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"When love is in excess it brings a man no honor nor worthiness." - Euripides

Spencer's POV

It's been roughly an hour since everyone arrived at the club, and I was currently in a desperate search for someone I knew.

After my quiet fit with JJ, I had spoke a few words with Emily, and headed for the bathroom in a rush.

When I got out, no one was to be found. It's a small bar, and I didn't understand how I couldn't find a big bunch of people in such little time.

It was around eleven pm, and I was quite worn out for it being only a short amount of time, and I wanted to head home.

By now, I'd guess Morgan was on his path to 'lover city'. The girls pretty much always headed home around this time. And knowing Hotch and Rossi, they probably are already sound asleep at home.

A young girl with jet black hair runs into me, her elbow pokes very hard into my stomach. When she looks up to see who she stumbled into, a smile appears on her face, exposing red lipstick on her teeth.

The girl was obviously drunk, and not knowing what to do, I try to walk away. But she grabs a good hold of my wrist, gathering my attention once again.

"I'm Lilly," the girl starts. "What's your name, hot stuff?"

"Uh, Reid. Spencer is my first name," I say as Lilly lets go of my wrist, and I rub it to make sure no swelling appears.

"Cute," she replies, a smile still played on her lips. "Wanna go? We can head to my place, Spencer."

Lilly then puts a hand on my chest, and another on my neck, and I flinch when her cold hands touch my warm skin.

I move out of her grasp before she can do anything, and apparently that disappoints her.

I look around the bar, and I almost gasp when I spot Tessa by the bar, a drink in hand.

"I'm, uh, here with someone. Sorry, goodbye," and with that I walk away before Lilly has a chance to say anything else.

I start walking towards Tessa, but I stop dead in my tracks when I see the same man as earlier hand rest on her thigh.

I gulp hard, and dare not to move, but what if she catches eye of me? Yeah, like she'd remember in the morning from how drunk she looks.

A sour expression covers her face, and I narrow my eyebrows and the man who is setting it off. I take a few steps further, just so I can catch what the man or Tessa could say next.

"Stop.. P-please," Tessa pleas, trying to get up, only to stumble back into the mans arms. He smirks, and sets a twenty on the bar counter.

"Don't worry honey, we're going to my place," the man says, holding an arm over Tessa's shoulder, and another around her waist.

"N-no, take me home. I-I don't want to," Tessa hiccups, still stumbling like no tomorrow.

Now, I was mad. No, I was pissed.

"Let her go," I growl, anger completely obvious in my tone.

The man looks at me with surprise, then examines me, and a laugh escapes his mouth. Tessa raises her gaze, and has almost the same reaction as the man.

"S-Spencer?" She slurs.

"It'll be okay, Tess," I say, not wanting to stress her out anymore than she probably already is. "I said let her go."

"She never mentioned she's dating a librarian," the man snickers, still having a good grip on Tessa. "Back up, dude."

The man tries to take another step, but I refuse and get right in front of him, clearly blocking his way out.

"Do I have books due? Is that why you're flipping out, bro?" The man laughs.

"I work in the FBI, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. And I am not afraid to use my gun," I say, lifting up my sweater a little bit. The man immediately lets go of Tessa, and raises his arms in defense.

"Man, I just wanted to get laid, that's all."

"I suggest you leave, now," I snap, throwing an arm around Tessa to keep her balanced.

The man almost runs out of the bar, slamming the door on his way out. And I sigh in relief.

"Y-you're not supposed to carry your gun o-out of work," Tessa says, her voice low.

"I'm not," I raise my sweater all the way, only exposes a slightly bigger belt that I should have on that makes a small bump on my pants, making the shape of something that's be similar to a gun.

After stopping once at a gas station so Tessa could throw up on the side of the road, and then a McDonalds to get her a cup of water and fries.

"Hey, Spencer," she mumbles, throwing a small fry in her mouth. "C-can I sleep at your place? I-I don't want to go home.."

"Sure," I turn a light shade of pink. Has she forgiven me? "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I think. What time is it?" She asks, taking a big gulp of the water.

I check my phone real quick since my car clock was off by a few minutes or so, and realize it's almost midnight.

"Midnight, you must be exhausted, Tessa," I say, trying to make the small talk that I desperately missed.

"You can say that again," she mutters, resting her head on the car window. Her breathe appearing on it because it was nearly 30 degrees out. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"I was so mad, and maybe it's the alcohol talking, but I really want to hate you."

I blink rapidly, trying to stay focused on the road and not the drama of the girl in my car.

"But I can't. I just can't seem to find a single cell in my body that makes me want to hate you. Maybe I'm mad, or maybe I'm disappointed, but I can't hate you."

I didn't know whether to feel happy or sad, and I didn't know how to reply, and I didn't know if this meant that Tessa had forgiven me or not.

"So I'm sorry, maybe I overreacted a bit," she finishes, now looking at me.

"I shouldn't have done what I did," I start. "I messed up, I wanted to look out for you, and I didn't mean to intrude on your business. But you were right, I should've waited for you to tell me when you were ready. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry-ier," she hums, a chuckle rumbling from her.

I shake my head playfully, and looks quickly at Tessa smiling looking out the window, then back on the road.

It took another ten minutes for us to reach my apartment, and getting Tessa upstairs took at least another five.

"I feel so heavy," she moans, leaning even more on my shoulder.

"Alcohol has that effect on you," I reply, no emotion played in my voice. I really wanted to know why she had gotten so badly drink in the first place.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this," she sighs, a hiccup echos as a I unlock my front door.

I push it open as best as I could with Tessa hanging on my shoulder, and mentally scold myself for having such a messy apartment.

"I-I can sleep on the couch," she suggests, already taking a seat on my brown leather couch.

"No way, you're my guest. Go ahead and sleep in my room, do you want soup?"

She nods slowly and softly, and mumbles a few words I'm unable to hear.

"I'm sleeping on the couch."

"Nope," I say, heading for the kitchen.

She doesn't reply, so I quickly get started on making her chicken noodle soup, which I had remember her mentioning as her favorite soup when we stayed at the hotel.

I heat up a pot of water, and throw in the easy package of noodles, tossing the empty wrapper in the garbage.

When a few minutes pass and the soup is fully cooked, I get a bowl out of the cabinet and pour some in.

But when I walk into the living room, and I smile big when I find a sleeping Tessa.

I toss her arm around my shoulders, and carefully carry her to my bedroom. I lay her out, and throw a thick blanket over her small body.

"Goodnight, Tess," and I kiss her forehead.

a/n: i forgot to post yesterday whoops. also i'm v proud bcuz this chapter is 1.5k words and normally my chapters aren't that lonG. should i update like this from now on ??

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