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One year and two months ago

It seemed as though Aleta was doing a lot of walking nowadays and she didn't like it. She walked down the quiet hallways of Tesla and stopped in front of a door. She knocked lightly and waited.

When the door opened, Sarai stood in the doorway and Aleta squinted her eyes in confusion. "We've been expecting you," she said creepily. Aleta scrunched up her face in disgust. "Where's Freya?" She asked in annoyance.

Sarai rolled her eyes, "She's inside, duh. But we've been expecting you." Sarai beckoned her friend into the room and Aleta sighed in annoyance as she walked inside. "What are you two weirdos doing here?" Aleta asked Clarke and Sarai as she stepped into the living room.

"Waiting for you," Clarke responded happily. "What are you so happy about?" Aleta asked with narrowed eyes. "My best friend has a boyfriend," Clarke sang. Aleta groaned, "You're still on that? We established this like, five months ago."

"I know that, but I still can't believe it," Clarke said with a large smile. "How are things with you and Bellamy?" Freya asked the brunette. Aleta blushed slightly and looked away. "Things are good," she mumbled.

"Look! She's blushing!" Sarai exclaimed. The three girls cooed mockingly and teased Aleta further. "Leave me alone," Aleta said. The three friends laughed and Aleta glared at them. "Honestly Ali, out of the four of us, you were the last person we thought would get a boyfriend first," Freya admitted still laughing.

Aleta was offended, "And why is that?" Freya shrugged, "Well, you're always so focused on school and other boring stuff. We didn't think you even thought of ever having one." Aleta turned to Clarke and Sarai who were nodding in agreement to Freya's words.

"Well thanks guys, for making me feel like a loser," Aleta grumbled. Clarke was the first to respond. "You're not a loser. You're great and Bellamy is lucky to have you," she said causing Freya and Sarai to nod in agreement. "Speaking of Bellamy, when are we gonna meet this hunk of yours?" Sarai asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah. When am I gonna meet him?" Clarke asked with a pointed look. Aleta shrugged and smiled sheepishly, "After my parents do, I guess," she mumbled. "So you told your parents about him then?" Sarai questioned.

Aleta shook her head, "I told my mom. It was an accident and I was half expecting her to tell my dad," she answered.

"So your dad doesn't know?" Clarke asked next. "Nope. You know how he is and I don't know how to tell him," Aleta responded. Freya thought for a moment before sighing in defeat and shrugging, "Well, good luck with that." Aleta scowled at her. "Thanks, Freya. You're very helpful," she said sarcastically.

Freya smiled and nodded, "I try," she said simply and Sarai laughed. "She was being sarcastic," Clarke told the redhead . Freya's mouth formed an 'o' before she shrugged it off, "I knew that," she declared casually. "Mhm, I'm sure you did," Clarke said disbelievingly.

"You better tell your dad, and soon," Sarai informed. Aleta nodded, "I will. My mom really wants to meet Bellamy anyway, so I'll tell my dad soon. When I'm ready." For the next few hours, the four girls hung out and Freya caught them up on the Ark's gossip. Later on, Aleta went to meet up with Bellamy.

She arrived at the library, which was their designated meeting place, and Bellamy was already there, which was unusual for him. He was almost always late. He was pacing back and forth and mumbling things to himself, shaking his head when whatever words he was saying didn't sound right. Aleta quietly crept up behind him.

"Boo!" She yelled, laughing when the boy jumped and swatted the air. He placed a hand to his chest and breathed heavily. "What the hell, Leti? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He exclaimed. Aleta's laughter died down and she sighed. "Don't be so dramatic," she said. He glared playfully at her and sighed.

"I'm serious," he deadpanned. Aleta rolled her eyes, "You're training to be a guard. If I can scare you, then maybe you should find another profession," she joked. "Not everyone can pick and choose the job that they want on here. We don't all have the privilege," Bellamy snapped.

As soon as the words left his mouth, he instantly regretted it. "If you're upset about something, then be upset. But don't take your anger out on me," Aleta said with a glare. She turned on her heel and headed towards the exit in order to avoid an argument. "Hey wait," Bellamy said, gently grabbing her arm and pulling her back.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you," Bellamy said, his brown eyes gazing into her blue ones. She continued to frown and he sighed. Bellamy pulled her closer and began leaving kisses all over her face. She continuously hit his chest and laughed, successfully pushing him away from her.

Aleta rolled her eyes, "You're lucky I don't like holding grudges. And that you're cute," she said. A smile lit up Bellamy's face and he pulled her closer to him and planted a final kiss on her head.

"Come on," Bellamy said pulling her toward the exit. Aleta grew confused, "But I just got here." Bellamy ignored her and continued to drag her out of the doors. The two walked further away from the library and down the hallways of the Ark. Bellamy led her to an unfamiliar part of the Ark and Aleta tugged on his hand.

"Bell, where are you taking me?" She asked. When he didn't answer, she dug her heels into the ground in an attempt to stop herself. But Bellamy was strong and her feet wouldn't stay planted to the ground. "Bellamy, stop," she commanded. The boy finally stopped too suddenly and Aleta slammed into his back. "Ow!" She exclaimed after her face collided with his firm back.

Bellamy chuckled, "Sorry." She glared at him while rubbing her nose and he became nervous again. "Do you trust me?" Bellamy asked quickly. Aleta narrowed her eyes. "Yes," she said slowly, almost unsure. "You don't trust me," Bellamy said, shaking his head. "I trust you, Bell. What's going on?" Aleta said.

The freckled boy nodded his head and sighed, "There's something that I've been keeping from you. I didn't want to tell you because I wasn't sure where this was going. Where we were going. But, I realized that this, you and me, it's serious. I really care about you, which is why I'm trusting you with this," Bellamy started. Aleta nodded slowly, "Okay, what is it?"

Bellamy shook his head, "Not here." He grabbed her hand again and led her down the corridor. "Okay, then where? Where are you taking me?" Aleta asked. "To meet someone special. Well, two someones," Bellamy answered and Aleta looked at him weirdly.

The two arrived in front of a door and Bellamy opened it. He pulled Aleta inside behind him and shut the door. "Is this your place? Am I about to meet your mom? Please tell me I'm not," Aleta rambled. "Mom, we're here!" Bellamy called. Aleta removed her hand from Bellamy's and slapped him repeatedly on the shoulder. "Ow ow ow! Some people would consider this abuse," Bellamy whined.

"You jerk. How dare you? I'm not prepared to meet your mom," Aleta hissed. Bellamy cocked his head to the side. "What is there to prepare for?" He wondered.

"Oh, I don't know. Everything!" Aleta exclaimed. Bellamy chuckled, "You'll be fine, it's just my mom." Suddenly, the door to a bedroom opened and a woman walked out. She had brown hair and tannish skin and she was absolutely stunning. The woman looked at Aleta wearily and then looked at Bellamy who nodded.

"Mom, this is Aleta Romano. Aleta, meet my mom, Aurora Blake," Bellamy introduced the two. Aleta smiled nervously and held out her hand. Aurora looked down at it in surprise but took her hand and gave it a shake. "It's nice to finally meet you," Aleta said.

Aurora smiled a small smile and nodded before turning to Bellamy. "You didn't tell me your girlfriend was so beautiful," she said and Aleta blushed and looked down. Bellamy looked at Aleta and smirked before turning to his mom. "There are no words to describe how beautiful she is," he said and Aleta snorted.

"You are such a dork," Aurora said and Aleta nodded in agreement. Bellamy glared at the two and excused himself before entering a room. Aurora led Aleta to the couch and the two sat down. "You know, I was very reluctant on meeting you. I was even more reluctant to allow you to enter my home. But, Bellamy really cares about you and he trusts you. So, I'm gonna try to trust you too," Aurora admitted quietly.

Before Aleta could respond, Bellamy re-entered the room. Behind him, trailed a girl who looked scared but Bellamy was quick to reassure her. She was reluctant to step out of the room but Bellamy beckoned her forward. Aleta's eyes widened slightly and she became confused. "What's going on? Who is that?" Aleta asked, looking at Bellamy.

"This is Octavia. She's my sister," Bellamy nervously replied. Aleta's eyes widened even more and she stood in shock. She shook her head multiple times in disbelief. "How?" Was the only thing that Aleta could utter. She looked down at the young girl and then at Aurora. "There's only one way to get pregnant, Aleta," Aurora said, almost jokingly. But she was serious and staring at Aleta intently.

"This is the secret that you trust me with?" Aleta asked, looking at Bellamy and his mother. Bellamy nodded slowly. He looked at Octavia and she walked up to him. "Bellamy trusts you with it. I didn't want you to know, but Bellamy wouldn't give up. Can you keep this a secret?" Aurora said. Aleta looked the woman in the eye and nodded in confirmation.

"I won't tell anyone, I swear," she said. Bellamy smiled widely and Aurora nodded. "Good," the woman said. She glanced at three and then walked to her room, closing the door behind her. Aleta walked over to Octavia and smiled. Octavia gave a shy smile back. "I'm Aleta," she introduced.

"I know who you are. Bellamy talks about you. A lot," Octavia said with a giggle. Aleta looked up at Bellamy with a smirk, "Does he now?" She questiomed. Bellamy looked down at the floor and Octavia nodded her head vigorously. "All the time. I can never get him to shut up about you. Aleta did this. Aleta said that. Aletaโ€”" Octavia was saying before Bellamy clamped his hand over her mouth. "Alright, that's enough out of you," he said, scowling down at her.

"No! I wanna hear more. What else does he say?" Aleta objected. Octavia attempted to pry Bellamy's hand from her mouth but he wouldn't budge. Aleta smiled at the girl before giving Bellamy a look.

He pulled his hand away from her mouth and waved Aleta closer. Octavia took Aleta's hand and led her back to the couch, pushing her onto it. She took Bellamy and pushed him onto the couch next to Aleta. Octavia sat on the floor in front of them and placed her chin in her hands.

The three conversed for hours, talking about a variety of different things. Aleta snuggled into Bellamy and he placed a kiss on her head. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before," he mumbled into her hair. "Don't be. I understand why you didn't, but I'm glad that I know now," Aleta whispered.

Bellamy tightened his hold on her and pulled her closer. "Me too," he breathed. "Yuck. This whole lovey dovey stuff is gross," Octavia complained, groaning in disgust. Bellamy rolled his eyes at her while Aleta chuckled. Aleta looked down at her watch and sighed. "I should probably get home now before my parents freak," she said. Bellamy sighed and nodded understandingly. The two stood from the couch and Octavia stood up as well.

The younger girl hugged Aleta, who hugged her back. "You'll come back, right?" Octavia asked. "Of course I will," Aleta confirmed. Octavia pulled away and smiled. Aleta and Bellamy walked to the door. "Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked. She shook her head, "No, it's okay. I'll be fine," she said.

"Are you sure? Because I don't mind." Bellamy said. Aleta rolled her eyes, "I'm sure." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers. Their lips met and she felt her stomach erupt with butterflies. The kiss was passionate yet sweet and made Aleta feel like she was floating.

"Ew! I'm still here." Octavia says. The two pulled away and Bellamy sighed in aggravation. "I'll see you tomorrow." Aleta said. Bellamy nodded and kissed her again.

Aleta waved goodbye to Octavia and opened the door, beginning her journey back home. She smiled to herself as she walked, wondering how she got so lucky. Aleta was happy that Bellamy trusted her enough to tell her about this. She was happy to have met his mother and Octavia. She couldn't wait to see the Blakes again.


I honestly feel like this chapter was so cliche and cringy. But, here's a new chapter. I hope you all enjoyed. Please be sure to vote and comment. Have a great day.

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