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Dear James,

Happy new year. Here's to new beginnings, hope and love. For ourselves and all. I think it pretty bonkers how long we've come. I mean, from ridiculous, stupid and laidback first years who literally invented mischief to a group of seventh year blokes who're ready to go out in the world, spread our wings now, you know what I mean?

Bonkers, absolutely bonkers. I still remember the first time we got drunk. It was fourth year, gyffindor won the match, the twins had somehow smuggled butterbeer, firewhiskey and gigglewater and I and Siri had somehow managed to mix them all into one. However unhealthy it may have been, it was delicious.

Did you know that we even thought of selling it off at one point? Three sickles for a pint. We named it 'Buttirewater'. Yes, very original, I'm aware, but in my defence, I was drunk! I also very vividly remember us waking up the next morning with a splitting headache. Poor Moony and Wormy had alcohol poisoning too.

Loads of memories are making their way in my head at the moment. I remember the time I, you and Siri tried out for quidditch, and got our way in, the innumerable amount of times I and Pete sneaked out of our dorms in the middle of the night to enjoy ourselves in the kitchens, the times whenever you lads got super clingy because i supposedly spent way to much time with the girls.

Our first heartbreaks, our midnight escapades, our infinite big-brain pranks, our adventure time in the shack, all of it, all those memories will be just in our heads now.

That's weirdly philosophical now that I think about it. Please, imagine if I become a poet instead of an auror. That'd put my family to shame.

Anyways, I'll meet you lads tomorrow, hopefully I'm sobered up by then.



"She isn't wrong about the poet part though. Could you imagine if she was a poet?" the blonde's eyes wandered towards the Slytherin-embellished trophy on the nightstand. "I'm sure as hell that her books would completely sell out."

"Yeah, maybe. Too bad she couldn't live her possible dream"

"Isn't that what we're supposed to do right?" the brunette, as willful as ever, asked- though it was more of a statement, if anything.

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