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"All right, remember, one of the best ways to get a point is to aim for the torso." Johnny spoke, hitting Demetri, who had coach cushions tapped to his chest and back, a headband in his mouth. "Alright, front kick, side kick. Ready?"

The line started to go, Sam wincing. "Sorry?"

After doing so, Bryce was next, front kicking, then side. "Tighten your core, Meat."

"All right, good job, Assclown." Johnny patted his shoulder, Bryce gave an offended look as he joined Sam, and Picasso after he started to join in on their training.

Chris had managed to kick Demetri right in between the legs, the entire team gapped and wincing in pain. Johnny patted his back. "Very good. Suck it up. Tighten that core."

After that, it wasn't long before Demetri was let go and practice was over. "Good day. You guys showed toughness."

Sam tugged on Bryce's sleeve. "You still coming to that birthday party with me?"

"Yeah, I just have to go home and change." he nodded, opening the door for Picasso to jump in. "Hopefully my step mom is a good babysitter."

She grinned as Johnny looked to a limping Demetri. "You sure you're okay?"

"Oh yeah. No, they're starting to turn back to their normal color." he nodded his head.

"Need a ride to Eli?" Bryce leaned on his car. "I'm there for the weekend."

"Please." Demetri agreed, limping toward the car.

"I'll see you there." Bryce leaned over and kissed Sam on the cheek, getting in the car and leaving her with a grin.

"He's pretty cool. Just keep him infront of Gossip Girl and he'll be chill." Bryce spoke to Rebecca as he turned his tv on for Picasso. "He'll let you know if he's gotta go outside. Just avoid getting too close to the street because he's still scared of running cars."

"Got it." she nodded her head, Bryce kissed his head, leaving the bedroom door open. "You're a dad now."

"Feels like it." he said honestly, walking toward the kitchen after changing clothes. "I'm not gonna be long, just have to put Sam out of her misery."

"Oh, yeah, i'm sure that's the only reason you're going." Eli mocked as he walked into the kitchen, Demetri trailing behind him as they raided the pantry. "I heard about that kiss."

"A kiss?" Rebecca gapped. "You've got a girlfriend?"

"No!" Bryce defended himself.

"He kissed her." Demetri pointed out.

"It was a kiss on the cheek! I've kissed you on the cheek before!" Bryce defended himself with a wave of his hands.

"Yeah, and I had a mini crush on you because of it." Demetri said back honestly.

"Demetri." Eli huffed, shoving a bag of chips into his hand.

"Why don't you bring her home?" Rebecca suggested with a grin.

"Absolutely not." he shook his head, looking for his shoes. "Jesus, did Picasso take off with my shoes?"

"Oh, they also have a dog together. I don't know how much more obvious that has to be." Demetri pointed out with a shrug. "You should see them sparing together. Very touchy."

"Enough." Bryce warned him, finding the black vans finally. "I'm outta here."

"Take this to Sam." Rebecca grabbed a rose from the vase.

"Oh my god." Bryce huffed, holding the rose as he turned away. "Don't freak out my dog!"

"Keep your hands to yourself!" Eli called, getting a door to the face.

"I can't believe they're doing this at a kids birthday party." Sam some honestly when she managed to get most of the glitter off her, Bryce dragging her over toward the corner. "Seems pretty dangerous."

"They said the workers ordered tattoos, but accidentally ordered a real tattoo artist." Bryce said, pulling his wallet out. "So, they've still gotta pay him."

"What can I do for the two of you?" the tatted up guy asked.

"Two nose piercings." Bryce handed him the money. "Right nostril for both."

He grabbed Sams shoulders, lowering her down into the chair and pulling her hair back. "You sure you wanna do this?"

"Totally." she grinned, Johnny Lawrence in her head. "Just make it quick before my mom comes over."

The man cleaned his needle, Sam reaching up and squeezed Bryce's hands as he grinned. "Be easy with her. She's never done anything like this before."

"Shut up, my ears are done." Sam smacked his hand.

"It goes quick." the man said, pulling the little gun, that pierces and puts the jewl in at the same time. "Try to sit still?"

Sam tightened her hands around Bryce's, wincing slightly as he squeezed. Then, just like that, it was done. Bryce looked at her nose, the little shiny on her right nostril. "Hell yeah, baby. This looks so badass."

"Really?" Sam asked, accepting the mirror while the man got the next needle ready. "Oh my god, my dads gonna kill me."

Bryce laughed, tilting her chin up to look at him. "Your good girl rep precedes you."

Sam flushed, standing up so Bryce took her seat. "You're not gonna hold my hand?"

Sam rolled her eyes, taking his hand as his nose piercing went just as quick as hers had.

"What'd your dad say?" Bryce asked, him and Sam sneaking off to the little alley beside the drive in movie. They'd both seen Bloodsport a number of times now and Bryce had better plans, his fingers already stained with sage green. He had to order this color of spray paint, not finding it in any stores.

"Ugh, he kinda had a heart attack." Sam said honestly, watching as Bryce wrote a B in a feminine hand writing. "Give me that."

Bryce handed her the bottle, Sam shook it before drawing a large circle, a line on the outside. "That's what you taught me, right?"

"Yeah. Mars." Bryce cracked a grin. "You've got it down."

Sam gave the spray paint back as Bryce leaned on the side of the alley. "So, seems like i'm not the best influence on you anymore."

"When have you ever been?" she inhaled with a half grin. "Maybe I don't need a good influence."

Bryce cracked a grin. "Oh, really?"

"Johnnys right, I can't do what my parents want me to do all the time." Sams eyes narrowed in the slightest. "I've been getting mad at you for just doing what I should be doing."

"So what, you wanna rob stores now?" Bryce asked with a minor snort.

"No." Sam said back with a faint grin. "I'm just saying, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to do things they tell me not to."

Bryce leaned off the wall. "What do they not want you to do?"

Sam blinked, taking a step forward before her gaze feel behind Bryce. "Are you kidding me?"

He turned back, looking past the alley way to see Cobra Kai standing before Miyagi-Do, Eli right in the front. Bryce tossed the spray paint into his car. "Let's go."

They headed over, Tory mid thread. "There's a traitor here, for sure. And he's gonna get what he deserves."

"I don't think so." Sam spoke as the pair stopped next to Miguel and Eli. "Not if I have anything to say about it. Princess."

Tory eyed her, Bryce rose his head to stay alert if anything she'd try. "Carful, LaRusso. Your mom isn't here to play peace maker."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Sam shot back at her.

"Guys, stop!" Miguel cut in before it could escalate. "We can't do this. We'll beat em on the mat."

"Oh, really?" Robby spoke up with a questionable look. "You do remember what happened last time we fought, right?"

"When you ended up in juvie or when you lost the tournament?" Bryce asked with a curious look, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, how's my spot feel at Miyagi-Do? Feeling my shoes yet?" Robby mocked in his direction.

"Pretty good, actually. Your feet are a little small." Bryce nodded, Robby took a step forward as Bryce did the same.

"Stop." Miguel cut in, his hand grabbed Bryce's wrist. "Meet us on the baseball diamond in thirty minutes. No weapons."

"We don't need em." Tory mocked back, her eyes flickered toward Bryce before walking off.


kylie speaks

laruskawitz <3

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