𝒊𝒊. the alvarez's

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"I'm not fine, Miguel! My mom— She... She's an addict. And I never told anyone."

tw: mentions of drugs

Arizona was yanked from her peaceful slumber by the piercing screams that echoed through the house. Gasping for breath, she stumbled out of bed, her heart racing with dread. Following the cacophony, she raced downstairs to find her stepfather, John Khan, hurling objects at her younger brother, Diego, who cowered in a corner, arms shielding his face.

"Diego?" Arizona's voice wavered with concern as she rushed to his side, her eyes wide with alarm. The sight before her sent a chill down her spine—a dark aura seemed to emanate from John, filling the air with tension and fear.

As John raised another plate, poised to strike, Arizona's instincts kicked into overdrive. She lunged forward, intercepting the projectile just in time. "What the hell is going on!?" Her voice trembled with a mix of shock and anger as she faced John, her grip tight on the plate.

"Little shit took a hundred dollar bill from my wallet to buy a PS4!" he shouted. John's accusatory tirade pierced the air, and Arizona's gaze flickered to Diego, a pang of disappointment washing over her.

But her focus swiftly returned to John as she confronted him, hands planted firmly on her hips. "There's no reason to throw plates at a fourteen-year-old," she admonished, her voice laced with conviction. "You could've sold the PS4 to get the money back, or he could use his allowance to pay you back!"

"Fine, little shit's paying me back a months worth of allowance," John's response was met with a resigned groan as he leaned on his cane, begrudgingly conceding to Arizona's logic. With a curt demand for restitution, he shuffled toward the door, leaving Arizona and Diego in the wake of the chaos.

Breathing heavily, Arizona turned to her brother, her expression a mix of relief and concern. "Are you okay, Diego?" she asked, reaching out to comfort him. Despite the turmoil, a sense of solidarity filled the room as they stood together, united against the storm that raged within their home.

"I'm going to play golf, clean up the kitchen before I get back and clean your mother up, she threw up in her sleep," Arizona's heart sank as John's words cut through the tense atmosphere, each syllable weighted with frustration and disappointment.

She watched him leave, his form disappearing through the doorway, leaving behind a trail of chaos and unresolved tension.

Turning her attention to her mother, Arizona's heart ached at the sight of her, the telltale band around her elbow a stark reminder of her ongoing battle with addiction. With a heavy sigh, Arizona resolved to clean up the kitchen, steeling herself for the task ahead.

Glancing over at Diego, who sank wearily into a chair at the dining room table, Arizona felt a surge of protectiveness wash over her. She knew she had to be strong for him, just as she always had been.

Their family had weathered countless storms—tragedy, addiction, and dysfunction—but through it all, Arizona remained steadfast in her commitment to caring for her brother. With their father gone and their mother's struggles with addiction, Arizona had become the anchor that held their fragile family together.

As she began to tidy up the kitchen, Arizona couldn't shake the nagging sense of despair that clung to her thoughts. She longed for a day when her mother would break free from the grip of addiction, reclaiming her life and her role as a mother.

But until then, Arizona knew she had to stay strong, for herself and for Diego, navigating the turbulent waters of their tumultuous family life with unwavering determination and resilience.

      Arizona set the bowl of cereal in front of Diego, hoping its familiar comfort would coax him to eat. Yet, his vacant stare remained fixed on the table, his troubled thoughts clearly consuming him. With a heavy heart, Arizona took a seat beside him, her concern etched into every line of her face.

      Arizona's heart sank as she watched Diego push the bowl of cereal away, his expression heavy with sadness and fatigue. With a sigh, she reached out and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him a reassuring squeeze.

     "Diego, por favor," she urged softly, her voice laced with concern. "You need to eat something. It's important to take care of yourself, especially after everything that's happened."


      Diego met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and resignation. Arizona could sense his reluctance, his struggle to find solace amidst the chaos that surrounded them. She knew that words alone wouldn't be enough to ease his burden, but she hoped that her presence and support would offer him some measure of comfort.

      Leaning closer to him, Arizona wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a gentle embrace. "Estoy aquí para ti, hermanito," she whispered, her voice soft and soothing. "No estás solo. Juntos podemos superar esto."

TRANSLATION; I'm here for you, little brother.
You are not alone. Together we can overcome this.

      Diego leaned into her embrace, his body tense with emotion. Arizona held him close, offering him the warmth and reassurance he so desperately needed. In that moment, she vowed to do whatever it took to help her brother find peace and healing, no matter the obstacles they faced.

      Arizona leaned her head on Diego's shoulder for a moment, finding solace in their shared bond amidst the chaos of their lives. With a gentle poke, she urged him to eat, her pleading eyes reflecting her deep concern for him. Diego hesitated for a moment before finally reaching for the spoon and taking a bite, his sister's persistence breaking through the barrier of his inner turmoil.

      As Diego began to eat, Arizona pushed her chair back and made her way over to their mother, Daniella, who lay passed out on the couch. With practiced ease, she rolled Daniella onto her back, her heart aching at the sight of her mother's frail form. Checking for signs of life, Arizona felt a surge of relief as she detected a steady pulse beneath her fingertips.

      Gathering her resolve, Arizona retrieved the syringe and discarded it, determined to shield her mother from the dangers of addiction. With a heavy heart, she gently shook Daniella awake, her words of gibberish echoing in the dimly lit room. With a mixture of compassion and determination, Arizona helped her mother upstairs, guiding her unsteady steps to the bathroom.

      Once there, Arizona turned on the cold water, the sharp spray jolting Daniella awake with a gasp. Despite the struggle, Arizona remained steadfast, supporting her mother through the ordeal with unwavering love and determination.

As the cold water cascaded over Daniella's form, Arizona prayed that somehow, someway, they would find a way to break free from the cycle of addiction that had ensnared their family.

      Arizona's heart pounded in her chest as she watched her mother struggle in the bathtub. Her hands trembled as she reached for the shampoo bottle, but before she could grasp it, Daniella's fingers closed around her wrist, gripping it tightly.

     "I can do things on my own, Arizona," Daniella gritted out, her voice strained with frustration. Arizona's eyes widened in surprise as she tried to pull her hand away, but Daniella's grip remained firm.

     Feeling a mixture of anger and helplessness, Arizona yanked her arm away, shooting her mother a disbelieving look. "Oh, really? Stand up right now," she demanded, her tone laced with defiance.

      As Daniella attempted to comply, her weakened state caused her to stumble backward, almost losing her balance. Arizona couldn't help but scoff, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. With her arms crossed, she watched her mother struggle, a sense of frustration building within her.

    "Just — Just leave me alone!" Daniella's voice echoed in the small bathroom, filled with desperation and anger. Arizona's expression softened momentarily, but her resolve remained strong.

    "Mom, why won't you just let me help you? I can't keep seeing you like this. I don't want Diego to see this," she pleaded, her voice tinged with sadness and frustration.

     But Daniella, drenched in water and overwhelmed by her own turmoil, met her daughter's gaze with a steely glare. "Get out," she demanded, her voice filled with a raw intensity that made Arizona flinch.

    "What?" Arizona's voice wavered with disbelief, her mind struggling to process the sudden turn of events.

     "Get OUT!" Daniella's voice rose to a crescendo, echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom. Arizona recoiled, her heart pounding in her chest as she turned and fled downstairs, leaving her mother behind in the turmoil of her own making.

      Diego's brows furrowed in confusion as Arizona snapped at him to get up. "What's going on?" he asked, his tone tinged with concern as Arizona hastily grabbed her keys and phone.

     "Just... just mom needs her time alone," Arizona lied, her voice strained with tension. Diego studied her for a moment, his expression thoughtful.

     "Arizona, you don't need to protect me," Diego stated quietly, his words carrying a weight of understanding and empathy. Arizona's frown deepened, her heart aching at the innocence in his eyes.

    "Some things aren't something I want you to know. It's... not something you should have to deal with, okay?" Arizona's voice wavered slightly as she struggled to find the right words. "You're gonna go hang out at the LaRusso's for the day. Text Daniel and ask if it's fine," she declared, her tone firm as she tried to mask the turmoil churning within her.

     Diego fell silent, his gaze dropping to the floor as he processed his sister's words. With a nod, he complied, understanding the gravity of the situation, even if he didn't fully comprehend it.

      After dropping off Diego at the LaRusso's, Arizona made her way over to Miguel's apartment. As she parked her car, she spotted Johnny unlocking his door.

     "Hey, Alaska!" he called out cheerfully, but Arizona's response was less than enthusiastic. "It's Arizona," she corrected him with an annoyed tone, but Johnny waved it off.

     "When are you gonna finish my taxes?" he asked casually, and Arizona rolled her eyes. "Tomorrow. The math is just not making sense, so it's taking a bit longer," she explained, feeling the weight of her emotions pressing down on her.

      Johnny nodded understandingly before heading inside his house. Arizona took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before approaching Miguel's door. She knocked, and Miguel opened it with a smile that quickly faded when he saw tears in her eyes.

     "Arizona?" his voice was filled with concern as he ushered her inside. Arizona stepped in, but as soon as the door closed behind her, she broke down. "What's wrong? Come in," Miguel said gently, his worry evident in his eyes.

      Unable to hold back her emotions any longer, Arizona collapsed into tears. "Are you okay?" Miguel asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. Arizona shook her head, her breath coming in short gasps as she struggled to speak through her sobs.

      "I'm not fine, Miguel! My mom— She... She's an addict. And I never told anyone," she managed to choke out, her words heavy with pain and regret. Miguel's eyes widened in shock and sympathy as he listened, his heart breaking for her.

      Miguel's heart ached for Arizona as he listened to her words. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, offering her a comforting squeeze.

      "I'm so sorry, Arizona," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "That must be incredibly hard for you to carry on your own. But you're not alone right now. You have me, and you have friends who care about you."

      He paused, searching for the right words to offer her solace. "You don't have to go through this alone. We'll figure it out together. And if you ever need someone to talk to or just a shoulder to lean on, I'm here for you. I know I don't understand personally, but I will listen,"

      Miguel's sincerity and support shone through in his words, offering Arizona a glimmer of hope in her moment of darkness.

       Arizona remained silent, her tears flowing freely as Miguel approached and enveloped her in a comforting embrace. She leaned into his chest, seeking solace in his presence. "I just want my mom to be sober," she choked out between sobs, her voice filled with anguish. "I want my mom, Miguel. I want my mom."

        Feeling her pain, Miguel gently rubbed her back, offering silent support and understanding. Meanwhile, Carmen, his mother, heard the cries from her bedroom and emerged to find Arizona in distress. Catching Miguel's subtle gesture, she approached with a compassionate expression, silently acknowledging the need for comfort and reassurance.

      "I know, Arizona," he murmured softly, his voice filled with compassion. "I know it hurts, but we'll get through this together. You're not alone."

After Arizona calmed down, she sat at the Diaz's dinner table, a glass of water in front of her alongside a plate of waffles. She nibbled on the waffles slowly, lost in silent contemplation. Meanwhile, Miguel was taking a shower, and his grandmother was out playing bingo.

Carmen approached the table and took a seat across from Arizona. "You know, if you need to, you and your brother can stay here for a few nights. We can call someone, get your mother sent to rehab," she suggested, her tone gentle and empathetic.

Arizona looked up, her expression shaken. "No, CPS! I'll stay here for tonight, and my brother's at his friend's... we'll be fine," she replied, her voice tinged with unease as she fabricated a story.

Carmen sighed, recognizing the weight of the situation. "Okay, no CPS, but what about getting her into rehab? Has she ever gone?" she prodded gently, her concern evident.

Arizona nodded, her eyes glistening with tears. "Yes... Once. It worked for a while. She was there for a month, and we stayed with my grandma, who is now gone. When she was out, she would go to meetings, and she was sober for five years, but then she met my stepdad... who just makes her relapse too much," she explained, her voice heavy with sorrow.

Carmen frowned empathetically. "I wish I could help you more, but I can send you some information about rehab facilities, just in case you change your mind, okay?" she offered, her tone gentle and supportive.

Arizona nodded, mustering a sad smile. "Gracias," she murmured in gratitude as Carmen nodded back, her own expression sympathetic. "If you need a shower after Miguel's done, you can borrow a pair of his clothes," she informed Arizona before leaving her to finish the rest of her waffles.

Arizona turned off the water, feeling the steam enveloping her as she stepped out of the shower. She reached for the towels nearby, wrapping herself in their warmth. Glancing over, she noticed the neatly folded clothes laid out on the toilet seat: a soft black t-shirt, a pair of comfortable sweatpants, socks, and underwear.

As she dried herself off, she couldn't help but appreciate the simple gesture of kindness from Carmen. The clothes seemed to offer a sense of comfort and familiarity in the midst of her turmoil. Arizona started by slipping the black t-shirt over her damp skin, feeling the soft fabric against her. Next, she grabbed the underwear and pulled them on, feeling a sense of modesty restored.

Carefully, she eased into the sweatpants, relishing in their warmth and coziness. Finally, she slid on the socks, appreciating the small sense of normalcy they brought. In Miguel's clothes, she found a quiet solace, a brief respite from the chaos of her reality.

Arizona looked at herself in the mirror, taking in the sight of Miguel's clothes adorning her frame. The black t-shirt hugged her figure, the familiar scent of his cologne enveloping her senses. It brought a subtle warmth to her heart, a reminder of his comforting presence. With a soft smile, she opened the bathroom door, the fabric swishing softly as she made her way to Miguel's room.

Inside, she found him engrossed in a workout routine, the rhythmic sound of pushups echoing in the room along with the music blasting from his stereo. He glanced up at her arrival, concern evident in his eyes as he paused the music to greet her. "Hey, how are you feeling?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine care.

Arizona leaned against the doorway, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. "I'm fine... I just needed to let that all out," she replied, her attempt at a smile not quite reaching her eyes. She could sense Miguel's worry, his silent understanding of her unspoken turmoil.

Sensing her reluctance to burden him further, Miguel gently offered her the comfort of his home for as long as she needed. "You know you can stay here for a while. My Yaya would be happy, she loves you," he suggested, his concern evident in his tone.

Arizona shook her head softly, grateful for his offer but hesitant to overstay her welcome. "No, one night is fine. Erm... is it fine if I take a nap? You can continue doing your workout and blasting music," she proposed, gesturing towards his bed. Miguel hesitated briefly before nodding in agreement.

As Arizona settled onto his bed, the soft fabric of his clothes embracing her, she felt a sense of comfort wash over her. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the familiar scent of his cologne mingled with the fabric, her stomach fluttering with a mix of emotions. Despite the turmoil of her circumstances, she found solace in Miguel's presence, a beacon of stability in the storm.


i felt like we needed a chapter just about her family to introduce her!

poor arizona:(

btw diego's like a year older than anthony

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