FIFTY FOUR | the mother

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"What's wrong with this picture?"

Tony stands over the body with the camera in his hands. I slip my gloved hand into the pockets of the dead man in search of any form of I.D..

"You mean aside from the director being out at 4:00 A.M. and a dead homeless man in her car?"

"No, that about it covers it."

McGee approaches us after talking to witnesses nearby. "Not quite. His alley-mates don't think he's homeless." He stops short of the body. "Said he showed up last night. He looked dirty but smelled like he had just taken a bath. Didn't talk to anyone either."

"Well, he had to have talked to somebody." I put the Blackberry cellphone into a bag. "A really nice phone."

"Director's on another op." Ziva looks up at the woman sitting in the back of an ambulance with the boss.

"If she is, I'm not in on it."

"Neither am I."

"Would you tell us if you were?"

"Not now, Ziva."

After receiving a name from the reluctant director, the four of us concur in the bullpen to discuss the man of the hour: Troy Webster.

However, Jenny steps in and practically takes over the investigation, silently aggravating Gibbs to no end.

I step out of the elevator into the basement, welcomed by the electronic tones of "SoulCreeper" by The Secret Meeting.

"Thank God you're here." Abby runs over but stops. . .

When she sees Tony, McGee, and Ziva behind me.

"I told you to come alone."

"Sorry, Abbs. I don't want to keep any more secrets." I shake my head. "If it's about the current case. . .we're all ears."

She looks between all of us. "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." And she leads us away to the computer. "Per strict instructions from Director Shepard, I'm going over all the crime scene evidence with a fine tooth comb."

"Anything good?" Tony questions.

"Tire marks confirm the make and model of the drive-by vehicle. A limited edition Ford Excursion with tinted windows."

"Which we already know from the director."

"I'm just getting warmed up here." The forensics scientist glances back at McGee. "The striations on the slugs from the director's car match the slugs from Troy Webster. I didn't find any of the director's slugs."

"She never misses." Half a smile crosses my face.

"I did find something interesting on the window she shattered."

We follow her to the already setup table where she switches off the light, passes protective glasses, and turns on the U.V. scanner light.


"Even though blood splatter can travel for several meters, the S.U.V. was too far away for this to be Troy Webster's."

"She hit one of La Grenouille's men."

"Through a tinted window."

"In a car going forty miles an hour."

"Way to go, Jenny."

Abby also reveals to have found a pair of. . .underwear in the director's glove compartment and is now confused on what to do with it.

"Tony could go and ask her about it." I throw him under the bus. "After all, he's a very special agent."

"You are the senior field agent." McGee plays along.

"And you never hesitate to remind us." Ziva snickers under her breath.

The agent snaps towards me. "Well, you're her goddaughter. That's higher than the rank of a senior field agent."

"I'm not talking to her about her underwear."

"Well, neither am I. So I say we draw straws."


I excuse myself from the group at the same time as Tony to pick up a call.

"Hey, sweetheart."

"Finally catch a break from the hospital?"

"I did, yes." His voice is still raspy from the morning. "I have some news."

"Should I be sitting down?" I let out a gentle laugh.

He joins in the laughter. "My mother is in town. And she wants to meet you."

"She-She-She wants to meet me?"

"As does my sister. She has a new boyfriend as well, and our mother thought it would be a good idea to meet you both tonight."

"Jaiden, I'm. . .I'm sorry. I have some paperwork to finish, so it's going to be a late night."

"Pathetic excuse, darling."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." My tongue clicks against my teeth. "You should've given me some more time to think of a better one."

"I promise to make it worth your while."

"Oh, alright. I'll try to swing by your place at seven?"

"Sounds like a plan."

We bid each other farewell before hanging up. After setting up a new computer, Abby informs us of the DNA match from the blood splatter.

But when we arrive in the apartment, the team is welcomed by yet another body, this time the man Jenny injured in the drive-by incident.

While the others are busy at work on finding the identity of our shooter — our very last link to La Grenouille — I arrive at the restaurant to meet with Jaiden, his sister, her boyfriend, and the mother.

"I'll only be two minutes." I push the door to the women's washroom. "I promise I won't climb out of the window."

"I've had plenty of dates do that to me before." He sighs under his breath.

The other woman in the room smiles at me as she presses her cellphone against her ear. I freshen up my face for the formal dinner, concealing the dark circles under my eyes from sleepless nights of working cases.

I walk out of the room and see Jaiden sitting at the table with another man and an elder woman.

His mother.

"Dr. Berkeley." I shake her hand graciously. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Evaline Giovanni. My son told me you'd be in the black dress." Her lips curve up in a gentle smile.

"Black has always been her color." Jaiden greets me with a kiss before pulling out a chair for me.

"I'm glad you've all met." The woman from the washroom joins the table. "Jeanne Benoit, Jaiden's sister."

"Evaline Giovanni." I smile politely.

"Oh, Jaiden, Evaline, meet Tony DiNardo. Tony, this is my brother and his girlfriend." Jeanne places a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder.

Who just so happens to be Tony DiNozzo.

"Nice to meet you."


The servers bring our wine and plates of food as our conversation slowly turns into one filled with medical terminology.

The maternal doctor sips her wine. "So, I told the rep from HMO that if he didn't authorize the transplant, I'd give him the number to the family, and he could take it up with them."

"My mother is used to getting what she wants." Jeanne teases.

"I don't doubt that for a second."

Every once in a while, our gazes meet before one of us is forced to look away.

"Well, I didn't become a doctor to do paperwork. I became a doctor to be a doctor." She heavily enunciates. "As it is, the delay caused a rupture in the bile duct."

"Which increases post-op susceptibility to —"

"Intestinal parasites."

"Jaiden never mentioned you were a doctor." Dr. Berkeley looks in my direction, a hint of an impressive expression on her face.

Quickly, I shake my head. "I'm not. I've just read my fair share of medical journals to know a few things here and there."

"Speaking of intestinal parasites, how's your father?"

"I saw him last month. And he's fine."

"Good. . .for him." Her lips tighten into a fine line. "So, how long have either of you been sleeping with my children?"

"Mother." The two siblings exclaim at the same time, looks of disgust on their faces.

"Oh, we're all adults here." She waves it off casually. "Three of us are even doctors."

"We've never slept together."

"Neither have we."

A sense of relief and. . .solace washes over me like a cooling wave. Just knowing he hasn't slept with her brings reassurance.

Bright and early the next morning, the five of us are outside of a warehouse in search of one of La Grenouille's associates, Andre Jones.

Unfortunately, we're forced to kill him out of self defense.

We end up finding another associate to La Grenouille: Tim Gerber. Both Gibbs and Jenny interrogate him professionally.

"Get the feeling these guys have done this before?"

"I'm willing to bet that they have."

Through him, we gain the address, location, date, and time for the next shipment of arms, right here with Norfolk Port Authority.

"Have you ever seen anyone walk that quickly in heels?"

"Yeah, that was me last night."

I catch Tony's glimpse from the corner of my eyes.

"I really hope the director relaxes a bit after this."

"Don't get your hopes up, McGee."

"Once we get the weapons and trace them back to La Grenouille, he'll go underground."

"Interpol's gonna issue a red notice."

"But it'll still be up to us to find him. So, in other words. . ."

"Cancel your dinner plans, Probie."

We reach the containers, still locked and not picked up. An officer from Port Authority cracks the lock and opens the latch up.

She and Gibbs cut open one of the boxes to reveal. . .squirt guns.

"We have nothing."

"We never had anything."

"He's good."

"He's really good."

"He better be."

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