I 6

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please let me show u
how much u mean to me..
1:14 pm      seen

tae what
u ignore me for two whole weeks and make me feel like absolutely shit cuz i confessed to u and now u realize u like me too? what shit are u pulling
1:30 pm

no gguk i'm so sorry i didn't mean to upset u...
I do everything for you but please forgive me for being so stupid.. i don't deserve u as a friend and i don't deserve ur love
I know that but please give us a chance
1:34 pm

us? theres no us
I don't even know what to say
ur a stupid idiot, what's with ur no homo tho shit.Tell me when we would be together, kissing and fucking would u pull out the no homo and flirt with girls?!
1:36 pm

no gguk i wouldn't..
I'm serious about this
i was just to blind.. please
give me a chance i really
want to try it with u..
i want to date u..
1:38 pm

u want to date me?
u need to prove it to me
1:40 pm

please tell me how
i do everything.. i promise
1:41 pm

i want u to delete all the numbers from these sluts u fucked. If u really wanna date me i don't want u anywhere near them and i want you fucking show me u really mean it that u want me!! And i don't want u to have sex with anybody ! If you want me u can't fuck around anymore.If u fuck it up we're done.
1:47 pm

okay i do it
i promis i do everything
gguk i want u to give us a
chance,i really meant what
i said i really really like you
1:50 pm

prove it to me tae and we'll see
but one thing if we ever be together i'm not hiding it, if u don't want it to be official then u can forget it, i'm not hiding that i'm gay anymore
1:54 pm

i promise i proof it to u
i would do anything for you
1:55 pm

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