a spell. "Harmonia Nectere Passus."

Draco opened the door and exhaled shakily. You leaned closer to see what had happened. The bird has returned but is no longer moving. You watched as Draco's stone and cold face softened as tears welled on his eyes. Your heart broke into pieces when you saw him like this.

You have never seen Draco vulnerable in your years of stay in Hogwarts until now. Your heart shattered when you heard him sobbing. And you definitely did not hear nor see Draco crying. You placed your hand on your chest, clutching it, as you stepped back, not realizing you had stepped onto something that made a noise.

Your eyes widened in panic, and you quickly crouched down when Draco looked around, wiping his tears away. "Who's there?"

You gulped and tried to step back and leave, but it made worse when more noises were heard. You looked at Draco, who was marching his way in your direction. You frantically searched around to find a hiding place, but he had already found you.

He was looking down at me, his eyebrows furrowed, his cheeks were stained with his tears, and his eyes were glassy and bloodshot red.

You slowly stood up and clutched the sleeve of your robe. "Hi." You smiled nervously.

"What are you doing here?" He asked sternly.

You frowned and crossed your arms. "I should be asking you that."

He clenched his jaw and looked at you. "It's none of your business, (Y/n)."

"If an animal dies, it is my business, and I have the right to be upset." You argued. "I saw the bird, Malfoy!"

Draco flinched a bit, his fists clenching. "I-I didn't kill the bird." He stuttered; his voice was breaking.

You sighed and tried to grab his hand, but he stepped back. You pressed your lips together and looked down. "If only you could tell me what's going on, then maybe I could help you. That's the way the whole couples-thing works, you know."

"I don't need your help." He sighed before turning his back at you. "You don't need to help me with this."

"Draco Malfoy, don't you dare turn your back at me." You scolded sternly and grabbed his shoulder, turning him around so he could look at you. Draco nudged his shoulder out from your grasp. "Stop acting like a real jerk and talk to me. How are we supposed to help each other if you don't talk to me?"

"You don't need to know everything about me!"

"Yes, I do! Stop being so stubborn and tell me what's bugging you." You sighed. "You're not alone, Draco."

Draco stared at you for a second before lowering his head down, avoiding your eyes. He started sobbing. You stepped forward and placed your hands on his shoulders. Your hand made its way up to his cheek and felt it wet from his tears. You wiped his tears away as he leaned his cheek on your touch. His hand held your hand as he kissed your palm.

Draco looked at you with his watery silver eyes. "I'm tired."

Your hand brushed his hair up in comfort and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I know, baby, I know." You whispered. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Draco hesitated as his hand remained his grip on yours, and he looked away. You forced him to look at you again, and you smiled. "I told you that I want us to face the danger together. At least tell me what's bothering you or what keeps you occupied that's making you exhausted."

To your relief, Draco nodded. He smiled gloomily as he closed his eyes, and tears more escaped from his eyes. It broke you how much he was in pain and that he wouldn't tell you. You pulled him into a hug, and you felt him wrapping his arms around you, hugging you back. You rubbed his back in comfort.

"You can tell me, and you know that, right? Tell me everything. Let me help you."

"I can't." He sobbed. "You'll hate me even more. You might even want to kill me."

"Tell me anyway."

Draco pulled away and stared at you for a moment. He let out a shaky breath and pulled up his sleeves, revealing the Dark Mark on his arm. You winced at the sight. You finally saw the mark on his arm. Too much confirmation that Draco Malfoy is, in fact a Death Eater. Draco sighed. "When I become a part of them, I was tasked to do something."

You looked back at him as he completely pulled himself away from you and walked towards the cabinet. He shut the doors and faced you. "This task is a punishment for my father's failure with his last mission."

"Was his mission about taking the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries?" You asked.

"He didn't catch it when it fell," Draco replied. "Thus breaking it and failing the task. Now he was sent to Azkaban for working for the Dark Lord."

You looked away when you realized you were there when it happened, meaning you and your friends were the cause of Lucius Malfoy's failure. You winced at the thought of being responsible for Draco becoming a Death Eater.

"With the look on your face, it's obvious you hate me more than ever." He pushed his sleeve down so it could cover the Dark Mark.

You looked back at him and shook your head. "No, no, no. Just thinking. Continue, please."

Draco hesitated but continued anyway. "I was ordered to fix this cabinet." He gently tapped at the wooden cabinet. "Up until now, I still couldn't repair it."

You stepped closer to see the cabinet clearly. "Oh, my God. That's the Vanishing Cabinet, isn't it?" You asked in surprise. "I didn't know Hogwarts has one because the other Vanishing Cabinet is in--"

Your eyes widened in realization. You turned to Draco, who looked down to avoid your eyes. "You're helping the other Death Eaters to enter the castle?"

Draco slowly nodded. You glanced at the cabinet. "Does that include your aunt?" Draco nodded again.

You noticed his reluctance and hesitation. There was something else that he wasn't telling you. Even when the information was too much to handle, you knew you had to learn more. "But that's not your main task, isn't it?"

Draco looked at you, and his eyes were once again filled with tears. "It's much worse. Too impossible for a mission. But I have to do it."

"How bad is it?"

Draco clenched his fists, debating internally if he should tell you or not. It was a risk of spilling his mission to you, especially when you're friends with Harry Potter. It was already hard enough for him to avoid suspicion from the Boy Who Lived. He shook his head. "I told you enough, (Y/n). It's not your problem to think of."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me."

But Draco should know better. He knew how stubborn you are.

"I have..." Draco inhaled sharply. "...I have to kill Dumbledore."

You froze as realization hit you like a speeding train from the Muggle world. You realized the coincidences of the accidents that had happened this entire year.

The Katie Bell incident.

"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?"

"It's like I said. She left to go to the loo, and when she came back, she had the package. She said it was important that she deliver it." She explained.

"Did she say to whom?"

"To Professor Dumbledore."

Ron was poisoned.

"This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle? By the way, it possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry. When not polluted with poison."

"Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift, myself."

"To whom, might I ask?"

"To you, headmaster."

Your eyes traveled back to Draco in horror. "Why?" You asked.

"I have no other choice!"

"Yes, you do!"

"The only choices are life or death, (Y/n)!" He told you in fear. "I have to finish my task. My family's safety lies in the success of my mission, (Y/n). Please understand."

Draco collapsed on the floor, leaning on the wall behind him, and cried harder. He covered his face with his hands as he sobbed. You sat down beside him and removed his hands away from his face. His eyes were closed, but tears were still cascading down.

You couldn't bear to see him like this. It was as if this was a different Draco Malfoy. The Dark Lord has placed too much pressure on him, making him like this. You sighed heavily and looked down, sitting beside him and leaning against the wall too. "It's just that... I can't believe you would become one of them. Like your father."

He didn't respond, but he opened his eyes and looked at you sadly.

"I can't imagine how much stress and pressure you are right now." You stared at him. "But you should know that I'll be here if you need help."

You saw Draco widen his eyes. "And let you help me to accomplish my task?" He asked in disbelief. "No, (Y/n). You being here and staying beside me is enough to give me strength. I don't want to burden you with my mission."

"You're never a burden to me."

Draco held your hand and squeezed it gently. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I never want to worry you, love. I know you've been through a lot, and being in a relationship with me will make things go harder for you."

"Well, your mother managed to stay with your father when he became a Death Eater." You stated. "If she can handle her husband being a Death Eater, then I should handle it too."

You leaned in and closed the gap between your lips and his, kissing him softly. Draco breathed against your mouth and kissed you back, cupping your neck to lean closer. You pulled away and smiled. "Death Eater or not, my love for you will never change."

Draco smiled and stifled a laugh. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" He leaned in again and kissed you.

You kissed him back, and neither of you wanted the moment to last. He moved to your front as his lips moved in sync with you. He moved away from your mouth and began kissing your neck, making you gasp. You pulled him closer as you closed your eyes in bliss.

"Don't stop..."

"I wasn't planning to."


"He's a jerk, (Y/n)." Harry sighed as he rubbed circles on his temples. "Honestly, you couldn't find someone else much better than Malfoy?"

You and Harry were both in the Gryffindor Common Room while Hermione decided to stay with Ron at the Hospital Wing. It was almost midnight, but you and Harry decided to talk.

"Draco's your friend, Harry." You frowned and looked down. "And where did the 'we still hate Malfoy's guts because he was an arse, but we could set that aside and support you both' go? I remembered you guys told me that during our third year."

"What?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrow. "I never said that. Mione did."

"Well, she was talking for the three of you."

Harry shrugged before shaking his head. He glanced at you while you stared at the fireplace. "Is it true? About Draco Malfoy being a Death Eater?"

You sighed in frustration. "Harry, please, I don't want to talk about it."

He crossed his arms as he looked at me seriously. "You do know that there is a high possibility that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater, right?"

You decided not to answer. Instead, you remained your gaze at the fireplace as the fire continued to give you and Harry warmth. You heard Harry sigh. "Death Eater or not, he's still dangerous, (Y/n)."

"Why?" You snapped your head at him. "Because his father is a Death Eater and is now in Azkaban? Because his father killed my father, and there's a possibility that he might kill me too? Because he's Draco Malfoy? A Malfoy?"

Harry closed his mouth shut by pressing his lips together. He scratched the back of his head as he looked at the fire. "I just want you to be safe, (Y/n)."

"You know well that I can protect myself, Harry." You reassured him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "And besides, you said you would protect me."

Harry looked at me and smiled. "Yeah. You know I will."

The portrait door opened, revealing Hermione sneaking inside the common room quietly. She found you and Harry by the floor, sitting next to the fireplace. "Hello." She quietly greeted. "Madam Pomfrey told me to rest, and Ron would be fine." She looked at you and gestured her hand on the door. "Someone's waiting for you outside. Well, two of them, actually."

You glanced at Harry before standing up and approaching the door. You patted Hermione and left the common room to see Pansy Parkinson with Daphne Greengrass. You smiled as you closed the door behind you. "What can I help you two lovebirds with?"

Daphne blushed while Pansy rolled her eyes. "We just want to thank you for the help..." Pansy glanced at Daphne. "...both for my Potions and Daphne."

You shrugged. "It's alright. Is that it, though? Not that I'm unappreciative or anything, but you both know it's midnight. It's past curfew."

Daphne smiled. "Malfoy told us to bring you to our common room."

You raised your eyebrows in surprise. "And he couldn't tell me himself?"

Pansy nodded her head at the door to the Gryffindor Common Room. "He figured that Potter would snap if he ever sees him near you or this tower."

Glancing at the door, you nodded. "I suppose you're right. Alright then, let's go."

You followed Daphne and Pansy on the way to the Slytherin Common Room. The three of you were careful on the way to avoid being caught by the possible prefects and professors that were patrolling around. "Honestly, do they ever sleep?" Pansh whispered in annoyance.

Daphne shushed her before dragging her by the hand and you by the wrist to run towards the Slytherin Common Room. She immediately whispered the password, and the door opened. Daphne pushed Pansy and you inside before entering the room.

Daphne turned around to see Pansy and you on the ground. "What are you two doing down there?"

"You pushed us, remember?" Pansy asked before standing up and dusting herself off. "Be lucky that I like you."

You stood up and watched Daphne approach Pansy, giving her a kiss. "I know you do," Daphne smirked.

You scrunched your nose. "I would say I feel disgusted with you two's affection, but I did help you both."

Pansy smirked at you as she wrapped her arms around Daphne. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go to your boyfriend."

You watched Pansy and Daphne sprint up to their dorms together, causing you to chuckle. You head up to Draco's room and softly knock on his door. It took a minute for the door to creak open, and you saw your boyfriend rubbing his tired eyes. "Yes?" He blinked his eyes repeatedly to notice who was standing outside his room. "(Y/n)? What on earth are you doing here?"

"I thought you wanted me here?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"I do now." Draco chuckled as he ran his slender fingers through his disheveled blonde hair. "But honestly, I didn't know you were going to be here. Did you get nightmares or something?"

You processed what was happening as you glanced at the girls' dormitories. You stifled a laugh. 'Pansy and Daphne, you sneaky bitches.' You faced Draco and shrugged. "I guess I just want to be with you for tonight."

Draco opened the door wider for you. "Come in." You entered the room, and you felt the same coldness around his room, and his expensive cologne could be smelled around. You turned around to see Draco opening his drawers to look for some clothes that you could use. He was in his sleeping attire which you found adorable.

Draco tossed you his white shirt and boxers. "Unfortunately, this is all I have for now. Your visit is quite unexpected."

You nodded and headed towards his bathroom, closing the door. While you took a quick shower and changed your clothes, you could hear Draco chuckling. "Darling, you know I've seen you naked before, right?"

Heat rose on your cheeks as you paused from slipping into the boxers he gave you. "That's different, Malfoy." You wore the shirt and exited the bathroom to see Draco fixing his bed. Draco brought his wand out and used magic to fold your uniform and robes, placing them on top of the drawers. You smiled. "The wonders of magic."

You laid down at his bed and felt him joining you from the other side. You faced your back at him while he pulled you towards him, spooning you with his arms. You could feel his breath hitting against your neck as he pulled the blankets up to cover you both.

"You smell really nice," Draco mumbled and placed a feathery kiss on your neck.

"You too, love." You replied back with a smile.

You placed your hand on top of his and felt him nuzzling his nose on the crook of your neck. "I love you." He whispered, placing another soft kiss again at the back of your neck.

"I love you too."


This is like a filler chapter since I wanted a chapter just about (Y/n) and Draco 🀍

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