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Bryce gave the door a harsh shove as the morning sky had been rising. After driving many hours, they'd made it. His blue eyes looked around the house he'd always loved so much. "Samantha LaRusso, care to inform me on what the first thing you want to do?"

"There's no way." Sam stared around the house she'd just been at a few weeks ago. The old, beat down house, that needed a lot of work, but she'd loved so much. The house her and Bryce were devastated to see go off the market, just to find out his grandparents purchased it because their oldest grandchild liked it so much. "Oh my god!"

"I don't think it's fully set in yet." Bryce smiled as Picasso ran past his legs. "This is literally our house!"

"Your house, actually." Sam corrected with a knowing look over her shoulder.

"Nu-uh." he shook his head, lifting her off the ground in a hug. "Our house! One more year of high school, then college with our house."

"I did apply for Pomona." Sam pointed out with a half grin. "That's only forty minutes from here."

"See." Bryce pointed out, dropping on one knee. "Sam, do me the honors of moving in with me a year from now?"

"Hum, I don't know." she teased with a finger on her chin. "You gonna put a ring on this finger?"

They both laughed at her soap opera impression. Bryce stood up and pulled her into a hug again. "You don't think we'll break up before then, so you?"

"No." Sam hugged him back. "Well, as long as you don't mess it up."

He had to laugh, rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah, i'll try my hardest."

"You better." Sam smiled. "I can't believe they bought this for you."

"I know." he inhaled deeply. "Any ideas?"

Sam pulled back and looked around. "Well, the outside is pretty elegant looking."

"So, should we stick with that or go a different route?" he rose his eyebrows at her.

"Maybe both?" Sam suggested. "Marble countertops, but wooden floors."

"I like the wooden look." Bryce agreed. "Samantha, oh my god!"

"How are we even gonna afford this?" Sam yelled out after when Bryce tossed her over his shoulder, laughing. "Where are we going?"

"Let's rob a bank." he pushed the door open. "Let's rob your Dad!"

"Oh my god." Sam laughed loudly, bouncing as he jogged down the dock. "I'm not sure how my Dad would feel about us robbing him."

"You think this means we have to get jobs?" he paused at the end of the dock, holding onto her legs more. "And do it our selves instead of paying workers?"

"We do have the whole summer." Sam admitted.

"You're right." he agreed before jumping off, taking them both under the lake water. He let Sam go when they both went under water, swimming up first before she followed. "How was that for the first day of summer?"

"Great." Sam smiled, splashing water in his direction. "How was that?"

"You think this is gonna be a good summer? Junior year behind us, it should be good, right?" he agreed, kicking his legs under him and glancing toward Picasso as he ran around the large yard.

"Maybe." Sam agreed. "I guess the All Valley kinda bummed me out, so that's what's on my mind right now."

"That's fair." Bryce agreed before he smiled. "Sam, I have a swear to make you."

"Oh yeah?" she gave a small laugh. "About what?"

"I swear, even with the stupid All Valley results, that i'm gonna make this the best summer ever." Bryce smiled at her, pulling her closer by the waist. "And if I don't keep that promise, I hope I get struck by lightening for letting you down."

Sam smiled as she pushed some of his wet hair out of his face. "I think it would be the best summer ever even if we were trapped in a basement the whole time. As long as I get to spend it with you."

"Well, that's definitely a promise I'll be able to keep." he smiled, leaning in so she could finish their kiss. Her hands pressing into the sides of his face as his tightening on her waist. A large splash scared them both as Bryce gasped and Sam let out a scream, the pair looking over to see Picasso swimming their way. "Jesus, he scared me."

"We should get him a life jacket if we're gonna live here." Sam laughed as she wrapped an arm around Picasso when he got closer. "You think he'd like it here?"

"You like it here?" Bryce leaned in close to his snout. "He said yes."

"Did he?" Sam laughed. "I didn't know you guys had a language."

"It's a guy thing." Bryce shrugged. "He says he doesn't want you to know."

"Ouch." Sam put a hand on her heart. "Already getting ganged up on."

Bryce waited for Sam as he held the phone to his ear. They stayed in his grandparents house for the night, since it was a health hazard to sleep at theirs. "No, I know. I was really surprised. I just can't believe they did it."

"Just don't leave me too soon, i'm gonna miss when we live together." Jodie spoke from the other line. "How's the apartment?"

"I haven't stayed there yet, but i'm sure lonely." he looked down the hallway to make sure Sam couldn't hear him. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." she said from the other line. "Twenty-nine more days."

"I can't wait to see you." he laid on the bed and inhaled deeply. "Are they treating you okay? The nurses are nice?"

"Oh, yeah. A bit too nice, but i've got a nice bed." she promised, sniffling. "Things are starting to set in...been a while since i've had a drink."

"I know it's gonna be hard." he admitted, doing enough research to know truly how terrible withdraws were. "But, think about after."

"I'm trying." Jodie admitted. "I just wish you were with me."

"I know." he agreed. "You think they'll let me visit?"

"I'm not sure yet." she said in return. "When I find out, i'll let you know. I'm gonna call you every morning and every night."

"Well, i'll mess up my summer sleeping in plans for it." Bryce smiled,
leaning his head off the side of the bed.

"Okay, babe. I gotta go." she inhaled deeply. "I love you though, okay? And be safe."

"I love you too." he mumbled. "Try to keep a positive head space. Do some of that stuff Daniel taught you back in the day?"

She chuckled. "Don't watch Wheel Of Fortune without me."

"No promises." Bryce smiled before hanging up.

"Your Mom?" Sams voice scared him, looking up at her in the doorway. "How's she doing?"

"She's okay." he leaned back with his head off the side of the bed, waving her over. "She says she is, anyways."

"My Mom says it's a really good place." Sam sat crisscrossed next to him. "I know they're gonna take really good care of her there."

"I know they will too." he pushed up on his elbows. "I guess I just feel bad that she doesn't know anyone there, so she's going through it alone."

Sam nodded. "But my Dad says she's really strong, and she doesn't need anyone anyways."

Bryce had to laugh. "That's true. I can't even think of a time she's ever relayed on anyone except child support."

"Do you ever think about them?" Sam hesitated. "Our parents...being together?"

"My Mom doesn't talk about it much. All she ever said was that your Dad was another bump in a long journey." Bryce shrugged just slightly. "It's a good thing they didn't end up together though. That might be a little weird for us."

"I can imagine." Sam gave a small snort. "I think my Dad was really in love with your Mom."

Bryce gave a questionable look. "What makes you say that?"

"Just the stories he's told, I don't know, they just kinda remind me of us." Sam admitted with a shrug. "So, I can imagine."

Bryce gave a tiny smile. "Let's hope we don't end up like them though."

"No." Sam smiled, pushing off her knees to tackle him onto the bed and plant a kiss right on his lips. "Let's not end up like them."


kylie speaks

history repeating itsself
through romance is one
of my favorite troupes omfg

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