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"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world." - Albert Einstein

Tessa's POV

A banging noise suddenly makes me crank open my eyes, and my headache seems to rumble my bones.

"Argh," I grab hold on my messy bed-hair, and grunt as the pain doesn't seem to stop.

I scan the room I was in, and my heart beat increases when I realize I'm not in my own room, let alone house. Please, tell me I didn't sleep with some doofus.

I quickly jump out of the bed, taking down the pillow and blanket along with me. Books were scattered throughout the room, and quite frankly it was the most disorganized room I've seen.

I hear feet shuffle from the closed door, the knob starts to turn, and I narrowed my eyes at the opening door.

"Tessa, you're awake."

Spencer takes a step in the room, a plate that had scrambled eggs along with three pieces of bacon in his grip. Along with the food, he had two pills and a glass of water, a smile played across his face.

He was still wearing his pajamas, a dark grey pair of sweats with a plain white t-shirt.

My eyes widen, I know for a fact I wouldn't talk with Spencer. Let alone, sleep with him. He tilts his head in confusion when he looks at me.

"What's wrong?"

Spencer takes a few steps closer to me, and ends up setting the plate of food and glass of water on the nightstand I was unconsciously standing by.

"Oh, my god. I didn't, we didn't, do anything, uh, did we?" I say, worry clear in my voice.

"God no!" Spencer exclaims, waving his arms with innocence. "You don't remember anything?"

I take a deep breathe, and start gnawing on my inner lip anxiously.

Spencer picks up the pillow and blanket, and sets them back on the bed. After doing so, he looks back up at me still awaiting my answer.

"Um, no.." I trail off. "Did anything bad happen?"

Spencer picks up the glass of water, and the two pills, and hands them too me.

"Thought these would help your, uh, headache," he says. "And, well, it's a long story."

"I think I've got time."

After Spencer told me what happened last night, I was quite embarrassed. I cannot believe I said and did those things.

Spencer hands me a pair of his sweats, and a white t-shirt, which I had slipped on about five minutes ago.

"God, I'm relieved and embarrassed," I laugh awkwardly, taking a seat on Spencer's couch, the plate of food on my lap.

"Are you mad about what I did?" He asks, his voice soft. He was in the kitchen right now, cleaning dishes I believe, but I could still see and hear him.

"I was, before. I don't know, I think I did overreact a bit.." I take a quick bite of the bacon.

"So you forgive me?" Spencer shuts off the sink, and walks into the living room, and takes a seat next to me on the couch. He picks up my laid out legs, sits down, and lays my legs back on top of his lap.

I blush at his action, and try to avoid eye contact so he doesn't take notice.

"I do," I reply, smiling even.

Spencer's face lights up like a Christmas tree during the holidays, and I giggle as a reaction.

"What?" He asks, perking up from his spot on the couch. "What're you laughing at?"

"You. Your face lighted up so fast, it was kind of cute," I say, avoiding Spencer's eyes so he doesn't see my blush stretch across my face.

I mentally facepalm, I can't believe I said that, out loud. It's been a day since I've forgiven him, and I'm already flirting him.

Spencer smiles, and right under his eyes become bright red. Then he takes hold of the remote from the coffee table in front of us, and turns it on.

"Movie day?" Spencer asks, a few awkward minutes later. I nod as a reply, a small smile appears on his face.

I tug at the strings of the sweats Spencer had given me earlier, and I wonder about what this job has been doing to me.

I had met Spencer by accident, and I've only been working at this job for two weeks and I don't think I've ever felt so many emotions in such a little bit of time.

Maybe it was a mistake, coming to the BAU, accepting this job. But I met amazing people, yet, it's still fresh in my mind.

"Tess?" Spencer darts his tongue out to lick his lips, his eyes have a tint of worry in them.

"Yeah?" I move my eyes from the tv, Dr. Who was on, and onto Spencer.

"I asked you a question. What movie do you want to watch?"

"Oh, right. Um, what do you want to watch? I'll watch whatever you want," I nod.

"Are you alright?" Spencer questions, laying his hands on my leg.

"Yeah, definitely," I smile, turning my attention back to the tv. Spencer doesn't seem to believe by the look of his face.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Want to watch The Notebook?" I smirk, mischievously.

"Oh dear god help me," Spencer groans.

a/n: wow 500 reads :')

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