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annihilation transcends wrongs. you can do a thousand things horribly, but when the explosion comes, you've done nothing at all. there cannot be crimes, or pain, or sin, when there is only charred remains and animal life. 

the problem comes with the animals. is it a crime to hunt? to close your jaws around something soft and innocent to you? is humanity just a predator, one that happens to be winning? is it wrong to run from a hunter, when you know that you were made to be prey? is the human's place in the world natural, or unnatural? are our sins a consequence of nature, nurture, or something more?

i'm filled with questions that spiral into more questions. as much as i love these people, i will never be able to silence that horrible, squelching feeling that i'm told is a conscience. 

nixie says that wrong is objective. people do wrongs every day, there is no excusing that. she also says that there are different reasons for doing wrongs, like stealing for hungry kids or murdering in self-defence. that doesn't make them less of a wrong. it shows how badly we need something right. 

i think nixie believes that i've come to right the world. me and ipheginia, we're going to make something right. 

i hope so. i do. 

i just don't know what's right anymore.

- excerpt from cullen ilic's journal

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