chapter fourteen: identity revealed

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"This is breaking news. We come to you now with revelations about last week's attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, a.k.a, Mysterio, moments before his death. A warning: You may find this video disturbing."

"I managed to send the Elemental back into the dimensional rift, but I don't think I'm gonna make it off this bridge alive. Spider-Man attacked me for some reason. He has an army of weaponized drones, Stark technology. He's saying he's the only one who's gonna be the new Iron Man, no one else."

"Are you sure you want to commence the drone attack? There will be significant casualties."

"Do it. Execute them all."

"This shocking video was released earlier today on the controversial news website"

"There you have it, folks: conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio! An interdimensional warrior who gave his life to protect our planet and who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time! But that's not all, folks. Here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves, you might wanna sit down.

"Spider-Man's real... Spider-Man's real name is—Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!"

Peter's eyes widened in horror, and he slapped his hands on both sides of his head. "What the fu—!"

You heard a loud honk of a truck, covering Peter's exclamation. You clenched your jaw as you looked down, realizing what Mysterio had done. "That's right, folks. Peter Parker, a seventeen-year-old high school delinquent, harboring a homicidal..."

Peter turned around and looked at you until he saw a civilian approaching you. "Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?"

Peter's eyes widened. You opened your mouth to reply until the people around you acknowledged you. "Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?" The same man asked you the same question, eager to confirm if his suspicion was right about you.

"Wait, she's Tony Stark's daughter!" You heard a woman shout.

Peter knew you detested being recognized in public since your father was well-known. You were fortunate enough that people in Europe didn't mind your presence or fame at all. In New York, however, it felt like people wanted to dig into your life since you're a Stark.

You whimpered as you started breathing heavily. Tony made sure not to show you at every public event or place when he was around, as he knew that you would begin to panic when paparazzi or a crowd of people, in general, started bombarding you with questions. He succeeded as not many people knew did not know his daughter's face. After his death, however, people began to see how you looked.

Long story short, you hate paparazzi and nosy people.

Peter leaped down from the pole he was on and stood by your side, holding you. "He's here!" One of the people yelled when they spotted Peter.

"Sorry, excuse me." He politely told the citizens while he hugged you close. You clung to his chest for comfort and protection. When people started reaching out to tap or touch you, Peter would move you away from them. "Woah, woah, woah. Please don't touch her."

"Peter..." You whispered. "I don't like this at all."

"I know, (Y/n), I know." He whispered back to you as he tried to push as many people away from you. "Sorry, please, stop. She's not comfortable with this."

"You're just a kid?" An older adult questioned in bewilderment.

"You murdered Mysterio?"

You glared at the person who accused Peter. "No, he didn't!"

"You helped him murder Mysterio?"

Peter shook his head. "N-No! She has nothing to do with this! I-I, uh—"

"Come on! Let me see that face!" One woman was about to come near you and Peter, but you quickly stepped away while Peter pushed the lady's hand off of you. "Woah, woah, woah!"

"He hit me. Spider-Man hit me!" The lady complained. You sent her a glare until Peter wrapped his arm around you and pulled you away from the crowd. He jumped with you on top of a taxi cab, and he started swinging up, away from people, causing you to wrap your arms around him. "Oh, my God! Peter!" You shrieked as you clung to him for your dear life. It was your first time swinging with Peter after all.

"It's alright!" Peter reassured. "Just keep your hands off my face so I can see, okay?"

"People looked up to this boy and called him a hero." You heard Jameson's voice through the big screens around New York. "I'll tell you what I call him: Public Enemy Number One!"

"Peter! Oh, God!" You shut your eyes when you saw how high you two were. "I never want to do this again!"

"(Y/n), no offense, but you literally have a suit where you can fly—"

"There's a difference!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

You opened your eyes and spotted a billboard sign that said 'Rogers: The Musical.' You breathed heavily. "P-Peter, where are we gonna go?"

"Um, I don't know. You're house?"

"My house is literally far away, Peter!"

"Don't you have an apartment?"

"My mom still hasn't given me the keys to my new apartment." You frowned. "I'm so sorry, I—"

"No, don't apologize! You have nothing to apologize for." Peter stopped by on top of a bridge and set you down for a moment to take his phone out, which started buzzing. Your eyes widened at how high you and Peter were, and you focused on how not to fall. You heard Peter start screaming. "Dude."

"Dude!" Ned exclaimed back.





You snapped your head towards Peter, glaring at him when he completely forgot that you were still behind him. "Dude!" You yelled.

"What..." Peter's eyes widened in realization and he immediately ended the call to hold you. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"No, not really." You gulped. "If I have a suit on, that's fine, but I'm suitless, so... yeah, I'm not fine."

"Yo, Peter!" You and Peter turned around and saw a bunch of people in a cable car, watching you both and taking their phones out to film you two. You looked around and saw more people waving at Peter and you from their apartments.

Helicopters started surrounding you both. You looked at Peter. "We should go. Come on."

"But you said you don't want to swing aga—"

"Well, there are no more options, Parker. It's either you swing me or let us get caught by the police."

Peter nodded. He wrapped his arm around your waist again, while you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Okay, we can take the subway." Peter jumped off the top of the bridge with you, causing you to scream. "Peter! Maybe a warning next time!"

You spotted Flash passing by, while Peter didn't mind him and opened the entrance to the underground. As the two of you swung underground, your eyes enlarged when a subway train came near you both. "Peter, look out!" Peter immediately went to the side to avoid the train and continued swinging with his arm tightly wrapped around you.

You and Peter arrived at Delmar's shop. Peter peeked his head out first to see if anyone was around. When the coast was clear, Peter pulled you out of the hole while you were shaking your head. "Oh, the subway was so much worse." You whispered.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked worriedly.

You nodded. "Uh-huh. You?"

"Good." Peter shot a web on the sewer lid to close the hole you two just came out of before turning to you. "Come on, come on, come on." Peter opened his arms, and you immediately clung to him before he started swinging. You folded your legs around his waist and buried your face on his shoulder.

You and Peter arrived at his apartment, outside his bedroom window. Peter held you as you started sliding his window up so you two could enter inside. While you helped Peter get in, you heard voices in the living room.

"I just feel so dumb." You heard a familiar voice. "I didn't realize you were miserable."

"Happy?" You whispered before turning to Peter. "What's Happy doing here?"

Peter glanced at the door and removed his mask. "I—well..."

"No, it was really fun, alright?" You and Peter heard May's reassuring voice. "You know, that's why they call it a fling! And we flung."

"It was fun." You heard Happy response. "I could've been more fun. I can be fun."

Peter grabbed your arms. "Come on, help me get out of this suit."

You fluttered your eyes in surprise as your face started warming up. "I, um—what?"

"We'll hang out again," May told Happy as she held the door, ready to close it while Happy was outside.

"Like... when do you think?" Happy's smile disappeared when he heard noises inside Peter's room. "I should see what that is."

Happy wanted to know what was happening, but he genuinely did not want to leave May. May sighed as she followed Happy. "No. No, no, no, no. Happy!"

"It's what I do."

As May tried to explain in order for Happy to leave, Happy continued his way to check on Peter. "Peter?"

"Peter? Oh, God, Peter..." Happy heard your voice inside Peter's room. Happy furrowed his eyebrows in panic and confusion until he heard Peter's voice. "Oh, no. Oh, no. I don't know what to do!"

"Peter! Peter!" You flinched in shock when Happy barged inside Peter's room to find you holding Peter's face while your boyfriend was taking off his suit. You and Peter's eyes widened when you saw Happy's reaction. "Oh. Oh, no." You both shook your heads in denial. It didn't help that May stood next to Happy, who happened to see the misunderstood situation.

"We didn't see anything." Happy looked away as he closed his eyes. "I'm too emotional to scold you right now, (Y/n) Stark."

Peter shook his head. "This isn't what it looks like, Happy!" He tried to explain. May grabbed the doorknob and shook her head. "May, no, no, no!"

"Just practice safe—"

"No, it's not what it looks like!" You tried to explain, but May turned around when she noticed you. "Oh, hey!" You smiled as May approached you. "You must be (Y/n)! Nice to meet you again."

You fixed your hair that was a tad messy after swinging with Peter outside and shook hands with May. "Lovely to meet you too, Ms. Pa—" Your sentence was interrupted when May brought you in for a hug. "The last time I saw you, you were still a little girl."

You chuckled. "I was not that little."

Peter turned to Happy and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, have you been crying?" Happy frowned. "We broke up." He answered before stepping back to let out a few more tears.

You blinked in surprise while Peter softly gasped. "Oh, uh..."

"Hey, Spider-Man!" You heard a man shouting just outside. You grabbed a t-shirt, and Peter closed down the window. He whispered a quick thank you to you and started wearing his shirt. "I didn't know you guys broke up." He told May and Happy before facing his aunt. "I thought you were in love, May."

Peter started guiding his aunt out of his room as May and Happy tried to explain what had happened. Peter glanced at Happy before looking back at May. "I thought you guys were such a handsome couple."

"You know, it's really about boundaries..." May told Peter.


Happy turned to you as you patted his back while you two followed your boyfriend and his aunt. "Don't you dare think I won't tell what happened earlier to your mother, (Y/n), huh?"

You shook your head. "I swear, Happy, what you saw was nothing."

The four of you suddenly heard the doorbell buzzing. "Is that the door?" May asked in curiosity.

Peter led his aunt away from the door. "Oh, hey, listen. Go in here."

You rushed towards the door which was open and found a man with a curious look. "Hey, is it true about..."

"Not now!" You slammed the door shut and locked it to be sure. You passed by Peter and May and slightly heard them talking about safe sex. "Why are you so awkward about sex, Peter?"

"No, this has nothing to do with sex!"

You shut the other windows down and closed the curtains to avoid people seeing what was inside. You froze when helicopters were nearby. "What's that sound?" Happy questioned.

"Uh..." Peter stood up and shut the rest of the windows with his web-shooters. He stood by the second to the last window and saw a woman waving. "Hey, Spider-Man!" He scrunched his face and immediately closed the window.

Peter hurriedly closed the last one, but it didn't stay closed. Peter, in frustration, shot a web for it to close while Happy opened the television, and he, along with May, opened their phones. You watched Peter snatch their phones. "Can you get off your phones for, like, five minutes? I just wanna talk to you about your relationship, okay?"

Your eyes landed on the television behind him, and you saw the news broadcasting the apartment building where Peter and May were living. "Peter..." You pointed at the television, causing Peter, May, and Happy to turn their attention to the screen.

May gasped. "Is that...?"

"Is that here?" Happy asked.

Peter sighed heavily before giving up and opening a window to reveal a helicopter nearby. May and Happy walked towards the window to see more helicopters surrounding the building. You stood next to Peter in worry while Peter shrugged. "I mean, maybe it's not such a big deal."


The first five minutes of the movie was so chaotic to write lmao 😭💀

And no, not all of the quotes are quite accurate. So, if I was wrong with some words, I apologize. I will edit the chapters again after a few weeks or months.

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