I 5

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please don't be a silent reader :( I have no idea if u guys like this story or it's trashy...
I would be happy if u vote or maybe comment that would really mean a lot to me.

please enjoy 💜

no one's pov

It has been two weeks since tae and jeongguk texted, since then they didn't talk or even look at each other at school. It hurt jeongguk so much, he didn't even know what he should do.. he felt like he lost his best friend at the day he confessed.

Maybe he should've told him how he really felt, then maybe he wouldn't ignore him like that. But he can't change it, tae knows that he is in love with him and possibly losing him because of it and now he has to live with it...

but all was taehyung needed was time to think..he couldn't believe his best friend is in love with him since they became friends - six years ago - but to hear it from him almost broke him. He felt so fucking stupid. He pulled this shit throughout all those years, flirting with girls in front of him all the time, kissing other girls in front of him, fuck even getting caught fucking one in front of him...

He felt so fucking ashamed .. how could he be so blind and stupid.. texting him so sexual, even have phone sex with him and not even thinking about the consequences.. he fucking liked it texting him like that and imagine them doing stuff together. So why did he always fuck it up with the no homo tho.

,, I'm so fucking stupid" he sighed and run his hands through his hair, pulling on it in frustration and staring at the green painted wall in his bedroom. A picture of him and jeongguk when they where 12 hanging on there in a beautiful black frame.

he was always by my side and had feelings for me all the time.. he never said anything.. he didn't trust me enough to tell me and I can't even blame him.. it was my fault for being so ignorant.

Why did I even start texting him like that.. I always thought he's cute and attractive but I just thought I'm thinking this because he's my best friend... maybe deep down I knew this wasn't because of that.. maybe I liked him without even realizing it..maybe I texted him so sexual because I was attracted to him, cause I really wanted him?

,, oh my fucking god" he slowly let the strands of his hair go and dropped his hand back in his lap, it just hit him like a truck, he was attracted to jeongguk the whole time that's why he even started texting him like this. He just didn't take his time and really thought about it.

Jeongguk was an absolute sweetheart and the most caring person he knew, he would smile so cutely with his bunny teeth, his doe eyes sparkling all the time when they were together. His beautiful giggles when he thought something was funny and how his button nose scrunched up because he was so happy at that moment.

Taehyung could feel his heartbeat fasten, the weird feeling in his stomach never going away when he thought about him.

He adored jeongguk so much and didn't even realize he liked him since he started texting him like this..

all of this because he didn't even think about whats he's doing. He felt like the biggest asshole on earth and so fucking stupid.
He just needed to make it right, jeongguk needed to know how he really felt about him.
And that's what he did.


I'm truly so sorry jeongguk...

I'm a stupid fucking idiot
I hurt u all the time and didn't
think about ur feelings...
I was selfish and so stupid.
I didn't think about anything
I just think ur attractive that's
why I started sexting u.
I never used my fucking
brain to think.. and I hate myself
so much for disappointing u so much...

I'm a really bad friend and I'm so so sorry gguk. I have feelings
for you.. truly deep feelings for u
and I just didn't know it... I only
thought it's because ur my best friend that's why I'm feeling like this
but it's so much more.. and I'm so
so sorry ... for realizing it just know...
would u give me another chance
please? show u how I really feel.

please let me show u
how much u mean to me.
1:14 pm seen


I know tae is fucking stupid but does it make any sense to u? Why he's like this 😅 please let me know
what u think about it and if jeongguk should give him a chance or keep him waiting  🙃

thank u so much for
reading 💜

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