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"Hey, lady." Bryce peaked his head into Sam's hospital room later that evening. He had been waiting for Daniel to leave in order to do so, he found Amanda's eyes. "Hi, Mrs.LaRusso."

She gave a sad smile. "Hi, Bryce. Did you get checked out?"

"All good. Just heavy bruising." he shook his head, looking toward Sam.

She got the hint. "I'm gonna go see if Carmen has been told anything yet."

Bryce gave her a tiny smile as she passed, leaving the two alone. He pulled a thing of Iris's from behind his back. "I stole these from someone down the hall for you."

Sam tried to smile. "You shouldn't be stealing anything."

"I know, but, the person I took them from had a nazi symbol on their backpack, so, I figured they didn't deserve flowers."

Sam did manage to give a tiny smile as Bryce laid the flowers on the table by her bed, nodding to her wrapped forearm. "You get some stitches?"

"Yeah, the doctor is gonna run me a scan though." she shook her head, earning a nod. "Your face looks bad."

"Ouch." he said, sitting down as she reached to grab his chin, eyeing the black eye, cut lip, bruised jaw, and currently wrapped nose. "It wasn't broken, thank god."

"Still." she said back, exhaling.

Bryce sense her sadness. "Miguel's alive, Sam. I know that's not much to go off of, but there's nothing else we can do."

"I just feel bad." she said honestly. "Like, guilty."

He understood where she was coming from, because he'd feel bad too. "I'm not saying what you did at the party was okay, because it wasn't. But people make shitty mistakes, the average person doesn't have to deal with an entire karate war about it. Regardless of what happened at the party, that fight was gonna go down one way or another. Maybe it wouldn't have been today, but sooner or later. You didn't get up there and tell Robby to do that."

Sam let his words sink in, and it took some of the guilt off her with a small nod. Bryce grabbed his backpack. "Now, I brought my laptop with all the illegal websites for all the movies in the world. Also-"

Sam gave a minor chuckle as she saw the box of brown sugar pop tarts. "Thanks."

"So, what do you wanna watch first?" he scooted in next to her, placing his laptop on one of his legs, and one of hers. "Romance? Comedy? Horror? Thriller? Action? Sci-Fi?"

"You know, I like you being home with me." Jody confirmed as day three rolled around of Bryce not going to school. "Keeps me company."

"Well, that's why I do it." he gave her a half grin, leaning on his elbow as an 80s horror film played on the TV. "Dads gonna get mad when he finds out I haven't gone in three days."

"Oh, he can suck me off." she rolled her eyes. "You're my kid too. So, if you wanna miss half the week, you can miss half the week."

"Meaning i've gotta go back tomorrow." Bryce exhaled with an eye roll. "Yay."

"That girl of yours should be going back soon, yeah?" she sniffled, reaching for a cigarette.

"She tried to go but ended up leaving, probably headed back tomorrow too." he said in return, pulling the threat from the blanket he laid on. "Mom?"

She hummed, the cigarette in her mouth. Bryce looked over at her. "Do you think i'm like dad?"

"What?" she laughed, coughing on her smoke. "Why are you asking me that?"

"I don't know, he says i'm like you." he shrugged in return, giving a questionable look. "So, do you think it like him?"

"Hell no." she said in return, grabbing his chin with a knowing look. "You're a good one, he's not. I don't see you going around cheating on any of your girlfriends. Even though you haven't brought Masy around in a while."

"You know we broke up." Bryce sat up, his mood changed at the sudden mention of her name. "I don't wanna talk about her."

"Fine by me. But, I liked her. A sweet girl. And very pretty." Jody continued on, giving a knowing point.

"Yeah, she's not sweet." Bryce mumbled, pretending to get a text. "I'll be right back, it's Sam."

"Oh, tell her I said hey!" Jody called as Bryce hurried down the small hall, holding his breath as he shut the door, dropping his phone and curling up on his bed.

"How'd he seem?" Bryce asked as he drove down the road, Sam in the passengers seat. News about Miguel waking up came quickly, as did how expensive the surgery was. Sam's idea, they were headed toward a car wash.

"Okay, I guess. Sad and tired." she nodded her head, leaning back in the seat, looking out the window as they took a turn. "Have you talked to Eli?"

"No." Bryce said back with a shake of his head. "Skipped the weekend visit I was suppose to go to with my dad."

"Are you allowed to do that?" Sam looked over in minor worry.

"Legally, no. But, my dad would have to call the police and i'd be glad to tell them my brother almost broke my nose." Bryce looked over at her with a half grin, parking at the car wash. "Ready go get our wash on?"

"Ready." Sam confirmed, the two getting out of the car.

"Hey, you two!" Moon smiled widely as she walked toward the pair, her sunglasses on her nose. "Did you match on purpose? So cute."

Bryce noticed his unbuttoned button up and Sam's bikini top, under her overalls, had the same print. He rose his eyebrows. "One hundred percent on purpose."

"Thanks for bringing out the cheerleading team, they are definitely helping to attract customers and the only reason I convinced Bryce to show up."

"Why am I not surprised?" she gave a minor laugh his way. "I am a sex-positive feminist, after all. Our bodies are an expression."

Bryce rose his eyebrows. "I am also a sex-positive feminist."

"See!" Moon laughed, walking off, leaving Bryce to give a cheeky grin down at Sam.

"Wanna share a snow cone?" Sam suggested, the two walked toward the stand.

"What flavor?" he rose a single eyebrow.

Sam tilted her head. "I feel like this is a trick question."

"It is, and there's a wrong answer. So, be carful." he warned, the two getting closer to the stand.

Sam hesitated. "Blue raspberry?"

"Correct answer." he gave her a knowing grin, the pair falling in line.

"You sure about this?" Chris looked back at Sam as he pulled the dojo doors open.

"Cobra Kias never stopped training. We have to catch up." Sam crossed her arms, looking to the boys around her. "If that means me taking the rains then so be it."

Bryce cracked a grin at her words. Sam gave a knowing look. "Don't even say it."

"I'm not gonna say it." he shook his head, hiding a cheeky grin.

"I for one am ready to add a few new moves to my repetra." Demetri agreed, Bryce figured he'd possibly made up his own word.

"Yeah, you are." he confirmed.

"Hold on a sec." Nathan cut in, looking at Sam from behind his sunglasses. "What if your dad finds out?"

"He won't." Sam promised. "He's out of town."

Bryce hummed. Sam gave a knowing look again. "I know you wanna say it."

"Where has the good girl gone?" he gave a fake gasp, circling her to go for his bag near the doors.


kylie speaks

i forget how fast season
three goes by sadly

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