xii. ๐ˆ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐๐ข๐œ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐จ

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"Okay, dude, this is not working out." Bryce spoke to the dog at the attempted bath, Bryce getting more water on him then anything. "I'm trying to help you, man."

Reaching back, he pulled his soaked t-shirt off, rubbing the dogs head with tear free soap. He practically crawled in with him so he'd stay calm. "See, where're all good. We are good."

The dog relaxed more with Bryce holding him the way he did. He gave a little grin, feeling a connection between the two of them. "You're all good now, dude. We're good."

"I got the food." Sam walked into the bathroom, holding the bag and Bryce's car keys. "How's he- oh woah, you guys look great."

"Yeah, we're getting there." Bryce hummed, looking back at her. "You can leave my keys in my room, we're almost done here."

Bryce finished up with the dog, towel drying him as much as he could before carrying him to his room. "Okay, man. You hungry?"

Sam had two bowls set out, food and water. Bryce set him down near them, the dog went to eating immediately. Sam grinned, sitting with her back on Bryce's dresser as he sat on the other side of the dog, close but not right next to each other. "We should keep him."

"Yeah?" Bryce rose his eyebrows her way. "You don't think he's got a family out there?"

"Maybe, but they clearly aren't taking care of him." she pointed out with a shake of her head. "He'll be better off here, or with me."

"What? You wanna split custody?" he cracked a grin at her, Sam nodded. "Seriously?"

"We're usually always together after school anyways. He can sleep one week at my house, one week here." Sam explained with a nod, grinning at the dog as he continued to eat his food. "I'll just have to convince my dad."

"Yeah." Bryce had to chuckle slightly. "He probably needs a name if we're gonna keep him."

Sam exhaled, rubbing his head as he continued to eat. "I like Picasso."

His eyebrows shot up, staring her way. "Like, the painter?"

"He looks like a Picasso." she defended herself as Bryce laughed. "I'm serious!"

"Picasso it is." he confirmed, grinned as Picasso continued to eat and drink his water. "Think he likes road trips?"

"Where you running off too this time?" Sam rose her eyebrows, knowing Bryce took off a lot during the summer. "Texas? Arizona?"

"Clearlake." he exhaled with a nod. "It's not for a few more months but my grandparents want me and Eli to come down early May for this family thing we do."

"What kind of family thing?" she questioned in curiosity.

"My dad, step mom, Eli, and my aunt, her kid and wife, and my grandparents all go stay at their house for the weekend. It's massive, seven bedrooms, and on a bunch of acres. Then we take our boats out and see who can make it to the other side of the lake first." Bryce shrugged his shoulders with a half grin. "We eat too."

"What's on the other side of the lake?" Sam frowned her eyebrows in questioning.

"Wine tasting." he confirmed with a nod. "And you get to make your own."

"Make your own wine?" Sam asked with a blink, he nodded. "That's so cool."

"You wanna come?" he suggested, Sam looked at him oddly. "Eli always brings Demetri, my cousin always brings one of her friends. It'll be fun, I won't look like a loner for once."

"Your family won't mind?" she blinked, but a lake trip did sound fun.

"Are you kidding? My grandparents are like those people that invite strangers in on holidays." he explained, making Sam smile slightly. "They'd love you. And Picasso."

"Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament." Daniel looked at the students when he spoke, seriously and with compassion.

"But we have different ways of getting you there." Johnny spoke confidently, but it was clear maybe he wasn't so confident.

"We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing." the LaRusso man nodded with a knowing look. Bryce rose his eyebrows in questioning.

"So we've discussed it and came up with a solution. We're gonna divide and conquer." the taller man informed them, confusing the students. "Eagle Fang trains out front."

"And i'll be back here with the Miyagi-Dos." Daniel pointed around the back of the dojo. The Moskowitz brothers shared a look.

"I thought we were stronger working together." Miguel spoke up, looking at the two senseis.

"We're still working together." Daniel reassured him along with everyone else.

"Just reparably." Johnny gave a knowing point. "On opposite ends of the dojo. All right, Eagles, follow me."

Sam looked at Bryce. "This is weird, right?"

"Yeah." he agreed, letting her walk into the dojo first. Daniel had them sat down, crossing their legs for the warm up.

"We all have anger inside. But I want you to let it go." Daniel encouraged as he sat infront of the dojo, looking at the students. "Don't let your emotions control you. You have to be the one in control. Right? Now, everyone close your eyes and relax."

Bryce took a breath, hearing Sam breath next to him.

"Stop whinin' like a a little bitch. Get up."

"Stay focused. Eyes closed." Daniel encouraged.. "Breath in. Breath out.'

"Don't be a pussy. Punch him in the face."

Bryce tired to stop it, but a snort escaped him, hiding it with a cough.

"Try not to be distracted." Daniel encouraged them again, he shut them again as Sam gave a punch to the knee. "Stay focused."

"You punched him in the balls? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Laughter went over the students as Daniel sighed, standing up. "Wait right here."

As he walked out, Bryce looked at Sam. "Are you coming with me to pick up Picasso?"

"He's at his check up, right?" she hummed, continuing her stretches. Bryce nodded. "Yeah, i'll go with you."

"Okay, cool." Bryce gave her a grin, looking over as Eli walking out of one of the rooms with Demetri, Nate, and Chris not close behind. He got to his feet quickly as Sam gave a worried look. Bryce walked toward the trio. "What'd you say to him?"

"Nothing he didn't deserve." Chris shrugged him return. "He needs to stay with his Eagle Fangs and not mess our shit up."

"Or you can just keep your mouth shut." Bryce suggested, looking at Nate. "Both of you."

"Bryce." Daniel looked into the dojo. "What are you doing?"

"Standing up for my brother?" he answered with a weird look, seeing him walking toward his car. "Where's he going?"

"He'll come around, it's just gonna take time." Sam spoke as her and Bryce had just picked up Picasso, now in the backseat as they were headed back toward the LaRussos. "You remember how it was with you. It takes time to build trust again."

"I know, but it's just different when he's my little brother." Bryce said honestly. "I know he did bad things, but I don't want people talking shit to him either."

Sam looked out the window, passing the alley that he'd taken her to not too long ago. "W-"

His phone rung, Bryce was on the highway. "Can you grab that?"

Sam reached over, digging her hand into his pocket. Bryce jerked the wheel quickly as Sam gave a crazy look. He cleared his throat. "Sorry, my bad."

She pulled his phone out. "It's your mom."

"Can you tell her i'm driving and i'll be home in just a second?" he asked, she nodded and answered the phone. Sam barley got a word in before she was cut off, Bryce glanced over, looking back at the road. "What's she saying?"

"O-Okay, we're on our way." Sam spoke, hanging up the phone and met with a worried look. "She's at the bar on the I10. She sounds really out of it, Bryce."

His face flooded with embarrassing. "Is she okay?"

"I think so." Sam nodded her head. "We just need to pick her up, she said the bartender isn't letting her drive home."

Bryce shook his head. "I'll drop you off first."

"It'll just be longer, my parents will understand." she nodded. Bryce didn't seem convinced. "It's okay, we can pick up your mom."

He didn't talk the rest of the way, embarrassed and ashamed.

"Okay, momma." Bryce helped his mom into her bed once they got back to the apartment. He rolled her on her side, pulling the bottle of aspirin from her nightstand. "Stay in bed, okay?"

"Come cuddle, Slade." Jody slurred her words as Bryce tucked her in. "You never stay home anymore."

Bryce walked out of her room, meeting Sam in the living room. She gave a questionable look. "Who's Slade?"

Bryce exhaled. "He's my dad."

Sam stayed standing as Bryce circled the couch and fell on the cushions. "Todays their anniversary, well, would have been. I totally forgot."

He leaned on his hands, looking down at the ground. Sam blinked. "Does that happened often?"

Bryce ignored her, squeezing the back of his neck before looking up at her with an exhale. "Sorry you have to deal with this shit."

"It's okay." she shook her head softly.

"No, it's not okay. I should be bringing you to the movies or teaching you how to mini golf. Not dragging you into my drunk moms mess." Bryce ranted, talking with his hands as the sunset shined through the broken blinds. He looked down again, rubbing his neck. "This is so stupid."

Sam walked over so she stood infront of him, the top of Bryce's head touched her stomach. "I don't think this is stupid. You remember when you and your mom took care of me when I was drunk and just needed to sleep it off? I'm not gonna be mean to you because of how your life is."

"It's embarrassing." Bryce mumbled.

Sam rubbed his head. "You shouldn't be embarrassed about anything. Not with me."

Bryce leaned in so his head leaned into her more, Sams arms going around his head to rub his dyed hair.


kylie speaks

ty sam

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