xxxii. ๐€ ๐๐š๐ฌ๐ž๐›๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐š๐ง๐š๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฒ ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ง๐จ๐ฐ? ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฅ๐ฒ?

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"Keep pressure on it!" Jonathan called.

"I'm trying!" Jude said in return, his hands coated of Harmons blood. "I'm gonna pass out! You know i'm not good with this sort of thing!"

"Okay, okay." Mike hurried to take his place as Jude pulled his face from the scene, a violet gag leaving his lips. "Do not!"

"It's not slowing!" Will panicked. "More pressure. Get napkins."

Jude leaned over the seat, coming back quickly and giving them to Jonathan. "Where are we going?!"

"St.Mary's." Jonathan spoke quickly, leaning back. "Argyle! Get us to St.Mary's."

"I don't think praying's gonna help that dude, man!" Argyle called back.

"Oh my god, oh my god." Jude continued to panic as he looked away, his hands pressing into of Mikes to make the pressure harder.

"No, you idiot! St.Mary's Hospital!" Jonathan yelled to Argyle once again.

"Wait, wait, he's saying something!" Jude called when he heard Harmon grumble. "What was that?"

"No." Harmon choked on blood. "No hospital."

"No, no. We're gonna get you to the hospital." Jonathan looked down at him.

"You need to warn.." he took a hard swallow. "O..Owens."

"Owens?" Jude's eyes widened, he looked to Mike. "Corey wanted us to find him for a reason."

"The girl." Harmon choked. "She's-Shes in danger."

Mike and Jude shared a terrified look.

"Okay, do we find Owens?" Jonathan spoke quickly, they hadn't known how much time they had left.

"Nina." his voice was weakening. "Nina. Corey."

"Corey, yeah. Who's Nina?" Mike shook his head.

"Pen!" Will called as he saw Harmons hand dip into his pocket some.

"Okay. Okay." Jonathan took it.

"Here's the number." Harmons head fell back more, Jude looked to the wound and saw it was only getting worse, pulling his eyes away again when he started to feel light headed.

"Number." Jonathan nodded.

"He wants to write something!" Mike yelled.

"We call this Nina?" Jonathan nodded down at him.

"Argyle, paper?" Jude climbed over the seat. "Magazines!"

"Not that one." Argyle yanked it from him and gave him a different one.

"He's really bleeding a lot!" Mike called.

"Here, here." Jude hurried back as he held it up.

"Write the number!" Will begged.

"Hey! Look at me!" Jonathan yelled as Harmon started to doze off.

"His pulse is really faint." Jude felt his neck. "No, no, no."

No pulse.

"Hey!" Jonathan called as he tried to preform CPR.

"Oh, shit. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Why is it so quiet back there, huh?" Argyle yelled in a panicked state. "Yo, is he dead? Jesus, man."

Jude shut his eyes in disappointment and failure, leaning onto Mike some with his blood coated hands.

"Talk to me!" Argyle begged.

"We should get off the road." Jonathan spoke as he looked to a car driving behind them.

"Argyle! Argyle, get off the road, now!" Will yelled as the car speed up.

"Shit, he is dead, isn't he?" Argyle turned back to them with panicked eyes. "This is bad!"

"What are you doing?" Jonathan yelled at him.

Jude lunged over the seat, yanking the wheel in Argyles hold as the van speed through the sand.

"Jonathan, i'm about to bury him next!" Jude yelled as Argyle continued to freak out as they burried Harmon.

"Jude, have a heart." Mike gave him a crazy look.

"Say that to Harmon who can't rest easy with Argyle freaking the hell out." Jude shook his head as he tossing more sand with his shovel.

"Oh man, oh man, oh man. Okay, this is so messed up. This is so messed up! This is so messed up!" Argyle paced around in a panicked stated, making Jude hold the shovel up.

"Woah, hey." Jonathan caught it with a shake of his head. Mike took it and yanked it from Jude's hands.

"You can get this back when you chill out." Mike threatened the Mackenzie boy.

"Chill out? There's a dead man being burying right now with all of our fingerprints all over him and Corey and El are in danger! Do not tell me to chill out!" Jude yelled back at him.

Mike threw the shovels down. "I'll tell you to chill out if I want to!"

"Say it again!" Jude threatened him.

"Guys!" Will tried to yell at them as Argyles panicked state only got worse.

"Forgive me for having a normal reaction." Jude rolled his eyes at Mike.

"We're all scared, your attitude is making it worse." Mike argued.

"Our friends are in danger!" Jude repeated.

"Corey is not our friend." Mike shook his head. "He's a spy."

Jude shoved Mikes shoulders, getting shoved back in return. They attacked each other and hit the sand. Will huffed, remembering the same act happening back when they went to meet Suzie over the radio.

"You make my head hurt!" Jude huffed as he relentlessly tried to break free from the choke hold Mike had him in. He swung his elbow back, hitting him in the neck.

"Just what everyone else is thinking!" Mike fought his arms off as Jude tried to grab his face.

"Dudes probably got, like, a family, kids, you know." Argyle panicked down at Harmons half way covered body. "All that shit. I mean, we gotta go to the cops with this one, man. We gotta lay it all on em. The whole shabang about your superpowered family, bad government dudes, the Upside Down dimension planet thing-"

"No!" Jude and Mike finally let each other go when Argyles ranting seemed more important now.

"But..but listen!" Argyle tossed his body around, grabbing Mike. "The bad government dudes are after the superpower family, right? Right?"

"Argyle." Jude shoved his hands off Mike. "The cops have absolutely nothing on the Government. That's like first base competing with a home run."

"A Baseball analogy right now? Seriously?" Mike looked at him in disbelief.

"So maybe the cops can help us find out where she is." Argyle went on as he grabbed Jude's shoulders next. "They're gonna kill her man. If they kill her-"

Jude hit him in the face.

"Hey!" Jonathan yelled.

"No one's gonna kill El! Don't you ever say that again!" Jude yelled at him, his own panic and fear for his cousins safety getting the best of him.

"Actually, they might kill us before they kill her." Jude's hit didn't do much to Argyles state of ranting.

"Argyle!" Jonathan yelled at him.

"Actually, I don't really wanna know if they gonna kill us-" Argyle began to pace again, Mike looked over as Jude shook his hand in panic, his eyebrows frowning together.

"Listen! Hey!" Jonathan yelled at Argyle once again.

"Eany meeny miny moe, shoot a minor in the throat!" Argyle yelled.

"Hey! Listen!" Jonathan yelled at him again.

"What!" Argyle shouted back.

"Jude." Mike looked at his hand. "Are you okay?"

"Leave me alone, i'm fine." he said back bitterly, walking to grab the shovel again. Mike watched the pain in his face, despite trying to mask it. He clearly hadn't put a lot of thought into the punch like he usually did before.

"Look, I think we can figure this out, okay? We just gotta open our minds." Jonathan tried to make his friend feel better with a large shrug.

"Open our minds? There's an open grave in front of me, man!" Argyle shouted at him. "Want me to open my mind? What are you talking about?"

"Hey, dude! Hey!" Jonathan walked to him and grasped his shoulder. "Just, relax. Why don't you just go to the van...and do your thing, huh?"

"Gross." Jude gave a look of disbelief in their direction.

"Purple Palm Tree Delight." Argyle nodded, calming down.

"Right." Jonathan reassured him.

"It's all worn off." Argyle laughed slightly.

"It's just worn off." Jonathan agreed with a gentle voice.

"I'm all emotional." he held his face. "Yeah, it hurts now."

"Sorry, Argyle." Jude apologized. "My fault."

"I'm sorry." Argyle shook his head as he walked toward the van.

"Jonathan." Will called to his brother in annoyance.

"Yeah?" he spun around to look at him.

"More weed? Is that really a good idea now?" Will asked in disbelief.

"He's doing weed? Why didn't you say that, my mind went somewhere else." Jude looked at Jonathan with wilds eyes.

"Got a better idea to keep him calm?" Jonathan snapped at his younger brother. "Let's just get this done."

"Let me see." Mike pulled on Jude's arm.

"It's fine." he tried to fight against him, Mike continued to yank. "Mike!"

"Jude!" he mocked, pulling his arm harder to look to his hand. He touched it slightly as Jude flinched, pulling it back. "Aren't you the one that's always talking about protecting your fist in a fight?"

"I didn't even know I was gonna hit him." Jude exhaled as he looked to his hand, Mike held it gently. "I just want her to be okay."

"She will be." but, his voice wasn't that reassuring.

Jude looked up at him, sand blew around the pair in just the slightest. "I don't think so."

He walked off, leaving Will and Mike to discuss what Jude couldn't bare to even think about.

"Hey." Jude walked up to Jonathan. "What are you doing?"

"Just the map." Jonathan nodded to it. "You doing okay?"

"I guess as okay as we can be doing." Jude sat ontop of the car as he looked over at him. "I'm sorry I hit your friend."

"He likely won't even remember it." Jonathan said honestly. "El will be okay though, you know. She's gotten herself out of things like this a million times."

"Aside my Dad, she's the only family I talk to." Jude said honestly. "Ever since I stopped going to my Moms every other week, I've latched onto her so much more."

"And that won't change." Jonathan promised him. "I didn't know you stopped going to your Moms?"

"Right before summer, I told her I didn't want to anymore. I just...I couldn't keep handling it." he exhaled loudly and looked away.

"Handle what?" Jonathan looked at him.

"It got worse when I was with her. At home, at night, I was at least in my room and felt comforted. At my Moms, it wasn't like that. I couldn't handle it." Jude shook his head

"Handle what?" Jonathan repeated himself.

Jude stared at him. "What happened to Bob."

Jonathan sighed as he pushed the map aside. "Jude, it wasn't-"

"No, it was." he shook his head to stop him. "You're gonna say what everyone else has and it doesn't help. I suggested someone go because I thought the police chief was the strongest one out of all of us, that Hopper would make it no matter what. If I wouldn't have said that, Bob wouldn't have offered to go because the thought wouldn't even be there. It was my fault. I lit the fuzz."

Jonathan opened his mouth, but he knew Jude wanted to go on. He shook his head. "And look at Hopper now. He's gone too, and maybe that wasn't my fault, but it still feels like it is because of what I said. Like, did he think I was trying to send him out there to die at the lab when I suggested he go? And now he's never gonna know that I thought he should go because I thought he was strong, and smart, and an amazing chief."

"Jude, you can not carry all this. Non of it was your fault." Jonathan looked at him in disbelief. "Not Bob, not Hopper."

"You should have seen my Moms face, Jonathan." Jude shook his head as he stared at him, his eyes started to water.ย  "We've always been rocky, we never had a normal relationship. But, we had our weekends. And when I told her I didn't want to stay the night anymore, I broke her heart. I could see it, all over her face. And I couldn't even tell her why. I blame her for not being around much when I was younger, for the divorce, for my aunt nearly killing me. But, look at me now. I'm just as bad."

"Hey. Listen." Jonathan shook his head. "Every single one of us have said and done things we want to take back. You and your Mom might have never had a good relationship, but you can still try to change that, Jude. You can go to her, something tells me she will listen to whatever you have to say."

Jude gave him a sad smile, he often times thought about seeing her again. Like when he'd ride by the house, staring at the place he grew up in before his Dad got custody and they moved. He wanted her to walk outside, to see him and say she wanted to understand. But, he never saw her. He only imagined her face over and over when he told her he didn't want to stay the night with her anymore.

"Does anybody know the dead dudes name?" Argyle asked as Jude looked over, being pulled from his thought.

"What?" the oldest Byers gave an odd look.

"The dead dude." Argyle held the pizza box up. "I'm making him a headstone."

"You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body." Jonathan pointed out, Jude squinted as he looked toward the car Mike and Will were sat upon.

"I'll just write 'Here Lies Unknown Hero Agent Man.' Yeah. 'Saved Argyle, Jude, Jonathan, Will, and Mike from certain death.' " Argyle nodded his head.

"I dig it." Jude nodded, leaning back on one of the cars.

"You're gonna write our names on the pizza box?" Jonathan nodded his head toward Argyle.

"Better then Panic Mode, man." Jude smacked his shoulder.

"They're pretty common names." Argyle shrugged as he tried to write, the ink not coming out.

"Let me see." Jude walked over. "I know a trick for this."

"Wait!" Mike yelled, running over to him before Jude could put the ink part into his mouth. "Wait!"

"What?" Jude tossed his hands up in annoyance.

"Let me see." Mike took it from him, yanking it open quickly and tossing Jude the lid. The Mackenzie boy leaned in closer as Mike flipped it, a small drop escaping.

"Something fell out of that pen, man." Argyle held up the little paper.

"No you didn't." Jude grinned.

Mike unraveled the little paper. "It's the number. We've had it this whole time."

"No you didn't!" Jude laughed loudly as he shook Mikes shoulders, jumping up in a hug as Mike took a tumble at the impact. "Sorry for trying to fight you earlier."

"Was actually the first familiarity i've felt since we showed up." Mike said honestly.

"Listen to this." Mike pulled the payphone back as they all leaned in close to listen to the repetitive beeping. "That remind you of anything?"

"WarGames." Will nodded his head.

"What?" Jonathan gave an odd look, holding it to his ear.

"Like an arcade but with the sound at a one." Jude leaned on the phone booth, peering up at Mike.

"Oh my god, we're not calling a phone." Will confirmed.

"We're calling a computer." Jonathan agreed with him.

Jude stood up straight. "Nina might not be a human..."

"She might be a computer like Joshua or Owens' lab." Mike hurried to the van, yanking the map out. "But Unknown Hero Agent Man gave us access to it for a reason."

"Just to be clear, we are all aware his name was Harmon, correct?" Jude nodded his head, getting blank stared. "Hey, I really am more then my good looks and excellent charm."

"Yeah, man." Argyle agreed.

"We just need to find the computer. We find Owens, then we warn him." Mike laid the map out after the back of the van was risen. "Then we warn Eleven and Corey. I just need a hacker. The only hacker that I know lives in Utah."

"Oh god." Jude braced himself. "She knows Corey too."

"Exactly." Mike looked at him.

"Utah?" Jonathan gave an odd look.

"Salt Lake City, to be specific." Mike rose his eyebrows.

"Maybe she knows something. Corey was talking to her about his grades two day before he is revealed to be a spy." Jude hopped into the back of the van. "Two steps closer instead of one."

"Hell yeah." Mike grinned at him.

"Oh my god." Will shook his head in realization. "Oh my god."

"What? Why 'Oh my god' ?" Jonathan stared at his younger brother with an odd look.

"Turn around, look at what you see." Will sung with a grin across his face.

"Oh no." Jonathan held his forehead.

"NeverEnding Story. That scared the shit out of me." Argyle smiled with a nod of his head. "The Nothing, man? That's some proper existential shit, dude."

"Yeah, try reading the book." Jude hummed. "Like always, so much better."

"If we take the I-15 north, we'll get there by morning." Mike pointed down at the map again, Jude had to smile as he watched him.

"Oh, you're being serious." Jonathan gapped.

"When is he not serious when it comes to Utah?" Jude rose his eyebrows.

"I know it sounds insane, but Suzie saved the world last year." Mike looked back at him. "Maybe she can save it again."

Jude exhaled, holding Mikes shoulders as he jumped out. "I do need a grade changed if i'm gonna play ball again next semester."


kylie speaks

just realized california crew
isn't in episode seven at all
and we only have one more
episode left with my baby
until the 1st.

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