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Japan/9:00 am

Valt POV

I was training in the stadium that was in the park.

'I must train hard, so I can be the champion again' I thought as I watched valtreyek spinning around, then it wobbled and stopped.

I grabbed it and stared as Valtreyek start glowing.

I smiled and place it on the launcher, "one more time!"

I get in my position.

I felt a bit dizzy but just ignored it and tried to launch, "let it..." my hands shook and I felt more dizzy.

"RIP!" I launched my bey but it's wobbling because of my hands shaking.

Valtreyek kept wobbling and after a few seconds it stopped.

I was still feeling dizzy but I managed to get Valtreyek in my hand.

'Maybe I'm tired' I thought as I put Valtreyek back into my pant's pocket and start walking home.

In the way I kept walking by the help of walls.

And when finally I was home, I opened the door and went inside to see mom and twins working in the bakery .

I didn't want to interrupt them so I just walk to my room by leaning on walls.

But when I was about to climb the stairs.....i fell with a 'thud' sound.

"Oww!" That hurts so much.

"Valt! What happened!?" I heard my mom's voice exclaiming with a worried tone from behind.

I looked behind and saw a worried mom and twins.

"Nothing......I just.......fell" I talked slowly.

'Wait- why am I talking like this?!'

"Nii-chan are you ok? why are you talking slowly?" Nika asked with a worried voice.

I smiled weakly and tried get up, "yes......I'm ok........I guess....... I'm......tired....." I said weakly.

Mom came and helped me get up, "you must not push yourself that hard dear...." she lightly scolded me which I nodded in response.

"Alright....so you go to your room and rest a bit, me and twins will bring you something to eat" mom added while smiling softly. While twins nodded in agreement.

"*nod* ok..." I muttered before walking to my room by leaning to wall, as mom and twins rushed to kitchen.

However when I reached my room's door I felt like I can't control my balance anymore as I reached the Handle and opened it.

It was getting hard to walk or even stand still.

I felt like I can't sense my legs so I fell on the floor.

My vision got blurry and blurrier until everything got black, the last thing I heard was mom and twins shouting my name.


Third Person POV

Right now, Valt was in a hospital room unconscious on the bed with his mom and twins sitting on the couch right beside the bed looking all worried.

That was until they heard groaning sound from Valt which made them jolt up from their sits.

Valt opened his eyes slowly but his vision was blurry so he had to blink a few times, when his vision better he turned to his side only to see his mom and younger siblings staring at him with relieved look on their faces.

"Valt/nii-chan!!" They exclaimed before tackling him into a hug.

Valt smiled weakly before hugging them back.

Then they let go and sit back on the couch.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" The mother asked quite worriedly.

"I'm good, but what happened?" Valt asked confusedly because he can't remember anything but him feeling dizzy and couldn't sense his legs.

'I'm not talking slow anymore'

When mrs. Chiharu was about to reply, the room's door opened and a black haired man wearing a doctor coat came in with some papers in his hands.

Mrs. Chiharu and twins stand up as Valt tried to sit with the help of his mom.

"I apologize for interrupting but the test results have arrived" Doctor stated before his gaze fell on the bluenette as his stoic expression turned to a relieved one, "I see that you have awoken Aoi-san, My name is Tadashi Yamamoto, how is your health?"

Valt smiled before replying "I'm good thanks" which Yamamoto nodded.

Then the bluenette's smile turned into a confused frown as he asked, "what test results?"

"Well, I and Mrs. Aoi had a talk about what happened before you passing out, and they mentioned you had difficultly with talking, looking pale and walking steadily so I tested if it is a thing serious or just a normal illness" Yamamoto explaned as his facial expression turned into a stoic one.

Valt only nodded in response.

"So what's the result?" Mrs. Chiharu asked with worried frown plantes on her face.

"Before revealing the results, I wanted to ask a few questions from Aoi-san, if there's no problem." Yamamoto asked as mrs. Chiharu and Valt nodded.

"Alright then the first question: did you felt dizzy?" Doctor asked.

Valt nodded in response.

"When did it start?"

"When I was training in the park"

"I see, beside feeling dizzy how did you felt?"

"Well, I couldn't control my balance, I could barely touch something and before I pass out I couldn't sense my legs...."

That words made mrs. Chiharu's eyes widened, 'feeling dizzy?, talking slowly?, losing balance? barely touching?......aren't those the symptoms of.....'

Yamamoto sighed as his expression turned into a bitter one, "I see, then there's no doubt it's right" he muttered but was loud enough for them to hear.

"What's right?" Valt asked confusedly.

"With both the test results and your explanations, it's right that Aoi-san have been diagnosed by Friedrich Ataxia" Yamamoto added still keeping his bitter expression.

Valt and mrs. Chiharu eyes widened in shock since they knew what it was but the twins were confused so Toko asked, "what is that?"

"Friedreich's ataxia is a disease that cause difficulty in walking, losing the sensation of legs and arms and impairs speech that will worsen from time to time.......but the first symptoms are those that your Aniki has" Yamamoto explained.

Those words made twin's eyes widened in fear, "i-is it serious I-I-I mean like some dangerous d-disease?" Nika asked.

"*nod* unfortunately, it can shorten the life of the patient which according to the results.....your brother only have got 2 years"

'What?!' The Aoi family panicked in their thoughts.

"D-does it have a-any cure?" Nika asked nervously while mentally begging for a confirmation.

Yamamoto closed his eyes before shaking his head, "There is a surgery, however it's not good for such a young age, so we might have to wait until he become 15, not to mention there is 30% chance that it would be useful, so if it doesn't.....we won't be able to do anything, I apologize" he explained while looking down in shame.

Mrs. Chiharu eyes got teary as she started to cry, twins tried to calm down their mother but they started to cry too.

But for Valt, he was staring at the blanket laying on legs blankly, his mind processing what he just heard.

'Is it really true?
Or is it a Nightmare?
I thought this disease is for adults?
What should I do now?
How should I tell this to the others?'

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a/n: It's awful right?

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