chapter nineteen: the undercroft

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"I can't believe I'm in the Sanctum Sanctorum." Ned gasped in delight as he and Michelle entered the Sanctum.

"Neither can I." Stephen monotonously replied.

"So... how did you know you're made of magic?" Ned began questioning Stephen. "Because my nanna says that we have it in our family, and sometimes I get these tinglings in my hand..."

"You should talk to your physician," Stephen suggested before walking up the stairs.

"(Y/n)!" Michelle ran towards you and hugged you tightly, causing you to chuckle and hug her back. "Didn't know you could be this affectionate, MJ."

"Shut up." Michelle pulled away and waved at Peter. "Hey."

"Hi." Peter greeted back. "Look, I'm so sorry for dragging you in this. You just gotta help me find these guys..."

"You don't have to apologize." Michelle shook her head. "You got us a second shot at MIT. You even got (Y/n) a shot for having a scholarship, yet she has loads of money."

You playfully rolled your eyes while Ned approached you three. "So, how did the bad guys get here?"

"He screwed up a spell trying to get you into college," Stephen replied instead of Peter. You, Michelle, and Ned looked at Peter. Michelle and Ned started questioning Peter. "Wait, what?"

"You did it with magic?"

You remained quiet as you looked away from Peter while Peter shook his head. "Uh, no, that was after. Let's just focus on the good news, okay?"

"No, let's just focus on the bad news," Stephen stated as he looked down at the four of you while he was on the second floor. "As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers. So... get on your phones, scour the internet, and... Scooby-Doo this shit!"

You frowned as you crossed your arms. "So cranky, Doctor Wizard." You replied. "You kiss your mother or girlfriend with that mouth?"

Stephen snapped his head to you. "Hey, I don't have a gi—"

"You're telling us what to do, even though it was your spell that got screwed up," Michelle told Stephen. "Meaning that all of this is kind of your mess. You know, I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word 'please'."

You smirked at your best friend as Peter, Michelle, and Ned looked at Stephen, waiting for his response. "Please, Scooby-Doo, this shit." Stephen forced a smile before sighing. "You can work in the undercroft."

"The undercroft?" Ned gasped. The four of you started making your way to the undercroft below the Sanctum. Peter would take glances at you since it's been a while since you two talked. When the four of you arrived at the place, Ned opened the light and gasped. "Badass."

The place was small, but it was enough space to work. The room was filled with antiques and ancient objects, causing Ned to drop his bag and grab a crossbow. On the other side of the room, you saw where the two bad guys were locked up. You glanced at the man with metallic tentacles before shaking your head and setting your bag down.

Peter approached you. "(Y/n), listen. About this whole spell thing..."

You sighed. "It's... totally okay."

Peter blinked his eyes in surprise. "Wait, really? You're not mad?"

"Yeah." You gave him a small smile. "I mean, I get it. You were... just trying to fix things..." You held his hand and pressed your lips together to form a thin line. "...maybe just run it by us next time, you know?"

Peter stared at you while you continued. "That way, when you're thinking about doing something that could... break the universe, we could like, help you or brainstorm ideas." You looked at him and placed your hand on his cheek. "I just don't want you to do this alone. You have us, okay?"

Peter sighed in relief and leaned into your touch while smiling lovingly. "Deal." He looked away to see Michelle and Ned. "Ned? MJ?"

Michelle shrugged. "Fine with me." Ned, on the other hand, was still ecstatic. "Oh, dude. I don't care. And seriously, not a big deal." He gasped when he spotted something from afar. "Oh! A torture rack."

Michelle approached Ned as she started recognizing some objects around. "That is a pilates machine." She pointed to the other side of the room. "That is..."

"The crypt," Peter responded.

"Okay, so we get the rest of the guys," Michelle said as she faced the two imprisoned bad guys while you and Peter followed her. "You zap them, and Doctor Magic will send them back. And when we get into MIT, a round of stale donuts, my treat."

You smiled at Michelle. "Brilliant."

Ned stood next to you with the crossbow still in his grasp. "Let's catch some multiverse men."

"Hey!" The man with mechanical claws yelled. "Who the hell are these two?" He asked grumpily.

"These are my friends." Peter pointed to Michelle and Ned to introduce them both. "This is MJ, and, uh, this is Ned." Peter moved closer to you, afraid to lose you after the man told him back at the bridge.

"I should've killed your little girlfriend when I had the chance."

"Hello." Ned greeted the man with a small wave.

"Oh! I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Peter asked the man.

"Dr. Otto Octavius." The man introduced.

You, Peter, Michelle, and Ned broke into laughter and giggles. "Wait, no, seriously, what's your actual name?" Peter asked again

Octavius scoffed before motioning his head to you. "How about her? Who's she?"

You looked at Peter. "I guess he didn't hear my name being said numerous times before."

"Oh, I've heard it, young lady. I want to know your last name."

You stared at him for a moment. "Stark. I'm (Y/n) Stark."

"Stark?" Octavius questioned. "Hm, I don't know a Stark."

"Oh, is that a dinosaur?" Ned gasped when he spotted the green creature sitting down at his cage. The lizard looked at him, huffing.


You and Ned started looking for any threats that could relate to or be similar to what had happened back at the bridge. Peter was trying to wash the green paint off his suit while calling his aunt. You looked through your phone and laptop but had no luck. "Ugh, if they didn't turn F.R.I.D.A.Y. offline, we would've detected any bad guys way sooner." You grumbled.

Ned turned to you. "F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s offline?"

"Yeah, along with E.D.I.T.H."

Ned nodded in understanding until he found something on his laptop. "I got one. I got one. I got one." You sat closer to Ned to see what he found while Michelle stood beside Ned. Peter abandoned his suit and stood next to you. "I mean, you can take the guy out of the chair, but you can't take the chair out of the guy."

"What did you find?" Peter asked.

"There's a... disturbance near a military research facility outside of the city." You said as you read more of what Ned had found. "And witnesses say they saw a monster flying through the air," Ned added.

"That's gotta be the guy we saw on the bridge, right?" Peter asked as he looked at you.

"That's impossible," Octavius commented with his back facing you and your friends.

You watched as Peter stood straight and walked forward to talk to Octavius. "You know him, don't you? On the bridge, you said his name."

"Norman Osborn," Octavius replied, causing your eyes to grow wide. "Brilliant scientist. Military researcher. But he was greedy. Misguided."

Your heart started beating rapidly, and you grabbed Ned's arm abruptly. Michelle and Ned turned to you in worry.

"What happened to him?" Peter asked Octavius.

"We tire of your questions, boy!" Octavius snapped furiously, causing you, Peter, Michelle, and Ned to jump in surprise. Michelle moved to your side as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders. She noticed you were shaking.

"Okay..." Peter gulped before going back to Ned. "I gotta go. Where are we going?"

"It can't be him," Octavius spoke again.

"Why?" Michelle asked.

"Because Norman Osborn died years ago. So either we saw someone else, or you're flying out into the darkness to fight a ghost."

You abruptly stood up from your seat and looked for a bucket to vomit. Peter immediately went to your side and rubbed your back. "(Y/n). Are you okay?" He looked back to Michelle and Ned. "Water!"

Ned immediately took out a water bottle and gave it to Michelle. Michelle brought it to Peter, and Peter opened the lid so you could drink. After finishing, you drank a lot of water and placed it down. You panted heavily before collapsing on the ground. Peter caught you and pulled you to his chest. "(Y/n)? Hey, (Y/n)?"

You shook your head. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't say or even mention his name ever again." You whimpered. "I want to forget him."

Octavius tilted his head to the side. "You mean Norman Osborn?"

"No, stop!" You yelled, covering your ears.

"That name affects you, girl. It affects everyone. Norman Osborn always has that effect on people. His name itself terrify, intimidate, and traumatize you."

You started crying and clutched your head in stress. Peter took the device controlling Octavius's claws and ordered it to wrap the metallic tentacles to his mouth to shut him up. "Sorry, sir, but I'm gonna need you to shut up."

Ignoring Octavius' angry groans and grunts, Peter moved back to you and saw how you were shaking violently. 'Oh, God. What happened to you?' He wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed uncontrollably.

Michelle moved beside Peter. "We have to get her out of here for a while. Until she recovers." Peter nodded. "I'll bring her up. You and Ned could start looking where the multiverse bad guys are."

Peter picked you up, and you automatically wrapped your arms around his neck, crying on his chest. Peter gave one last look to Octavius before walking up the stairs. Stephen was about to leave the Sanctum but spotted you in the arms of Peter, crying. He paused for a moment before shaking his head, minding his own business.

Peter brought you outside of the Sanctum to give you some fresh air. He sat down the stairs while you were on his lap. Peter pushed back the hair that had covered your tear-stained cheeks. "Hey, are you okay now?"

Your sobs have died down, and you were now zoning out with your arms still around his neck. Peter gave you a comforting smile and poked your nose. You finally looked at him with your puffy red eyes. "I'm sorry. I haven't had these kinds of episodes since..." You gulped. "Since I was a kid."

"What happened?"

You looked away and set your arms down. "There's..." You took a deep breath. "I know that the man that Mr. Octopus was referring to is probably from his universe, but... there's also a N-Norman... Osborn in this one."

Peter narrowed his eyes. "Wait, how did you know?"

You clenched your fists as you darted your eyes down. "He was my birth mom's boyfriend." You gulped. "He... he used to live with us before my birth mother died. Quite abusive towards me except for his son. I remember... he once hit a brick at me and I had to be taken to a hospital."

Peter frowned, embracing you. "I'm sorry."

"I'm so glad Tony had found me." You sighed. "I wouldn't last a day if I stayed with Norman Osborn."

Peter pulled the hair tie away from his wrist and began tying your hair. "Don't worry, no Norman Osborn can ever hurt you again."

"But I'll see him again, won't I?" You asked. "The different Norman I mean."

"I'll make sure he won't cause you any pain."

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