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          The moment Minseok announces that Kairi is dead, everyone's heads turn to look at them. Some faces show terror while others look confused; some even baring the audacity to look neutral, unbothered and somewhat expectant of this.

Yeonha looked confused. "What? Are you serious?" she asks, the thought of something like this happening on their ship has not crossed her mind before.

Minseok was almost in tears. "Yes, I'm sure! I found their body in Security, where they were supposed to be doing their task!" they say, obviously distraught and saddened by their friend's death.

Yeonha nods and walks out of the cafeteria towards security, seeing immediately how bad the murder was.

She now understands why Minseok looked the way they did when they first came running into the cafeteria. "We need to hold a group meeting right now!" Yeonha orders.

Soon enough, everyone is either sitting or standing around the table. Yeonha had separated everyone into the friend groups that she was aware of, just in case.

"Does anyone know anything? Who's accounted for and who isn't?" Yeonha asks, starting it off.

Narae was the first one to speak up, "Well, I was with Deshawn and Jin-Woo most of the time, but we split up before we came here. Deshawn and I went to Navigation, while Jin-woo went to O2 by themselves."

"Wait, are y-you trying to pin this on m-me?!" Jin-woo asks, a little angered by the fact that they would think it was them.

Deshawn rolls his eyes. "We never said that, calm down!" he says, looking over at the brown-suited teen.

Mesha speaks up, "Oh, speaking of unaccounted for, Yikyung and I were in Communions when Kieran came in by himself. So, before he came in while we were doing our tasks, Kieran is unaccounted for."

Yeonha nods. "So two people are unaccounted for. What else?" she asks, looking around.

Wonhyuk shrugs. "Well, Harlow and I were together the whole time," he says, looking down at them, "Isn't that right?"

"We were together, yes," they say a bit quietly, nodding while avoiding eye contact with anyone as they spoke, which was normal for them.

"Yeonha, you did leave before Minseok found the body--" Koeun points out. "I was cooking the whole time; I haven't even gotten the chance to go out and explore the ship," she adds.

Minseok just sighs. "So three people could have killed them. What now?" they ask. They just wanted to find out who had killed their friend and make sure that they wouldn't be able to do it again.

Narae sighs, "Well, we don't have any proof that one of them did it, and I really don't want to accuse someone who is innocent."

"Okay well, what are we even going to do to the person who is accused?" Kieran asks, looking over at the captain and co-captain.

Yeonha thinks aloud, "We can just push them out the airlock..."

"What?! You can't be serious!" Yikyung says, with an expression of disbelief and sheer terror dancing on his face.

"What if they didn't do it? We can end up killing them!" Narae says this new information making her not want to accuse anyone. 

Wonhyuk was calm. "Well, what else are we supposed to do, let them kill us?" he asks, looking over at Narae.

"I guess you're right.. but still!" she says, shaking her head, still not liking the idea.

Yeonha lets out another sigh in the room. "Okay so, what do you all want to do?" she asks, looking around.

"I say we just watch out for anything suspicious while staying in groups," Koeun suggests, immediately interrupted by Deshawn.

"Wait, Yeonha, how do we know it's not you? You're leading all of this, but, we haven't even asked you where you went," Deshawn says, his eyes on the captain.

Yeonha shakes her head. "I just went to the top engine to make sure everything was okay there. Afterwards, I came right back to the cafeteria. Happy?" she asks in an annoyed tone.

"Anyways, let's just finish eating and doing today's tasks," Yeonha continues, thus ending the meeting.

"So, you guys are just going to let the killer get off free?!" Minseok questions.

"We can't do anything right now; we have no idea who it could be. Just don't die!" Mesha says as she gets up, walking off to finish her food.

Soon enough the rest of the crew get up and start to eat their food again, now all thinking about their fate on the ship.

Yikyung, Mesha and Minseok all sat together and ate.

"So, what do you guys think is going to happen to us?" he asks, scared for their future, if they would even have one.

Mesha shrugs. "Probably die... We'll either get killed by whoever's doing this or get accused and thrown out of that airlock," she tells them, holding no filter.

Minseok was obviously scared because of what they had seen when they had discovered Kairi's body.

"Mesha, don't think like that!" Yikyung says, looking over at Minseok. "Don't listen to her, okay? She doesn't know what she's talking about. We are not going to die here!" he says, glaring at Mesha from the side as he spoke to Minseok.

"W-when I found them, some parts of her body were missing" Minseok said, looking down at the table, "Do you think they-" They covered their mouth just thinking about it.

"D-Do you think they ate their body parts?" they let out.

Yikyung and Meshas eyes widen. "What? You really think whoever did that ate their body parts?" Yikyung asks.

Minseok nods. "Well y-yeah, where else would they be?" they say, shaking their head.

"That's a possibility... They probably did if we could find the other parts that were missing..." Mesha says.

She was about to continue when the lights shut off, leaving all of the crew in complete darkness.

Wonhyuk was mid-bite when the lights turned off. "What the fuck?" he says, looking around with a confused expression. Harlow was befuddled too, but stayed silent, not feeling that scared since Wonhyuk was near them.

Narae was tremendously afraid of the dark, jumping when it got pitch black. She clings onto the nearest person, which happened to be Deshawn.

Deshawn jumps from the sudden contact. "What?" he says, moving his arm to get her off.

Narae just holds onto his arm tighter. "I'm scared," she says, closing her eyes.

Deshawn held in a laugh. "You're scared of the dark?" he sneers, letting out a sigh, remaining seated.

Yeonha was also afraid of the dark, quickly turning on a flashlight from her tablet so she could see. "Koeun, come with me to fix the lights, please," she says, not wanting to go alone.

Koeun nods. "Of course, let's go!" she says and slips her hand into Yeonha's as they both head to Electrical to fix the lights.

"Everyone, stay there!" Yeonha says before walking off with Koeun.

Jin-woo turns on their tablet to brighten up the table. "Are you really that scared, Narae? There's nothing to be scared of," they say, slightly annoyed that she had attached herself to Deshawn.

Narae was about to respond when the lights turned back on. "Finally!" Wonhyuk says, having finished his food in the dark since he wanted to get back to doing tasks for the day.

Yeonha comes back to the cafeteria. "Koeun says that she's going to do her tasks, so, we should start finishing up our tasks too," she says, smiling.

Shortly, everyone finishes their food, gathering into groups to finish their tasks.

Wonhyuk and Harlow were the first to go and complete more tasks, followed by Mesha, Yikyung, and Kieran. Narae, Deshawn and Jin-woo head to the top engine.

Lastly, Minseok and Yeonha stick together to go find Koeun, so they can all do tasks together. "So, where to first?" Minseok asks Yeonha as the two of them walk around the ship.

"Well, first I want to find Koeun to make sure that she's not alone," she says. "I know we shouldn't split up but it'll be easier to find her that way."

Minseok thinks while playing with their fingers. The last time they had split up, Kairi had been killed. "Sure, I guess. Just be safe, okay?" they tell Yeonha.

Yeonha gives them a thumbs up, "Mhm, you go it! You check out Electrical and I'll go towards Navigation,"  Yeonha says.

The two split up, but right before Yeonha and Minseok could go their separate ways, Koeun's dead body was staring right up at them in front of the doorway of Electrical.

The murder looked different than Kairi's murder; it looked quick. The crimson liquid was oozing out from Koeun's slit throat.

It looked like a rushed attack and not as brutal as Kairi's. Koeun's paler-than-usual face showed intense surprise, or perhaps shock.

The shocked face was still attached onto the corpse. Koeun's arm was missing, blood seeping out of the open spot.
Minseok had a hand over their mouth once again. This was their second time seeing one of their friends' corpses.

They were crying silently as they saw the corpse and looked over at Yeonha, who just stood there, shocked at the body.

Yeonha quickly takes out her tablet, notifying everyone to head over to the cafeteria for a meeting.

About five minutes later, Yeonha and the sobbing Minseok start the meeting.

Jin-woo was annoyed when they got there as they were in the middle of a task with Deshawn.

"Why are w-we here? I almost finished my t-task," they say, crossing their arms.

Yeonha speaks up,

"Well first off, Koeun is dead."

Thank you for reading ! This chapter was more focused on Minseok and Yeonha. Don't worry each character with hopefully get their own focus! As always let me know if I made any mistakes with your oc. Feel free to correct me ! Again thank you for reading !

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