FIFTY FIVE | i love you

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The elevator doors slide open, and I'm met with Tony and two unfamiliar people. I flash them a polite smile before getting on the lift.

"What floor?" Tony asks, reaching a hand towards the panel.

"It's already been pressed." I clear my throat.

Fortunately, the elevator ride is short, and the couple is the first one off. Tony and I stay behind for a bit.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going out with Jaiden, Eva?"

"You never mentioned Jeanne either, Tony."

"Is that why you broke up with me?"

His breath is hot against my ear, and I force myself to keep still. Just as the doors are about to close, he and I exit the lift.

We walk to the front desk where one of the nurses, Carly, works.

". . .put a splint on it." The man from before says.

"Is there a problem here, Carly?"

"Everything alright?"

"I don't know." She looks towards the two. "Do we have a problem?"

The man shakes his head while his girlfriend sniffles every other second. "No problem. My girl's worried about her brother, that's all. Wants to see him."

"Yeah, can I see Dee?" She perks up at the mention of her brother.

"That's up to Dr. Benoit."

Coincidentally, both Jeanne and Jaiden arrive. The latter hands a lab test to one of the other nurses before the two of them approach.

"This is Mr. Watson's sister, Dr. Benoit."

"Bernadette." She gives her a small wave. "Um, but everybody calls me Bernie."

"And you are?"

"A friend."

"Have a name. . .friend?"


"He thinks his name is Bobby." Bernie gestures to Tony.

She snaps off her pair of gloves. "Room 331. You have ten minutes."

Nick grabs Bernie's hand and drags her in the direction of the room. The five of us watch as they walk in.

"Well, Jeanne and I are about to take our fifteen minute break." Jaiden walks around from behind the desk. "Want to take it with us?" He circles his arm around my waist.

"Sure. Sounds fun."

So the two doctors and two visitors walk towards the hospital cafeteria. We settle down at a table together after paying for our food, where Tony starts the conversation.

"What's with you calling that loser Bobby?" Jeanne grabs a fork from the pile.

"He was doing DeNiro in the elevator." Tony mimics the actor's character from Taxi Driver. "So I called him Bobby."

"Sometimes, you are so juvenile." Jeanne nudges his shoulder.

He chuckles under his breath. "Yes, but it makes me loveable."

The pitter patter of the rain draws my attention, and I look out the window. Unlike before, I've associated rain with calmness and peace.

"I hope this stops by morning." Jeanne lets out a deep exhale. "I want you to see the house in the sunshine."

Jaiden snorts quite loudly. "The house leaks, Jeanne. It has bats, too."

"It does not leak." She defends herself. "And there are no bats."

"You guys are looking at houses?"

"We are, yes."

"How exciting."

"Don't worry, darling." Jaiden rests back against the chair. "Unlike my sister, we'll move in together when the time is right."

In retort, Jeanne throws a piece of pie crust in his direction.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The brother and sister duo check their pagers at the same time.

"Code blue?"

"Code blue."

Both of them run out of the cafeteria at the same time, leaving me and Tony to run after them. Of course, we can't enter the patient's room, so we watch from the front desk.

"I never intended on moving in with her, you know." His elbow rests against the countertop. "I was only playing along. . .for the director's sake."

"Tony, it's not my place to know." I clutch my elbows tightly.

"I want you to know."


"Because I think there's still a chance for us."

Unfortunately, they aren't able to resuscitate him. Jeanne and Jaiden sit with Nick and Bernie, explaining what the next steps are.

"He was body-packing heroin." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Nick probably knew and didn't want to lose his next shipment." Tony mentions.

"I didn't even know him."

"You always get like this. Especially when the death could have been prevented."

Tony and I prepare to leave for the headquarters, bidding farewell to the related doctors. On my way to the elevator, I overhear a conversation.

"That addict and her pimp were down in the basement asking about the morgue."

"You didn't let them stay there, did you?"

"Of course not. I made them return with me to the ground floor."

"They leave the hospital?"

"They went into the pharmacy. I had to return the gurney to the E.R., but I got a feeling they're going to try again."

I catch the next elevator, hitting the button for the morgue.

"Pressed the wrong button, Eva?"

"Nick and Bernie are paying their condolences in the morgue."

It takes a minute or so for the elevator to open back, this time in the morgue. I glance back at him, a stern expression clear on my face.

"Don't follow me."

Before Tony can say a word, I run out into the hallway.


Leave it to the field agent to not listen to orders.

"Eva, slow down!"

Just as my fingers curl around the handle to the door labeled "Morgue", Tony yanks me.

"Hey!" My back hits his chest.

His chest rises and falls with each heavy breath. "Eva! Are you trying to get yourself killed? He's at least got a knife in there."

"Why do you care?" I try to wriggle myself out of his grasp. "You're already looking at houses with your girlfriend. Why does it matter if I —"

"Because I love you."

"You love her."

"She was an undercover assignment. You. . .Eva, you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

His right hand cups my cheek, and I can't stop myself from melting into his touch after longing it for months. Tears prick my closed eyes.

And just when we lean into each other. . .

"Get behind me."

"Tony —"

"That wasn't up for debate."

Reluctantly, I move to stand behind him. He swoops a hand across his right side, usually where his gun holster would be.

But it's not there.

"You wouldn't happen to have your gun, now, would you?"

"You thought I brought my gun to a hospital, Tony?"

Neither of us can say another word as Nick swings open the door, gun already trained at us.

"So glad you two could join us."

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