𝒊. mercy ii

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"If you want to get her back, let's make her jealous. Make her think that we're together,"

THE SMELL OF NACHOS FILLED the air as Arizona sat in a booth between Hawk and Moon, with Demetri and Aisha across from them, although Aisha was standing. Aisha held up her phone, ready to capture the moment.

    "So, you might be wondering what a team does after they win the championship. The answer? Victory Nachos!" she exclaimed, eliciting cheers from Hawk and Arizona. Arizona raised her glass of Sprite and clinked it against Moon, Demetri, and Hawk's glasses. Aisha turned back to her phone, preparing to film.

    "It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's fake ID," Aisha revealed, causing Hawk's eyes to widen in panic. "Hey, don't talk about that. My parents follow you," he reminded her sternly, glancing around nervously.

     Aisha quickly turned to her phone with a scared look. "Sorry, Mrs. and Mr. Moskowitz. Anyways, until next time, no mercy, bitches," she said with a smirk before turning off her phone and taking a seat beside Demetri in the booth.

Demetri held the nachos in his hands, a smile spreading across his face. "I gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party," he remarked, eager to enjoy the celebratory atmosphere. But before he could take a bite, Hawk swiftly snatched the nacho from his hand and ate it, taunting him in the process.

"Yeah, except you had nothing to do with the victory," Hawk teased, his words cutting through the cheerful mood. Arizona, not amused by Hawk's behavior, nudged him harshly in the side, causing him to wince in pain. Rolling her eyes at Hawk's antics, Arizona turned her attention to Demetri.

"You are always welcome to come to the gatherings, Demetri! I'm not on the team either," Arizona exclaimed with a cheery smile, trying to lift Demetri's spirits. Demetri appreciated her gesture and replied, "Thank you, Arizona. But I'll just consider it a belated party for the coding competition Eli and I won at computer camp." Despite Hawk's taunts, Demetri refused to let his mood be dampened.

      Hawk's face began to fall as Demetri teased him with his robot impersonation. "Demetri and Eli. Binary Brothers!" Demetri sang in a playful tone, causing the girls to burst into laughter. However, Eli's expression darkened as he leaned forward and whispered a sharp reprimand to Demetri.

     "Hey, cool it with the nerd shit, huh?" Eli snapped at Demetri, his tone firm. Demetri's face fell at the rebuke, his enthusiasm dampened by Eli's words. Arizona, catching the exchange, frowned at Hawk and swiftly smacked him in the arm.

     "Be nice," she whispered back to him, her tone stern despite her fake smile. Hawk looked at her with a confused expression before rolling his eyes, but he complied with her silent request.

      Moon looked around the restaurant, noticing Miguel's absence. "Hey, where's Miguel? His wings are getting cold," she remarked, concern evident in her voice. Arizona let out a sigh, snapping her fingers and pointing discreetly to where Miguel sat alone across the restaurant. It was clear that he had been sulking over Sam since their breakup.

       As Arizona glanced over at Miguel, she sensed a blue aura surrounding him, indicating his distress. With a determined expression, she stood up from the table, prompting Hawk and Aisha to do the same. However, Arizona held out her hand, gesturing for them to stay seated.

    "No, guys, let me talk to him. You might just make him more upset. He needs empathy, not someone telling him to go look for another girl," Arizona explained in a gentle tone, emphasizing the importance of offering support rather than unsolicited advice. Her words were delivered with sincerity, not as a rebuke, as she prepared to approach Miguel with understanding and compassion.

Arizona walked over to Miguel, her heart sinking as she noticed him typing in Sam's Instagram name. The lack of results confirming she had blocked him made her sigh sadly. Gently placing her hand on his shoulder, she felt him look up at her, his lips curling into a smile at the sight of her.

"Arizona," he breathed out, his voice filled with gratitude as she sat down beside him. "So, Sam blocked you?" she asked softly, seeking confirmation as she pointed at his phone. Miguel nodded solemnly. "Yep, she blocked me," he confirmed, his expression reflecting his disappointment and sadness.

"I blew every shot I had with her," Miguel berated himself, his voice filled with self-doubt and regret. Arizona gently placed her hand on Miguel's, squeezing it tightly in a comforting gesture.

"Just give Sam some time. She'll come around," Arizona reassured him, her voice soft and reassuring. "When I was friends with her, things like this, she just gets mad and it takes her time to let go and forgive. Pretty sure it's something she got from her dad," she added, offering insight from her own experiences with Sam.

Miguel nodded glumly, finding solace in Arizona's words as he processed the situation and hoped for a reconciliation with Sam.

      Arizona leaned over the seat to retrieve her purse, her eyes searching for something to offer comfort. Finding her Lemon essential oil, she held it up with a smile. "My Lemon oil. I use it when I'm upset. It's energizing and uplifting, often used to boost mood, enhance mental clarity, and support immune function," she explained, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

     Miguel grinned as he pulled his sleeve up, allowing Arizona to apply a drop of the oil onto his arm. "Now that should help!" she exclaimed, her optimism contagious as Miguel laughed in response. "I think it's already working. Thanks, Zo," he thanked her, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

     Arizona smiled back, her heart swelling with gratitude for the opportunity to bring a little brightness into Miguel's day. She carefully placed the oil back in her purse, feeling a sense of fulfillment in knowing she could offer him some comfort.

     Miguel hadn't really believed in these kinds of remedies until Arizona came into his life, but with each passing day, he found himself believing more and more, thanks to her unwavering support and positive influence.

Arizona watched as Miguel returned to his phone, knowing he was likely tempted to reach out to Sam. "Nope," she blurted out, swiftly taking his phone out of his hand as he groaned in protest. "Come on, Arizona!" he whined, but she gave him a knowing look.

"You have to try and give her space, Mig. I know it's hard, but it's the best thing you can do. If you want to get her back, let's make her jealous. Make her think that we're together," Arizona suggested, her idea taking shape in her mind. Miguel stared at her for a moment before a mischievous grin spread across his face. "Let's do it. Do we start now? Like, how do we do this?" he questioned eagerly.

Arizona glanced over at their friends sitting at the booth before turning back to Miguel. "Let's get out of here. Make it look like we're going somewhere. Tomorrow, I'll walk into the dojo late as usual, and I'll kiss you. If someone asks, we'll say I went to your place and things happened, and now we're dating," she explained, laying out the plan.

Miguel nodded in agreement. "Okay, agreed... Any ground rules?" he asked, seeking clarification. Arizona nodded. "Yes, but we'll have to discuss them later," she replied cryptically, already plotting their scheme in her mind.

     Arizona and Miguel gathered their things, exchanging a knowing wink before stepping outside. Arizona couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling inside her as they made their way to their respective vehicles. Climbing into her car, she started the engine, the anticipation of their plan filling her with a strange mixture of nerves and exhilaration.

    As she began to drive away, a smile slowly spread across Arizona's face. But then, as the realization hit her, her smile faltered. She had agreed to kiss Miguel as part of their scheme to make Sam jealous. Panic washed over her as she realized she had never kissed anyone before.

   "Shit," she muttered under her breath, her heart pounding in her chest as she grappled with the sudden surge of nerves and uncertainty.

The next day arrived, and Arizona's heart pounded against her chest as she parked her car in the mini-mart parking lot. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she retrieved her keys and turned off the engine of her Jeep Wrangler before locking it and stepping out.

As she approached the doors of the small dojo, Arizona could feel her heart racing with anticipation. The sound of her own heartbeat filled her ears, drowning out the noise of the world around her. Ignoring the curious glances from those inside, she made her way towards Hawk and Miguel, who were doing push-ups.

Miguel looked up and caught sight of Arizona, a smirk spreading across his lips. "Hey, babe," he greeted, his nickname for her causing her heart to skip a beat. Pausing his push-ups, he reached out and gently cupped her face, closing his eyes as he leaned in to kiss her.

Feeling a rush of emotions flood over her, Arizona closed her eyes and returned the kiss, allowing herself to melt into the moment. She felt Miguel's hand move to her lower back, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Lost in the intensity of the kiss, she could hardly believe that this was actually happening.

Amidst the gasps and whispers that filled the room, Arizona and Miguel remained oblivious, their focus solely on each other. When they finally pulled away, both of them were left blushing, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment, yet neither of them seemed to notice as they stood there, caught up in the aftermath of their unexpected kiss.

"I'm gonna go talk to Sensei, okay? We'll talk later, babe," Miguel winked at Arizona and released her waist, heading into Johnny's office. Still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, Arizona could still feel her heart racing as she stood there, trying to process everything. Suddenly, she felt a sharp smack on her arm, snapping her out of her shocked stance.

"Arizona!" Aisha and Hawk exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with disbelief as they looked at her with wide eyes. Caught off guard, Arizona stuttered, "Ye—Yeah?"

"We've been calling it for months that you liked him, and last night you guys left together, and now you're dating?" Hawk asked incredulously, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Arizona felt a wave of nervousness wash over her as she scrambled to come up with an explanation. "Yeah, I... I went to his place last night to hang out and cheer him up, and then we kissed," she fabricated, the lie slipping smoothly off her tongue. "He admitted to liking me, and I've been denying it for months because he was dating Sam, so I took my opportunity," she added, trying to sound convincing.

Aisha smacked her arm again, her expression filled with mock offense. "I can't believe you didn't text me after this happened!" she exclaimed, her tone playful yet reproachful.

"I'm sorry! I've... I've been in total shock ever since. I still am! That was my first kiss!" Arizona gritted out, feeling a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.

Hawk couldn't help but laugh at her confession. "That was her first kiss? No way," he shook his head in disbelief. Arizona stared at him incredulously, prompting Hawk to continue, "Oh my god, what?"

Hawk's eyes widened as Aisha shot him a glare, her expression stern. "I can't believe that. You're hot, how has no one kissed you before?" Hawk remarked, his disbelief evident in his tone.

    Arizona rolled her eyes in agreement with Aisha's sentiment. "Not the point!" Aisha snapped at Hawk, her frustration evident in her tone. Sensing Arizona's unease, Aisha nodded sympathetically. "I have some Skittles in my backpack for you. You left before I could give them to you last night," she explained as Arizona nodded gratefully.

   As they made their way to the locker rooms, Aisha rummaged through her backpack and retrieved the Skittles, handing them to Arizona along with her water bottle. "You're the best," Arizona smiled warmly at Aisha, appreciating her friend's gesture of kindness.

   "You're welcome, Ari," Aisha laughed, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

    As Arizona and Aisha emerged from the locker room, they found Johnny walking out of his office with Miguel in tow. Johnny's announcement caught their attention, and Arizona couldn't help but groan in annoyance as he singled her out. "Class is cut short today! I want everyone to go home and watch Over the Top and get back to me. That goes for you too, Arizona!" Johnny pointed at her, his directive leaving her feeling exasperated.

   Rolling her eyes, Arizona reluctantly nodded in acknowledgment, already dreading the prospect of watching the movie. With a resigned sigh, she turned to Aisha and muttered, "Guess we're in for an afternoon of arm wrestling and trucker hats," before making her way out of the dojo, ready to tackle Johnny's assignment, albeit begrudgingly.

Arizona stirred from her slumber, blinking sleepily as she surveyed the dimly lit room. Aisha and Hawk were both fast asleep, their soft snores filling the air. However, the absence of Miguel left her feeling a pang of concern, her mind racing with thoughts of their fabricated relationship.

Gently extricating herself from the tangle of blankets, Arizona tiptoed across the room and ascended the stairs to the kitchen. There, she found Miguel, who greeted her with a warm smile, a spoon in his hand as he stirred something in a bowl. Startled by his sudden presence, Arizona placed a hand over her chest, her heart racing from the unexpected encounter.

"Oh my god, you scared me. I didn't know where you were," she exclaimed softly, relief washing over her as she realized he was safe and sound.

Miguel chuckled softly, his smile widening at her reaction. "Oh, I'm sorry. I got hungry. I tried to make sure you didn't wake up. You fell asleep quickly in my arms," he explained, his tone tinged with amusement as he turned to place the bowl in the sink.

Arizona felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at the memory of their impromptu cuddling session. "Right, yeah... Sorry about that," she mumbled, feeling a mixture of awkwardness and warmth at the realization.

    As they both leaned against the counter, Miguel's sigh drew Arizona's attention. His mention of establishing rules for their fake relationship brought a sense of unease to the forefront of her mind, despite her attempts to maintain a facade of composure.

   "Yeah, fake relationship rules..." Arizona echoed, forcing a smile as she racked her brain for suggestions. "We should probably kiss a lot, obviously, to make it look... real," she suggested, her words coming out in a rushed manner as she tried to divert her thoughts from their previous encounter. "And when you kiss me, don't put your hand on my back again," she added hastily, snapping her fingers as if to emphasize her point.

   Miguel's expression shifted to one of confusion at her abrupt remark. "Uhm, why?" he inquired, a hint of amusement in his voice as he regarded her with bemusement.

   "I... uh... never mind," Arizona stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she struggled to articulate her reasoning.

   "Okay, well... another thing is, we should post ourselves a lot on Instagram. Of each other," Miguel suggested, steering the conversation back to more practical matters.

   "Let me take notes on this," Arizona exclaimed eagerly, retrieving her phone and jotting down the first two rules. "Okay, what else?" she inquired, looking up at Miguel expectantly.

   Miguel snapped his fingers with a nod, suggesting another rule. "No talking to exes unless the other is present," he declared confidently.

   Arizona chuckled at the suggestion. "Yeah, well, you're the only one with an ex. I've never dated anyone before," she confessed, her gaze fixed on her phone screen as she typed in the new rule.

   "Wait, you've never dated anyone before?" Miguel questioned, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

    Arizona nodded, a hint of nervousness creeping into her demeanor as she bit her lip. She didn't meet his gaze, feeling self-conscious about revealing such personal information.

    Miguel nodded in understanding, his expression softening as he realized the significance of their shared moment. Despite her lack of experience, Arizona had surprised him with her skillful kissing, leaving him impressed and intrigued by her newfound revelation.

    As Arizona and Miguel continued to brainstorm and finalize their list of rules, they reached a point where they felt satisfied with their agreement.

   "Okay... I think that's it," Arizona breathed out, glancing up at Miguel for confirmation.

    Miguel nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I agree. Read them out loud to make sure," he suggested.

    Arizona nodded and began reciting the rules they had compiled together. "No putting your hand on my back when kissing, kissing a lot, no talking to your ex if I'm not present, not telling anyone, holding hands is okay, cuddling is okay when others are around, we post each other a lot, attending parties together, spending time together in public, no actual dates, no getting jealous, no getting emotionally involved, no saying I love you romantically," she listed off, each rule articulated clearly and confidently.

    Miguel listened attentively, nodding along as she spoke. "Okay, I think that's perfect," he agreed, a sense of finality settling over them as they concluded their discussion and solidified their understanding of the boundaries and expectations of their fake relationship.

    With a sense of determination and a shared smirk, Arizona turned off her phone and looked at Miguel. "Let this fake relationship officially begin," she declared, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

   Miguel returned her smile, his own smirk mirroring hers as he nodded in agreement. "Let's do this," he replied, his tone filled with a mixture of excitement.




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