xvii. ๐ฆ๐ข๐ค๐ž, ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ฉ ๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐ ! ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐œ๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ ๐ก๐ž๐ซ!

Mร u nแปn
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chapter seventeen.
girls day
disclaimer: I hope everything in Spanish is accurate!! I used Spanishdict like someone told me too !! Hopefully it's correct :)) but thank you to that person (I forgot their username, my bad)

lowercase intended !

episode two

THE THREE GIRLS GRACEFULLY descended from the bus, forming a small group on the bustling sidewalk. Their attention was drawn to the grandeur of the looming mall ahead, a sight to behold. El, with a concerned expression etched across her forehead, seemed immersed in profound thought, contemplating the unknown. Sensing her unease, Max, her curiosity piqued, turned towards El and posed the question. "So, what's going through your mind as you gaze upon this vast retail haven?"

Josie, positioned between Max and El, couldn't ignore the visible unease in El's expression. Her concerned eyes met El's. "Hey, what's wrong?" she inquired. The furrowed connection of Josie's eyebrows mirrored her genuine concern. The Hopper girl, turning to both of them, softly explained. "Too many people. Against the rules." El's voice carried a gentle tone, but her gaze remained fixed on the bustling mall, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity lingering in the air.

Josie's comforting reassurance was accompanied by the click of her tongue as she firmly gripped El's mid-forearm. "You'll be fine, okay? The lab is gone, and besides, we both got superpowers," she whispered the last part for added assurance. Max chimed in optimistically, nudging El with a smile. "Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?" El nodded, her confidence growing, lips curling into a smirk as she embraced the support from her friends.

Hand in hand, El, Max, and Josie dashed into the mind, their excitement palpable as they reached the center. El's parted lips and sparkling eyes revealed her amazement as she spun around, taking in the surroundings. "So, what should we do first?" she asked, eager for the adventure ahead.

El's gaze shifted between Josie and Max, briefly locking eyes with them as her attention wandered to the stores on the second floor. Max chuckled. "You've been shopping before, have you?" she teasingly asked as El shook her head with a small frown. Josie, embracing the spirit of exploration.ย  "I guess we're just gonna have to try everything." she stated with a smile.

Max gasped, "Okay, before we do anything, I need to use the bathroom." She hovered her hand over her stomach, prompting a puzzled expression from El. "Why so sudden?" El inquired, furrowing her eyebrows.

Josie, perceptive to the situation, realized it was Max's period. "Has Hopper told you about menstruation?" she questioned, receiving confirmation as El's face contorted into a blank expression. "Oh my god, okay, I'll explain to you," Josie said before looking over at Max. "Come on, let's head over to the bathrooms."

SHE EXPLAINED TO EL WHAT IT WAS. Josie, perceptive to El's apprehension about her future period, reassured her that both she and Max would be there for support. They shared a moment of understanding, recognizing Hopper's potential reaction. Now, outside the bathroom, Josie counted the tiles on the walls while El stared off into space. The air held a mixture of support and anticipation as they waited for Max to finish.

El turned to Josie, a hint of uncertainty in her expression. "Josie... can I ask you something?" she inquired. Josie looked over at her. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

El hesitated for a moment before finally blurting out, "I think Max loves you." Her eyebrows shot up as Josie's eyes widened in surprise. "What? What do you mean?" Josie laughed nervously, taken aback by the sudden revelation.

El took a deep breath before continuing, "The way she looks at you. I see... you do it too. You two have this... bond that's... un-undeni-able. I think Max is head over heels for you," she stammered, mispronouncing the word 'undeniable,' but Josie understood the message.

Josie was taken aback by El's words, blinking in surprise as butterflies emerged in her stomach. She had never thought of Max in that way before. Max was her girlfriend, of course, but love? Now that El had mentioned it, Josie couldn't help but notice the way Max always seemed to be looking at her, prompting a newfound awareness of their connection.

"I don't know, El-El," Josie stuttered, still in shock. "I mean, I've never thought of Max like that," she said honestly as El shrugged. "Just something to think about. Maybe you should talk to her about it. You never know what could happen," El said casually, planting a seed of contemplation in Josie's mind.

Just then, Max emerged from the bathroom, and the three of them continued on their shopping trip. However, Josie couldn't shake the feeling that El might be right. Maybe there was something more between her and Max than she had ever realized.

THE GIRLS WALKED THROUGH THE GAP. El's fingers danced over fabrics and textures, leaving a trail of curiosity in her wake, and Josie couldn't help but be captivated by her genuine amazement. The duo followed as El's exploration led her to a blue shirt with a playful paint splatter print. "Do you like that?" Max inquired, catching El's attention.

Her eyes briefly shifted to the girls as she contemplated the question. "How do I know... what I like?" El questioned, a genuine uncertainty in her voice. Max, ever practical, shrugged her shoulders, "You just try things on." El's gaze flickered back up to the shirt, caught in the possibility of discovering her own preferences through the simple act of trying something new.

Josie nodded, a reassuring smile on her face. "Yep, until you find something that feels like you," she added, her gaze meeting El's. El looked at her with genuine curiosity. "Like me?" she pointed to herself, her eyebrows shooting up in a mix of surprise and interest.

Max and Josie shared a nod together, their synchronized agreement reinforcing the idea that the clothes you choose can become an extension of your identity. "Yeah," they said together, emphasizing the connection between personal style and self-expression.

"not hopper. not me. not max. not mike. you." Josie's words hung in the air, a reminder of El's unique identity. El smiled at the shirt, her lips curling into a tighter smile as she carefully picked it up. Heading into the dressing room, she took her time to change.

Moments later, she emerged with a beaming smile, the chosen shirt fitting her like a revelation. El walked up between Max and Josie, the mirror reflecting her newfound confidence. The trio shared a moment of silent acknowledgment, appreciating the subtle transformation that came with a simple choice of clothing.

"Material Girl" by Madonna played loudly throughout the mall. Max held a yellow beret in her hand, extending it to El. The brunette tried to put the hat on her head correctly, but it ended up covering her eyes. Undeterred, she put her hands on her hips, unintentionally striking a pose that elicited laughter from Max and Josie.

Josie got on her tippy-toes, fixing the beret to the right way for El. As El played with the suspenders, stretching them out in front of her, she let them go, creating a big grip sound that echoed through the mall. El burst into laughter, a contagious joy that Max and Josie couldn't resist. The trio joined in, their laughter echoing through the shopping mall.

El disappeared into the dressing room, the anticipation building as she changed into another outfit. Emerging once more in front of the mirror, Max presented a yellow belt, and Josie offered a red one.

El deliberated between the two, ultimately choosing the yellow belt. Struggling to put it around her shirt, Josie noticed and stepped in to help. Positioning herself behind El, Josie held the belt as El threaded it through the loops on her shirt. With gentle precision, Josie pulled the belt through, ensuring it was even on both sides.

El's gentle smile conveyed gratitude as she thanked Josie for her assistance. Side by side, they fine-tuned the positioning of the belt, ensuring it sat perfectly on El's waist. Stepping back to admire the result, Josie couldn't help but feel a swell of pride..

El spun around to show off her outfit. Max, caught up in the playful spirit, grabbed her shoulders, and El fell back into her arms. The trio burst into laughter, savoring the carefree moment. Max, trying on two different glasses, turned to Josie for guidance. "Which ones?" she questioned, holding up a pair in solid red and another with an American flag theme. Josie tapped her chin, engrossed in deep thought as she contemplated her decision, the playful atmosphere continuing to envelop them in the mall.

Josie's eyes drifted to the red pair. "Put the red pair back on," she pointed. Max complied, putting them back on, and Josie smirked. Walking forward, she placed her hands on Max's shoulders and leaned into her ear. "You look super hot, sunshine," she complimented in a whispering tone. Max's face flushed red. El, observing the exchange, curled her eyebrows together in confusion, curious about what Josie had said to evoke such a reaction from Max.

Josie and Max found themselves in a quiet corner of the Gap store, gazing into each other's eyes with soft expressions. The light cast a warm glow on their faces, making their eyes glimmer with love and adoration. In that moment, time seemed to stop for them, and everything else in the world faded away. Lost in their own world, the only thing that existed was the love they shared, creating a serene bubble in the midst of their shopping adventure.

Josie's eyes, a deep brown, sparkled in the light, while Max's bright blue eyes shone like the ocean on a sunny day. Both were beautiful, and their love for each other enhanced their radiance. As they stood there, locked in a gaze, the world around them seemed to fade away. The noise of the shop, the chatter of other customersโ€”all of it disappeared. All that remained was the profound love they shared, creating a moment suspended in time, cocooned in the warmth of their connection.

It was a moment etched in their memories, one to be cherished forever. Josie and Max recognized the special bond they had found, something worth holding onto. El cleared her throat, breaking the moment. "Sorry to inโ€”terrupt, but Max and I chose stuff... What about you, Jo?" the Hopper girl asked, tilting her head to the side. The spell momentarily broken, they shifted their focus back to the shopping excursion, but the warmth of the shared moment lingered between them.

Josie backed away from Max to give her some space. Max nodded in agreement, exclaiming, "She's right!" She gently nudged Josie's side, who bit her lip nervously. Scanning the shop, Josie admitted, "None of these clothes... seem like me, though. I'm more like... a band t-shirt kinda girl." She chuckled nervously, pushing some strands of hair behind her ear.

Max hummed, then gasped, skipping over to a rack with leather jackets. "This is so you," Max pointed out as Josie's eyes widened, as if she were in love. Her lips parted, she sauntered over, staring at the jacket. El tapped her chin, "I think she loves it, Max," she chuckled, as Josie hummed, confirming, "I do," with a laugh. Max observed Josie's face, feeling the warmth of her breath on her cheek. Josie's face turned a slight shade of red. "So, you gonna get it?" Max inquired, capturing the essence of the moment.

Josie nodded, a wide smile on her face. She took the leather jacket off the rack, holding it close. "Uh, duh!" she exclaimed, embracing her newfound fashion find with enthusiasm.

TOGETHER, JOSIE, MAX AND EL walked out side by side with their arms locked together with smiles and confident faces. Max sported her new shades, Josie rocked her fresh leather jacket, and El showcased her new outfit with a bag full of new clothes.

Josie's idea sparked excitement, "Oh, what if we did photos!" The two girls looked at each other, a shared thought passing between them, and nodded in agreement.

Max led the way, holding their hands as they ran together toward Flash Studio. Giggles escaped from their lips, the joy of the moment echoing through the mall. The trio embraced the carefree spirit of their adventure, creating memories that would linger in their hearts for a long time.

THE GIRLS CHANGED INTO CRAZY OUTFITS. Josie had her hair pinned up into a low bun, donning a light pink silky shirt paired with a matching skirt over her AC/DC t-shirt and black jean shorts. A princess crown adorned the top of her head, and two strands of her hair delicately framed her face. Around her neck, she wore a big heart necklace, adding a touch of whimsy to her ensemble.

Max wore a purple silky outfit mirroring Josie's style. She adorned herself with pearl necklaces and a large flowery headband. El, on the other hand, sported a yellow silky ensemble with big, extravagant pearl earrings. Fancy gloves adorned her hands, and a massive pearl necklace accentuated her neck.

"That's it, girls!" the photographer exclaimed as they posed for the pictures. They leaned against each other's backs, hands under their chins. Quickly, Josie pulled her hair out of the low bun. In another picture, El leaned on Max, and Josie ran a hand through her hair. In that shot, her hair slicked to the side, capturing the spontaneity and camaraderie of their friendship.

The three girls burst into laughter at the photographer's request for a wardrobe change. As the photoshoot continued, they found themselves immersed in the best fun of their lives. However, a hint of sadness lingered in Josie's eyes. She wished Charlotte was there, but her friend had been acting MIA, choosing to spend time with Dustin and not even staying over. Josie had come all the way to Hawkins to hang out with her, and the situation left her feeling a bit bummed out.

THE GIRLS WENT TO THE SHOE SHOP. El tentatively attempted to walk in heels, with Max and Josie holding her hands for support. Laughter filled the air as El tripped and fell, a gasp escaping her before transforming into infectious laughter. Josie, sharing the moment, extended her hand along with Max to help El up.

Stacey and her friends, casting judgmental glances, exchanged eye rolls. Josie, sensing the negativity, was quick to respond. She defiantly raised both middle fingers at them. "Fuck you! At least we're having fun!" Josie snapped.

Stacey's taunting laughter echoed. "Okay, gay Mexican girl! You broke my nose last year." The words stung, igniting a flash of anger in Josie. Flaring her nose in frustration. "Well, you fucking needed the nose job. Your nose was pointy as fuck, bitch." she shot back with a sharp retort.

Stacey wore a smug look. "You're dating a girl after all, right, Max? Two fairies." She taunted. The words hit Josie like a punch to the gut, her chest rising with a surge of anger. Max, familiar with Stacey's provocations, decided to tune her out. She could feel the tension escalating, recognizing that Josie was teetering on the edge, ready to unleash a storm of emotions in response to Stacey's hurtful remarks.

Max grabbed Josie's hand, offering a soft reassurance, "Hey, hey, let's just go." Josie looked over her shoulder, frustration etched on her face. "She's a bitch!" she gestured toward Stacey, "She won'tโ€”" Max's eyebrows shot up, and she interrupted, "Come on, we can do other fun things." Max intervened, attempting to steer them away from the escalating confrontation and redirect their focus toward more positive experiences.

El nodded, "Yeah... plus, we can get our revenge later," she whispered with a wink. Josie exhaled, a simmering glare still fixed on Stacey. El and Max pulled her out of the shoe shop, redirecting their energy toward the promise of future fun and perhaps a satisfying retaliation.

ABOUT A HALF HOUR LATER. They found Stacey in the food court, Max still wearing her shades. The three girls peeked their heads around the wall. Despite El's suggestion to use her powers, Josie insisted on handling it herself. She was done being called 'gay Mexican girl.' The racist and homophobic remarks had reached a breaking point for her. The determination in Josie's eyes hinted at a confrontation that was long overdue.

The group of girls, including Stacey, were shamelessly trying to flirt with one of the workers at the food court. Josie, with a revengeful smirk, narrowed her eyes at the scene. Focusing her energy, she directed her telekinetic powers toward the cups of Orange Julius that Stacey and her friends held.

Tilting her head down and concentrating, Josie channeled her abilities, causing the cups to explode in a watery spectacle. With a subtle upward nod, water burst forth from the cups, showering Stacey and her friends.

Laughs escaped from the three girls' lips as they reveled in their successful revenge. Max grabbed Josie's shoulders and turned her around, joining in the laughter. The trio continued their escape, holding hands tightly as they weaved through the crowded mall, aiming for the escalator. Hearts raced with excitement as they glanced back, checking if anyone was chasing them. The thrill of the moment lingered in the air, a shared sense of victory binding them together.

Still laughing and joking around, they reveled in the rush of adrenaline from their revenge. Looking at each other with big grins, they shared a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. Max took off her shades, proclaiming, "See? What'd I tell you? There's more to life than stupid boys!" Josie hummed in agreement. "You should switch sides! Mike is stupid. Boys are stupid," she stated, prompting El to playfully roll her eyes with a chuckle.

The girls were making their way to Scoops Ahoy when Josie spotted Charlotte walking out of Radio Shack. "Charlotte?" she mumbled, letting go of El and Max's hands. A moment of surprise and uncertainty lingered in the air as Josie's attention shifted towards her friend.

El and Max looked in Josie's direction as she made a decision. "I'm gonna go talk to her, you guys get me a smoothie. I don't want ice cream," she informed them, looking back over her shoulder toward them. Max furrowed her eyebrows, questioning, "Don't they just serve ice cream?" Josie smiled weakly, "Steve will make me a smoothie. He'll know," she winked, leaving Max and El with a hint of confusion as they watched Josie walk over to Charlotte.

Josie walked towards Charlotte, her face set in a frown. "ยฟPor quรฉ me abandonaste?" she asked, her voice tinged with annoyance. "Pensรฉ que รญbamos a pasar el rato hoy." Josie folded her arms, expressing her frustration and disappointment in Spanish.

TRANSLATION; why did you ditch me?
i thought we were going to hang out today.

Charlotte looked down at her feet, a guilty expression on her face. "Perdรณn, Josie," she said. "Acabo de quedar atrapado con Dustin, descubrimos algo y aรบn no puedo decirte y perdรญ la nociรณn del tiempo." Charlotte apologized, explaining that she got caught up with Dustin, discovering something important, and lost track of time.

TRANSLATION; excuse me
i just got caught up with dustin, we found out something and i can't tell you yet and i lost track of time.

Josie's eyes narrowed. "Al menos podrรญas haberme dicho o algo asรญ. Viniste hasta Hawkins para pasar el rato conmigo, y ahora me estรกs dejando boquiabierto," she spat. Josie expressed her frustration, feeling let down by Charlotte's lack of communication and the unexpected turn of events.

TRANSLATION; you could have at least told me or something. you came all the way to hawkins to hang out with me, and now you're just blowing me off.

Charlotte sighed. "Lo sรฉ, y lo siento. Es sรณlo que... ยกDustin y yo descubrimos algo! No puedo decรญrtelo todavรญa, pero cuando nosotros โ€”" she began, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and regret, hinting at the mysterious discovery she and Dustin had made.

TRANSLATION; i know, and i'm sorry. it's just that. . . dustin and i discovered something! i can't tell you yet, but when we โ€”

"Eso no es justo, Charlotte, no puedes abandonarme asรญ," Josie snapped, her voice rising. The frustration in Josie's tone reflected the hurt she felt from being unexpectedly left behind, and her patience was wearing thin.

TRANSLATION; that's not fair, charlotte, you can't just ditch me like that.

"I know, and I'm sorry," Charlotte said again, her voice softening as she switched to English. "I'll make it up to you, I promise. But I need to get back to Scoops and help Dustin." Charlotte expressed her regret and commitment to making amends while also emphasizing the urgency of her current responsibilities.

Josie looked at her for a moment, then nodded. "Okay," she sighed. "But you owe me big time." She crossed her arms again as Charlotte smiled. "Deal," she said, relief washing over her. Charlotte recognized that she had messed up, but she was glad that Josie was willing to forgive her and agreed to make amends.

JOSIE GOT HER SPECIAL SMOOTHIE, The girls were done being at the mall. Max and El pushed the doors open, Josie following as she sipped her smoothie. Max looked at El, who licked her ice cream. "Wanna trade?" she asked with a smile. They switched ice creams, but Josie's eyes stopped when she heard Mike and Lucas' voices. The unexpected encounter added a twist to the day, catching her attention.

"You gotta be fucking shitting me," Josie grumbled. El and Max stopped in their tracks, looking in her direction. Lo and behold, there was Mike, Will, and Lucas. As Max and Josie walked over, El trailed behind them. "Isn't this a nice surprise?" Max spoke up as they approached, Max staring at them with a surprised look. Mike looked at El, dropping his bike.

"What are you doing here?" Mike pointed at El, his voice shaking slightly, making Josie squint her eyes in confusion. El was perfectly fine with them, and nothing would happen to her under their watch.

"Shopping," El said with a blank expression as Max gave Mike a side-eye. "This is her new style. What do you think?" Max raised an eyebrow as Mike gave both Max and Josie incredulous looks. "What's wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here," he whispered-yelled, avoiding eye contact with Josie.

Josie scoffed confidently, "She's perfectly fine, Mike. Nothing would happen under her watch, and if something did happen, El and I have our powers." she asserted. Her crossed arms displayed a firm stance as Mike rolled his eyes, clearly dismissing her reassurances.

This interaction marked the first time they had spoken in months, and the tension hung thick in the air. "I wasn't talking to you," he snapped at Josie, underscoring the strained dynamics between them.

Josie huffed, her eyes rolling with a touch of exasperation. "What is she, your little pet?" she asked, injecting venom into her voice. El nodded inquisitively, seeking clarification. "Yeah... am I your pet?"

Mike looked appalled, caught off guard by the directness of the question. "What? No!" His voice squeaked, a mixture of surprise and denial coloring his response.

El glared at him. "Then why do you treat me like garbage?" Her voice slightly changed to a hurt tone, revealing the emotional toll of the treatment she had endured.


El's eyebrows raised. "You said Nana was sick," she stated, her tone holding a mix of accusation and confusion. Mike, sensing the pressure, looked at Lucas and Will for help. Will, wary of getting involved, kept his mouth shut. "She is. She is sick," Mike quickly waved his hand, attempting to get Lucas to follow along with the fabricated story.

"Yeah, sick โ€” she's sick," Lucas stuttered, making it clear that it was all a fabricated story. "She's sick! She's super sick. That's why we're here, actually," Lucas said, attempting to salvage the narrative with a calmer tone.

Mike pointed to the mall. "Yeah, we're shopping. Not for us, but for her, for Nana!" he stated, attempting to reinforce the fabricated story as Lucas nodded along. "For Nana!" Lucas echoed, raising his voice to add a touch of urgency to the false narrative.

Josie rolled her eyes again. "Mike, stop lying! You control her! You need to stop. We know you're bullshitting us," she declared with a firm tone, exposing her frustration. El hummed in agreement. "Yeah... stop bullshitting!" she repeated Josie's sentiment, adding her own insistence to end the deceit.

Mike sighed. "We're here to get a gift for you. Just, we couldn't find anything that suited you. And I only have, like, $3.50, so it's hard," he admitted, attempting to justify their presence. El tilted her head down with a sharp glare. "Super hard," Lucas added, pausing and licking his lips. "It's โ€” it's expensive."

Max raised an eyebrow as El spoke up again. "You lie. Why do you lie?" El's voice croaked, revealing the hurt and frustration in her emotions. Josie's lips curled into a small frown, empathizing with El's pain. Mike, caught off guard, gaped at El, rendered speechless.

Meanwhile, the bus rolled up behind them, its brakes creaking in the background. El's gaze shifted towards the approaching bus, her eyes briefly hardening. She then redirected her attention back to Mike, taking a few steps forward.

Mike's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief as El glared up at him. "I dump your ass," she declared, the weight of her decision hanging in the air. Max's mouth dropped open in shock, her eyes reflecting the unexpected turn of events. Josie rolled her eyes, finding the situation somewhat amusing, and let out a laugh. "Haha! Yeah! Screw you, Mike!" She boldly held up her middle fingers at him, expressing solidarity with El's decision. As El turned around, she grabbed Max's arm, creating a united front between the two girls.

Josie nodded, maintaining her bold stance with her middle fingers held high, playfully moving them around in a circle with a smirk. Max shook her head, chuckling at Josie's antics, and gently pushed her hands down, signaling a pause to the provocative gestures.

The two followed El onto the bus, finding only two spots left. Josie ended up sitting on Max's lap. The three girls exchanged glances, sharing a moment of camaraderie. Max high-fived El, and then Josie followed suit as laughter escaped their lips. The bus started moving, prompting Max to place her hand on Josie's hip for support, ensuring she didn't fall. Josie's cheeks turned a bright red, a subtle moment of connection in the midst of their playful camaraderie.


ash speaks!

mwahahaha f you mike!

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