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An hour after the crew of twelve had boarded the vessel, Yeonha gives them all tasks to do around the ship to make sure it runs smoothly.

On the first day, everyone gets accustomed with each other and groups form. One in particular was Kairi and Minseok.

They first met at the spaceport when Minseok had dropped their journal. Since Kairi was walking behind them, they saw it and picked it up.

Kairi couldn't help but read what was in the journal, ending up reading an embarrassing but funny story about Minseok the other day.

Once Kairi returned the journal to them, they both automatically clicked and started to talk and laugh with each other on their way to the check-in with the Project Manager.

The two are currently looking at a tablet filled with tasks they'd recently acquired as they walked through the ship together.

"So, where should we go first?" Kairi asks as they walk.

"We could go to the reactor. I think I have to start it," Minseok says as they rub the back of their neck while reading over the task.

"Okay, I think I have something right next to it. I'll be over there while you do the reactor," Kairi says, not thinking much of it since they would get more work done by splitting up.

"Okay, good idea! Then we can meet in the cafeteria afterwards, I heard that Koeun was going to make food. We can meet there and eat together," Minseok suggests to the younger.

Kairi agrees, "Mhm, sounds good!" They smiled at the thought of it.

The two soon go their separate ways, later to meet at the cafeteria as decided.

Another group that went to complete their tasks together was a trio consisting of Narae, Deshawn and Jin-woo.

Narae had gotten the two to come with her so they could all do tasks together.

"I have to fix some wires in Navigation. How about you guys?" Narae chirps as she reads her tablet.

Deshawn sighs and looks at his paper wearing a look of pure boredom. "I have to go to O2 and clean filters?" he says, shaking his head since he didn't feel like cleaning at all.

Jin-woo looks down at their paper, "I have to make sure we're on route at Navigation too. I'll go with Narae then."

"Only if you want me to come with you," they quickly add, since they didn't want to force anything.

"Of course you can come with me! The more the merrier, right?" she says, elbowing Deshawn to get him to agree with her.

Deshawn rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever," he says, not looking forward to cleaning the filters out, making his thoughts more than obviously visible.

Narae smiles, "Okay, so, I think Navigation is this way," she points, looking at the map of the ship, immediately heading to the right with the two following close behind.

As the three walk, Deshawn and Jin-woo trail behind Narae. "Why can't you just suck it up and do your task like the rest of us?" Jin-woo asks Deshawn.

Jin-woo saw the look on Deshawn's face that stated 'I'm not going to do this task'. Deshawn was about to respond when Jin-woo interrupts him.

"I guess we can trade tasks because someone's going to have to do it," they say and put their hands in their pockets as they walk forward.

Jin-woo wanted to trade tasks with Deshawn because they didn't want him to do something that he didn't want to do.

However, they couldn't just say it like that, so in their mind they decided to be a tsundere; act like they didn't care when in reality they really did care.

Deshawn scoffs, "Okay then, let's trade." Once they get to Navigation, he goes in with Narae as Jin-woo goes by himself to O2 down the hall.

On their way, they pass Communications, which was where Yikyung and Mesha were.

Mesha was downloading something onto her tablet and Yikyung just decided to tag along.

"You know, you don't have to follow me around..," Mesha says with her back towards him.

Yikyung sat in the office chair. "I know, but it's a bonding experience, right? We're crewmates and we're going to be in this ship together whether you like it or not," he says with a slight chuckle.

Mesha sighs. "Okay, fine. What do you have to do anyways?" she asks, looking back at him as she downloaded.

Yikyung checks his tablet. "I guess I have to scan myself?" he says, not getting why he had to, but knowing he needed to.

Mesha nods. "Okay, we can do that after this," she says, hearing footsteps getting louder towards their room.

Kieran walks in and upon seeing the two, smiles "Oh hey!"

Yikyung gives the other male a nod as he walks in.

"I didn't end up finding anyone to do tasks with, so, can I stay with you guys?" he asks, standing by the door.

Yikyung looks at Mesha to see what she thought about the matter.

Mesha nods. "Uh, sure," she says, not minding.

Yikyung nods as well "You can stay with us then. We're going to Medbay after this. What task do you have?" Yikyung questions.

"I have to take out the trash" Kieran responds, looking down at his tablet, "It sounds like an easier task to me. Speaking of that, all my tasks are easy."

"Do you think Yeonha thinks I'm dumb?!" Kieran pouts as he rambles on.

Mesha laughed "It was just a question. We didn't need to know all of your thoughts.."

Mesha laughs, shaking her head, soon finishing her download.

Yikyung shakes his head. "Yah! Mesha, that wasn't nice," Yikyung says, even though he was thinking the same thing. However, he would never dare say it to someone's face.

Kieran shakes his head. "No, no, it's fine! I tend to do that sometimes," he says, rubbing the back of his head.

Mesha just shakes her head, taking help from the map on her tablet for them all to head to the Medbay, so Yikyung could get his task done.

The two follow Mesha to Medbay to get their tasks done. Afterwards, they would go to the cafeteria to get a taste of some of Koeun's food.

Wonhyuk and Harlow were walking around the ship together. Wonhyuk led Harlow around. "Can't you walk any faster?" Wonhyuk asks meanly, rolling his eyes.

He walks into the Admin room to swipe the card that the company had entrusted him with.

Harlow follows quickly after. They were too apprehensive and intimidated by Wonhyuk to tell him that he was the one walking too fast. "Sorry, I'll go faster," they said quietly. Harlow looks down at their feet as they walk faster

"How many tasks have they gotten done already?" Wonhyuk asks, since he knew the higher ups were watching which tasks were done by whom, and how swiftly and perfectly they were accomplished.

The two soon make it to Admin, Harlow checking the tablet they had hacked to check which task was done.

"You're still ahead of everyone with tasks done," they say, not wanting Wonhyuk to get angry with them.

Harlow only hacked the tablet because Wonhyuk told them too. They weren't going to say no so they obliged.

The hacked tablet was a fairly innocent idea by the two. Wonhyuk just didn't want anyone to surpass him.

Wonhyuk swipes his card and it declines, the reason being he swiped too fast. He does it again slowler; it says he went too slow.

The card reader declines the card a few more times. "Why isn't this stupid thing working?!" he says, frustrated.

Harlow jumps at his tone and walks over. "Let me try," they say calmly, taking out their own card and swiping it at the perfect speed.

"There, it works!" they say, looking up at him.

Wonhyuk rolls his eyes. "Whatever, I'm over this stupid task. Let's go do something else," he says, taking out his tablet to see what other task he had to do.

As soon as Wonhyuk walks out, the smell of Koeun's food reaches his nostrils, flaunting the fact that she had been cooking since they had gotten on the ship.

"Let's just go eat," he says, looking back at Harlow, who obediently nods and follows after the red-suited male.

The duo heads over to the cafeteria to satisfy their stomachs, both of them being the first ones there.

Wonhyuk sits at a table and looks over at Harlow. "Go get us food." he commands. Wonhyuk always made Harlow do all the work.

Harlow nods and goes over to the kitchen, where he finds Yeonha and Koeun. "Can I get two plates please," they say quietly.

Koeun nods. "Mhm, of course!" she says, preparing two plates of food for Harlow.

Koeun finishes and hands over both the plates. "Be careful, don't drop it!" she says.

Harlow nods and, thanking Koeun under their breath, heads back to the table where Wonhyuk was sitting.

Once Harlow leaves, Koeun sighs. "I don't like the way that friendship is," she says, looking over at Yeonha, who currently had a mouth full of food.

She quickly chews and swallows. "Yeah, I've already noticed how he treated them when I was giving out tasks," Yeonha says.

She was leaning on a counter as she ate and finished her food.

Koeun nods, "I don't know, nothing serious has happened yet so I guess all we can do is keep an eye on them." She keeps her eyes fixed at the two, watching them eat from the kitchen.

Yeonha shrugs. "That's all you can do, Koeun," she advises, "But I guess I have to get started on my tasks. I'll be back in a few."

Yeonha leaves the kitchen, passing through the cafeteria and heading over to the Top Engine to make sure everything was okay with it.

Koeun watches Yeonha walk off before beginning to make more plates for the other crew members, knowing they would all soon start coming to the cafeteria to eat.

She hums a tune that was stuck in her head as she makes plates for everyone.

Thirty minutes pass by and soon everyone is sitting at their separate tables, talking and laughing.

Yeonha had come back from doing a couple of tasks. "I see everyone likes your cooking," Yeonha says as she walks back into the kitchen.

Koeun nods. "Mhm, I'm glad, because I'm the one who'll be cooking their meals," she says, letting out a quiet laugh.

Yeonha nods. "That's true," she says, joining the laugh.

Minseok was sitting by themselves, waiting for Kairi to come back. They sigh and begin eating alone, wondering if Kairi had ditched them.

However, they don't see Kairi's orange-colored suit anywhere in the cafeteria.

Minseok sighs and gets up, heading out of the cafeteria to Kairi's last known place, which happened to be Security.

They walk inside and see something they'd never thought they would have to see in real life.

The remains of Kairi's corpse were too gruesome for Minseok to comprehend, the fog overcoming their brain too hazy for them to think about what had happened to their friend.

The murder scene screamed ruthlessly, flashing its crimson liquid, oozing out from the teen's already pale and dead body. Some of their limbs were cut off, some having the audacity to be missing.

The room seemed as if it had been decorated with blood; red splatter on the walls, the floor, some of it having been dried up already.

The bone from where Kairi's arm was cut or ripped off was protruding out, leaving Minseok unable to handle the sight anymore.

They were sick to their stomach, quickly running to the cafeteria with tears brimming in their eyes and a hand over their mouth, to keep the vomit from speaking for itself.

"Kairi's dead! They were killed!"

•╚════◄░░░░░░►════╝ •
Thank you for reading! I would like to give a special thanks to Marm for editing my chapters. I have also made a Discord server for anyone who would like updates and behind the scene things like projects we are working on for this book. So look out for that ! As always feel free to leave suggestions for your oc and correct me if I made any mistakes. Thank you so much for reading !

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