|007| Fight

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A/n: This chapter contains an idol group. I may have created them as a bad character. Please note that i don't hate them.

(Jenny's Pov)

I was running away from the roof top, when someone hold my hand making me stop. I turned around to see 7 girls. Their face was caked with heavy makeup. "Who the fuck are you?" I asked as i wiped my tears away. They didn't say anything but the one who was holding me more tighter. Her fake nails were digging in to my skin. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked a bit harshly. "Was that the question we had to ask?" the one holding my hand asked me. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Oh my god, poor baby didn't get it" a girl in the back said. "What the fuck are you doing with our boyfriends" the girl holding my hand asked. So they are BTS's girlfriends. okay i know what to do. "None of your buisness. Now let go my hand "ms. pretty" I said coldly. "What did you say?" The one with red hair said to me. "Okay sorry, none of your buisness ms. ugly" I mocked.

If it was an anime or something like that i was able to see their face red and smoke coming out of their eyes, nose and ears. I chuckled internally. One of them grabbed my hair. i quickly grabbed my hair so that it won't be peeled off. Then another girl came and push me to the ground. "You are a bitch. I wonder how your bitchy mother suffers you" A girl with blonde hair said. That made my blood boil. Anyone can beat me, curse me. But not my mom. "You are gonna pay for that ms.ugly" I said through my gritted teeth.

She scoffed. I got up from the floor and grabbed her neck making her and others eyes go widen. I threw her to the floor. Then i beat the shit out of her. The other girls were too shocked to do anything. I got up and started to go out of that room. But the red haired girl grabbed me by my hair. I turned around. She grabbed my throat and throw me to the floor. Something hit my head. Then the girls started beating me. Eventually i passed out because after i it my head, i become dizzy and with all that punch i passed out.

(3rd Person pov)

Jin was walking beside Yoongi. The others were walking behind them. They suddenly heard some noises. "She's a slut". "Well i don't care". "She deserved it". They walked closer to the sound and saw Jen on the floor passed out. They saw the one and only Cignature beating her. Then a girl with red hair banged Jen's head on the floor making the boys mouth hang open and eyes big as ceramic plates. "BELLE!" Namjoon yelled making the girls and look at the source of voice. Once they found the source of the voice  their eyes almost dropped out of their sockets.

"Oppa its not what its look like, she punched Ye Ah because she was close with you" Belle said frantically. "I see what happened. Don't lie to me" Namjoon said in scary tone. "But oppa didn't you see-" Namjoon cut Semi off. "Not another word young lady" Then he looked at Jungkook. Jungkook knows what that look meant. He quickly picked Jen's unconscious body. "And we are not your oppa" Namjoon said through gritted teeth. BTS went towards the nurse's room.

Guys Today is Yoongi's Birthday! He turned 28. Happy birthday Yoongi!

Once again Happy Birthday Suga. We Love You.


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