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As soon as Yeonha announced Koeun's death, Deshawn slammed his hand down onto the table. "Someone's dead again and there was nothing we could do to stop it!?" he yells, causing some flinches among the others. He was furious that another one of their crewmates had been murdered, leaving them all feeling pretty helpless and useless. He hated the feeling of not being able to do anything to help.

Mesha shakes her head. "No, there's nothing that we can do. We have to sit here and wait to die either by the hands of whoever this traitor is or by that airlock," she says, crossing her arms.

Yikyung turns and gives her a look. "Mesha!" he says, shaking his head.

"What? We were all thinking-"

Deshawn interrupts, "Look, we have to find out who's doing this before we all die."

Wonhyuk decided to speak up. "Okay, then how do we know it's not you? You accused Yeonha in the last meeting. Was that to draw us off your back?" Wonhyuk snaps.

Narae cuts in. "I was with Deshawn the whole time! He couldn't have done it!" she defends.

Wonhyuk rolls his eyes. "Okay, then maybe you're a part of it too!" he accuses.

Yeonha has had enough at this point. "Okay, that's enough! We have to start figuring this out instead of arguing with each other," she says, leading the group back to the topic that they were originally supposed to stay on.

Kieran nods agreeing with the captain "Then what do you suggest we do?" He asks

Yeonha sighs "When the lights were out can everyone confirm that the person next to them didn't leave?"

Wonhyuk couldn't hold in his laugh "No we can't because it was fucking dark. For all, I know Harlow could have gotten up and left for all I care"

Harlow hesitantly agrees and nods but they don't say anything which wasn't completely unusual from what they are like regularly.

"Okay whatever, what do you suggest then?" Yeonha asks sarcastically not expecting Wonhyuk to have an idea.

Wonhyuk smirks "Finally you let me do something around here" He starts off

"Well I think you should tell us the truth Yeonha," He says leaning over the table and over to Yeonha.

Yeonha looked confused "What are you talking about? Are you trying to blame me?!"

Wonhyuk cockily laughed "No need to get so defensive now. While I was doing a task in communications I heard a little something on the radio from the collation."

Jin-Woo looked confused "What is h-he talking a-about Yeonha?"

"Yeah is there something you aren't telling us?" A concerned Minseok asks. They were afraid that Yeonha, the only one they could trust, was somehow lying to them.

Yeonha sighs "Okay well when you say it like that you make it sound like you're trying to convict me of something" She crossed her arms ready to explain.

"Okay then maybe you should get to explaining," Mesha says wanting to hear what she had to say for herself.

"Okay fine" Yeonha takes a deep breath before she decides to speak "This thing that has been happening to us. You know people getting murdered and stuff? Yeah. This has been happening with other crews. The Coalition has been trying to figure out who and why this has been happening but it's still under investigation"

All 6 Crewmates stare in genuine shock at Yeonha telling them what was going on. The other 3 pretend to be shocked about what was going on.

"S-So what you're saying is t-that other people are having to go through the s-same thing we are?" Jin-woo asks

Yeonha nods "to keep it short, yes" she confirms

Kieran speaks up "Do you think it has to do with those alien things they found on Planet Bulmara?" He asks

Yeonha nods "That has been a focal point for a while now so it is an option. I think that is the reason"

"Okay. Yay great, we know what's killing us. We still don't have any leads or suspicions on who it is. What now" Mesha says annoyed that this meeting got them practically nowhere.

Yeonha sighs and nods "Well all we can do is go back to doing tasks again and make sure to keep an eye on each other," she says

Deshawn sighs "Right back to being sitting ducks," he says getting up with Narae and Jin-Woo the three of them have become their own little group.

"Don't say that, I remember someone saying that there's always strength in numbers. So we'll be fine" Narae smiles

Jin-Woo slowly nods "Yeah i-i've heard something like t-that," they say as the three of them head to storage to finish up their tasks for the day.

Wonhyuk watches the three leave "Okay let's go Harlow" He says getting up and going the opposite way with Harlow quickly following after him with their tablet in their hands.

Mesha shakes her head and gets up from the table as well "Well that got us nowhere" she says

Yikyung had to agree "You're right but we did get to learn about how this is happening to other crews," He says

Kieran nods and agrees "yeah you're right, we at least made some kind of process" he smiles

The three have also formed their own group, it was also just Kieran attaching himself to Mesha and Yikyung since he didn't want to be alone while doing tasks.

The two accepted it and stopped trying to lose Kieran in the halls on the ship. Kieran was grateful for their kindness and friendship which he took to heart and appreciated.

Yeonha groans and puts her face in her hands. She was stressed because of all of this and she didn't know what to do.

Minseok sees this and they didn't like seeing their friends like this. "Yeonha...Don't stress yourself out about this okay? We'll catch who's doing this" They smiled trying to get her to feel better.

Yeonha sighs "No, you're right. But I'm the captain and I have to keep everyone safe." She says but understands seeing their face that it was stressing them out when she was visibly stressing out herself.

"You're right, let's just go do some tasks? Yeah?" She asks getting up with a smile wanting them to feel better.

Around an hour or so later the group of three consisting of Narae, Deshawn, and Jin-woo have finished their tasks.

They sat in storage sitting on the metal boxes and Narae decided to strike up a conversation being the social butterfly she was.

"So what did you guys like to do back on Earth?" She asks, wanting to try and direct their attention away from what was happening currently.

Narae was met with silence; both of them did not want to talk about their lives before being on this ship.

Narae sighs "Okay then, I guess I'll go first," she says with a small awkward laugh.

"Well I liked to play sports and I'm into fashion. If I didn't get into the space program I probably would be in some sort of fashion or dance program" She says as she swings her legs back and forth while looking down at the floor.

Jin-woo started to feel bad that she was the only one talking. "That's r-really cool Narae" They stuttered out and debated on sharing some things about themselves.

"Well back on..e-earth I liked to read and w-write especially with my uncles ca..cat. Even though I'm allergic to it" They share with a small nervous smile.

Jin-woo was afraid that Narae would laugh at them for their interests just like the kids at their school.

Narae smiles "Oh that's great Jin-woo. I don't think I would be able to sit still and enjoy those things like you do" She smiles at them.

Jin-woo just nods "R-Right" Jin-woo soon perks up hearing some footsteps and talking coming from the hallway.

The footsteps were Yikyung and Mesha the two were finished with their tasks and just talking about their interests since they had nothing better to do.

Narae smiles seeing the two "Oh Mesha, Yikyung! Over here" she smiles and waves them over.

The two came over and sat on one of the metal boxes in front of the other three who were sitting across from it.

"What are you guys doing over here?" Yikyung asks since they were supposed to be doing tasks.

Deshawn noticed that one person from their group was missing, He ignores Yikyung's question "Where's Kieran?" He asks, a bit suspicious.

Mesha stretches once she sat down "Oh he went with Minseok and Yeonha since he still had some tasks to finish" She says.

Narae nods,she wasn't suspicious of the two of them unlike Deshawn who was. "Oh we finished ours already, we were just talking about the things we liked to do on Earth! You two should share too!" Narae says with a smile on her face. That same smile never seemed to come off.

Yikyung nods "Oh okay, well back on Earth all I really did was just study astronomy and drink boba" He smiles laughing since he thought he wasn't that interesting.

"Oh and play with my kitten I actually got her, I want to say um, 5 months before this mission. She's with my cousin right now so I know she's getting taken care of" He says

Jin-woo perks up at the mention of the kitten "You have a kit..kitten that's c-cool" They smile, absolutely loving cats.

Yikyung nods and takes out his tablet "I'm pretty sure I have a picture." He says, swiping through the tablet.

The tablets they were given were able to be connected to their phones as a way to communicate with their families only. However, Yikyung wasn't able to connect to his phone's cloud.

"Huh, that's weird I can't access my pictures and things" He sighs trying again to no avail.

Deshawn rolls his eyes "That damn traitor probably messed with the main communication device" He says crossing his arms.

Yikyung looks genuinely upset and nods "oh right" he sighs afraid that he wouldn't be able to contact his cousin or see his kitten again before he died.

In the back of his head, he knew he wasn't going to make it out of this ship. The thought of not being able to do those things broke his heart.

Jin-woo picked up on Yikyung being upset about it but they decided not to say anything about it.

Narae hums "Um, Mesha how about you tell us about the things you loved to do back on Earth" she smiled wanting to get their minds off of reality for a little longer.

Mesha sighs, she didn't want to share things about her. But she ended up giving in. "I liked to read and just cook for my family and things like that" She shrugs.

Mesha also did not find herself interesting however Jin-Woo thought differently.

"What did y-you like to read?" They ask since they also found joy in reading.

Mesha hums and thinks of the books that she had read before "I've pretty much read every book on Astronomy and Physics, along with some other books that were more stories than educational books" She says

Yikyung was taken back by this side of Mesha that wasn't moping and complaining a lot.

Jin-Woo smiles glad that someone else had the same hobbies as them. "I pre..prefer storybooks more than ed..ed-educational books,"  Jin-woo says as they play with their fingers.

Mesha nods "Oh, I've never thought that you would be the type to read" She smiles.

Deshawn had enough of being around his many people; he was just used to Narae and Jin-woo being with him for a long period.

"I have another task to finish, Narae can you come with me? Jin-Woo can stay with them for a little" Deshawn says getting up from the metal box.

Narae nods "Oh sure," she says getting up as well and following after Deshawn to go and finish his last task of the day.

The two take off down the hall to weapons where Deshawns last task was.

Mesha sighs watching them leave "Looks like we know who to blame if Narae ends up dying," She says returning to her normal self.

Yikyung nudges Mesha "Don't say things like that" He says once again trying to keep Mesha controlled with her obvious zero filter mouth.

Mesha shrugs "whatever but we really do need to keep an eye out for whoever this traitor is if you ever want to see your kitten again," She says

This breaks Jin-Woos' heart hearing them talk like that.

"Hey I'll be r-right back" They say as they get up from the box and walk off.

Yikyung nods and Mesha gives the other a look. They were both confused on why Jin-Woo left so suddenly.

Yikyung just thinks they needed a breather or something from the way they were talking. He started to feel bad if that was the case.

In weapons stood Deshawn and Narae, Narae stood looking over at Deshawn who was just leaning on a wall.

"Okay so you obviously don't have a task to finish. Why did you want to leave?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"Because I can't handle being around that many people at once, it's overwhelming for me" he says finally opening up a little more to Narae who was the only one he trusted besides Jin-Woo who he was on the fence about.

Narae nods understanding "Right, I get it" she says "So since it's just us do you mind sharing about what you liked to do on earth?" she asks with a small giggle after.

Deshawn rolls his eyes and actually cracks a small smile. "Okay fine" He gives in and thinks about what he did on Earth and what he wanted to share with her.

"I liked to take pictures, I was in a photography program for a while then I realized it really wasn't for me. I also liked to watch movies especially romance and horror movies" He says smiling a bit more when he talked about what he liked to do.

Narae smiles "See I knew you could smile" she says glad that she could have this moment with him.

Deshawn rolls his eyes "Shut up, let's go back. They probably think I killed you or something" he says as the two of the walk down the hallway.

Soon there was an alert that came from their tablets. Deshawn pulled it out and looked down at the red flashing words.

'An Emergency Meeting Has Been Called.'


Hi ! Thank you for reading ! This chapter was more focused on Jin-Woo, Narae, Deshawn, Yikyung, and Mesha. I'm sorry for not updating for a whole month. I had zero motivation but I finally wrote this chapter which is the longest chapter i've written with 2.5k  words. But as always let me know how I can improve and if I portrayed a character wrong! Thank you so much for reading again ! Mwah

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