xvi. ๐“๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ก๐ฒ ๐ˆ ๐œ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ, ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ž.

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chapter sixteen.
driving fun
disclaimer: I hope everything in Spanish is accurate!! I used Spanishdict like someone told me too !! Hopefully it's correct :)) but thank you to that person (I forgot their username, my bad)

lowercase intended !

episode two

MAX STAYED THE NIGHT. The night unfolded with Max's presence, marked by laughter over board games, tender kisses, shared warmth during scary movies, a spirited pillow fight, and indulgent moments of gossip. As dawn broke, Josie stirred awake to the sweet serenade of birdsong. Stretching with the morning light, she found Max at the window seat, his gaze fixed on the world beyond, a silent contemplation unfolding in the quiet dawn.

"Good morning, Max," Josie greeted, her voice muffled by a lingering grogginess. As she sat up, a cascade of sleepy stretches followed, the blanket falling away as her feet found their place on the floor. Swinging her legs off the edge of the bed, she grabbed her hoodie, pulling it over her head in a casual morning ritual.

With a soft smack of her tongue, she ambled toward Max, the sensation of dryness in her mouth a reminder of the need for hydration. The promise of breakfast stirred her growing hunger, setting the tone for the day ahead.

"Good morning, Josie," Max replied, her eyes turning to meet Josie's as a genuine smile played on her lips. "Watching the sunrise, it's... so peaceful." Her gaze returned to the window, captivated by the gentle hues of dawn. Josie chuckled, settling down beside Max. The air held a quiet tranquility as Josie looked at Max with a soft, affectionate gaze, their shared appreciation for the serene moment deepening their connection in the quietude of the morning.

Josie's smile grew tender. "This is why you're my sunshine, Maxโ€”you light up my mornings."

Max blushed, a subtle dance of emotions reflected in her eyes as she cherished Josie's sweet nickname. With a bashful smile, she lowered her gaze to her lap, feeling the warmth of affection wrap around her like a comforting embrace, grateful for the intimate connection they shared in that sun-kissed moment.

With the first hints of dawn, the sky outside embraced a delicate blend of pinks and oranges, casting a serene ambiance. Josie, feeling the bubbling excitement within her, raised her hand, channeling her focus. The canvas of the sky responded, undergoing a mesmerizing transformation. Hues deepened and danced, creating a breathtaking spectacle that unfolded with every passing moment.

Max, her eyebrows knitting together in a puzzled expression, directed her gaze upward. The confusion on her face mingled with awe as she witnessed Josie's magical manipulation of the morning sky. The vibrant and beautiful display left an indelible imprint on the dawn, a testament to the enchanting connection between Josie and the world around her.

Max's eyes widened in awe as Josie harnessed her weather manipulation powers, orchestrating a sunrise that seemed crafted just for her. The colors unfolded with a brilliance that surpassed reality, a vivid dreamscape painted across the sky.

It was a moment where the magic of Josie's abilities transformed the ordinary morning into an extraordinary, dreamlike spectacle, leaving Max captivated by the beauty unfolding before her.

"It's... beautiful," Max whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and emotion. A tight-lipped smile adorned her lips, and she felt the subtle prickle of tears at the corners of her eyes.

Josie turned to Max, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I'm glad you like it, Max. I just wanted to make this morning extra special for you," she shared, nudging her gently in the side, the warmth of their connection shining through the magical moment.

Max leaned in, closing the space between them with a tender kiss on Josie's lips. Their connection deepened as their eyes closed, lost in the warmth of the shared embrace. Josie responded with a soft and affectionate kiss, a sweet exchange of emotions passing between them. As they pulled away, "You always know how to make me feel loved." Max expressed.

Josie's smile blossomed into a radiant expression of love. "That's because I love you, Max, more than anything," she confessed, her eyes reflecting the depth of her emotions. Grasping Max's hand, she squeezed it tightly, a silent reassurance of the profound connection they shared. Max, her lips parting in a gasp of surprise, felt the weight and beauty of Josie's declaration, realizing it was the first time she had voiced those three magical words.

"I love you too, Josie," Max chuckled softly, her laughter carrying the warmth of reciprocation.

Max's heart swelled with happiness, a profound realization that she was the luckiest person in the world to have someone like Josie in her life. Leaning her head against Josie's shoulder, she felt the dual warmth of the sun on her skin and the love in her heart.

JOSIE AND MAX ENJOYED THE SUNRISE for a few minutes longer before they headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Deciding to indulge in their favorite breakfast, pancakes, and bacon, Josie gathered the ingredients while Max took charge of cooking the bacon on the stovetop. The sizzling aroma of bacon wafted through the air, eliciting hungry growls from their stomachs as the promise of a delicious breakfast unfolded in the cozy kitchen.

As they cooked, Josie and Max chatted about their plans for the day. Josie's mom, Estefina, had an early ambition to teach Josie how to drive. Meanwhile, Max's mom requested her presence at home to help choose a gift for Neal's upcoming birthday on the fourth.

With the bacon finished, they set it aside on a plate and shifted their focus to making pancake batter. Josie took charge of mixing the dry ingredients, while Max whisked together the wet components. The kitchen became a symphony of collaboration as they combined the two mixtures, stirring diligently until the batter achieved a smooth, lump-free consistency.

Max heated up a skillet on the stove, and Josie poured the pancake batter onto a plate. They took turns cooking the pancakes, expertly flipping them over when bubbles formed on the surface. The result was a stack of fluffy, golden-brown pancakes that looked and smelled absolutely delicious.

With all the pancakes cooked, they sat down at the kitchen table to enjoy their delicious breakfast. Amidst talks, laughter, and the shared enjoyment of each other's company, they felt a profound sense of gratitude for the beautiful morning and the promise of a wonderful day ahead.

As they savored the fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon, Josie couldn't shake off her nervousness. The increased time spent with Max had deepened her feelings, and she found herself falling in love. Gathering her courage, she decided it was time to express those emotions and drop the "L bomb" on Max.

Amidst the breakfast chatter, Josie's mom, Estefina, descended the stairs, her warm smile adding to the morning's ambiance. "How did you girls sleep?" she asked, genuine concern in her voice. Making her way to the counter, she gracefully took a plate and began arranging a serving of the fluffy pancakes, seamlessly joining the breakfast ritual.

Leaning against the counter, Estefina inquired about their sleep. "Slept good," Josie confirmed with a nod, speaking with her mouth full and earning a laugh from Max. "I slept okay, Ms. Cortez," Max added with a nod, contributing to the light-hearted atmosphere of the morning.

Estefina leaned against the counter with a chuckle. "I heard you guys had a lot of fun upstairs last night. I came back around 2 AM, and you two were blasting Nirvana," she disclosed, her laughter filling the kitchen. Josie and Max's eyes met in a split-second of shared panic, a silent acknowledgment of their late-night escapades accidentally revealed.

Making out to Nirvana had added a layer of nervousness for Josie and Max upon realizing Estefina had heard them. However, her understanding and respect for her daughter's privacy shone through, as she chose not to intrude and instead allowed Josie to come out to her in her own time.

Josie finished her meal, pushing the chair out before walking over to the trashcan. Using her fork, she skillfully cleared the crumbs off the plate. With purposeful steps, she moved towards the sink, dropping the plate into it with a clink, seamlessly concluding the breakfast routine in the cozy kitchen.

Max bounced her leg, glancing over at the clock. "Sorry for leaving so early. I wish I could stay longer, but... I need to go the arcade. Love you, Josie. See you later, okay?" she expressed, pushing out the chair and neatly tucking it back under the table. Gathering her belongings, she picked up her bag from the couch and grabbed her skateboard leaning against it. The morning wrapped up with a bittersweet departure, leaving the promise of a later reunion lingering in the air.

Estefina clicked her tongue with a maternal concern. "Oh, sweetheart, you know I can give you a drive to the arcade," she insisted, her caring nature evident in the offer. Max shook her head appreciatively, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.

"Thanks for the offer, but I kinda wanna feel the fresh 6 AM breeze against my face," Max explained, her voice carrying a hint of adventurous spirit. Josie, witnessing the exchange, couldn't help but frown slightly.

As Max gathered her belongings and headed towards the door, Josie couldn't shake the pang of disappointment that settled in her chest. The unspoken desire to share the depth of her connection with Max lingered, creating a quiet tension in the air. Josie contemplated the possibility of discussing it during the drive with her mom, the weight of the unspoken words hanging between them.

After Max left, Josie and her mom joined forces to clean up the kitchen, a shared activity that brought a sense of order to the morning. With the remnants of breakfast cleared away, they parted ways to attend to their individual tasks of getting dressed, the routine of the day unfolding with a quiet sense of normalcy. The kitchen, now tidy and calm, bore witness to the ebb and flow of daily life within the Cortez household.

JOSIE HAS ALWAYS BEEN EAGER to learn how to drive, and when her mom offered to teach her, she jumped at the opportunity. Estefina was known for being a skilled driver, and Josie knew that she could trust her to teach her the ropes.

They drove to an empty parking lot, the car slowing to a stop, and Estefina turned to Josie with a soft grin. "Are you ready to learn how to drive, Josie?" she asked, handing over the keys. Josie felt a flutter of excitement mingled with nervousness. This was her first time behind the wheel of a car, and the prospect of learning to drive brought a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

Nodding, Josie accepted the keys, ready to embark on this new adventure. The empty expanse of the parking lot awaited, providing a safe space for Josie to navigate the road under the patient guidance of her mother.

Estefina began the driving lesson by guiding Josie through the basics of the car. She explained how to adjust the seat and mirrors, the intricacies of turn signals and headlights, and the steps to start the engine. Josie listened attentively, absorbing every detail with a careful focus.

Once they had covered the basics, Estefina gracefully settled into the passenger seat. With a gentle encouragement, she instructed Josie to start the engine. Josie took a deep breath, the hum of the engine beneath her signaling the beginning of a new adventure.

"Okay, Josie, let's start by driving around the parking lot," Estefina guided. "Remember to keep your hands at ten and two, and use your turn signals when you're turning." Josie absorbed the instructions, her hands gripping the steering wheel with a mix of nervousness and determination.

Josie nodded, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she put the car into gear and started to drive. Initially a bit shaky, she quickly got the hang of it, steadily gaining confidence with each turn of the wheel. Following Estefina's instructions, Josie navigated the parking lot, the car becoming an extension of her newfound driving skills.

As they glided through the parking lot, Estefina took the opportunity to point out various features of the car. Her explanations ranged from the nuances of using the brakes to the art of smooth acceleration and turning. Josie's focus was unwavering, absorbing each detail with a determined concentration.

After a stretch of driving, Estefina turned to Josie with a genuine smile lighting up her face. "You're doing great, Josie. You have a natural talent for driving!"

Josie smiled, a sense of pride welling within her. While aware that there was much more to learn, the excitement of continuing to practice with Estefina by her side filled her with anticipation. The open road seemed to stretch out before her, and Josie couldn't wait to explore where her newfound driving skills would take her.

As they continued driving, Estefina delved into more advanced tips, providing Josie with valuable insights on checking blind spots, mastering the art of parallel parking, and safely navigating reverse maneuvers. Josie was amazed at the depth of knowledge required for driving, but her determination to master each skill remained unwavering. The car became a classroom on wheels, and with Estefina's patient guidance, Josie embraced the challenges, eager to unlock the full spectrum of driving expertise.

After an hour of driving, Estefina decided to call it a day. Parking the car, she turned to Josie with a warm smile. "You did great today, sweetheart. I'm proud of you," she complimented. Josie beamed with pride, a sense of accomplishment lighting up her face. "Thank you, Mom. Iโ€” I couldn't have done it without you," she gushed, expressing gratitude for her mother's patient guidance and unwavering support throughout the learning process.

Estefina smiled warmly. "Of course, Jo. I'm always here to help! And who knows, maybe one day you'll be teaching someone else how to drive," she suggested with a playful wink. Josie grinned at the thought, the idea of passing on her newfound knowledge sparking excitement. While aware that there was still much to learn, she felt eager to continue practicing and honing her skills, eagerly anticipating the journey ahead and the destinations her newfound talent might lead her to.

Josie and Estefina drove home in silence, the quiet air between them holding an unspoken tension. Josie felt the nervousness building up, unsure about revealing her secret to her mom. After a few minutes, Estefina broke the silence, sensing her daughter's unease.

"Josie, is everything okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern, as Josie stared out the window with a wary look. The car became a space for a potentially significant conversation, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

Josie took a deep breath, the weight of her revelation pressing on her chest. "Mom, I have something to tell you," she breathed out, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and determination. "I'm bisexual, and I'm dating Max," she blurted out, unable to meet her mother's eyes as she focused on her lap.

Estefina's face lit up with a warm smile. "Josie, that's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you," she exclaimed, her joy genuine and sincere. Josie, still processing her mother's unexpectedly positive reaction, looked up at her with widened eyes. "Youโ€” you are? You're not mad?" she asked, a lump forming in her throat as the weight of relief mingled with surprise in her voice.

Estefina shook her head. "Of course not, Jo. Love is love, and as long as you're happy, that's all that matters. I've been waiting for you to tell me on your own, and I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to do it," she reassured, her words filled with a comforting acceptance.

Josie felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. She had been so worried about how her mom would react, but Estefina's support meant the world to her. "Thank you, Mom," she chuckled nervously. "That means a lot to me."

Estefina smiled warmly. "Of course. And if you and Max ever need anything, you know I'm always here for you," she reassured, her words reinforcing the foundation of unwavering support between mother and daughter.

WHEN THEY GOT HOME. As Josie walked into the house, and as her phone began to ring, she approached the wall-mounted phone, lifting the receiver to her ear. Answering the call, she heard Max's voice sounding urgent. "Josie, you need to come over right now," Max said in a serious tone. "It's really important," she added. The gravity in Max's voice caught Josie's attention, and a sense of concern enveloped the air.

Josie felt a twinge of worry. "What's going on?" she asked, her heart pounding against her chest. Max's whispered response heightened her concern. "I can't tell you over the phone," Max said urgently. "Just please come over as soon as you can." The mystery in Max's tone intensified Josie's apprehension, and a sense of urgency compelled her to act swiftly.

Josie hesitated for a moment. "Uh, okay, I'll be there in a few minutes," she stammered, a sense of urgency in her voice. She hung up the phone and turned to Estefina. "Max needs me to come over," she explained with a shaky voice. "I'm not sure what's going on, but it sounds important." Anxious uncertainty lingered in her expression as she bit her lip, the unknown nature of the situation adding a layer of tension to the air.

Estefina nodded with a reassuring smile. "I'll be here when you get back. Just be careful, okay?" she advised, raising her eyebrows with maternal concern. Josie smiled gratefully, nodded, and ran out the door. She sprinted towards Max's house, her heart pounding with anticipation. The mystery surrounding Max's urgent call fueled Josie's curiosity and concern, driving her to reach Max's side as quickly as possible.

JOSIE ARRIVED AT MAX'S HOUSE and was greeted by max. "Thanks for coming," Max said, leading Josie inside. "El's here too," she revealed. Josie's heart sank a little at the mention of El. Their history hadn't been the smoothest, and she wasn't sure if they could ever be close friends. Despite her reservations, she followed Max into the living room where El was sitting on the couch. The air held a sense of tension, and Josie couldn't help but wonder about the nature of the conversation that awaited her.

"Hey," Josie greeted awkwardly, shivering slightly as the coldness of the house caught her off guard. She pulled her cardigan tighter around her. "Hey," El responded softly, her gaze fixed on her hands. The room seemed to hold a chill beyond just the temperature, and Josie couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this meeting than met the eye.

Max cleared her throat, breaking the tense silence. "El has something to tell you," she informed Josie, exchanging a knowing look with El. Josie looked at El expectantly as she took a deep breath and looked up.

"I... just want to say that I'm sorry," El stammered. "I've been really rude to you before, and I'm sorry for thinking that you liked Mike." She shook her head, expressing regret for their previous interactions. The weight of El's apology hung in the air, and Josie pondered the sincerity behind the words.

Josie was taken aback by El's revelation. "It's okay," she reassured, feeling a little confused. "I don't have any feelings for Mike... I always saw him just as a friend. He just was stupid and wouldn't leave me alone," she explained, offering clarity to El. El looked relieved, nodding in understanding.

"That's good," El acknowledged. "I just wanted to say that I want to be your friend. If you'll have me." The sincerity in El's words touched Josie, and a genuine smile formed on her face. "Of course, El. I'd like that," she replied warmly, a sense of reconciliation marking the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship.

Josie felt a warm, comforting feeling spread through her chest. El, who had struggled with making friends, seemed genuinely pleased at the prospect of forming a connection with Josie. "Of course," Josie replied with a smile. "I'd like that," she added, her voice exuding warmth.

Max grinned, visibly relieved. "That's great to hear," she exclaimed, her shoulders relaxing. "I knew you guys would hit it off... And now that you guys made up, you and I need to take El to the mall. A day without boys." Max's suggestion carried a playful tone, and the prospect of a day out together hinted at newfound camaraderie among the three friends.

Josie tilted her head in confusion, her eyes squinting as El hummed. El then revealed, "Yeah, Mike lied. He said he needed to be with Nana, but total bullshit. Gonna treat him like garbage!" El exclaimed, and Josie burst into laughter. "Atta girl!" she cheered, holding her palm out for a high five.

El hesitated, staring at Josie with confusion. Josie noticed the hesitation, realizing that El might not be accustomed to celebrating being assertive. The contrast in their reactions highlighted the different personalities among the friends.

Josie's playful spirit bubbled to the surface as she demonstrated the art of a high five. "Here, let me show you," she said, raising her hand. "Give me five!" Josie shouted with enthusiasm, causing El to flinch a little, and Max's eyes widened, anticipating the unexpected. El sighed, glancing at Josie's hand and then back at her face. Tentatively, she raised her hand.

Josie met El's hand with a firm slap, and El's expression shifted from hesitation to surprise, then to genuine pleasure. The room filled with a moment of shared laughter as Josie grinned. "See, it's easy," she giggled, the playful gesture breaking the tension and fostering a sense of camaraderie among the three friends.

Josie watched as Max extended a welcoming hand to El, inviting her to join the day's adventure. The porch served as a threshold between the ordinary and the promise of a girls' day out. The sunlight bathed them in a soft glow as Max's smile radiated genuine warmth. "Come on, El!" Max called out with enthusiasm, holding out her hand. "We're going to the mall!"

El stood there for a moment, hesitating, but the atmosphere carried a sense of camaraderie that drew her in.

El looked at Max's hand, then back at Josie. Josie gave her an encouraging look and held out her hand too. "Come on, it'll be fun!" Josie urged, her voice filled with warmth and encouragement. The prospect of a day out seemed to soften the hesitancy in El's expression, and with a small nod, El accepted Josie's hand.


ash speaks!

hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

i hope you can see the gifs and everything. wattpad is deleting them on my side and its rlly annoying๐Ÿ˜’
fix ur shit wattpad

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