xxxi. ๐’๐ข๐ง๐œ๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฒ

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"Corey? Our Corey? The same boy that practically lives with me?" Jude asked in disbelief as she stared at the people in the Byers living room. "What the hell!"

"I'm sorry. I guess i'm having trouble understanding any of this." Jonathan cleared his throat. Mike wrapped his arms around Jude, standing behind the part of the couch that he was sitting on. He mumbled something. "I mean, what exactly is going on in Hawkins? What's doing these killings?"

"We're still trying to ascertain." she nodded her head.

"Where's my cousin?" Jude demanded to know. "Is she safe? Is Corey the bad guy? I don't understand. He was just working for all of you?"

"For her safety, it's best you don't know." she shook her head at him. "Sixteen, or Corey as you call him, is okay. He isn't bad, he has been helping us this past year."

"Year?" Jude yelled.

"This is insane! This is insane!" Mike started to pace around the back of the couch.

"So this training to get El's powers back, how long is it gonna take?" Jonathan took a breath, Jude tapped his foot anxiously. Corey. His Corey. The same Corey he shared his room with most nights because he made it seem like he didn't want to go home. He should have known. But, how could he? How could he ever suspect the boy he started to see as a brother was in with the lab?

"It could take weeks, could take months." she explained honestly.

"Months?" Will yelled in disbelief.

"Until then, agents Harmon and Wallace will stay with you." she motioned toward the two men behind her.

"We're not the ones in danger." Mike gave a glare.

"Our friends live in Hawkins." Will snapped at her.

"My Dad." Jude stood up.

"My family lives in Hawkins." Mike agreed with him, gripping onto the couch again.

"And i'll work to contain the situation until Eleven is ready." she was clearly becoming annoyed. "In the meantime, it is of vital importance for you not speak to anyone about this."

Mike scoffed. "No. No way."

"I know this is difficult." the woman stated.

"Oh give me a break." Jude laughed at her.

"There are factions within our government who are working directly against Eleven, who are, in fact, searching for her as we speak." she got to her feet like Jude had moments before. "We can't risk contact. If they learned about any of this, it will jeopardize Eleven. And if Eleven is jeopardized, so are your friends and so are your families."

"No one is answering me about Corey. He's a spy?" Jude held his head.

"He needed to give us the okay for when it was time we come in again." she explained to him with a nod. "He waited until California to do so."

"So, what? We're just suppose to trust that you're the good guys?" Mike stood up higher.

"We're friends of Owens." she promised the pair. "Eleven trusted us. Now we're asking the same from you."

She met Jude's eye. "You said cousin. I take it you're Jude then."

He didn't say anything, two notes being handed to him.

Dear Jude,

Going to get my powers back. Miss you.

Love, El

His eyes softened, he feared the danger she might face.


friends don't lie.
i lied.
never wanted to hurt you.
don't hate me please.
u r so important to me.
sincerely, Corey.

"Sincerely." Jude read with his eyebrows frowned. It was his hand writing, it was his words for sure, but he'd never signed his letters with sincerely. Jude knew something was up, and he was gonna figure it out.

When morning came, Jude sat in El's room as he looked at Corey's note. He could hear the faint sound of Jonathan in the kitchen, Will and Mike talking in his room. Jude had read over the note a million times now, trying to find what was so off, why it wasn't making sense. Corey was trying to tell him something. There was a reason he waiting until they were in California.

Jude frowned his eyebrows when he realized something, reaching on El's nightstand to grab a marker. He wrote over one letter in each of Corey's sentences.


friends don't lie.
i lied.
never wanted to hurt you.
don't hate me please.
u r so important to me.
sincerely, corey.

"Sincerely." Jude's eyes widened. "Corey, you stupid genius."

He waited because he needed for Mike, Jude, Jonathan, and Will to be together. He knew, if anyone was gonna find them, it would be those four. He knew, and that's why he waited, that's why he took so long to reach out. Because he needed Mikes brains, Jonathan's loyalty, Jude's charm, and Wills compassion.

"Jon-" Jude began quickly as he ran out the bedroom door. Jonathan ran down the hall and clamped a hand over his mouth. Jude's eyes widened as he shhed him quickly.

"They're listening." he whispered, shaking his head as he drug him into Wills room where him and Mike where.

"Mike." Jude's eyes widened, holding up the note. "Corey's talking to us."

"Which is why we're leaving." Jonathan spoke as Mike reached to take Jude's hand, pulling him to his feet. "Listen, let's assume these friends of Owens are telling the truth. We can't call Hawkins without alerting the military, putting El, and potentially Corey, in danger. Fine. Then we'll just have to go to them."

"Go to Hawkins?" Mike nodded his head.

"Now you're talking." Jude smirked as he high fived Jonathan.

"How?" Will gave a look of disbelief.

"What are you worried about? Pinch and Jon out there? They're half-asleep now watching golf." Jonathan explained, speaking of the pair in the living room.

"Then why'd you say they were listening to me?" Jude rolled his eyes.

"Because you have a big mouth, Jude." Mike gave him a knowing look.

"No, Jonathan. I mean, we don't have a car or money." Will explained with a shake of his head.

"But, we have my good looks." Jude smiled. "And those won us better seats on the plane, so..."

"It's true." Mike nodded his head.

"Or..." Jonathan cut in. "We'll hail ourselves a ride. A cheap one."

He held up the pizza card, Jude grinned. "Mike, i'll pack our bags. You and Will put a plan together..Jonathan-"

"Already on it." he reassured him as he left the room, Jude following quickly as he headed into El's room to get their bags. His eyes fell on Corey's next, inhaling deeply as he zipped up his bag, pulling his backpack up along with his and Mikes.

The windows blew, Jude dropped to the ground.

"Jude!" Mike yelled through the house before multiple more shots echoed.

"Mike!" Jude yelled for him, army crawling toward the hallway. Mike hurried to pull him up.

"Get back!" Jonathan yelled as he grabbed Will, who grabbed Jude, who was latched onto Mike, pulling them to his room.

"What's going on!" Mike yelled in a panic.

"Back door!" Jude yelled.

A shot hit the window, Mike yanked Jude closer to him as they yelled on sync before they began to run.

"Move! Move!" Harmon yelled, waving the four to be behind him as they ran behind the other wall. Jude breathed heavy, giving Will and Mike one of the backpacks so all three didn't slow him down. "Follow me!"

Jonathan gripped the man's shirt, the line of boys doing the same. The back door Jude told them to go to busted open as soldiers swarmed. Mike yanked the back of Jude's shirt to pull him back behind the wall, an arm across his body. "What the hell is going on!"

"Just stay there!" Harmon yelled before going to the other side. Jude leaned against the wall in pain and panic as he panted. "Get down!"

They all dropped to the floor. Four more soldiers came through the door from the patio. "I shoot, you run!"

As he shot once again, Jonathan lead the ground as they ran. Jude hurried outside as the oldest Byers yelled for Argyle to stop the van. Jude pulled the door open for Will and Mike to help a shot Harmon in. "Go, go, go!"

"What is going on?" Argyle asked in a panic as Mike pulled Jude into the van once they all were in, pulling the door shut. "Is that real blood, man?"

"Drive!" each yelled one sync.


kylie speaks

corey's a freaking genius.

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