𝖝𝖎𝖛. No More Secrets

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No More Secrets

JASPER IS STILL GUILTY ABOUT NOT TELLING EVANGELINE about his past after she alleged "murder," so he decides that he'll tell Evangeline everything that he has been carrying on his shoulders.

"Darling," He calls, entering the bedroom that they have been staying in for the past few weeks. This is the house he stayed in after they left Forks after losing control over the human.

"Yes, Jazz?" Evangeline asks while folding their clothes, looking up at him with a small smile on her lips.

"Do you want to know what happened after you died?" Jasper asks, walking towards her and sitting beside her on the bed.

"Of course I do. I want to know what happened to my husband and what led him to his immortality," Evangeline answers scooting a little so they were inches apart, placing her hand on his cheek and tucking a stray of honey blonde hair behind his ear.

"I want to tell you everything," Jasper tells her placing a kiss on her forehead.

"You don't have to, and if you're not comfortable, you know that," Evangeline says softly, placing her head on his chest while his arms instinctively wrap around her waist.

"You're my wife. You deserve to know everything that's happened to me," Jasper tells her, burying his head in the crook of her neck.

"I will always love you, no matter what you did. My love will never fade," Evangeline assures him, brushing her fingers through his golden locks.

"I know," Jasper says, pulling away from her and pulling her between his legs. Evangeline leans down on his chest.

"When you were "murdered" I instantly made myself busy. I just, can't bear the pain of losing you. It was too much to handle," Jasper tells her brushing his fingers on her thigh.

"I'm sorry," Evangeline says, looking at him, guilt spreading on her features.

"It's not your fault," Jasper says while shaking his head.

"You can continue."

"After I evacuated women and children, I was heading back to Galveston. Then I met those three immortals, Maria, Lucy, and Nettie. They were enchanting, breathtakingly beautiful. I was mesmerized by their appearance, almost inhuman. Maria changed me, telling me that I'll be of great use to her," Jasper trails off, shutting his eyes, he never wanted to recall that memory again, but he has to.

"We can continue this another time," Evangeline tells him softly, gently squeezing his hand.

"No, it's alright. The training Confederate army was very different in training the newborns. Maria was creating an army, taking over territories. I was her second in command, and my ability was very useful to her. Maria formed an attraction to me, but I couldn't. My heart always belonged to another, and that was you, Evangeline," Jasper tells her, looking at her with loving eyes, the eyes that he always showed her since they were kids, and Evangeline fell in love with him every single time.

"I hid my ring from her, not wanting to have a fight with Maria, then I met a newborn, Peter. He was the first newborn I had grown to like, and we became friends. Maria made me kill Lucy and Nettie when I have felt that they were slowly drifting away from Maria. Charlotte came along. She was Peter's mate, newborns only have a year before they are disposed and that was Charlotte's last year. Then she and Peter escaped; I let them," Jasper says with a smirk.

"You're a good friend, Jasper," Evangeline tells him while placing a kiss on his lips.

"Maria was beginning to get angry for me not returning her feeling, and for me letting Peter and Charlotte run, so before she sent newborns to kill me, Peter came back and let me go with them, but I still felt depressed and guilty of our way of feeding, so I left them, years later I met Alice" Jasper says with a smile with the thought of his best friend.

"She told me about the Cullens and her mate, and how I'll meet someone I knew before, so I helped her find the Cullens. Years later, here we are," Jasper says with a big smile on his lips.

"Jasper, if only I went back to you and changed you, you wouldn't have gone through those years. It should've saved you from all the pain you've been through," Evangeline tells him with a frown. If only she went back, Jasper would have had a good newborn year.

"We can't change that, darling, those years made me who I am, and I'm okay with that," Jasper says.

"You know, I was called the God of War," he adds with a smirk playing on his gorgeous face.

"Oh, the one I've heard about, my husband, a God of War. How fascinating is that," Evangeline says as she moved her body so they faced each other, putting her arms around his neck.

Jasper hums while leaning forward and placing a loving kiss on her lips.

"I love you," Jasper says in the kiss.

"I love you too, soldier," Evangeline reciprocates.

"We'll meet Peter and Charlotte tomorrow," Jasper tells her.

"Okay, I'm excited to meet them," Evangeline says, moving away from him. She heard a groan from Jasper.

Evangeline just lays on the bed, pulling the soft duvet over his body while Jasper removes his shirt, showing his toned chest. Evangeline stares at him and hums in approval.

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