chapter eighteen: fighting an octopus

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"What did you do?"


"Did you enter my office without my permission?"

"N-No, I was looking for—"

"Didn't I tell you that you're not allowed in my office?!"

"No, please! Don't hurt me!"

You instantly opened your eyes and sat up, shaking. You closed your eyes as your past memories flashed behind your eyes. "No, stop." You clutched each side of your head and panted heavily. "Stay away from me! I've forgotten you already!"

"My house, my rules!"


You inhaled sharply when your phone started ringing. You searched around your bed to search for your phone and soon located it by the bedside drawer. You snatched it and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Sweetie, hi! I heard about the MIT and—" Pepper halted when she heard your heavy breathing. "(Y/n), honey, are you alright?"

You whimpered. "I-It's happening again."

"What's happening again?" Pepper paused for a moment when she realized what was going on. "Nightmares?"

"Mhm." You gulped and focused more on your breathing. "H-He's showing up again."

"Okay, breathe. Take a deep breath. Do you still have your pills with you?"

You immediately took one and sipped some water. You swallowed hard and nodded. "Just took one now."

"Alright, now remember what your doctor advised you before. I'm so sorry, angel. I should be there."

"No, mom!" You exclaimed. "It's alright. I-I can take it."

"Did you have any clues as to how it was triggered?"


"A brick?"

You nodded again as you turned on your television. "Yeah, there was this person who threw a brick back on Peter's old apartment and—" You stopped when you spotted Spider-Man fighting someone at the Alexander Hamilton Bridge against a man with four mechanical tentacles. "Oh, my God."

"What? What is it?"

"I'll call you back, mom." You ended the call and pressed your lily necklace. Your suit wrapped around your body, and your helmet closed. "Fri?"

You tried to get F.R.I.D.A.Y. online, but she was currently offline. You sighed. "Alright then." You opened the door to your balcony and flew away, on your way to help Peter.

Peter, on the other hand, managed to save a family from falling off the bridge. Just as he turned around, he was grabbed by the stranger using his metal claws and was wrapped by his mechanical arms. "You think your fancy new suit's gonna save you?"

The man shoved Peter towards a woman's car with the woman still inside, trapped. She was also the same woman Peter approached to try and convince her to get you, Michelle, and Ned to MIT. The man eventually threw Peter away towards a vehicle. "I should've killed your little girlfriend when I had the chance."

Peter quickly activated his four gold metallic spider-legs, also known as Pincers, and angrily came out of the vehicle. "What did you just say?"

The man looked over to his claws and grew a sinister smirk. "Looks like we got competition."

Peter jumped down from the vehicle and began fighting the man while a helicopter surrounded them, broadcasting what was happening on the bridge. The man tried to crush Peter between two cars, but Peter easily shot a web to avoid being crushed.

"Peter!" Peter heard the MIT Assistant Vice Chancellor scream. "Help!"

Peter saw that the woman's car was about to fall off the bridge, so he immediately shot a web to boost his way towards her until the man grabbed him with his claws. Peter broke free from his grasp and landed on top of a car. The man grabbed a heavy object and tried to slam it on Peter; however, Peter dodged it. Peter ran towards the woman's car. "Don't worry, Ma'am! I'm coming!"

When he was about to shoot a web, he was slammed by the same heavy object that the man was using to hit him. "Peter!" Peter heard the woman calling for help.

The man was about to hit Peter with another car until the car was blown into pieces. Peter looked behind the man to see someone in a suit similar to Iron Man. The man turned around and scoffed. "What's the matter, Peter? Can't defeat me all by myself?"

"Hey, Peter." Peter heard your voice from the suit. Peter blinked in surprise when you shot a beam on the camera from the helicopter above so they would stop filming. You turned to the reporters. "Do yourselves a favor and live. Now, go."

Just as you looked back to the man and Peter, the man had already caught you with his metallic arm. Peter's eyes widened. "(Y/n)!"

You shot a beam from the Arc Reactor of your suit. "Go, Peter!" Peter hesitated but turned around to save the woman in the car about to fall. You eventually got away from the man's grasp and started shooting lasers at him. His claws protected him and were about to charge at you, but you flew away and straight shot a beam at the man's glasses, breaking them. The man groaned. "Hey!" He exclaimed.

"Ma'am, just stay calm," Peter reassured the lady he managed to save but still in the car. "Just take a deep breath. Are you okay?"

"No!" The woman shrieked.

Peter took the woman out from her car and placed her back on the bridge, just in time to see you being thrown out of the bridge. "(Y/n)!" Peter was about to shoot a web to save you, but the man grabbed him and brought him down the bridge. The man took a part of Peter's suit. "Suit compromised." Peter's suit A.I. detected.

The tech from Peter's clothes began to spread around the man's metallic claws and tentacles. "Nanotechnology." The man smirked. "You've outdone yourself, Peter. I underestimated you. But now, you die."

Peter struggled to break free, but he saw the man's mechanical claw with a blade, charging right at him. Peter removed his helmet and transferred it to cover his chest. He wasn't stabbed, but the claw and its blade managed to take a huge chunk of his necktie. The man was somewhat confused to see an unfamiliar face, so he brought Peter closer to him. "You're not Peter Parker."

Peter groaned in annoyance. "I am so confused right now, and I still need to find (Y/n)!"

The man turned to his metallic claw when it started twitching. "What's happening?"

"New device detected." Peter heard the voice from his suit stated. He immediately started pressing buttons from his golden cuffs and paired his suit with the man's mechanical claws. "Pairing new device."

The claws began to be conflicted about who they should listen causing the man to look at them. "Don't listen to him. You listen to me."

Peter moved his hand, and the claw copied his movements, thus obeying him with whatever he wished to do. Peter began giggling as he waved at the man while controlling the claw. "Hey." He chuckled.

The man was about to attack him, but the claws kept him still to avoid hurting Peter. Peter's giggles grew louder as he watched the man being frustrated. "Hey. Hey! Listen to me. No, not him. Me!"

Peter controlled the tentacles and claws to move them back up to the bridge. Peter suddenly saw you flying towards the man, but Peter stepped in front of him. "Hey, hey! It's okay." You glanced at the man before landing on the ground. Peter sighed in relief. "Are you alright? I saw you being thrown off, and I—"

"I'm okay, Peter." You assured him.

"Peter!" Peter heard the woman he saved call out. Peter removed his suit and approached the woman while you stood beside the man Peter and you were fighting with just a second ago. The man tried to punch you, but you quickly moved away. "Don't even try, mister." You sternly told him.

"Ma'am, are you okay? You can still make your flight—"

"Peter." The woman breathed heavily as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "You're a hero."

Peter blinked. "No. Well, I'm..." He stammered. "No, I'm..."

"I'm gonna talk to admissions about your friends, and I'm gonna talk to them about you." The woman glanced at you. "Including you, Ms. Stark."

You blinked in surprise when she quickly identified it was you. The man looked down at you in confusion.

Peter shook his head. "No, but, ma'am, this isn't about me."

"I'm going to talk to them about your friends and you." The woman insisted. "Okay?"

Peter sighed in relief. "Really?"

"And if you keep your noses clean, maybe you'll have a fair shot." The woman turned to the man who attacked the bridge. "Now, get out of the way. Let me get that man." The lady's bag smacked Peter to move him out of the way as the woman pointed her finger at the man with mechanical tentacles. "You. I see you. Come here! That was not okay. Unbelievable."

After scolding the man, the lady had walked away to safety. Peter made his way to you but stepped away when the man grunted and tried to punch him. "Hey, woah!" Peter stepped in front of you and opened his crinkled blazer to reveal his tech. "Hey, until you stop trying to kill me, I'm in control, buddy. Of this whole tentacle situation, you got going on here. Okay?"

You crossed your arms. "That was hot." You chuckled, earning looks from Peter and the man who paused his punches. "Oh, shit. Did I say that out loud?"

Peter blushed crimson red before shaking his head and looking back at the man. "Now, who are you? What is going on..."

Peter's senses started tingling when he sensed a new threat had arrived at the bridge. Peter controlled the metallic tentacle to wrap around the man as he walked towards a noise. You followed behind. "Peter? What's happening?"

Suddenly, an explosion erupted just meters away from you, Peter, and the man. Peter immediately brought his suit back on with a missing part around his chest. You and Peter heard loud cackles and glider noises from above. Emerging from the smoke, a guy wearing a green suit appeared on top of a glider. The man with metallic tentacles' eyes widened. "Osborn?"

You whipped your head to the man in surprise. "What did you just say?"

As the man with the green suit flew towards Peter, you, along with Peter and the man with tentacles, were transported to an unfamiliar place. Peter's suit disappeared when he recognized where he was. He was back at the New York Sanctum. You tapped your arc reactor, and the suit disappeared into your lily necklace, and Peter saw it. "It can do that?"

You shrugged. "I made some upgrades." Peter chuckled until a creature behind him roared loudly, scaring you and him. Peter pulled you towards him and backed away until the same man you two fought at the bridge scared you both as well from behind. You watched as the man was confused when he figured he was trapped and caged.

Peter screamed when a hand grasped his shoulder, causing him to hide behind you. You stared at the wizard who was in front of you with injuries around his right cheek. You could tell he was exhausted and slightly fed up. "Be careful what you wish for, Parker." Doctor Stephen Strange sighed.

Your jaw dropped. "You're Doctor Strange..."

Stephen turned to you and narrowed his eyebrows at you. "And you are?" His eyes slightly changed when he finally recognized who you were, but he groaned in annoyance. "Oh, great. I have been blessed with another Stark." He said sarcastically.

"Let me out of here!" The man with metallic claws yelled while banging his fist to an invisible force field.

"Can you please explain to me what is going on?" Peter asked Stephen.

"That little spell that you botched where you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, it started pulling in everyone who knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man, from every universe into this one," Stephen explained, causing you to narrow your eyes in shock and turned around to give Peter a look. "Oh, a spell? Hm, Parker?"

Peter gulped as he looked at Stephen. "From every universe...?"

"Who are you?" The man in the cage asked. "Where am I?"

"I think it's better if we don't engage with him because, frankly, the Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little," Stephen stated.

You and Peter gasped. "The multiverse is real?" You and Peter exchanged looks. "W-We thought it's..."

"This shouldn't even be possible." Stephen sighed.

"But I thought you stopped the spell?"

"No, I contained it." Stephen corrected. "But it would appear that a few of them squeaked through. After you left, I detected an otherworldly presence. I pursued it into the sewers, where I found that..."

You and Peter peeked your heads out to the other cage to see a large green creature that scared you and Peter for the first time. "...slimy, green, son of a gun." Stephen finished. The creature, which resembled a lizard, snapped its head toward you and Peter, causing you two to turn away from fear.

"Spell?" The man with metallic claws asked. "As in, magic? What is this, a birthday party? Who is this clown? What is this madness?"

Stephen glanced at you and Peter. "Watch this." Stephen turned to the man to ask a few questions. "Do you know a Peter Parker who is Spider-Man?"

"Yes." The man nodded.

"Is that him?" Stephen pointed his finger at Peter.

"No." The man shook his head.

Stephen looked back at Peter. "See?"

The man, however, eyed you. "That girl." You cocked an eyebrow at him while Stephen and Peter turned to look back at the man. "She's... familiar."

You shook your head. "I don't know you, old man. And I don't even want to." You crossed your arms and looked away. "Not after what you said that name back at the bridge..." You muttered.

Peter heard what you mumbled, and before he could ask, Stephen started talking. "Okay, here's what we gotta do. I don't know how many of these visitors we got..."

"(Y/n) and I saw another one," Peter informed Stephen. "On the bridge. He was like a..."

"Like a flying green elf." You finished.

"Well, he sounds jolly. Why don't you start with him?" Stephen started walking away. "I need you to capture them and bring them here while I figure out how to get them back. Before they destroy the fabric of reality, or worse, Wong finds out." He groaned in pain and clutched his injury at his stomach.

"Uhh... Doctor Strange?" Peter called before Stephen could leave.

Stephen huffed and turned around. "What?"

"My friends, my girlfriend, and I just got a second chance at getting into MIT and... if the school sees me fighting these... crazy monsters..."

"Hey, watch your mouth!" The man with mechanical claws exclaimed in anger.

"I'm sorry." Peter quickly apologized.

"You're seriously still talking about college?" Stephen took a piece from Peter's suit, his golden cuff, and transferred it to his wrist to transform and upgrade it.

"Hey, what did you just do?" Peter asked.

"This." Stephen shot a web infused with a spell towards Peter, disintegrating him right in front of your eyes. You stood there frozen but turned around when Peter was teleported into one of the cages. "Hey!" Peter tried walking out, but he immediately bumped his head into the invisible force field. You sighed in relief to know he was okay.

The man with the metallic tentacles saw what happened, causing him to look at Stephen. "How did you do that?"

"Lots of birthday parties," Stephen replied snarkily before releasing Peter from his cage. "Hey!"

Stephen transferred the golden cuff back to Peter, powered by his spell. "One shot, send them here and move on. You're welcome. Get to work."

"Sir?" Peter asked.

"Now what?" Stephen groaned in frustration.

"I know this is my mess, and I swear to you that I'll fix it, but I'm gonna need some help."


yes, i skipped peter visiting the sanctum sanctorum to ask for doctor strange's help.

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